• Published 11th Sep 2017
  • 912 Views, 8 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Anniversary of True Love - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. It's the 15th anniversary of the day Lyra first met Bon-Bon and Lyra wants to celebrate the day with her marefriend. If only it was so easy.

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Chapter 1

Anniversary of True Love
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

Lyra narrowed her eyes as she stared down her foe. They circled each other waiting for the other to make the first move. Sweat dripped down Lyra’s brow. She knew this would be the final exchange, and she needed to finish this now. Her body was at its limited, but Lyra refused to back down. Like her friend Trixie Lulamoon, she wouldn’t give up no matter what.

Lyra and the bear leaped and grappled with each other. The bear was strong, monstrously so. Lyra howled as she grabbed the bear twice her size around the waist and threw it over her head onto the mat onto its head. She picked herself up from the ground and grabbed the bear by the leg pinning it to the ground. The bear struggled to get out of her grip, but Lyra pushed harder. The beast relented by slamming its paw on the ground several times on the mat signaling its surrender.

“Very good devotchka.” An accented pony on the sidelines complimented. He had a wide grin on his face. “You’re training pay over very well yes?”

Lyra grinned back and helped the bear to its feet. Despite losing, it was amiable and gave Lyra an affectionate hug causing Lyra to grunt in sudden pain.

“Phew, I think you might be right.” This was the first time she had had a definitive win again Harry. Despite feeling half dead and about to collapse, Lyra felt good. She gave her trainer, Daylight, a wide smile back. He was a yellow brown earth pony with a gray black mane and a shining sun for a cutie mark. He didn’t speak Equestrian very well, but Lyra understood what he said for the most part.

"Tomorrow we increase difficulty or else things get too easy." Daylight said. "I got great idea to make fights even more challenging! What is will be secret. No fun otherwise."

“Sure.” Lyra shrugged and stretched her weary limbs. They would ache all day, but Lyra could hide her pain. She was giddy at the prospect of showing off her new strength to her friends, but she planned on saving it for the next monster attack. True there hadn’t been a monster attack since Corvus, but one would happen, eventually. Corona was still on the prowl after all, even though nopony had heard from her in over three months. She’d show them she wasn’t the weakest member of the Galaxy Rangers! She could hang with Trixie and Carrot Top no problem. Until then, she would train in secret by fighting and wrestling the strongest things she could get her hooves on. She wondered if wrestling a hydra would be possible.

“See you then little devotchka.” Daylight said.

Lyra nodded and gave her goodbyes to Daylight and Harry before leaving. This was a big day. Lyra could barely control herself. She almost broke into song several times on her way home to clean up. Ponies were giving her strange looks, but she didn't care. This was Bon-Bon and her’s fifteenth anniversary!

Lyra grunted in pain as she crashed into somepony and landed on the ground in a heap tangled up with the other pony. Immediately Lyra turned beat red from embarrassment being too distracted to notice where she was going.

“I’m so sorry!” Lyra apologized. The figure she bumped into was a stallion dressed all in black, she couldn’t see his face as it was blocked by a wide brimmed hat. She wasn’t even sure what type of pony he was, his suit would hide any wings.

The stallion got to his hooves and walked away not saying even a word. He didn’t even spare her a glance as he left, leaving Lyra a bit shocked. The stallion blocked his face so that Lyra didn’t even get a peek at him.

“Fine. Whatever.” Lyra mumbled and continued on her way home. If he wanted to be a creepy weirdo, it was his business. She put the stallion out of her mind and put her thoughts back to Bon-Bon. She would not let that weirdness damper her spirits.


Lyra arrived at Sugarcube Corner clean and fresh from a nice shower. Sugarcube Corner was the town’s local bakery/youth center. A strange combination, but it was a fun place to hang out and train with her friends in its dojo. She had a broad smile on her face as she entered. It became even wider when she saw the love of her life and the most beautiful and special mare in all of Equestria Bon-Bon. Her smile faltered when she noticed several of her friends sitting with her marefriend. She thought she told Bons to sit alone. If any other ponies approached, she was to shoo them away. No matter, they would be leaving soon.

“Finally!” Trixie proclaimed as Lyra approached the table. “We can start this party already!” She scrunched her face in concentration as she levitated a cupcake to her mouth. Trixie still didn't have full control of her magic and even the simplest magic required effort on magician's part. Still, it was nice to see Trixie almost recovered after she got her horn cut in half by Twilight's crazy father.

“Will there be cake?” Dinky asked with a hopeful look on her face.

"What is this party even about?" Ditzy asked. "Bon-Bon told me she didn't even know.”

“Bons, what are they doing here?” Lyra asked and did her best to hide her annoyance. This was meant to be a special occasion. For them. Alone.

“Oh them?” Bon-Bon seemed puzzled by the question. “They were passing by and I was getting a little bored so I invited them over. Is that a problem?” She tilted her head.

Dear Luna. Lyra had been hoping that since everypony had been busy lately, she'd have plenty time alone with her marefriend. Most of her friends were out of town for one reason or another for goodness' sake! Of course, Trixie would somehow latch herself onto a party she wasn't invited to. Doesn’t she have something better to do? Like, whatever she did as Ponyville’s representative for the Night Court?

“It isn’t a big deal.” Lyra lied. No point in making Bons upset. Not like she couldn’t get rid of them.

“What is this about?” Bon-Bon asked.

"I'm glad you asked!" Lyra proclaimed dramatically. Everypony leaned in eager to hear more. "It's our fifteenth anniversary!"

“What, what?” Trixie scrunching her face in confusion. “You aren’t married, are you?”

“Are they married?” Dinky asked her mom.

"No, I'm pretty sure they aren't," Ditzy replied, "besides, that would mean they got married when they were fillies.”

"I'm thinking she's talking about something else," Bon-Bon said after a moment of thought.

“Yes! If you let me finish, I will explain.” Lyra growled. Everypony settled down to let her continue. “It’s the fifteenth anniversary of the day we first met!”

“Wow!” Dinky exclaimed bouncing with excitement.

“So?” Trixie asked in an annoying flippant tone. Lyra glared daggers at her.

“Has it really been that long?” Bon-Bon asked lost in thought. “I guess it has been.”

Lyra was a little bummed that Bon-Bon didn't even know it's been fifteen years until she told her. How was she the only one to notice this? She did her best not to get depressed at the thought.

"I think it is very nice that you're celebrating this Lyra," Ditzy said in a cheerful tone.

"It might not seem like a big deal to some ponies." Ditzy gave a look at Trixie who wilted in response. "But fifteen years knowing each other isn’t something to sneeze at.”

“Yes, fifteen wonderful beautiful years!” Lyra said nodding.

“Okay, it has been fifteen years, but how do you know it has been that long since then?" Trixie asked. "How can you even keep track of that? You were a filly then. I forget the princess’s birthday sometimes."

"Oh, ye of little faith!" Lyra smirked. So what it has been fifteen years? Lyra knew she would remember this fateful date in thirty years or two hundred.


Lyra giggled as she ran through the park enjoying the light breeze blowing against her face and the sun shining down on her. She jumped from the ground onto the sand of the playground with a triumphant smile. She jumped at least three hooves in the air! There were so many things to do Lyra pondered what to do next. The park had a dome-shaped jungle gym, several slides, parallel bars, a merry-go-round, teeter-totters, animals that you could ride on, swings, and the large playground itself of course.

Lyra looked around for any ponies to play with, but the park was empty except for her and her fathers. No matter. Ponies would come soon enough. She would just have to play by herself for the time being. The slides seemed like a good choice, but one of the slides was so tall it intimidated her. It towered high into the air and looking at it made her a bit dizzy. She could play in the sand, but Lyra didn't feel like getting messy at the moment. After a minute of careful consideration, Lyra went for the merry-go-round.

Lyra grabbed it and pushed making the merry go round start to spin. She jumped on and enjoyed being whirled around and the rush of air. Far too soon it slowed down. Lyra frowned. That wasn’t near fast enough. Lyra jumped off and pushed it even harder. This time it spun for a bit longer, but it still wasn’t enough. Lyra gritted her teeth. This time would be different. She would give everything she had this time.

Lyra gripped the bars of the merry-go-round and pushed with all her might. She pushed the bars as it spun and made it go even faster. Now it was going so fast it was almost a blur. Nodding in satisfaction she jumped back on. It was harder than she expected. She could feel herself being pulled from the merry-go-round by the force of the spin. She started having her doubts and started slipping. Lyra screamed in fright as she flew from the merry-go-round onto the ground. She landed in a crash. The landing hurt and tears formed in her eyes. Lyra bawled uncontrollably.

“Are you okay?” A voice said. Lyra turned to see a cream-colored earth pony filly running towards her.

Lyra tried to say something, but it impossible to hear through her sobs.

“There there.” The filly said tenderly and padded Lyra’s hoof. “It’s going to be alright. Let me see if you are okay.”

The filly looked her over with care and gave an eventual nod. “You’re fine. Just a few bruises.” She gave Lyra a reassuring smile. Lyra didn’t sure why, but this pony’s smile made her feel a lot better. The filly helped Lyra up and wiped the sand from her coat.

“There, so much better.” The filly said. “See everything is fine. Nothing broken or anything.”

Lyra wiped her eyes to dry her tears and nodded. She felt so much better now. Her parents ran over to see if was okay. After a few hugs, kind words, and the new filly insisting that everything was okay, Lyra’s parents left her the two of them to play together.

"Thanks," Lyra said after her parents left.

“It’s no big deal.” The filly waved a dismissive hoof. “Mom always says that a pony has to help anypony in need. And you oh so needed help!”

"I'm Lyra," Lyra said shyly.

“Bon-Bon.” The filly replied back.

“Would you like to go play?” Lyra asked. Maybe she’d made a new friend. She desperately hoped this to be the case. She liked this new pony.

“Would I?” Bon-Bon gave a wide grin that was infectious. Lyra grinned as well.

“Let’s just… not play on the merry-go-round for now.” Lyra glared at offending piece of playground equipment.

Bon-Bon gave this some thought. “How about we play on the swings instead?”

“That’s a great idea!” Lyra nodded with some enthusiasm and the two new friends ran off together hoof in hoof towards the swings.


Lyra grinned at her audience. They seemed charmed by her story even Trixie surprisingly. Dawning realization was on Bon-Bon’s face.

"Oh yeah," Bon-Bon said in a quiet voice, "I'd completely forgotten."

Bon-Bon had a nostalgic look on her face. "If I remember right, I encouraged you to go on the big slide despite how much it scared you."

Lyra had fond memories of that moment. Bon-Bon always pushed her forward despite how scared or worried Lyra felt. It was the thing Lyra loved the most about the mare. She might not have even gone to Luna’s School of Magic if it wasn’t for Bons pushing and prodding.

"Hold on," Trixie said, "that doesn't explain why you know the exact date of the day you met."

“Simple.” Lyra became smug. “It was exactly a week before my birthday.”

Trixie snorted. “Hardy an accurate way to keep track of a date. What makes you so sure?”

“I just am!” Lyra snapped. Just like Trixie to obsess over such a superficial detail.

“A week huh?” Bon-Bon thought out loud. “I remember that birthday. You had a party at your house and invited me over. Was it really only a week? It seemed a lot longer than that.”

“Looks like Lyra might be misremembering after all.” Trixie pointed out.

Lyra’s right eye twitched. She had the urge to throw Trixie out of Sugarcube Corner right now on her flank.

"Anyway," Lyra said, trying to get back on topic, "even then I knew Bons was special! It may have even been fate that I would meet the most special and beautiful mare in all of Equestria on that day. Even if I didn’t know it at the time but part of me always loved Bon-Bon from the first time I laid my eyes on her.”

Trixie started gagging and Lyra glared death at the Red Ranger. Maybe if she wished hard enough, Trixie would burst into flames.

"You have to admit, that was a little corny," Bon-Bon admitted and Lyra stared at her marefriend in utter shock not believing she took Trixie's side on this.

“Wait, does this mean that I might be in love with a pony and not know it?” Dinky asked confused. “Please tell me it isn’t Rumble. He’s an okay colt and everything, but I don’t want to be his marefriend!” Her tone became pleading even desperate.

"I won't worry about it Muffin," Ditzy replied, "that isn't anything you need to concern yourself for many years yet. Odds are you haven't even met your future special somepony yet."

“She’s right.” Bon-Bon said. “Most ponies don’t end up with their childhood friends or first love. It’s pretty rare. You will find love in time.”

“That’s a relief.” Dinky relaxed, the tension draining from her body.

“If that’s the case, then doesn’t that mean there’s a good chance your romance with Lyra is doomed for failure?” Trixie pointed out and shrunk beneath the table when Lyra and Bon-Bon sent her death glares.

Ignoring Trixie, Lyra continued on. “I thought to commemorate this moment Bons and I would spend the whole day together, alone." She added hoping the point would penetrate Trixie's thick skull. If the comment had any effect on the mare, it didn't show on her face. Not to mention the special surprise she had planned to unveil tonight.

"Oh," Bon-Bon said surprised. She wasn't as eager as Lyra hoped she would be. “I really wish you told me about this sooner. I had plans today, but they can wait for later.”

Lyra cursed, she remembered that Bon-Bon mentioned something about that. She wanted to spend most of the day getting some of the cleaning in their house done. After that, she planned to go out with her friends.

"It's okay Bon-Bon," Ditzy said, "we can have bowling night next week. I will just tell the rest of the girls you can't come."

“I’m sorry Bons.” Lyra apologized and her eyes folded back. “I completely forgot about that.” Once again, she let her eagerness get the better of her. She remembered that Bon-Bon was looking forward to bowling with her friends. Things have been so hectic lately that they hadn’t the chance to get together in some time.

"Don't worry about it." Bon-Bon waved a dismissive hoof. "Things happen. Besides a day with you will be fun." Bons's grin was infectious and it warmed Lyra’s heart and she brightened at those last words.

“I have reservations for the best restaurant in town!” Lyra beamed.

` Bons clapped her hooves together. “It’s been too long since I’ve been to a really nice restaurant.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon said their goodbyes and left Sugarcube Corner. Lyra could barely control her excitement. The first thing they would do was have a romantic lunch in the park. Lyra just knew this would be one of the best days of her life!

Lyra didn’t notice in the distance, but as she walked to the park a purple swirling portal appearing over the Everfree Forest. The portal seemed to suck the light from all around it leaving the sky a dull gray color. A figure in black watched the strange portal and laughed. Soon all of Equestria would see true power!