• Published 4th Sep 2017
  • 2,206 Views, 32 Comments

For the Moon so Loves the World - Ayla

When Luna finds a new prophecy from Starswirl, they think it may have already happened, and so dismiss it. They were wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 6 Eclipse's POV

Eclipse decided not to wait much longer after his mother's funeral. He'd learned the hard way that you never knew how much time you'd have with someone. A week later found him taking Flurry's hoof and asking the question he'd been thinking of asking for awhile now.

"Flurry, I love you with everything in me. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Oh yes! I will!" Flurry threw her hooves around his neck and kissed him deeply.

He invited everyone to dinner that night where they announced their engagement. Soon the dining room was full of congratulations to the happy couple.

It took a few weeks to get everything prepared, being that this would be an important and royal wedding. Still they did everything as quickly as possible. Both of them wanting to be joined as soon as they could.

Most of the time Flurry looked overjoyed, but once in awhile Eclipse would catch her staring into space with an anxious and worried expression. He would ask her if she was all right, and she'd just smile and say something about prewedding jitters, so he left it as that.

Finally, after what felt like ages, they were standing at the alter reciting their vows to each other.

"Flurry Heart, you've been with me through all of the hardships I've been through. You're kind and loving, and I'm honored for you to be my wife. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life." He smiled.

"Eclipse, I've loved you my whole life. It simply blossomed from friendship when we were kids, to something so much more as we grew up. I never want to leave you. I promise to stay by your side always, through thick and thin, no matter what comes our way." She beamed with happy tears in her eyes.

The rings were exchanged, and after Cadance pronounced them mare and colt, they kissed as the room rang with the sound of cheering and hoof stomping.

As they danced the first dance as a married couple, Eclipse couldn't help feeling wistful.

"What is it my love?" Flurry asked him, noticing his expression.

"I'm so happy right now. I just wish Mother could be here to see this. I kind of feel ashamed a little. How can I be so happy when not long ago we found out what happened to her?" Eclipse sighed.

"She would want you to be happy." Flurry said gently. "It's okay to miss her, but she wouldn't want you to be unable to move past this. She wouldn't want you to go through what she did."

"You're right. I know you're right." Eclipse nuzzled her gently.

"Of course I am. I'm always right." Flurry teased and he laughed.

One year later...

"Eclipse, I have something to tell you." Flurry said, looking uncommonly shy as she smiled in a way he'd never seen her do before.

"What is it Flurry?" Eclipse looked at her worriedly. She hadn't been feeling well lately. She'd been throwing up quite a bit and had been tired.

"The doctor just called with my test results. I'm not sick, I'm... I'm pregnant." She told him.

"I'm going to be... a father?" Eclipse said in shock. Flurry nodded and Eclipse's face lit up as he jumped up and hugged her. "I'm going to be a father! You're going to be a mother! We're going to be parents! Oh Flurry!" He babbled.

Flurry giggled as she hugged him back. "Yes, yes we are. Oh I can't wait to tell the others. Twilight is going to love this."

"Twilight is probably going to dance around the room." Eclipse chuckled.

Sure enough, later when they told everyone the news, Twilight jumped and danced around the room excitedly.

"I'm going to be a great aunt! I'm going to be a great aunt!"

"We're going to be grandparents. Now I'm starting to feel old." Shining Armor winced.

"Oh I can't wait to see them. I wonder if they'll be as adorable as Flurry was as a baby." Cadance smiled.

"I wonder if they'll be as much trouble as Flurry was as a baby." Shining chuckled.

"Oh hush." Cadance said in amusement. "You know it's worth it."

"Yeah, I do." Shining nodded.

"So... I'm going to be an uncle?" Brave Knight, who was a unicorn who had his fathers colors only his mane and tail were white and his coat was blue, asked. He had a cutie mark similar to his father's only his looked like a grey shield with a sword in front of it. He too had ended up going into the royal guard when he was old enough.

"It sure looks like it little brother." Flurry said, giving him an affectionate nuzzle. "We're going to have to try to find a good mare for you so you can have your own little bundle of joy."

"I'm way too busy for that. If I want to move up in the ranks I'm going to have to work hard." Brave Knight shook his head.

"Heh, you say that now son, but one day you might just see a mare and the next thing you know, you find that you just can't live without her." Shining told him.

"I hope not. Ponies who are in love act so weird." Brave Knight wrinkled his nose and they all laughed.

Eclipse noticed that in the middle of all the laughing Flurry Heart suddenly stopped and looked around in puzzlement.

"Is everything all right?" Eclipse asked her.

"Yes, I just got a strange feeling just now... it's probably nothing. Probably something to do with the foal growing in me." Flurry winked.

Eclipse just shook his head and wrapped his hoof around her. He still missed his parents, but he still had family, and now, in awhile it was going to get a little bigger.

"I love you so much." Flurry looked at him lovingly.

"I love you too." Eclipse leaned his head against hers.

"This calls for a party!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, pulling out a party cannon that somehow shot the room full of decorations. She also somehow whipped a large cake out of nowhere.

"Oh I can't wait to make cute little outfits for the foal." Rarity told Twilight.

"I hope it's a pegasus or alicorn so I can teach them how to fly." Rainbow grinned to Fluttershy.

"Oh... I hope they like animals." Fluttershy said softly.

"I can't wait till they're old enough to try our apples." Applejack told Pinkie as she started to slice up the cake.

Eclipse lifted his head up then and looked around much like Flurry had earlier.

"You okay love?" Flurry asked.

"Hmm? Yes. I just had the strangest feeling that we're being watched." Eclipse frowned slightly.

"Well there is quite a few ponies here." Flurry teased.

"Yeah I know. I'm probably just jittery about the foal too. It really is exciting." He smiled and Flurry nodded in agreement.

I don't know though. I just have the feeling that whoever is watching us, isn't someone who's a guest at the party...