• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,740 Views, 28 Comments

Fairytale Bliss - fallen starr

After dating for a few months, Twilight and Flash realize they aren't a perfect match. Twilight needs to find a way to get over her heartbreak. Luna believes she knows the perfect example from her past.

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Start to Finish

After three months and twice as many dates, Twilight was ready to be alone for the rest of her life. Cadance was trying to help, of course, but all these blind dates were only making her miss Flash Sentry more, not less. As much as Twilight loved Cadance and trusted her on matters of love, she was tired of trying to move on with someone else. She wrote Cadance a letter and she thanked Rarity, who Cadance had enlisted, but she would not be going out with anyone again for a while. She had been ready to lock herself in the palace library for the duration of the weekend, but after Spike brought her a letter from Princess Luna, she found herself in Canterlot.

Evening had fallen already and Celestia had retired to her chambers. Luna was standing on her balcony, looking out toward the horizon. Twilight stepped out beside her, settling onto her haunches. The stars twinkled down, the round moon shining brightly, shimmering on the snow-covered rooftops below. Twilight shivered, pulling her wings in tighter. “Luna? You wanted to see me?”

Luna turned to Twilight. “Let us go inside.” They settled onto large pillows that had been placed. Luna looked back to the window, seeming to see beyond the horizon. “Cadance has told me of your heart’s trouble. I have viewed your dreams. I thought, maybe, I could offer advice.”

Twilight sunk into the pillow. “I don’t want advice,” she muttered.

“Hm.” Luna looked about her chambers. “I understand heartbreak, Twilight. Mayhaps in a way that even Cadance does not.” Twilight looked up at her, her eyes barely visible behind her bangs. “Allow me to tell you a story. It was quite a time ago, shortly before I gave in to the Nightmare. My sister and I had received an emissary from the Crystal Kingdom…”

“You’re certain this is a good idea?” Luna asked. “You’ve heard the whispers as well as I have, sister.”

Celestia waved a wing as if to brush off Luna’s fears. “It will be fine, Lu. Come now, let’s meet the new King!” She trotted a few steps ahead of Luna, looking around and taking in all the sights. Luna hung back, eyes mistrustful.

Twilight raised her head. “Are you sure you aren’t just painting this in a better light? Since we know how evil Sombra was?”

Luna’s mouth drew into a line. “Positive, Twilight Sparkle.” The light in the room flickered for just a moment. Then Luna sighed. “Now, by your leave, I will continue.”

Twilight sunk back down into her pillow and nodded.

It was not as though Luna had no reason to be distrustful. She had heard from the shadows that something was not right with this new King, though Celestia would have none of it. Walking through empty streets and into the palace was eerie. The palace, once a place of bright splendor, was already darkening. Once Luna and Celestia was led to the King, however, Luna felt more at ease.

“At ease around Sombra?” Twilight piped up. “What about the weird glowing eyes?"

Luna sighed. “That was much later. I shall never get the message of this unfortunate tale across if you interrupt me every few lines. I thought a lover of stories such as yourself would be more quiet.”

With a blush, Twilight once again shrunk back into her pillow and waved a hoof for Luna to continue.

“Perhaps starting a little further on, then. We did not have trains then, so when we traveled, we left others in our stead and stayed for more than the short amount of times dignitaries visit today. We had planned for a month. The third day there, and I was enraptured with the Crystal Empire in a way that I hadn’t been in a long time. Celestia was doing what Celestia has always done best, but I, well, I really had no matter in the meetings. Or so I thought. You’ll remember, it was very shortly after this, only fifty years or so, before…” she trailed off and looked to the side. “At any rate, Celestia and I had traded stances. She was ready to flee back home while I wanted to stay. And that is what happened. I saw her off, and then.” Luna paused, a smile crossing her face.

“Your sister is very mistrustful of me,” Sombra said as he dined with Luna. “I don’t know what it was that turned her away so quickly. From what I understand, our nations have always been closely related.”

Luna paused, looking at her meal. “That is true. She was very excited to meet you.”

“And yet, she goes and you stay to continue. If she were going to leave so soon, I would have thought she would allow you to participate in the discussions.” His black mane shined in the candle light, drawing Luna to look toward him. His eyes seemed to spark.

Luna sniffed. “I do not need her permission to do anything. I am a Princess as much as she is. It is a diarchy.”

“I’m sure that is what she tells you, but really, she seems to have all the power.”

The napkin Luna help in her magic crumbled and fell with a soft thwump as the cloth hit the table. “Or perhaps you simply do not understand the way Equestria works. After all, you did just come to power. I will be retiring.” She walked away, ignoring his deep chuckles.

The next few days he did not mention Celestia or Luna’s apparent lack of authority at all. Instead, he left her to her own devices, seeking her out at nightfall. She had just finished putting the moon in the sky when he appeared on her balcony and stared at the stars with her. He stood closer than was perhaps appropriate, but when Luna turned to ask him to move, she was struck by his treasured gazing at the stars.

“I’m always amazed at this masterpiece,” he said softly. “Everything changes, turns softer. Better, some would say.”

“Some?” Luna asked.

“I would say.” He turned and looked at her, again his eyes gleaming. “I am sorry for upsetting you at dinner the other evening. I hope you’ll allow me to properly apologize.” In one daring movement, he put a hoof on her cheek.

Luna swallowed and stepped back. Her heart was racing. “Tomorrow, we dine under the stars.”

“As you wish.”

She watched him slowly walk away, all thoughts gone from her mind.

Twilight pushed herself upright, eyes wide. “You had a crush. On. Sombra. Luna, seriously?”

Luna took a deep breath. “Perhaps that is enough for tonight. I do need to get to my dream watching duties.”

“But it was just getting good! I want to know when you figured out he was just manipulating you."

Luna blinked a few times before shaking her head. “It is time for you to sleep, Twilight. I will talk to you tomorrow night.”

Not wanting to ignore a second dismissal, Twilight stood and left. On her way back to her quarters, she thought about everything Luna had said. Certainly, none of it applied to the relationship and break up she and Flash had, but maybe Twilight was the first person Luna could talk about it with for over a thousand years.

She tucked herself into her bed, a frown on her face and a different kind of heartbreak in her chest. If Luna had really loved Sombra, she couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to keep it in for all that time.

That night, her dreams were kept purposefully blank.

Author's Note:

Okay, so, let me know what you're thinking of this second installment! This won't be too very long, I promise, but I do hope you end up liking it.