• Published 6th Dec 2017
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Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Magic School Zord - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Cheerilee takes her class on a wondrous educational field trip to the moon.

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Chapter 4

Magic School Zord
Chapter 4
by Rixizu

"What," Trixie said not believing her own ears.

"Come again," Cheerilee asked. She was also not sure she’d heard that one right. It was impossible, wasn't it?

“You win Trixie.” Corona clarified. “I give up.”

“Wha-why?” Trixie stammered.

“The fight with Corvus gave me a lot to think about,” Corona folded her ears back and looked down in shame, “I saw the destruction she created after she was let loose. I made that monster.”

"And you're giving up?" Trixie asked her voice full of skepticism and doubt.

Corona nodded. “Indeed. I’m tired of all the fighting. Fighting with my sister. It’s been a thousand years. I just want it all to end.”

“Really?” Trixie asked not believing a word of it.

Cheerilee wasn’t sure what to think. Part of her was skeptical sure, but she believed in giving second chances and if it was possible to redeem Corona, then she would take it.

“We accept.” Cheerilee extended her hoof towards Corona, no, Celestia in friendship. Trixie and the foals in her class gasped in shock and dismay. Trixie, in particular, wasn’t happy with the decision at all.

"You cannot be serious," Trixie exclaimed, "this can't be real!" She looked at her friend like she was out of her mind.

Cheerilee stared Trixie right in the eye. “And if it is?”

Trixie snorted in derision. “It’s obviously not!”

Celestia smiled. She wasn’t angry or even annoyed at Trixie’s outbursts and blatant suspicion. “I understand your distrust. I would feel the same in your position. I want to make amends. Can you at least let me attempt that? I'm not saying I will redeem myself tomorrow or even a hundred years from now but please Trixie, let me try!" Celestia pleaded overcome with emotion.

Trixie looked unsure now, torn between distrust and hope. She pawed at the ground in her nervousness. Dinky walked up to her and put a hoof on her leg.

“Please Miss Trixie, give her a chance!” Dinky pleaded. “I know she’s done some bad things, but my mom always says to give ponies another chance and offer forgiveness when they ask for it.”

Trixie looked even more conflicted now. Dinky looked at the older mare with beseeching look. Finally, she gave up, grabbed Celestia’s hoof, and shook it. “Fine.” She muttered under her breath. Cheerilee clapped her hooves together in delight and shook Corona’s hoof grinning in delight at this momentous occasion. Equestria had been saved.

“You are Pink Ranger’s foal, correct?” Celestia asked looked the small filly over. “You were with the foals I foalnapped?”

Dinky gave a solemn nod and Corona’s ears flattened in shame. “Thank you. I have wronged you and many of the other foals here, but I promise to make it up to you.”

Dinky smiled and nodded. "I just want to be a good pony like my mother."

"That is all we can hope for," Celestia replied. Trixie crossed her hooves and harrumphed, but said nothing.

“Now come.” Celestia beckoned them towards her castle. “You are my guests and I have dinner ready for you. Think of it as my first attempt to mend the ill between the two of us.”

“Alright,” Trixie sighed and followed.

The rest of the group followed close behind after Cheerilee nodded in agreement. The foals looked unsure, still not ready to trust the ancient foe of Equestria, but followed Cheerilee's lead. Many of the foals weren't as quick as Dinky to forgive Corona for what happened on the Longest Night and were still terrified of her. It was a nice first step at least.

"I'm surprised that you were so quick to accept Celestia's invitation," Cheerilee whispered to Trixie as they approached Celestia's castle. It didn't have a gate or wall, instead, it had large marble steps that led into the castle itself. Much to everypony's surprise, the gravity became like Earth's when they stepped on the castle's courtyard.

"Feel free to take off your helmets," Celestia said aloud and they could hear her just fine. Cheerilee's eyes widened. This meant that they were in the air again. Before Cheerilee could use her suit's sensors to make sure it was safe, Trixie took off her helmet, and it appeared she could breathe just fine. Cheerilee sighed at Trixie’s recklessness. With some hesitation, everypony took off their helmet as well.

“If there is a trap, I doubt it is here," Trixie said face serious, "we are Corona's guest. She’s an old school pony and if she's anything like her sister than she takes the laws of hospitality very seriously."

“The laws of what?” Dinky whispered walking up to them.

"They are the laws of how a host should treat their guests," Celestia explained apparently able to hear their conversation just fine, "I can't say I'm surprised my sister still follows them. Respect and hospitality were always very important to her."

Trixie smirked. “Yep, that’s her. She once had a noble pony severely fined and jailed for three months for breaking them. That wasn’t two hundred years ago, it was two years ago.”

Celestia let out a belly laugh. “That’s my sister. Don’t worry my little ponies. I always treat my guests well.”

“Ah think ah get it.” Apple Bloom said. “Sis always says to treat guests well and give ‘em the best comforts available.”

Cheerilee nodded. “In the old days, they called it Xenia. It was an unwritten sacred rule of hospitality and guaranteed not only food and board but also protection to guests. To break this was a serious faux pas.”

“That’s a relief.” Diamond commented. “I was worried she might try to poison us.” The other foals nodded in agreement.

“Welcome to my home.” Celestia declared and used her magic to open the front door to her castle.

Even Trixie gasped at the majestic décor of the front entryway of the castle. It was tastefully decorated with rich dark wood with a giant staircase in the middle. On the floor were lavishly detailed rugs that depicted images of not only the sun but the moon as well. The walls had rare old paintings and many of them were over a thousand years old and Cheerilee could recognize many of them. She started at a well-known piece painted by Raphayel himself. It depicted a scene of Celestia and Luna descending from the heavens to an amazed crowd of ponies.

“A bit overdramatic don’t you think?” Celestia asked startling Cheerilee, who had been consumed by her admiration of the painting. “Ponies back then loved to depict us as basically gods that came from the heavens to bring salvation to Ponykind. Sadly, the real event wasn’t nearly as glamorous. All we really did was help some local farmers with their failing crops. We did nothing all that special.”

“Is this an original?” Cheerilee asked.

“Oh yes.” Cheerilee chuckled from a private memory. “He begged me to let him paint it for me. Still, I cherish it.” Cheerilee’s eyes went wide. That meant this painting was over 1500 years old. There must be some real powerful magic protecting it.

“But come, I have dinner waiting for us.” Celestia motioned to the stairs. “I know you must be famished from your long hike across the moon.”

“Spike!” Celestia yelled and a familiar purple dragon came down the stairs.

"Yes, your majesty?" Spike replied with a bow.

"Show our guests to their rooms. They no doubt desire to freshen up before their meal.” Celestia ordered.

"Yes, ma’am!" Spike replied and gestured with a claw towards the stairs. “Right this way.”

"Dinner begins in an hour," Celestia said, "feel free to enjoy anything in the castle. It is all at your disposal.”

“What is that thing?” One foal asked staring at Spike.

“She’s kinda cute!” Sweetie Belle cooed.

Trixie squinted her eyes staring at the newcomer hard. "She looks familiar."

Come on Trixie. How could you forget Spike of all ponies, er, dragons? And his gender to boot? Cheerilee opened up her mouth to correct them, but Spike beat her to the punch.

“Thing?” Spike huffed in annoyance. “I’m a baby dragon! And a guy!”

“Oops, sorry.” Sweetie Belle said sheepishly.

“Oops, but never mind that. I remember you now.” Trixie said. “What are you doing here?” That was a good question. Nopony knew where he disappeared to after their first fight with Corona. They worried that he might be dead.

"I work for the princess," Spike said puffing up his chest with pride.

Trixie ran up to Spike startling the baby dragon grabbing him with a hoof and pulled him close to her mouth. “Are you okay? Has she hurt you?” She demanded in a whisper.

"I’m just fine," Spike replied pushing Trixie away, "she hasn't done anything."

“Really?” Trixie said skeptical.

“Yes, really," Spike said irritated, "she's nice when you get to know her."

“Stockholm syndrome.” Trixie shook her head in dismay. "Or maybe it's brainwashing." She mused.

Spike growled and flame burst from his mouth. He clenched his fists ready for another nasty retort.

“Weren’t you going to show us somewhere we can refresh ourselves?” Cheerilee interjected before the situation got more out of hoof. “I don’t know about you Trixie, but our trek across the moon has left me real sweaty!”

"Good idea," Trixie said nodding. She slipped out of her spacesuit and flung it over her shoulder. "Well come on Spike, show us. We don’t have all day.”

“Right this way.” Spike gestured towards a door fighting back his irritation.

"I forgot how annoying she is," Spike mumbled under his breath. Cheerilee sighed. Was it possible for Trixie to go a day without alienating someone?


Celestia was more generous than Cheerilee expected. Not only did she provide lavish rooms for them to rest and clean up in, but provided fancy dress wear for the dinner. She even allowed them to keep it if they wanted. Cheerilee wore a stunning green dress that sparkled in the candlelight. The way it fit around her was perfect and showed off her body in a very flattering light. She couldn’t wait to show it to her sister. The colts wore little tuxedos, and the fillies wore simple but colorful dresses. Trixie was dressed, however, in her usual red cape and magician hat much to Cheerilee’s horror.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Cheerilee growled in a whisper as Spike led to the dining room. He looked quite offended by Trixie’s choice of attire. Flames escaped his mouth again and with difficulty held back his anger.

"What?" Trixie said in mock offense. "This is fancy dinner wear. It’s the height of fashion.”

“Don’t you think this might, I don’t know, offend our host since she was so gracious to provide clothes for us to wear?” Cheerilee offered in the vain hope Trixie might change her mind.

"Don't care," Trixie replied. Cheerilee could only put her face in her hooves.

Spike led to a dining hall and they could only gape in wonder at the décor. Each wall had a mural with a vibrant illustration of both the day and the night. The day mural depicted the sun as it traveled through the sky with ponies working, playing, and finally going to bed as the sun set. The other wall displayed the night sky in all its glory and as far as Cheerilee could tell, it was an accurate depiction of the stars. She could spot many of the constellations. It also showed the moon’s journey through the night. On the ground, ponies were asleep in their houses resting up for the day ahead. In the center of the room was a long dining table made of rich dark wood with enough seats to sit twice their number. The room was lit by golden candelabra that sat on shelves on each side of the room. The silverware, plates, and cups were golden and aligned neatly for each pony. They looked hoof crafted with rich and detailed patterns engraved on them.

Trixie looked less than impressed and scoffed. “And they say I have an ego. The day princess sure likes to display how awesome and important she is.”

“She is a princess.” Cheerilee pointed out. “Such lavishness is to be expected.”

“Presenting Miss Cheerilee and the class of Ponyville, our honored guests.” Spike formally announced, puffing out his chest with pride and dignity. “And Trixie.” He gave the mare a dirty look which she promptly ignored.

“Welcome friends.” Celestia greeted. She sat at the hoof of the table dressed in her finest royal regalia. She looked a perfect model of a princess prim, proper, and elegant. “Come join me.” She beckoned them to sit down. If she felt offended by Trixie’s choice of attire, she didn’t show it. Instead, she seemed genuinely pleased to see them. Her eyes were filled with gentleness and warmth.

Trixie was about to sit in one of the middle seats, but Celestia stopped her. "No, Trixie. You should sit next to me. You too Miss Cheerilee. You are the guests of honor after all."

Cheerilee felt a surge of warmth and gratitude. She had never been so recognized and honored before. Even when Trixie invited them to have dinner with Princess Luna that one time, she was never shown as much respect as this. Trixie yawned and didn’t seem to care at all, killing Cheerilee’s excitement a little. That mare seemed determined to be a hard case the entire night. Cheerilee prayed to Luna that she wouldn’t cause an incident.

The rest of the foals in the class squirmed with nervous energy in their seats. Celestia and the fancy dinner setting unnerved even Diamond Tiara. They looked at the dizzying array of fancy silverware with no clue which utensil did what. They still seemed unsure what to make of the sun princess and former Tyrant Sun. Celestia, however, only gave them a gentle and reassuring smile that put them more at ease.

"Relax my little ponies," Celestia said, "this is a casual dinner between friends. There is no worry you will offend me if you, for example, use the wrong fork. Please, eat however you like." The foals gave the princess a reassured looked and relaxed.

"Now class, despite what the Princess said, I want you all to be on your best behavior," Cheerilee advised giving Trixie a sidelong warning glance that again was ignored.

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee.” The class answered automatically.

Cheerilee moaned in delight as Spike came into the room with a cart with plates covered in delectable food with sandwiches, salads, casseroles, steamed vegetables, and fruit salads. Cheerilee's stomach growled as the plates were placed in front of them. Some foals tried to grab something early, but Cheerilee whacked their hoof with a spoon and gave them a look which placated them in an instant. Their cups were filled with any beverage of their choice with many fruit juices to choose from. Cheerilee chose lime her favorite.

Celestia extended a cup in a toast. “To new friends. Enjoy.” Trixie did a visible eye roll and Cheerilee glowered at her.

The foals were quick to grab everything and anything to their liking and Cheerilee let them have first dibs as she sipped at her fruit juice. Trixie and Celestia did the same letting the growing ponies fill their plates and stomachs first. Much to Cheerilee’s amazement, almost nothing was left by the time the foals were done.

Celestia giggled in amusement. "Spike, get the second cart, please. Our little guests were more ravenous than expected."

“Yes, your majesty.” Spike did a formal bow and left.

Celestia pulled out a bottle of pills and took one of them and used her drink to help get it down.

“Are ya sick Miss Corona, er Celestia, mam?” Apple Bloom stuttered not sure how to address their host.

Celestia gave the filly a sad smile. “Yes, I am and have been for a very long time.”

“Oh, you mean the whole declaring yourself the Sun and trying to take over Equestria thing.” Trixie quipped. Cheerilee tried to signal her to stop, but Trixie continued on anyway. “And burning everypony to death who annoys you or get in your way. With the trademark crazed evil laugh of course.”

"Trixie," Cheerilee growled through gritted teeth.

Celestia nodded. “It’s alright. She’s not wrong.”

Trixie blinked. “I’m not?”

“No, I am well aware of my mental issues," Celestia said voice full of emotion and turmoil, "I've known for a long time I'm not well and need help. I'm just glad Spike gave me the courage to seek it out."

“So you’ve been seeing a psychiatrist!” Cheerilee said excited. This explained so much. She had been wondering why Corona’s madness had become mellower over the last few months.

Celestia nodded. “That’s right in secret. A Doctor Algorithm. He’s been helping me with my issues. He believes that my stress-related breakdown a thousand years ago might have triggered a previously unknown mental illness.”

“So you’re all better now!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in excitement

Celestia looked down with a sad pained expression on her face. “No my little pony, the medication helps, but, well, the truth is I may never be completely healthy again.”

Cheerilee and rest of her class looked at the fallen princess in sympathy. She had no idea. She had grown up knowing Corona’s evil deeds and back then she always seemed like nothing more than a monster. Right now at this moment, however, she looked weak and small and, in the end, just a pony. Even Trixie looked sympathetic despite her skepticism.

Dinky got out of her seat walked up to the sun princess and gave her a hug. “We will be here for you princess.”

Celestia stroked Dinky’s head. “Thank you little one. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

Dinky said nothing and just smiled and nodded.

“But please, don’t worry about me.” Celestia waved their concerns away. “Even if it is just a little, I’m improving every day.”

Trixie leaned on the table with an elbow. “So, what now? Are you hoping to join Princess Luna’s side as co-ruler of Equestria?”

"No, I don't deserve it," Celestia replied with a shake of her head, "my wrongs cannot be easily amended. My sister is the rightful ruler of Equestria. She's led the country better than I ever could. No, instead I will make amends with charity in the vain hope of making up for what I did. What I really want is to live here and be left alone. It would be for the best.”

Trixie snorted. “Good deeds, huh?”

"I'm sure the princess will be happy with that," Cheerilee said trying to stop Trixie attempt to sour the mood of the conversation. “It’s a good start.”

Trixie was about to say something, but Spike’s reentrance interrupted her. The sight of the food made her mouth water, and she sat down eager to get her hooves on those tasty morsels. She took generous portions onto her plate, taking pretty much everything.

“Does anypony have some mustard?” Trixie asked. “It’s fantastic with cauliflower!” Spike pulled a bottle from the cart and gave it to her.

“Mustard?” Apple Bloom asked confused.

Trixie combined various dishes she picked up into strange concoctions making sure each had a generous helping of mustard while the class gave her odd looks. Trixie didn’t even seem to notice and seemed quite happy with her creations, moaning in delight at their taste. The class looked at her repulsed by her strange eating habits.

“Ugh, there goes my appetite.” Diamond groaned and many of the foals nodded in agreement.

"I never get used to that," Dinky commented and pushed her plate away from here.

“You guys don’t know what you’re missing.” Trixie huffed and shoved her face into her food. Much to Cheerilee’s embarrassment, her friend wasn’t even attempting to use good table manners and ate as loud as possible.

Cheerilee narrowed her eyes. Was she doing this on purpose? Was she trying to ruin this dinner? Celestia seemed nonplussed by this, but even she looked strained at this point by Trixie’s antics.

“So, I have a question Corona," Trixie said and, much to Cheerilee's horror, talked with her mouth full.

“Yes, Trixie.” Celestia pretended not to be put out by this somehow keeping her princess dignity despite the situation.

"Here is what I don't get. If you're throwing in the towel, why did you give me that Faustian deal in prison?” Trixie asked while eating some salad. “You didn’t seem like a defeated mare on her last ropes to me. Didn’t you say that you saw the error of your way after we defeated Corvus?”

“Excellent question.” Celestia praised and everypony looked at her with eager expectation. “I fudged the truth a little. That, in truth, was the moment I finally gave up. I saw that if I wasn’t able to turn you to my side, well, what was the point anymore? You had all grown far too powerful for me. How could I ever match you again?”

"Uh huh," Trixie said full of doubt, "another question."

“That’s enough Trixie.” Cheerilee was done with this nonsense. She didn’t want Trixie badgering the princess with nonstop questions. She won’t stop, no doubt, if Cheerilee didn’t put her hoof down.

“Come on.” Trixie scoffed after taking a bite of some casserole. “She has a lot to answer for!” At this moment, disaster struck. As Trixie was shouting, a speck of casserole flew into Celestia's face as Trixie was pointing at her.

Time froze as the reality of the incident hit everypony in the room. Nopony moved or said anything and moments dragged on and on with each second like an eternity. Then, time resumed. Everypony stepped back as the table started on fire and the plates and silverware melted like they were made of cheap wax. Celestia’s face turned from serene to one of unbridled fury. Most terrifying of all were her eyes. They were glowing pure white and burning with white-hot intensity glaring death at Trixie.