• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,554 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

The Night Watcher

Author's Note:

This idea was pitched by jebens1. Prepare for a little nostalgia.

One night outside Antonio's Pizza, the Shadowbolts were waiting for their order to be done, "Remind me again why we got stuck with pizza pick up?" Sour asked her friends.

"Because we lost the toss, Sour." Sugarcoat answered.

"Well it ain't so bad," Lemon spoke, "At least we don't have to haul it all back to the lair."

"Yeah. We're eating on the rooftops tonight." Indigo added.

"Let's just hope they finish our order soon so we can get it there in time." Sunny said.

"Why rush it?" Sour asked, "You know Mikey's just going to scarf it all down." the girls gagged in repulse at that.

Suddenly coming out of Antonio's was a teen Filipino boy with short black hair, and wore sneakers, jeans, and a red and white jacket with Antonio's logo on back. He was packing in a big pizza order on a moped, and spoke to the Shadowbolts, "Well, hey, ladies. Name's Keno. So which one of you lucky girls gets a ride with me tonight?" he flirted.

The girls rolled their eyes, as Indigo answered him, "Dream on, dweeb."

Keno spoke, as he got on the moped, "Yeah ok. But when I do I'll dream of something a little thinner." he gave off a giddy laugh before riding off.

Indigo looked in disbelief, before speaking to the girls, "Did he just call me fat?"

"Sounds like it." Sunny answered.

"You got burned, Indigo!" Lemon laughed.

Indigo growled, until Sugarcoat spoke up, "That's what you get for leaving yourself open for an insult." Indigo blushed from embarrassment.

Coming out was another worker carrying some pizza boxes for the girls, "Here ya go." he gave them to Indigo.

"Thanks. Have a goodnight." Sour told the worker, as they headed up to the meeting point.

Meanwhile Keno had just finished his delivery, and was about to head back, until he looked across the street to an underground mall entrance. He saw some big trucks parked out front with the doors opened to reveal boxes of goods. He saw coming out from one was a guy wearing a purple dragon tattoo. Keno squinted his eyes and spoke to himself, "Purple Dragons on a job, huh? Well, we'll see about that." he went into an alley and suddenly stepping out of the shadows was Keno dressed in custom made metal armor, and upon his face was Casey's old hockey mask.

He walked across the street and went down into the mall quietly. Upon coming down he saw three purple dragons carrying boxes and looking ready to load them into the trucks up top He called out to them, "Hold it right there!" the three gang members stopped and looked to Keno who continued, "You guys are so busted."

The three looked to each other in confusion, before one asked him, "What are you supposed to be, the night guard?"

"Close. I'm the Night Watcher." he clarified.

The three Purple Dragons laughed humorously, as they approached him. One tried to throw a punch to Night Watcher, but he blocked his arm and swapped it away, "Down we go!" the vigilante called, as he did a sweep kick to his legs knocking him to the ground.

The second one tried to attack him, but Night Watcher using his own moves knocked him to the ground. When the third one attacked, Night Watched knocked him to the floor, but he got back up, "Stay down!" he delivered an upward kick to the criminal's jaw knocking him back to the floor. Night Watcher looked down at the three and spoke, "Guess I forgot to tell you I study martial arts."

Suddenly coming out from several stores was Hun, Sid, Tsoi, and Fong, and more members of their group, "What's this?" Hun asked, "Another vigilante?"

"And it looks like he's here to bust up our job." Sid said.

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to teach him what happens when you stick your face in someone else's business." Hun said, as the Purple Dragons got ready.

Night Watcher stood his ground, "Well, guess I'm gonna be getting some exercise tonight." he was ready to fight the whole gang, until he heard foot steps right behind him. Fearing it was more Purple Dragons, he spun around and came face to face with the Turtles, Rainbooms, Juniper, Starlight, Fugitoid, and the girls he saw outside Antonio's. The group jumped high as the scene froze for a bit, before it resumed and the ninjas landed on the ground armed and ready.

"It's the ninjas!" Fong called.

"Get them!" Hun ordered, as the Dragons engaged the ninjas.

Rainbow Dash knocked on of the Purple Dragons to the floor, and called, "Awesome!"

Sour Sweet jabbed her elbow into the stomach of one Purple Dragon before reaching behind her and threw him over her shoulder to the ground, "Wicked!" she smirked.

Fluttershy was fighting along side Mikey and Pinkie, as the Shy girl spoke after knocking out one of the thugs, "Um, Eclectic?!"

Pinkie and Mikey looked at her awkwardly, as Mikey asked, "Eclectic? Is that all you could come up with?"

"Yeah, Fluttershy, your choice of words need improvement." Pinkie agreed, as she kicked one of the thugs aside.

"Sorry." Fluttershy said sheepishly.

Night Watcher looked around seeing the turtles and girls fighting like ninja masters, "What a night." he said to himself.

Suddenly Raph came at him, and started fighting hand to hand, "Didn't think you Dragons loved dressing up in costume."

"Hey, man, I ain't with these chumps." Night Watcher answered, as he blocked Raph's punches.

Raph stopped, "Wait, you're not?" Night Watcher threw a punch forward, and Raph braced himself thinking it was aimed at him. To his surprise, the vigilante had punched a Purple Dragon that was about to gang up on Raph from behind. The aggressive turtle spoke in disbelief, "Ok, I guess you're not." And so the two fought the thugs together.

All around the mall, the ninja turtles and girls fought the Dragons. As Rarity cornered some Purple Dragons into a fashion store, some of the thugs accidentally knocked over some mannequins wearing outfits Rarity would deem fabulous. She frowned at the crooks, "Oh, that is just crossing the line!" she fought the Dragons and knocked them out. Afterward she picked the mannequins up while straightening out the dresses they were wearing, "Perfect."

Applejack, Donnie, and Fugitoid were fighting close to an electronics store, as Donnie spotted a laptop on display, "The 2CJX! It's finally been released!" he gasped in joy.

"Oh, how wonderful." Fugitoid marveled.

"Boys, little help here!" Applejack called, as she was fighting off some of the Dragons. The two geniuses snapped out of it and returned to battle.

Over by a sporting goods store, Twilight, Leo, Indigo, and Sugarcoat fought together, as Twilight used her magic to levitate several types of sports balls from a bin and started pelting several purple dragons who tried getting away, "Now that's playing ball." Indigo chuckled.

Fong was about to come at Indigo Zap from behind, until he was shoved aside by Night Watcher, "Always watch your back in a fight." he told her.

Indigo looked at him and felt flustered at how he just saved her, and nodded, "Uh, yeah."

Night Watcher turned to Twilight, "By the way, how'd you make those balls move like that?"

"Well, I-" Twilight didn't have time to explain, as more of the Purple Dragons surrounded them.

"Take them down, ninjas." Leo ordered, as they fought.

At the toy department, Sunset Shimmer and Lemon Zest were taking on some Dragons, as Lemon grabbed a red yo-yo and used it to knock the knife out of one of the thugs hands. She turned and saw two more approaching her, "Oh, you dudes wanna play too?" she used the yo-yo to hit one of their faces and knocked him to the ground. Two more surrounded her, until she stopped them, "Wait-wait-wait! Check this out," she began performing a yo-yo trick, "Oh! I'm walkin' the dog. Pretty sweet, huh?" she pulled the yo-yo back, "And now, around the world!" she waved the yo-yo around hitting their heads making them fall.

Sunset watched and spoke, "Lemon, I didn't know you knew yo-yo tricks."

"Music ain't my only hobby." Lemon Zest answered.

Somewhere by the toy department, Pinkie who had been fighting some more Dragons felt something behind her. She turned around and saw a bobbing clown rocking back and forth. She started pushing it back and forth looking intrigued, "Yeah. Yeah-yeah!" she said getting an idea.

Tsoi was running through the toy department, before stopping and saw Pinkie Pie rocking back and forth like the Bobbing Clown, while sticking her right arm out to the side, "Huh?" Tsoi asked in confusion, as he walked up to Pinkie and pushed her a bit thinking she was some other bobbing toy.

When Pinkie was rocking close to Tsoi she knocked his chin up with her fingers and laughed, as she continued to rock. While Tsoi shook her move off, Pinkie spotted a small foam bat, "Yeah." she took it and started rubbing it against Tsoi making grunts and yells, while Tsoi getting tickled by it tried shielding himself, before he grabbed it and planned to use it on Pinkie. When he saw it wasn't such a threatening weapon, Pinkie stuck her arms out and roared like a a beast. Tsoi got scared and started running, as Pinkie shuffled after him with her arms out still roaring.

Hun was fighting Leo and Raph, "Why is it everywhere we go you turtles are always there?!" he demanded.

"Maybe it's because you leave such big trails." Leo answered, as he pushed Hun back.

"Yeah. Learn to cover your tracks." Raph added, before blocking one of Hun's strikes.

Hun frowned as he got serious and began putting the smack down on the two brothers, "How about covering yourselves?" he asked, until Night Watcher jumped in and blocked Hun's path towards them.

"I don't know what's going on here with green men and girls fighting like ninjas, but if they're fighting you Purple Dragons then I know who my allies are." he began fighting Hun, who fought back.

"I'm going to tear you out of that costume and mess up your face." Hun promised.

"How about I mess up yours first?" Night Watcher asked, as he fought Hun, but not even his martial arts skill alone could keep up with Hun's.

Leo and Raph joined in and helped Night Watcher defeat Hun. The leader got up and looked around seeing his gang was losing, "Dragons, fall back!" he ordered, as he and whatever conscious members were left retreated out through the closest exits.

Mikey came from the food court holding two sausages styled like nunchucks, "Combat Cold-cuts!" he called, as he swung them around like they were chucks at two Purple Dragon members. He then stopped and smirked before screaming. He chased the two members away before throwing his sausage chucks at them, "And next time I'll use mustard! Ha-ha!" he went back to his pals, "Man, are we awesome or what?"

"We're totally awesome." Rainbow replied.

"That was quite a workout." Sunny admitted.

"Quite so." Fugitoid agreed.

"Hey, where's that other guy?" Sunset wondered, until they saw Night Watcher heading for a back exit.

"Hey, you!" Raph called, as the vigilante stopped.

"Thanks for the assist." Twilight thanked him.

"Don't mention it, but how'd you know to come here?" he wondered.

"We saw someone wander here from the rooftop." Sour answered.

"So who are you?" Leo asked.

"I'm the Night Watcher. Catch you around." he slipped out the exit.

"Hey!" Applejack wanted to stop him, but knew it was pointless.

"Night Watcher?" Raph asked in disbelief, "But that's my title!"

"Since when do you call yourself that?" Sugarcoat asked.

"The one time he tried to go out dressed as a vigilante, until I talked him out of it." Leo answered, while giving Raph an annoyed look.

"That punk stole my title, and Casey's old mask." Raph noted.

"He must've fixed it." Rainbow said.

"Casey won't be happy to hear someone else is using his old mask." Fluttershy added.

"Well, at least we know he's not an enemy." Sunset reminded them.

"Even so, playing vigilante is no joke," Leo said, "We already have Casey doing that, we don't need more trying to be like him."

"Yeah, even if he does know how to fight." Donnie added.

"But who could he even be?" Juniper asked.

"No idea." Starlight answered.

Meanwhile Night Watcher had made his way up to a roof top and panted, before removing his mask, "That was hardcore," Keno began, "But those turtles and those girls. Who were they? And how do they know how to fight so well?" he questioned himself, before thinking about Indigo, "That girl has some skill. I'm starting to regret cracking wise to her."

At the Purple Dragon's place, Hun was fuming, "Those turtles and Rainbooms will stop at nothing to foil our fun. And that masked vigilante. If I ever see him again it'll be too soon."

Later on on another roof top, the turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends, were waiting until April and Casey arrived, "We got here as soon as you called." April began.

"So what's this all about some copycat using my old mask and doing my thing?" Casey asked.

"This Night Watcher fellow who is wearing your old mask Casey is someone who seems to know martial arts like everyone here." Fugitoid explained.

"Was he trying to pick a fight with you guys?" April wondered.

"Actually he was helping us." Sunny explained.

"And he was actually there fighting before we showed up." Starlight added.

"Well, at least we know he's not an enemy." April said.

"That we know of." Raph replied.

"Let's not assume the worst of it yet, Raph." Sunset warned him.

"He may know martial arts, but even skill like that alone won't be enough to take on the Purple Dragons. Especially if they keep increasing in numbers." Leo stated.

"So what're you suggesting, Leo?" Twilight asked.

"I'm suggesting we keep a close eye on the city. If this Night Watcher makes a comeback we need to make sure he doesn't get way over his head." Leo explained. The ninjas nodded in agreement knowing they had a new mission on their shoulders.