Flurry held Eclipse close as he cried. He'd been so strong the entire time his mother had been missing, refusing to give up hope. This was only the second time she'd ever seen him cry. The first was when his father had died in that terrible accident. It worried her how much he was trying to be quiet however. It wasn't good for him to hold anything back right now. She finally got up and put on a record of loud music at high volume before going back to wrap her forelegs around him again.
"Let it out my love. Nopony can hear you now." She told him softly, and was relieved when he broke out into full sobbing after that. Silent tears fell down her own cheeks as she thought about how badly she'd feel if she had lost both of her parents, and how much she was going to miss "Aunty" Celestia.
Flurry had known all along how unhappy Celestia was, for her special talent was empathy. She had tried every now and then, even as a foal, to get the princess to open up to her, but Celestia had always only smiled and said she was fine. Flurry knew though. She always knew. The feeling she always got from her adopted aunt was of extreme grief. Of loss and suffering. As if she was a mere shell of the pony she'd heard she used to be. Sometimes catching her staring at a picture of her sister with such longing, she knew very well why.
But she'd never expected this, for Celestia had always looked at her son with such love in her eyes and heart. She never thought that she'd end up leaving him.
Eventually Eclipse cried himself to sleep against her and she got up to turn off the music. She grabbed a few tissues and gently cleaned up both of their faces. She blew her nose and just sat there awhile, staring into space.
Was there anything... she could've done to stop this? Should she have told somepony how bad Celestia was feeling? She had simply wanted to respect her aunt's privacy but... maybe... if she'd just said something... Her conscience continued to bother her until she finally went to her parents room. She found her mother there staring at the fire and told her what she was thinking.
Cadance hugged her and kissed her forehead under her horn. "No sweetie. I don't think there's anything anyone could've done to stop this. Luna was her other half. I don't think she would have ever gotten over losing her."
"But then why get married and have Eclipse? Do you think she was maybe, trying to move on and she just couldn't?" Flurry asked anxiously. There was a long pause, and when she looked up her mother's expression looked haunted.
"Perhaps." Was all Cadance would say on the matter.
After he awoke Eclipse called everyone together again.
"I have decided that we shouldn't tell the public that Mother is dead. Let her fall into mystery and legend." He told them.
"But they'll never get closure that way!" Twilight protested.
"Maybe not, but knowing that she's dead, especially after losing Luna, I think it would be too much for some ponies to take." Cadance sighed.
"It just feels wrong." Twilight's shoulders slumped. "Can't I at least tell my friends?"
"You really think that Applejack could keep that a secret?" Eclipse asked her pointedly.
"We can have a funeral for her, just us." Shining Armor said gently and Twilight sighed but nodded.
"We can make sure that area is kept cleared, so that nopony will ever find her." Flurry said quietly, and they all agreed.
That evening they held a secret service in front of the cave Celestia was in. They cast more preserve and anti detection spells, planning on fencing off the area and putting up no tresspassing signs.
Flurry held her candle in her magic as she stood with the others, listening to Eclipse speak.
"My mother was the kindest pony I've ever known. She never hurt anyone, and always tried to help whoever she could. She was a just and benevolet ruler, and I know that she will be deeply missed by everyone in the kingdom. I only wish she'd told me how badly she was feeling so I could've at least tried to help her. I'm sorry that she felt like she had to suffer alone." The male alicorn swallowed hard. Tears were in his eyes but he blinked rapidly to keep them from spilling.
"Aunty Celestia was the most fun aunt ever. Growing up she was always there for me and she was always up for some girl time. I love her and I know I always will." Flurry said when it was her turn. It was all she was able to get out before she became too choked up to talk.
"Aunty Celestia helped me when I first became an alicorn and a princess. At first it was all so overwhelming but she gave me a home, and a family, until I was ready to be on my own." Cadance used her wing to wipe away a tear that spilled down her cheek.
"Celestia was more than just a mentor. She was like a second mother to me. I... I never... I never thought that things would end like this!" Twilight wailed, and Cadance hugged her until she'd calmed down a little.
"I didn't know Celestia as well as you all did, but I admired and respected her. It was part of my duty to keep her and the other royals protected for the longest time, and part of me feels like a failure for not being able to do that." Shining Armor admitted with a sigh before he turned to face the cave and saluted. "We will always remember and honor you, Celestia."
Behind him, the others bowed deeply. After they straightened, Twilight put down the large framed picture of Celestia and Luna she'd brought down in front of the cave. They looked so happy. The others put down the flowers they'd brought on either side of it.
"I hope wherever she is now, she's at peace." Eclipse said softly.
"She's with her sister now, so I'm sure she is. Though I bet she misses you." Flurry wrapped her hoof around him.
That night however, Flurry Heart had a disturbing dream. Celestia was a ghost wandering through the world looking lost and alone. "Why is this happening? Why aren't I with her? Luna!" Celestia looked up at the sky in despair. "I just wanted to be with you!"
Flurry woke with a start, her heart pounding as she clutched her covers to herself. It was just a dream right? It had to be. Still, it had seemed so real.
"Oh Aunty..."
Oh the plot thickens!
I love this
I need to give more upvotes
I love this story and it was under appreciated so i added it to a bunch of groups.