• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 1,250 Views, 22 Comments

A Twist in Evolution - Dark Nightshade

Sunset Shimmer and her friends meet a mermaid who opens their eyes to a new realm of possibilities.

  • ...

You can do that?!

The boat that Flash had rented was piloted by himself. He hadn't wanted to hire one because of two reasons: One, he just didn't want to use the extra money, and two: He didn't want one there just in case he and Sunset Shimmer got a little.....too physical. But, now that they had found Submersive Exploration, he was really glad that he hadn't hired one. It would've been really complicated to explain why there was a new girl in the boat, and even more so to explain her tail. However, Submersive Exploration had brought up her survival techniques, and those rose many questions. Apparently, she could change her tail into human((f)ish) legs, which she did as she jumped onto the boat and did. They were still scaly and the same color as before, but now they were legs. However, she didn't have any pants or anything to cover herself up, making Flash blush and look away. Sunset Shimmer was staring at Submersive Exploration's legs, which were crossed for obvious reasons.

"How do you do that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Before I answer that, what are your names?" Submersive Exploration asked.

"I'm Flash," Flash called from the wheel. Submersive Exploration snickered.

"That makes sense," she said. "You tried to uncover my girls." Said girls were sagging now that they were above water, and may have never had any support in their life. Flash blushed and Sunset Shimmer laughed for a few seconds.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer," she said holding out her hand. Submersive Exploration stared at her hand for a few seconds before Sunset Shimmer slowly and gently grabbed her hand and started shaking.

"Up and down," Sunset Shimmer said as their hands shook.

"We have something similar to this in Rippling Horizons," Submersive Exploration said. "That's the city I lived...live in, sorry. We put out noses together and rub them together."

"That's interesting and all, but how are you able to change your tail to legs?" Flash asked. He didn't (AKA couldn't) look back, but he guessed that Submersive Exploration had shaken her head.

"There's a legend about that," Submersive Exploration said. "Millions of years ago, before civilizations were formed, there was a man who lived on a tiny island. His name was lost in time, unfortunately, but he loved to swim. He always swam in his free time, and one day a massive tsunami struck his little island home, and it sunk. There wasn't any other land for thousands of miles, and even the man couldn't swim that far. But he still tried. He saw, all day and all night for several days, until finally, he stopped. He was too exhausted to continue. But the great goddess Tanggong took pity on him."

"Tanggong?" Flash asked. "Her name is remembered, but not the mans?" Submersive Exploration scowled.

"Of course we remembered Tanggong!" she said. "She was responsible for the creation of our species! Anyway, Tanggong took pity on the man, and gave him the choice of guaranteed survival or the choice of leaving him there to try and fend for himself. He took survival. Tanggong took a sample of every fish type, and gave their most powerful attribute to him, and of course, a tail and gills. Of course, he still wanted to go to land, to try and make a new life for himself there, but Tanggong showed him what would happen. Only death would greet him on the mainland. So Tanggong gave him knowledge on how to build using coral, how to hunt with his voice, and even gave him a mate. But the man still wanted to go back to the mainland. Knowing that she couldn't stop him, she gave him one last ability: He could change his tail into human legs. However, they still kept their scaly forms. The man and his wife, whose name was also forgotten, wandered until they found land."

"Wait, the wives name was also forgotten?" Flash asked. Submersive Exploration sighed.

"Yes, her name was also forgotten," she said. "Anyway, they transformed and walked onto the land. But, unfortunately, Tanggong was right. They were mistreated and chased out of town. When they returned to their underwater home, Tanggong had left, but she had left one final order and a surprise: Two more merfolk and the order to mate. Mate until there was an entire village. They did that, and much more. There are entire cities under the sea, built from beautiful materials, and beasts we have mastered to protect them." The group was silent for a half minute as Flash pulled the boat up to one of the piers. As the boat motor stopped and Flash tied the boat to the pier, Sunset Shimmer spoke. Her eyes had teared up a little.

"Wow, that sounds beautiful," she said. "But how did you get stuck to that coral? And how did you camouflage yourself so well?" Submersive Exploration shrugged.

"I don't know how I got there, but as for the camouflaging..." Submersive Exploration sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure I was." Flash turned around to say something, but instead started to giggle. Submersive Exploration frowned. "What?"

"I'm sorry," Flash said. "It's just I didn't realize that your hair would do that." Submersive Exploration lightly gasped.

"Do what?" she said as she started feeling her hair. "Oh, why is it all poofy?!" Sunset Shimmer started giggling as Submersive Exploration tried to flatten down her hair.

"That must've been because of all the salt water!" Flash said. "Anyway, we're going to have to do some walking now, to get to my car. Sunset Shimmer, I know you packed extra clothes. Do you mind letting her borrowing them?" Sunset Shimmer nodded, trying to grin to widely at Submersive Exploration's sudden poofyness and her reaction to it.

"Yeah, they're in the bag up there," Sunset Shimmer said, pointing to one of the bags under the wheel. Flash picked it up and tossed it to Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer started ruffling through the bag and pulled out some clothes. She handed them to Submersive Exploration. "Here, put these on." Submersive Exploration eyed the clothes.

"You're sure you're okay with me wearing these?" she asked. Sunset Shimmer nodded. Submersive Exploration smiled and slipped on the white and pink shirt on. As she prepared to put on the black pants, she eyed Flash. He was already turned around. She looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"Turn around," Submersive Exploration said. Sunset Shimmer suddenly blushed and squeaked "Sorry!" before turning around. Submersive Exploration uncrossed her legs and slipped the pants on as quick as she could. She stood up stretched her legs. "Okay, you two can look." Flash and Sunset Shimmer turned back to face Submersive Exploration. Sunset Shimmer sighed in relief.

"Oh, good, it fits," she said.

"Eh, kinda," Submersive Exploration said. "It's a little tight." It hugged her curves tightly, especially her boobs and butt. "Let's just go and figure out what to do from there." As they got into the car and Flash started it up, ready to go to the place where they had rented the scuba stuff, they had no idea what was being plotted, thousands of miles away. Halfway across the country, there was a meeting taking place. An old, frail looking man was being ushered into a room with two men sitting at a desk. One of the men was holding a syringe of translucent, glowing white liquid. The man holding the syringe stood up and thanked the guards who had ushered the older man in.

"Now, look at this man. Not exactly threatening, right?" the syringe holder said. "However, when he gets a dose of this stuff, well, you'll see what happens." The syringe entered the older mans arm, and started pumping the stuff inside of it into the man's bloodstream. As the syringe exited, the old man started groaning, and clutched his arm. Then he collapsed to his knees, and his figure started to change. His legs started to melt together and started to shine under the light of the lamp. Gills started to grow on his neck, and his eyes grew a protective film. The man sitting at the desk was leaned forward as the old man fell face first onto the ground. His jaw was hanging low, and his eyes were sparkling in excitement.

"I don't know how you did it, but you just changed his species!" he said excitedly. He stuck out his hand. "Do we have a deal?" The man holding the now empty syringe grinned maliciously and shook the man's hand.

"I accept your terms and conditions," the syringe holder said.