• Published 26th Aug 2017
  • 472 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: Mystery of The Crystal Empire - copperhaze

Years have passed and while still very best friends, The Mane 6 have gone their separate ways. Living their own lives. Peace has prospered in Equestria. But! For how long can peace last?

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Chapter One

My Little Pony: Mystery of The Crystal Empire


I lie there. Nay. Not exactly. I...I am floating? Aye. Indeed. I am floating. But here, it feels no different from lying down. Light. A window. A window that occasionally gives me a glimpse. A glimpse from outside. Happiness and love keeps me “alive.” Soothing words reach my ears. I'm not alone here?! Nay, a false hope. As always. But! the soothing words coming from said voice keeps me sane. Screams of terror from outside?! Dark and terrible thoughts cloud my heart! Thankfully that was short lived.

So many years. Countless years being here. I no longer get to hear that soothing voice. As I did before. I try to remember what it sounds like. But, it's been so long...The happiness and love I receive from outside is the only thing keeping me from going insane. No! The dark and terrible thoughts are creeping up again. And they are getting stronger each and everyday! My body trembles from the utter cold. My ears lower, and I emit a pathetic whimper.

My ears perk up from the sound of singing! Singing? The singing sounded hopeful. It was beautiful, yet faint. Unfortunately. I was hoping to catch every word of said song. The song was giving me hope. And along with said hope, was the happiness and love again! I recall six voices were singing. I remember those six voices. I knew deep down, that I would never forget their voices. Those six mares.

The sound of a baby crying woke me. How long has it been? Since the singing. I always seem to lose track of time. The walls around me! They were cracking! The sound from outside has gotten louder! The walls around me were crumbling! A bright light...I was freed from my “home”...After all these years.

Chapter One.

A white furred unicorn is walking among the Canterlot Gardens. His orange and yellow mane blowing lightly in a small breeze. The stallion inhales the night air. He preferred the night air, more so than the morning air He couldn't quite put his hoof on it as to why exactly. He looked up at the moon and closed his eyes. Smiling wide. As soon as the smile appeared, it just as quickly vanished. This very stallion didn't mind living in Canterlot. But, he preferred a much simpler place to live. It's been on his mind lately. His thoughts were cut short by a familiar voice.

“Good evening, fair Haze. How's your night?” asked Princess Luna as she flew elegantly down near him. She decided to visit her friend before starting her nightly duties as Princess of the night.

Haze Rune smiled up at his friend.

“Greetings, Luna. It's great to see you. I'm doing alright.” He replied.

Luna tilted her head. She could see that something wasn't exactly well. Haze took notice that she noticed his less than truthful answer.

He lowered his ears.

“I'm sorry, Luna. It's just. I've been thinking of moving. I am eternally grateful that your sister let me have one of the spare chambers in your guy's castle. Very kind of her. I am just afraid of bringing it up to her, is all.” Haze rambled on, getting nervous of potentially seeming ungrateful.

Luna raised her hoof, and chuckled cutely.

“My dear friend. No worries. I am pretty sure that my sister will understand. Because, I understand.” Luna replied softly.

Haze calmed down, and blushed lightly from his very small panic attack.

“I've been thinking about moving to Ponyville. Also, I'd like to get visits from you, whenever you've time.”

Princess Luna nodded at her friend, and told him that she should head on out and begin her job as Princess. Haze waved goodbye and looked in her direction until he couldn't see her anymore. After a few seconds he turned to look at his flank, which didn't bear a Cutie Mark. Haze's move to Ponyville was just one of the few starts of his soon to be miraculous and life-altering journey!

One day later.

The white furred Unicorn steps in Ponyville, and looks around. It was a cute, pleasant place. He smelled the air, and smiled wide. It smelt better than the Canterlot Gardens. Well, in his opinion. He saw many ponies doing their own thing. He saw the building that used to be Rarity's home.
Haze noticed that a few ponies took notice of him, and they greeted him. Suddenly a pink pony took notice of him, and she tilted her head. He smiled and approached her.

"Hello, I'm Haze."

She gasped obnoxiously, and nearly jumped a feet off the ground, and vanished as soon as he saw her. His eyes widened due to her action, and shook his head, and he thought to him self.

"That must of been Pinkie Pie."

Haze heard enough about her, to know how she acted, but was wondering if he would see her again. He then noticed that the grass around Ponyville was more real and vibrant, than in any place he's been too. He could smell pies being made, and he closed his eyes. Oh! the dreams he had of Ponyville, was nothing compared to the real thing.
Haze decided to focus on his task, and stopped in his tracks, and opened the pack on his back, to get the letter given to him by Celestia. It said that he was given a home to live in, and plenty of space for him as well.

He was given a two story house. It was small, but enough for just one little pony. The fence surrounding the house was clearly freshly pained white. He was certainly going to write a thank you letter to Princess Celestia later on.

It was modeled like most of the houses in Ponyville. But, Haze was content with that. He walked toward the fence, and his horn ignited softly with magic. Opening the gate with said magic, and closing it soon after. He opened the front door. Looking around, he noticed a shelf in the living room with a few books. Haze noticed the stairs leading up to the second floor. He slowly walked up the stairs, and realized that many furniture, among other things were already provided for him.

Haze lowered his ears and frowned. He wanted to pay Celestia back for all this. He was going to try and find a job soon, for he can earn his own keep. Earning bits by working was something this little pony was looking forward much so! A knock on the door from downstairs made his jump lightly. He teleported downstairs, and answered the door.

Standing right out side was Pinkie Pie, and she shot off her party cannon, and confetti blew in his new home, even some confetti got stuck in his mane.

"Hello! I wanted to welcome you to Ponyville. Oh, we should hang out, and have parties, and it's nice to meet you Haze. I'm your new friend: Pinkie Pie." Said the pink pony as she invited her self in, and place her hoof around his neck, a very wide smile upon her maw.

Haze chuckled nervously, he wasn't used to this, but found Pinkie's presence to be very welcoming, and he smiled, due to said feeling. Pinkie Pie hopped around him, humming.

"Uh, well, I was about to head over to Sweet Apple Acres, you may come along if you wish. I wish to meet Applejack. I am going to see if she needs a helping hoof around the farm.

Pinkie Pie nodded, and the two of them started off to Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

This story was created before the season 4 premiere. So, continuity will be thrown out the window. Unfortunately. That being said, I do hope you enjoy this story.