• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 637 Views, 45 Comments

Synthetic but living - Dark Nightshade

A guy finds a living piece of technology, and starts to model others after it. But the government is trying to do the same thing with war machines

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Sooner than expected

As Raw Data walked home that afternoon, he made sure to check if he were being followed. Fortunately, he was not. Although, he suspected that if the military had figured out that he was the one to pick up the phone, than the probably knew where he lived. More than likely, actually. As he unlocked the door to his house and walked inside, he looked out across the street again. No one was there.

"Hey, do they have active camouflage?" Raw Data asked.

Like in The Predator and Harry Potter? Ultrabyte asked. No, although that would be really cool.

"Yeah it would," Raw Data said. "That's basically what I'll be building, though, for the repurposing machine, right?"

Pretty much, Ultrabyte said. It's pretty much exactly like the invisibility cloak. Raw Data grinned.

"Nice," he said. "Now, show me the blueprints, and I'll get building." The next hour was taken up with the construction of the active camouflage device. It wasn't very hard, and mostly had to do with a miniature camera that was able to scan the surrounding area and make the metal turn into the appropriate colors and shades. Of course, Rarity and Pinkie had showed up when he was almost done, so when that was done, they started working on the repurposing device. They got most of the body ready, and Pinkie went home. Raw Data had placed the glasses and earpieces on the wireless charger.

"So how exactly does it turn other organic matter into a body?" Rarity asked.

"Basically, it takes whatever is put into it and changes it on a molecular level into flesh, bones and blood," Raw Data said. "Depending on what the original object is and what it's getting turned into, it can change fast or slow."

"So you could turn a leaf into bones?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. It would take a while, and not make very much bone, but yes," Raw Data said.

"Oh, Twilight would love this," Rarity said. "So would Sunset Shimmer."

"Yes, but I don't know them," Raw Data said. "And I don't know if I can trust them."

"You can," Rarity said. "I'll introduce you to them tomorrow." Raw Data sighed.

"Ok, but I'm not going to show them Ultrabyte until I do know if I can trust them," Raw Data said.

"Ok," Rarity said. "By the way, did the military really call you to the office?" Raw Data grinned and nodded.

"Yes, but me and Ultrabyte had practiced and prepared for this exact scenario," he said. "But I need to finish with the repurposing device soon, just in case they try to scan my glasses and earpieces."

"Speaking of which, have you come up with an actual name for them?" Rarity asked. "We can't just always call them the glasses and earpieces."

"I actually haven't named them yet," Raw Data said. "So far, besides from holding Ultrabyte, all they can do is translate languages. If that was the only use of them, than I would just call them Translating Glasses and Translating Earpieces. But they'll be able to do more later."

"So just call them Multipurpose Headgear," Rarity said. Raw Data opened his mouth to speak, but then realized that that was a good idea.

"That's pretty good," he said. "Speaking of which, I'm going to have some of these ready for you and Pinkie tomorrow." Rarity gasped.

"You're making some for us?" she asked.

"Of course!" Raw Data said. "You two have helped me speed up the process of the thing by at least a day or two, so it's only fair that I give you some."

"What about the updates?" Rarity asked.

"Ultrabyte will be able to carry them to your headgear," Raw Data said. "And yes, Ultrabyte will be traveling to your pairs." Rarity, surprisingly, got up and hugged him. Raw Data tried to retract from it, but to no avail. He could feel her generously sized breasts pressing against his chest.

"Thank you!" Rarity said.

"You don't have to hug me!" Raw Data said. Rarity stepped back.

"Ok, but you are just too kind," she said. "Now, what exactly-" Rarity was cut off by a knocking at the door. Raw Data lunged at the repurposing machine's camouflage button and pressed it down. The machine disappeared, and Raw Data started walking toward the door. He opened it up to reveal General Burrow. Raw Data's blood chilled and he froze for a second.

"Hello, Raw Data," said Burrow. "Working on those updates?" It took Raw Data a few seconds to remember that he had told the general all about the headgear.

"Uh, not yet," Raw Data said. "Sorry, you caught me during a study session with a friend." Burrow looked over Raw Data's shoulder for a second.

"What kind of study session?" Burrow asked. "I don't suppose she's teaching you about anything you may be wondering about that picture you saw on the phone, is she?" As Burrow asked that, he started wiggling his eyebrows. Raw Data blushed.

"N-no!" he said. "I'm trying to teach her math."

"Trying?" Burrow asked.

"She's not very interested in math," Raw Data said. "Anyway, why are you here? I wasn't expecting to see until tomorrow, if even then."

"Oh, I was in the neighborhood and, well, I do need that phone back," Burrow said.

"Oh, ok," Raw Data said. "Come inside, and I'll go get it." As Raw Data turned around and started walking down the stairs, Burrow walked in and patted Raw Data's shoulder.

"Good man," Burrow said. Raw Data smiled at him and continued to the door to the basement. Raw Data entered the basement and turned to Rarity.

"Ok, General Burrow is here, ok? I told him you were her to study math with me, and I need to give him Ultrabyte's old phone," Raw Data said. Rarity gasped.

"You don't think he knows you still have her, do you?" she asked.

"Well, he probably suspects it," Raw Data said. "I would. Anyway, you bright you're backpack, so sneak off to the bathroom or something and enter the kitchen after I've started talking with Burrow." Rarity nodded.

"Ok," she said. Raw Data grabbed the phone, and they started up the stairs of the basement, and split up at the door, Rarity walking towards the bathroom and Raw Data towards the kitchen. When he walked in, Burrow had his hand to his ear and was standing next to the window, and seemed to be listening to something. As Raw Data walked in, Burrow lowered his hand and looked at the phone Raw Data was holding.

"It's fully charged, by the way," Raw Data said. Burrow smiled.

"Nice," he said. "You're a good man, Raw Data." Raw Data smiled.

"Thank you," he said. "I, uh, I hope you catch whatever it was that escaped."

"Thank you," Burrow said. "I'll be sure to have my team check out Crystal Prep. Besides, their principal does have several issues that we need to legally address." As he said that, Rarity walked, her hands glistening with water.

"Oh, hi!" she said to Burrow. "You must be the guy that called him in." She nodded at Raw Data.

"Yes, yes I am," Burrow said. He extended his hand, and Rarity shook it. "I am General Burrow. I'd love to stay and chat with a lady like you, but I must go. Raw Data, again, thank you got your time." Borrow headed towards the door.

"Wait, Burrow," Raw Data said. Burrow stopped right outside the door. "Will I see you again?" Burrow nodded.

"Probably," he said. "Or at least, I'll see you." And he closed the door, walking away from the house.