• Published 11th Sep 2017
  • 913 Views, 8 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Anniversary of True Love - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. It's the 15th anniversary of the day Lyra first met Bon-Bon and Lyra wants to celebrate the day with her marefriend. If only it was so easy.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Anniversary of True Love
Chapter 4
by Rixizu

The stallion scowled. “You wish to defy me and my master? Fine! You shall face the full might of our power.”

The tentacles in the stallion’s chest spread out in every direction and wrapped around him covering him from head to hoof. The black form bubbled, morphed, and shaped into a bipedal figure with sickening green veins all over his body. It stood at least twice Lyra’s height with long sharp claws forming from his new hands. Spikes grew from the back of his head and antlers formed on each side. A dark green gem formed in the middle of his forehead. There were no eyes or mouth instead a strange featureless mask covered his face. On his chest appeared a distorted version of the stallion’s face, twisted to the point of being almost unrecognizable. There were venom and hatred in those eyes.

“Behold little filly.” The stallion said in a bizarre distorted voice. “I am no longer the weak, insignificant pony I was before. I am now Dreadcreep, Agent of the Shallower of Worlds!”

Lyra blinked unable to comprehend the thing in front of her. What the hey was this thing he had become? Lyra forced herself to focus and pawed at the ground ready for a fight.

Wait a second. Did this guy really just call himself Dreadcreep? Lyra thought in sudden realization. What is this guy, some edgy teenager? Whatever. All that matters is kicking this guys flank!

“This is our world freak.” Lyra challenged. “Come and get it if you dare.”

Dreadcreep roared and charged at Lyra. The zombies scattered out of the way as he came at her. She rolled out of the way in time as a claw swung down at her. She used her bow to block the next swing from his other set of claws. Metal ground against metal as he tried to overpower Lyra with brute strength. Her hooves skidded across the floor as he pushed her back.

Lyra gritted her teeth. For somepony with such a stupid name, this guy is tough.

With a swing of his claws, Dreadcreep tore Lyra’s bow from her hooves and onto the ground. He chuckled to himself before dashing in for a slash at the Blue Ranger’s chest. She dodged away in time and grabbed the monster's arm with both front legs. He tried to wrench it free, but Lyra just held on tighter attempting to break his arm. Her efforts created a small crack in his black armor. Yowling in pain he tried to get at her with his other claw, but Lyra let go and avoided the attack.

The two opponents circled each other. Lyra summoned her bow back into her hooves. Dreadcreep charged again and Lyra leapt back and forth to dodge his sharp claws. She fired volley after volley into him as she avoided his attacks. They didn’t seem to do much other than annoy him. She tried to aim for the crack in his arm, but the creature made sure she never had a clear shot at it.

Lyra continued to pepper Dreadcreep with shots. Then screamed in surprise as one of the zombie ponies jumped on her back allowing the stallion a clean shot. She grunted in pain when he tossed her and her passenger into a building. Lyra shrugged off the zombie and readied her bow, only for another zombie to get in the way making the shot impossible.

Lyra flew back and rolled on the ground as Dreadcreep slashed her with his claws again. She tried to get another shot at him, but yet another pony got in the way.

“Admit it little filly.” Dreadcreep taunted. “You don’t the guts to do what it takes to defeat me.” He delivered another cut to Lyra’s chest. She tried to get up but received a kick in the face before she could. “You’re barely worth the effort.” Dreadcreep scoffed and Lyra rolled up into the fetal position as he kicked at her again. He kicked and slashed her until she was just a quivering mass on the floor. After one final kick, Lyra unmorphed.“So much for your grandstand, ‘hero'.” Dreadcreep motioned a claw towards one zombie. “Grab her. Let’s finish this. We still have one more Ranger to hunt. They call her the Element of Kindness. She won’t be a problem. She will be just as weak and hesitant as this one.”

Lyra smirked and jumped onto all four hooves. She made a mad dash towards Dreadcreep. The unexpected move stunned the monster for a moment and Lyra did a flip over him. “Sucker! It’s morphing time! Cygnus!” she cried as she transformed into her armor and grabbed Dreadcreep’s waist with both hooves.


“You didn't hurt me as much as you thought," Lyra explained, "I knew you would drop your guard if I feigned defeat.”

Dreadcreep grunted and tried to toss Lyra off his back, jerking his body back and forth, but Lyra held firm.

"Now it's time for payback!" Lyra bent her back legs and put all her strength into throwing him backward into the air.

Lyra summoned her bow balancing on her hind legs and aimed the arrow at the helpless target in the air. She pushed a button on her morpher. The zombies tried to rush in and stop her, but they couldn’t get to her in time.

“Omega Arrow Crusher!” The shot flew true and Dreadcreep’s body shards exploded off of him on impact. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear to finish him. The arm that Lyra cracked from before blew clean off. It didn't bleed exactly but oozed a black ink-like substance. Dreadcreep struggled to his feet and ran in the opposite direction of Lyra. She tried to pursue, but the army of zombies rushed in front of her barring her path. By the time she fought her way through them, Dreadcreep had vanished. Lyra growled in frustration and yelled very unladylike words at him. She would get him next time if he ever dared to show his face again.

The zombies tried to fight her, but they proved to be no challenge and she knocked them all unconscious. Lyra unmorphed and wondered what the heck she would do with them all. “I need to tie them all up somehow until a cure is found, but how?” she mused out loud. In a flash, an idea came to her. She ran towards the Apple’s stand, frightening Applejack at her sudden appearance.

“Where the hay is the fire, Sugercube?” Applejack said after getting her wits back.

“AJ, I need your help!” Lyra pleaded, and explained the situation.

“Consarn it, that sounds bad.” Applejack said. “Sure thing I’d be ready to help. Big Mac and I will lock them in a barn till you get this all sorted out.”

Lyra grabbed Applejack by the hoof. "Thank you so much, AJ! You're a lifesaver." Sure there were a lot of zombies, but she was sure the hardy apple farmers could handle it.

Applejack chuckled. “Shucks Sugarcube. I am just doing what any old pony would do in my position.”

“I owe you one, thanks!” Lyra said at a breakneck speed before running towards her next destination, leaving Applejack speechless.

“There you are!” Bon-Bon whined when Lyra ran towards her marefriend and Pinkie. “What was that explosion? Where were you?”

This time Lyra had an excuse that she thought up while running here. She gave a coy smile and winked. “A little something for tonight. I wanted it to be a surprise, but the fireworks pony had an accident and set off an explosive by accident. Luckily nopony was hurt.”

“That was one heck of an explosion!” Pinkie beamed. “This will be the most wicked romantic date ever!”

Bon-Bon looked doubtful making Lyra sweat, and she shifted back and forth on her hooves. Lyra sighed in relief when Bons smiled.

“I can’t wait to see it!” Bon-Bon cheered. “I adore fireworks.”

“Right…” Lyra made a face when Bons wasn’t looking. There goes my savings.

"Oh look." Bon-Bon pointed towards the clock tower. "We need to get going! Dinner starts in an hour. We need to get ready."

Lyra whispered to Pinkie as they started towards home. “Pinkie, I need you to do me a favor.”

“Get you an impressive fireworks display? No prob!” Pinkie whispered back. “That happens to be a specialty of mine.”

“Was it that obvious?” Lyra winced.

“Yep.” Pinkie replied. “Cool explosion though!”

"Thanks, you are a lifesaver," said Lyra with utmost sincerity. She didn’t really like Pinkie all that much, and often found her annoying. Still, the pink mare always seemed to be there when she needed her.

“Since this is an anniversary, I’ll give you a nice discount!” With that Pinkie bounced away, the instruments surrounding her clanging together.

Lyra lagged behind her marefriend as she snuck a peek at the gift she bought for Bons and closed the box again a moment later. In the distance, the sun was almost to the point of setting. Exactly as Lyra planned. If nothing delayed them, the sun would set at the exact time they walked towards the restaurant. Lyra hurried to catch up. With that Dreadcreep critically injured, she doubted he would be a problem for the time being. She planned to hunt that jerk down after her day with Bons after checking up on Trixie’s situation first of course, but for now, it was time to dress up for dinner.


Dreadcreep grunted in pain as he stumbled towards his master’s seed holding his ruined arm. His breathing was ragged and harsh. He cursed that damnable mare’s name as he walked. She would pay for this dearly. He almost fell on the black mass that was the master’s seed, his remaining arm the only thing keeping him from collapsing to the ground.

“Master.” Dreadcreep huffed. “I need more power. The inhabitants of this world are fighting back harder than expected.”

Dreadcreep connected his mind to the seed and communicated everything that had happened so far. He knew it wasn’t long now until those Ranger found the seed and tried to destroy it. They needed more time. The seed’s progress to merge with the very planet was slow. With his injuries and current power level, there was no way he could defend the seed in time. The master agreed.

Tentacles emerged from the seed and engulfed Dreadcreep. He felt the seed itself merge with his body. His destroyed arm formed anew. Power before unimaginable flowed through his body. His body grew to almost twice its previous size. Batlike wings grew on his back. The green gem on the top of his head shattered revealing an eye. Green scaled armor grew over his chest, arms and legs.

It was a risk fusing himself with this piece of the master. If he failed, and the Rangers destroyed him, his master’s presence in this world would vanish. It would be very difficult for the master to force open a portal to this world again so he could deposit a new seed. Still, risks had to be made. The Rangers needed to be stopped. The master didn’t seem concerned. This world would be crushed like all the others. It was an inevitably like trying to fight the tide or stop a rockslide. His master was an eternal being after all.

Dreadcreep laughed as the last of the seed fused with him. With this power, he could do it. It flowed through him like a raging torrent. It felt like he could do anything. Still, he would not take any chances this time. He would target that Lyra at her weakest point and use that weakness to destroy her. His new powers gave him the power to observe Lyra and a cream-colored mare all dressed up as they walked down the streets of Ponyville enjoying the sunset. He remembered seeing that cream-colored mare with Lyra before. She must be her marefriend. Perfect. He knew exactly how to make the damnable Blue Ranger suffer.


Lyra felt in good spirits as the waiter led them to their table. She had changed into a simple blue dress with white frills while Bon-Bon wore a white dress with pink frills and a bow on the back that looked like one of the candies on her cutie mark. The Per Hay was the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville. The décor was rich and tasteful far beyond what a pony might expect from a small town like Ponyville and lighting was just right creating a romantic atmosphere. They sat across from each other.

“Thanks for doing this Lyra.” Bon-Bon grabbed her marefriend’s hoof and held it tight. “This is wonderful.”

“What would like to drink, madam?” The waiter asked.

"A bottle of wine," Lyra replied.

“Very good.” He left them to decide their order.

Bons scanned the menu over and over again looking unsure what she wanted to get. It looked like she would decide on something, only to change her mind a moment later.

"Don't worry about the price Bon-Bon," Lyra reassured knowing exactly what the problem was.

“But, you’ve done so much already.” Bon-Bon pleaded.

“Don’t worry about it!” Lyra smiled. “I got this covered.”

Bon-Bon gave a reluctant nod. “Okay.” She muttered something about not being worth all of this.

“Plus, I’ve ordered a musician to play classical music as we eat.” Lyra beamed.


“According to the owner of this establishment, she’s the best musician in Ponyville!”

“Besides you?” Bon-Bon teased.

"Besides me," Lyra smirked.

The waiter reappeared with the bottle of wine in toll. “Are you ready to order?”

"I believe so," Lyra said looking at Bons who gave a nod.

“Very good.”

“Where is the musician I asked for?” Lyra asked looking around. “I thought she would be here by now.”

“She’s running a bit late.” The waiter explained. “Ah, there she is right now.”

"Hi, Bonny! Hi, Lyra!" Pinkie greeted. She was still wearing all the instruments from before for a reason Lyra realized in dawning horror. "Oh, of course, you would be the couple Fine Dining told me about. Duh, I really should have seen this coming."

“Pinkie?!” Lyra proclaimed in complete shock.

“Yep!” Pinkie put her mouth to the tuba and played a jolly polka number somehow able to use multiple instruments at once.

“Wait, a minute!” Lyra yelled over the music.

Pinkie blinked. “What is it?”

Lyra glared death at the waiter. “I thought I asked for classical music.” She hissed.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, madam.” The waiter said with a helpless look.

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “Isn’t that what you’re getting?”

“Polka isn’t classical music!” Lyra yelled.

Pinkie snorted. “Shows how much you know. Polka’s been around since the early 19th century! That’s basically like forever. If that isn’t the definition of classical, I don’t know what else is.”

“She’s got a point.” The waiter threw in only to shrink from Lyra’s glare.

“Polka’s the music of my people!” Pinkie beamed with pride.

“This isn’t what I meant!” Lyra seethed.

"It's okay Lyra," Bon-Bon said trying to calm down the situation, "Polka will be fine."

“No, it’s not!” Lyra objected barely holding back her outrage. “I meant classical music like the type I play. Not folk music!”

“I don’t get the problem.” The waiter said. “Pinkie’s music has always been a hit here.” The other patrons nodded eagerly in agreement.

“Nopony asked you.” Lyra shot back.

“You really should have made the request clearer.” Pinkie interjected.

“What are you even doing here, anyway?” Lyra asked. “You’re a baker.”

“Well yeah, but I like to do these kinds of jobs on the side.” Pinkie explained. “Got to pay the bills somehow.”

“What bills?” Lyra wondered. “You basically live in Sugercube Corner for free!”

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Well yeah, but the economy isn’t great, and throwing all those parties isn’t cheap! Is it any wonder I have another job on the side?”

This statement made Lyra feel conflicted. She was a working musician herself and she could never deny anypony a paycheck even if she didn’t approve of their type of music herself. Lyra stewed on this for some time until finally coming to a conclusion.

“Fine. Polka will work.” Lyra relented. The patrons of the restaurant cheered at this. Bons gave her an approving smile.

“Goody!” Pinkie grinned with enthusiasm.

"Just one thing," Lyra said, "no Chicken Dance for Luna's sake!"

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Come on. That’s for weddings only! Give me some credit!”

Pinkie cleared her throat. “This next one is called Ponyville Polka!”


Lyra had no doubt in her mind that what she had just experienced was the strangest fancy dinner she had ever attended. The music Pinkie had played was infectious and ponies sang along. It hadn’t take long for ponies to clear some tables to make a makeshift dancefloor. Soon singing and dancing had filled the entire restaurant. Lyra herself joined Bon-Bon on the dance floor and the pair of them had danced the night away. She had no idea how Pinkie did it. Lyra hated to admit it, but she had had fun and it was one of the most memorable dates she had ever experience. That was the power of music Lyra supposed bringing life and joy to all who heard it. It was certainly more interesting than any fancy dinner she would ever have in Canterlot. Ponyville is an odd place to be sure, but Lyra found was starting to like that oddness.

Now leaving the restaurant Lyra and her marefriend sang and danced as they went to their final destination for tonight, the very park in which they had first met. It hadn’t really changed that much from how she remembered it. Most of the equipment was still there though she noticed that the metal slide she hated so much was gone. It was completely empty except for the two of them. It was dark due to the lack of a moon tonight, but they made their way there well enough.

“I figured that we might end up here.” Bon-Bon had as they approached the swing set.

Lyra beamed. “I like symmetry.” She summoned her harp with her magic and strung a note.

Lyra winced when the park exploded in light. They glowed with a myriad of colors and patterns. Bon-Bon looked around with the awe and wonder like a foal seeing Hearth Warming lights for the first time.

Nice going Rarity. You made this a truly magical night. Thought Lyra as she started playing the new song she had written for this very moment. Bon-Bon closed her eyes enjoying and loving every note. Lyra put all the love she felt for the mare in front of her into her performance. Tears fell from Bon-Bon’s eyes as the song came to its conclusion.

“Lyra, I…” Bons seemed lost for words at the moment. “Thank you for everything. I feel like I have been saying that a lot lately.”

Lyra said nothing and just held her marefriend’s hoof. There wasn’t a need for words. Just being together was enough for both of them.

“Bon-Bon,” said Lyra after a moment, “there’s something I want to give you.” Lyra moved to a pocket in her dress and pulled out a small box. “It’s…”

Lyra eyes widened in horror as a merry-go-round flew at them at top speed. She pushed Bon-Bon aside just a split second before her marefriend would have gotten crushed by the incoming object. Lyra coughed as dirt showered her from the impact as the merry-go-ground dug into the ground only a few inches from where she stood. She stood there stunned for a few moments, horrified just how close she and Bons were from almost getting killed.

“Bons!” Lyra screamed. Bons had to be okay, right? She had to be! Lyra pulled out her morpher and ran around the merry-go-round. She went cold at the sight in front of her. Dreadcreep had a claw around Bons’s neck, a clawed finger against her jugular. Several tentacle zombies moved in behind Dreadcreep and circled Lyra.

"Drop the morpher," Dreadcreep ordered, “or your precious marefriend will drown in her own blood.”