• Published 20th Oct 2017
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Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Tour of the Lair

The next morning outside the hotel, all the CHS and CPS students were gathered before their principals, and a few other adults. Celestia addressed the students, "Alright, students, listen up! You will each be paired off into a group and will be given a tour guide to show you around the city."

"You are to listen to your guides and not stray from them or your own group." Luna put in.

Cadence finished, "Your groups have already been gathered, and now we'll assign you your guides."

As the three adults assigned various groups an escort, the Rainbooms, Crystal Prep Girls, Juniper, Starlight, and Fugitoid stood together, "I'm so happy we're one group!" Pinkie bounced up and down.

"Indeed, I wouldn't want to be in any other group but you girls." Fugitoid said.

"I don't know too many people here, so I kinda have no choice." Starlight said sheepishly.

The three adults motioned to the group, "And now for you girls, we'll be leaving you under the care of..." Celestia was cut off by a certain girl's voice.

"It's ok, Principal Celestia," everyone turned to see April, Casey, Shini, and Karai who just arrived, "We'll handle this bunch." April finished.

The girls were ecstatic to see their friends, as Celestia spoke, "April, Casey, Karai, and Shini. This is a treat."

"The girls told us you would be here in New York for a class trip." Karai explained.

"And since we figured some of them would need an escort, we came right over." Casey added.

"Well, you four are responsible even for young ones." Luna admitted from witnessing what they were capable of back at camp.

"Do you two know these kids?" Cadence asked the two sisters.

"Yes, Principal Cadence," Celestia began, "This is April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai Hamato, and Shinigami."

"They attended Camp Everfree awhile back with all of us." Luna explained.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Cadence greeted the four, "I'm Cadence; Principal of Crystal Prep Academy."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Karai greeted back.

Casey whispered to April, "Wow. Cadence's counterpart here don't look too shabby."

"Casey, if she's anything like Princess Cadence, she's probably seeing our Twilight's brother." April replied.

"Point." he admitted.

"We trust you will keep an eye on our students and not let them out of your sights?" Celestia inquired.

"You can count on us, ma'am." Shini assured.

"Then we'll leave them under your care." Luna said, as the group stood by the four New York Teens.

"You are all to report back here by seven o'clock for role call no later." Cadence told the groups.

"Yes, ma'am." the students answered. And so the groups and their escorts took off, as the ninja girls followed their New York friends.

As the New York teens showed their friends around, they were pointing out some of the hot spots they knew. Mostly to the CPS Girls, Juniper, and Starlight. Casey pointed to the hockey rink, "That's the Midtown Hockey Rink. I go there a lot to perfect my sweet hockey skills." he boasted.

"You must lose a lot of teeth because of that." Sugarcoat noted.

"Hey, I like my gap how it is. And this was the sight where I first fought Foot Bots."

"Those were Shredder's robot minions, right?" Starlight asked.

"That's right." Karai confirmed.

"Just about every street and building in this whole city is like a fighting landmark to us and the turtles." April explained.

"Like Washington Square is where they fought the Triceratons both in the past and their present time." Fugitoid added.

"They even fought one of them on the Statue of Liberty." Casey put in.

"And that building there is where we fought Shredder and his goons that time." Pinkie pointed out.

"Yeah, where we went kick-ass on Shredder's butt sending him flying across the city," Rainbow chuckled, "Oh, good times."

"With all the action that happens in this city, I may think about moving here when I graduate." Indigo said.

"I would've thought with all we've said that happens here you'd be discouraged from wanting to live here." April replied.

"Maybe, but still you don't get that kinda action in other cities." the goggles girl said.

"Well, come on. A lot more ground to cover." Applejack said, as they pressed on.

After touring all of New York's best spots, they walked around to an alleyway, "And now for the best part of the tour, we're taking you to meet the guys where they live." Casey said.

Sour Sweet looked down at the manhole, "Are you for real?"

"We told you they live in the sewer." Sunset reminded them.

"I may throw up." Juniper gagged.

"It's not that bad once you get past the smell," Rarity assured them, "Trust me I felt the same way."

"Well, lead on." Sunny said.

So the girls and Fugitoid climbed down the sewer ladder before closing the hole up with the lid. When they reached the bottom Sunset spoke to the other girls, "Follow us and stay close. It's easy to get lost down here if you don't know the way."

And so the group followed Sunset and then others through the sewer while trying to ignore the smells or the repulsive garbage floating in the streams. As they passed through one tunnel, Starlight spoke, "How much farther?"

"Not far now." Karai answered.

They opened a door, and were suddenly in the subways, "The lair isn't far now." Twilight said, as they pressed on.

They finally reached the entrance to the lair, "We're here." Applejack said, as they saw the turtles watching another episode of Space Heroes the Next Generation.

Leo cheered as the episode ended, "Yes! Best episode so far!" his brothers groaned, as Indigo called.

"You actually watch that lame show?"

The brothers attention turned to the entrance where they saw their friends, "Girls, welcome to our crib." Mikey welcomed.

Lemon looked around, "Love what you done to the place."

"Not bad given your lifestyle." Fugitoid admitted.

"How can you even tell what time of day it is when down here?" Starlight asked.

"That's why we have alarm clocks." Donnie replied.

Leo turned to Indigo, "And what do you mean lame show? Space Heroes the Next Generation is the best."

"Yeah. If you constantly like incessant whining, face slapping, and outright assault with no regards for others." Sugarcoat said.

"Ooh, burn." Mikey chuckled.

"So this is where you've lived since you became mutants?" Juniper asked.

"Yeah, but there were times we had to hideout elsewhere." Donnie admitted.

"There was April's Family Farm, Antonio's, Fugitoid's ship, and the various times we had to camp out when we were in different worlds or places in time." Mikey listed them off.

"And you've barely been spotted by people?" Sunny asked.

"Sometimes, but other times we've been forced to give ourselves away." Raph answered.

Mikey spoke up, "How about we give you all a tour, starting with my room?"

Raph smacked the back of Mikey's head, "None of them want to see your room, Mikey. It's a trash heap."

"Raph, how dare you insult the sanctuary that is my room." the two got in each others faces, only for Sunset to come between them.

"All right you guys, knock it off."

"But a tour is a good idea. Follow us." Leo instructed, as they showed them around the lair.

Donnie opened the doors to the lab, "And this is my lab, where I do my experiments and inventions."

The Rainbooms friends and Fugitoid looked around, "Not too shabby for someone with access to technology years behind other planets." the Professor admitted.

"I do try." Donnie replied.

Juniper looked at the frozen Mutagen Man and backed away in shock, "Is that some freaky science experiment of yours?"

Donnie answered, "No. He was a friend of ours who got mutated, but lost his mind in the process. We had to put him on ice to keep him from hurting others. I promised to cure him, and I intend to."

The group suddenly heard a clunking sound, and saw walking over to them was Metalhead, "Hey, isn't that Metalhead?" Applejack asked.

"That's right. May I introduce you to the new Metalhead." Donnie displayed his creation who gave them a thumbs up.

Metalhead walked over to the girls and extended his hand out to Indigo Zap, "Wow. Polite robot, aren't you?" she asked, as she shook his hand.

Fugitoid inspected him, "Quite a remarkable design, Donatello. Especially from using junk parts."

"Got to work with what I got." the smart turtle answered.

"And he actually has intelligence?" Fugitoid inquired.

"Yeah. His upgraded A.I is still in tact from before his last body was destroyed."

The turtles took their human friends into the dojo, "This is the dojo where we spend countless hours training and honing our ninja skills." Leo explained.

"It's also where we learned to be kick-butt ninjas too." Rainbow added.

Starlight noticed a mantle with pictures, and the pictures were of the turtles and with them their father. She eyed the mutant rat and spoke, "Is that Master Splinter?"

The turtles, April, Casey, and the Rainbooms looked at the picture a bit sad, as Leo answered, "Yes. Our departed sensei and father, Hamato Yoshi."

"He must've been one radical rat." Lemon said.

"He was the best." Raph answered.

"He taught us everything about honor, heart, and family." Sunset added.

"We'll never forget all we learned from him." Fluttershy said, while wiping a tear from her eye.

"Even if I started out thinking he was my enemy, I was overjoyed to know that my real father was nothing like Shredder." Karai said, missing her father even more.

"I wish I could've gotten to know him more." Fugitoid said.

"I'm sure sensei would've liked you, Professor," April assured, "And the rest of you too." the other girls smiled.

After awhile, the New York teens and the visiting girls along with the Professor left the lair needing to get back to their tour and then back to the hotel before role-call, "It's gotta be awesome being a ninja here in the big apple." Lemon told the group.

"I know, this city was made for that kind of training with how they move." Indigo added.

"Well, roof top jumping does make for a good exercise," April admitted, "But trust me, it's not as easy as it looks."

"Speaking from personal experience?" Starlight asked.

"You have no idea."

"And it wasn't easy for us, when we first learned to be ninjas." Rarity added.

"Maybe to some of you, but I had it down no problem." Rainbow boasted.

Suddenly April stopped and held onto her head, "April, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Everyone, we're being followed." she said, as the group surveyed the surrounding area that looked deserted.

Suddenly emerging from the shadows or other hiding spots were a bunch of college aged boys dressed like punks. One thing they all had in common was they each wore a black leather jacket with a big red letter 'T' on back like a logo.

"Oh, great another gang." Sour Sweet said dryly.

"Not just any gang sweetheart," came a voice. The group looked and saw approaching was a young man roughly nineteen. He had dark skin, dark eyes, and black hair done up in dreadlocks. He wore sneakers, jeans, a plain white shirt, the same jacket as the other gangsters were wearing, tied around his head was a white bandanna, and he had hoop ring piercings on his left eyebrow and on the left side of his lower lip, "We're the Turks, the newest gang to walk these streets. And I'm Jencko."

"An new gang huh?" Casey asked, "Well, this is a change up. After knocking around Hun and the Purple Dragons constantly, I could use some new punching bags."

"You won't feel so cocky, once we punch you around, kid." Jencko answered.

"Can't we just sit down and talk this over?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Sorry, girl. We don't do negotiations without our boss." the boy answered.

"No negotiating, huh?" Rainbow asked, "Works for me." she got in a stance.

"Fugitoid, protect the girls." April told the Professor.

"Affirmative." Fugitoid activated his defense systems.

"Girls, take them down!" Sunset ordered, as the Rainbooms, and their ninja friends went into battle.

The Turks fought with blunt objects from bats, crowbars, pipes, and switchblades, while Sunset was smart enough to make sure to bring her satchel of kunai which she used against the gangsters using knives.

The Rainbooms and ninja teens used their skills against the Turks. Many of them were surprised when the Rainbooms were using their magic powers to fight them. Jenko seeing this, went aside and spoke into a cellphone, "Yo, boss. We're dealing with a buncha girls here who're fighting with freaky witchcraft or something. What do they look like? Hold on." he quickly took a picture with his phone and sent it to his box through text. He got a reply back reading, 'Bring them to me.' Jenko looked over at the Rainbooms and smirked. He reached into his pocket pulling out a smoke bomb.

The boy called out, "Hey, girls. My boys and I are feeling so hot, we're smokin'!" he tossed the smoke bomb to release smokescreen.

"Look out!" Applejack called, as the girls started coughing, and were suddenly jabbed in their stomachs knocking them out cold.

A truck drove by and the Turks jumped into the back carrying the girls inside. Spike barked, "Twilight!"

"No!" Starlight cried.

"They're gone." Sunny gasped.

"Oh, dear." Fugitoid said in shock.

"We got to warn the turtles." April said, as she pulled out her T-Phone.

"Where could they have gone?" Shini wondered.

"I don't know," Karai began, "But we will find them." she promised.

Elsewhere inside an old factory meant to make shoes, the Rainbooms were locked inside a big cage, until they were splashed with water waking them up. The girls rise up and look around, "Where are we?" Pinkie asked.

"Our hideout," Jenko answered, "Sorry for not showing more hospitality, but we don't usually have too many guests who leave."

"Oh, my." Fluttershy trembled.

"Why'd you capture us anyway?" Twilight asked.

"It doesn't matter, with our powers we're gonna bust out." Rainbow said, as the girls were about to use their powers only to realize their amulets were missing.

"Our necklaces!" Rarity gasped.

"Looking for these?" one member asked, as he held the seven necklaces out.

"Give those back!" Twilight demanded.

"Or what?" Jenko asked, "It's clear these trinkets are the source of your powers, and our boss could make use of them.

"Just who is this boss of yours?" Applejack asked.

Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching that sounded metallic, and familiar voice answered, "That would be me, Applejack." stepping into the light was who else but Fishface, "Greetings, Rainboom chicas. It's been a long time." he smirked.

"Fishface?!" the Rainbooms gasped.

Author's Note:

The gang known as the Turks are based off the same street gang featured in the 2003 series episode 'Still Nobody'

And the boy Jenko is modeled after the same character featured in that episode.
