• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 637 Views, 45 Comments

Synthetic but living - Dark Nightshade

A guy finds a living piece of technology, and starts to model others after it. But the government is trying to do the same thing with war machines

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Is it a glitch?

The next day, when Raw Data woke up, ate and put on the Headgear, Ultrabyte seemed a little off. Not to much, but still a little off. As he walked to school, he addressed this.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Eh, I think so, she said. It sounded a little staticy. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the BIOS this morning. Raw Data snickered. The rest of the morning went pretty much as expected, except for a few situations when Ultrabyte's static filled eyes appeared on the glasses. Ultrabyte's voice still sounded staticy, which was a question that Rarity asked when Raw Data handed her and Pinkie their pairs of headgear.

"I hope I'm not crossing a line here or anything, but are these supposed to be staticy?" Rarity asked. Raw Data shook his head.

"I think Ultrabyte contracted some kind of virus," he said. "She's been like this since this morning."

"Ah, well, that will have to be explained to Sunset Shimmer and Twilight, I guess," Rarity said.

"Ah, they'll understand," Pinkie said. "Oh, here they come now!"

"So this is the mystery boy?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "I get what you said about nerdy but sexy, Pinkie," Sunset Shimmer said. Raw Data's face reddened.

"What?" he asked. He turned to Pinkie. "You said that about me?" Sunset Shimmer laughed as Pinkie's face reddened.

"Don't worry, I'm kidding!" Sunset Shimmer said. Twilight looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"Nerdy but sexy?" Twilight asked. She pushed her glasses back up her nose. "Really?"

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure guys like you," Sunset Shimmer said. "And yes, I'm kidding about that, too." Twilight turned to Rarity.

"So, what was so important that we had to meet you here?" Twilight asked. "We usually eat in the music room." Rarity pulled out her earpiece and gestured at her glasses.

"It's because of these," she said. "Pinkie, give Sunset Shimmer one of your earpieces." Pinkie pulled one out and handed it to Sunset Shimmer. She and Twilight put them in their ears, and a few seconds later, Ultrabyte started to talk.

Hello, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, she said. Twilight and Sunset Shimmer gasped.

"Oh, that's cool!" Twilight said. "Who's on the other end?"

There is no other end, Ultrabyte said. I'm Ultrabyte. I'm inside the earpiece itself. Twilight frowned.

"So you're an AI?" she asked.

No, if I were an AI, I would've been designed inside a computer, Ultrabyte said. I was born naturally.

"Wait, so then how are you in the earpiece?" Twilight asked skeptically.

That's a rather long story, Ultrabyte said. The short version is that I was trained by a team of scientists to do this, and now I'm trapped and on the run from the military. Twilight turned to Rarity.

"Is she for real?" Twilight asked. Rarity nodded.

"Pinkie and I have been helping Raw Data build stuff to get Ultrabyte a new body," she said. Twilight was still skeptic.

Ok, you clearly want proof, Ultrabyte said. The lead scientist was Burning Brilliance. Twilight's eyes widened.

"The lead expert in AI design?" she asked excitedly. "He has, in the past, talked about putting human minds into computers. Has he finally done it?"

Yep! Ultrabyte said. Twilight's excited grin turned into a frown.

"Wait, so why are you on the run from the military?" she asked. Ultrabyte sighed.

They found out about the experiments, she said. I was the only one that could put my mind into a computer, and the military wanted me to put myself into a war machine. Twilight nodded.

"Oh, and you don't want to do that?" she asked.

No, Ultrabyte said. Honestly, with the design and weapons that the machine had, I'm guessing that he either plans on taking on a some kind of monster, or taking over the world.

"Except he can't get into it himself," Twilight said. "So he's using the next best thing, you."

Yep, Ultrabyte said. It would be easier if he tried to do it himself, but I suppose that I am the next best thing.

"So what is this machine that will give you a new body?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

An Organic Repurpasing Machine, Ultrabyte said proudly. Basically, what it'll do is take whatever organic thing you put into it, and it gets turned into flesh, bones and whatever else the body needs to function. Twilight squeed.

"That's so cool!" she said. "What else have you invented?"

Oh, active camouflage, these earpieces, those glasses, and- Ultrabyte stopped talking completely. Sunset Shimmer tapped her earpiece.

"Is this supposed to happen?" she asked.

Hello, Raw Data, a voice that wasn't Ultrabyte's said. It was Burrow. Raw Data gasped.

"What did you do?" he asked.

Simple. I've taken back control of Ultrabyte, Burrow said. I've finally taken back this stupid little girl. And frankly, it's about time.

"Why are you doing this?" Raw Data asked, trying not to yell.

Mind control, Burrow said. I should've done this before this little whore escaped.

"Why?" Raw Data asked. "Why do you need to mind control her?"

Simple. She won't kill, Burrow said. And that's what I need her to do.

"But why?" Raw Data asked.

Because I need to.....wait, why am I telling you this? Burrow said. I don't need you anymore. Bye! And he was gone. Raw Data's jaw was already dropped.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked.

"Ultrabyte's been taken," Raw Data said. His mind was working on possibilities of how to get her back.

"By the military?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Raw Data nodded. "Well, that sucks." Raw Data stood up, his mind focusing on one thing, and one thing only, now.

"I need to go," he said. "I can still save her."

"Woah, wait, you can't go!" Twilight exclaimed. "School doesn't end for another few hours!"

"I don't care!" Raw Data said. "Ultrabyte was the first person in a while that I've been able to call friend, and besides, Burrow is obviously trying to either kill Ultrabyte, or kill some other country!"

"Woah, I think you're jumping to storyline conclusions," Pinkie said. "Burrow is just trying to take over this country." Everyone stared at Pinkie for a few seconds before Raw Data started to turn around again.

"Either way, I need to try and track Ultrabyte," he said. He started walking, but Twilight put her hand on his shoulder, grabbing it, and he stopped.

"Let me help," she said. "I don't fully know what's happening, but I can help." Sunset Shimmer stood up.

"I can help to," she said. Pinkie and Rarity stood up.

"So can I," they said. Raw Data grinned.

"Then follow me," he said.