• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,391 Views, 87 Comments

Simple Things - Arbiter Balemead

Fluttershy makes a simple wish and small confession and they are answered with a minor coincidence.

  • ...

Here and Now (Present)

"Everypony in this town is CRAZY!"

"Uhg..." I woke up, my eyelids sliding open slowly. I hadn't thought about my first day in town in so very, very long time. How long has it been? Two years? Almost I think. When I said that I don't think I saw anything that's happened since then coming. And the night before was stranger still. I mean how often do you see on a shooting star after the princess suggests some reading material? Not often, I'm sure.

I rolled out of bed and started the morning chores. As expected, Spike isn't up yet, and he'll probably be no help with these chores. I kept him up a bit too long last night, so I think I'll let him sleep in this morning. I began the chores and I REALLY don't want to describe these boring morning tasks. My mind kinda drifted off a bit anyways.

What had I wished on that star for? I think it had something to do with...friends? No.... it was... Oh yeah! I had wished for somepony like myself. Hadn't I been reading that embarrassing relationship advice book? Heh heh...yeah.

Dang... that was so long ago. Too bad my wish was never gra- wait was it? I doubt it but now I'm curious. Lemme think. Rarity and I were similar, I suppose. She uhm...she's a unicorn, annnnd.... okay moving on. Applejack and I have our values, I guess. Rainbow is a bit too sportsy for me, but we both have these surrogate younger siblings. I have Spike and she has Scootaloo.

Then there's Pinkie Pie. She and I enjoy a good party, and we certainly love baking. Of course, beyond that, she is almost intolerable. Somehow, she is still my friend.

That leaves Fluttershy. That weird feeling came to my stomach. I think it's some kind of instinctual nervousness, as if I my body is telling me to be careful not to hurt her feelings. But there was something more to it. I never really thought about it and that's not what I'm thinking about now. What do me and Fluttershy have in common?

We both read, she may not show it on purpose but she is really smart. We both enjoy the little critters of nature. She is definitely not very social, and neither am I, we just show it in different ways. I can't help but feel like there is something about her that I'm missing and nopony else is missing, and it feels REALLY important. It eludes me, though, and I have to assume that it actually isn't that important or it would have come up by now. It HAS been two years since I met her after all.

The more I thought about it, the more I began to think that that star HAD granted my wish. Wow. it took me two years to realize that. And I'm supposed to be a genius. Heh.

But there's still that funny feeling. It's like butterflies in my gut. I decided to just ignore it and move on with the day. I hadn't realized how long I had been thinking and working this morning. I checked a clock on the wall. Ten-thirty. I woke up at least an hour and a half ago. I should make sure Spike get's up before I go visit my friends.

I walked up the stairs and into our room. He was still out cold so I levitated the blanket off of him and started poking his head with a hoof. He barely even stirred so I had to take more extreme measures. I turned on the faucet in the bathroom with my magic and went downstairs for a bucket. I came back up and, seeing him still laying in his bed, decided to give him one last chance.

"Spike! Get up!" Nothing. Oh, this is gonna be SOOO much fun. I walked into the bathroom. The sink was about half-full so I scooped as much of it up with the bucket as I could. I turned the faucet back off and walked back into the bedroom. "Spike?" Still nothing.

I tilted the floating bucket over his head. As the ice cold water washed over him he suddenly jerked up, fire spraying from his mouth in shock, only to be put out by the water. A moment later a glistening, wet, purple dragon was sitting on the floor, chest heaving from being frightened.

"What was that for?"

"Don't act so surprised. It's not like this is the first time."


"So, darling, how was your week?" Rarity asked me politely from the hot tub.

"Oh, it was nice. Angel has been eating a lot more lately, which is good because he's usually so picky. I think I uhm...accidentally gave him the stare." I never really did that on purpose, but when I do I'm usually aware. This time, though, I think I scared him into eating. I'm happy to see he's nice and healthy now.

"Oh, I'm sure if you had, it wasn't on purpose, dear. Anyways..." She trailed off. I looked at her nervously. She never said 'anyways' like that unless she was unsure whether or not she should ask her next question.

"Y-yes?" I encouraged. Or tried to.

"Well... I was just wondering...." She looked at Aloe and Lotus, probably realizing that they were still here. After all, I WAS still receiving my preening. After an awkward moment of silence they both looked up from my wings and realized what Rarity was hinting at. Aloe bent her head down to my wing and ouch! Took out one last feather.

"Time for your sauna, ladies!" Lotus said happily while Aloe spat out my feather.

Once we were in the sauna and Rarity felt we had some privacy she deigned to ask her question.

"So... how are things with Twilight?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Oh come on. I'm not naive. You know that."


"I'm asking about you and Twilight. As a thing?"

"E-excuse me?" I could feel my cheeks flushing.

"Oh, I see. You two aren't open yet."

"N-no. We aren't a 'thing'." She quirked an eyebrow at me and adjusted her position on the bench. "Wh-what made you think we were?"

"Well Twilight and you were spending an awful lot time together. Alone... Together... Without anypony else... Are you sure your not-"

"Yes." She looked at me quizzically. She continued to watch me as I stared back at her nervously. Her face was a look of curiosity, her mouth twisted oddly and her eyes slitted slightly. Her face suddenly reverted to normal and for a moment, I thought we were off the subject. But then,

"But you wish you were." She said half-triumphantly. I felt my eyelids tighten as I subconsciously attempted to glare at her. To no effect, of course. At the look on my face, she smiled gently. "Oh, I see. Do think I coul-"

"No, thank you." I interrupted politely. Can you do that? I think I pulled it off. She continued to watch me thoughtfully. "Really, I'm fine." She smiled sympathetically. I know I'm lying and she does too...


"Pinkie, I just stopped by for some quiches. Please can we not do this for one morning?"

"Do what?" Pinkie asked me with a huge, yet unknowing grin. Uhg. It would be so much easier to ask her not to be...Pinkie if she wasn't so naive of how....Pinkie she was. There has GOT to be a better word to describe her. I thought about it for a moment and came up with nothing.

"*sigh* Can you just get me my order?"

"Sure!" My pink party-hard friend turned to the counter behind her and started selecting the different pastries I had ordered, and assorting them in a paper package. I waited patiently, even when she went to hand me the bag then hesitated. I quirked an eyebrow at her and she frowned thoughtfully. Wait... Pinkie's thinking? Oh no.

"Uhm... I was just wondering..."


"How are things with Fluttershy?" That was random. Well... this IS Pinkie Pie.

"Things are fine. She's doing okay from our last pet play date."

"No, I mean- You AND Fluttershy." She said, leaning in a bit.

"Uhm...We're BOTH fine... why are you asking?" She set the pastries down and facehoofed. I'm beginning to think I'm missing something here.

"No. You and Fluttershy. As a pair?" She did her 'Are you getting this?' face at me. And the worst part was that I wasn't

"We're really good friends." I said in a deadpan voice. I couldn't figure out why she was asking about just Fluttershy. Or why she smiled triumphantly then suddenly frowned.

"Just friends?"

"Really good friends." I corrected. "She's one of my best friends, you know." She looked a tiny bit jealous of my phrasing.

"Who else is one of your best friends?" She asked hopefully.

"Oh, there's Rarity, and Rainbow, and Applejack, and... oh what's her name?" She was leaning in expectantly at this point. "She has pink in her mane, and she's always happy." She closed her eyes and smiled smugly, like a young filly who knows they just won a contest before the victor was announced. "Oh yeah, Cheerilee!" She opened her eyes and frowned at me sadly.


"I'm just kidding. It's you." She perked up upon realizing she'd just been pranked.

"Heh heh... you're really funny, Twilight." She said as she finally handed me my pastries. I turned to leave and looked over my shoulder as I reached the door.

"I know."


I got back to my cottage and set about the afternoon chores. Rarity had had the decency to not mention Twilight after the sauna. After that we spent the next hour in the spa just relaxing quietly. That was unusual part. Rarity never lets the spa dates go on silently. Aloe actually asked me if she was okay. I said sure.

I felt a tapping on my leg and looked down. Angel was standing in front of me, glaring up at me. "Oh, I'm sorry Angel. Did I forget your lunch?" He nodded quickly. I hovered into the kitchen and quickly prepared a salad for him. I was sure he wouldn't care about the cherry on top not being there today.

I spent the next few hours tending to the random needs of the animals as they popped up. It wasn't ever boring living with the animals, of course. They kept me busy and no two days were ever the same for me. Not to mention the random adventures with the girls.

As I was helping a chipmunk with his bad back there was a tap at the door. "Just a moment." I called softly. POP! "Coming."

I opened the door and found Rarity standing at the door. I tilted my head at her quizzically, waiting for an explanation silently.

"Hello, dear."

"Hi Rarity."

An awkward silence. She looked around the door then looked back at me.

"Oh come in. I'll make some tea."

"Thank you." She followed me into my living room and sat down on the couch. "So, dear, I've been thinking..."


"You and Twilight..."


"I'm sure you don't want to talk about it right now, but I just had to know something."


"Well you seemed so glum, so a thought occurred to me..."

"Go on."

"Well I was wondering if..." She trailed off for a moment. I stayed quiet waiting for her to ask whatever it was she was going to ask. "Have you said anything to her about it?" I felt my face fall.

"Well... no, but we... I- just- I don't know. I know I should say something b-but I just can't." I said as I sat down.

"It's okay. Everypony get's nervous. You more than anypony else. But that's just natural. Are you sure you don't want help."

"No." I said, biting back tears.

"Good, because I'd try to help either way."

"So you want me; ME, to ask her out?" I asked quietly. Rarity had been brainstorming with me for the past half-hour. She had finally given up on the elaborate schemes and just decided that the best course of action was the direct approach. And Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm still talking to Rarity.

"Essentially, yes. Oh, but you don't need to tell her it's a date until afterwards. If need be don't tell her till the second...or the third. I think three would be pushing it though."

"Uhm... okay?"

"Good so what do you want your first date to be? Oh, this is exciting!" I glared at her playfully.

"For you, maybe."


"So, all I'm saying is-"

"Spike. Shut up. I told you last week, I'm not using the floor for a shelf."

"Dang it!" He pouted before waddling off. He's really cute when he's upset. Cute enough to make me giggle a bit. He glared at me and I tried to stop, but his pouty little face just made it harder.

"Sorry. Your just so... adorable. Really. I can't help it." I said as another fit of giggles caught me. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the pile of books he'd been cleaning up. I checked to see what time it was. Almost Noon. *sigh* Rarity wanted to see me at twelve thirty. She never said why. I swear if it's about Fluttershy...

*sigh* You see, on the way home from the Corner I ran into Rainbow Dash. We walked and chatted on the way back here. That is until she started asking about Fluttershy. It was confusing. It was like she was hinting at something but didn't have the ability to tell me what, or make it obvious. She kept using terms like 'as a pair' and 'you AND Fluttershy' with a lot of emphasis on the 'and'. I don't know what she was playing at but she eventually got bored and flew home. It was odd.

Oh well. I'll start for Rarity's house now, I guess. "Hey Spike?"

"Yeah?" He said over his shoulder as he picked up another book.

"I'm heading over to Rarity's can you han-"

"Can I come?" Oh not this again.

"No I need you to stay here and handle the library. Do you think you can manage?"

"Aww...yeah." He pouted. Where did that attitude come from?

"I'll see if she'll make you a scarf." I said on the way out.


"Sure." Not really but hey, he's not making me promise.


Rarity set down a tray of tea and sat at the chair across the table from me. She'd positioned herself in that chair specifically so she could 'force' Twilight to sit next to me. I'd told her that she didn't need to but she'd even gone through the trouble of moving the spare chair to another room just so Twilight would sit next to me. It was a bit over-excessive but this IS Rarity. *sigh*

"Alright dear do you understand the plan?" It had started so simple. Ask her out. But now she was going to have Twilight and me help her with an order so that it would be the three of us. Then, she would 'suddenly' have to step out and that would be my chance. This is Rarity. Simple things get complicated eventually.


"Goo-" She was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Ah!" She practically galloped to the door. I giggled a bit as she stopped and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She opened the door, and I took a sip of tea to calm mine.


"Hi Rarity."

"Hello, Twilight. Do come in and have some tea with us." Us? I stepped in and noticed who she was talking about.

"Oh, h-hi, Twilight."

"Hi Fluttershy." She looked nervous. I wonder why... "So, Rarity, why did you invite us over?"

"Well you see, dear, I have a large order and I was I wondering if the two of you would mind helping me with it."

"Of course." I replied.


Okay she said she'd help, so now it's just a matter of time before I get my chance.... to ask...HER...out. *sigh* I took another sip of the tea.


She's taken at least two cups of tea since I got here. "Is something bothering you, Fluttershy?"

"N-no. I'm okay I was just....thinking." Rarity was looking between the two of us nervously. I seriously must be off the ball today, because I'm missing something that everypony else seems to see.

"Alright, girls, I'll go get the sewing supplies ready." I'm sure I wasn't supposed see this but-


She winked at me on the way out. That's the signal. Here goes nothing.


"Uhm... Twilight?"


"I was wondering..."

"Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I wanted to know if any of our friends have been asking you questions about me?"

"Uh... No, why?"

"Because both Pinkie and Rainbow were asking me about you today. It was like they knew something I didn't and they kept asking about 'us'." Her face went a little pale. I couldn't figure out why. Best not to ask. "They kept using phrases like 'as a pair' and 'the TWO of you' putting emphasis on the words like 'two' and 'pair'. Does that make sense to you?"

"N-none at all."

After an awkward moment, I remembered that she had something to ask me.

"Heh. Sorry, I forgot you were gonna ask me something."

"Oh uhm... I was just going to ask if uhm...if you would like to- I don't know. You probably don't want to..." She stuttered. Now I'm curious.

"Oh come on! I'm sure I will." I assured.

"Well I-I was just thinking...it's silly really."

"I'm sure it's not."



"...w-would you like to go to a dinner...with me...or something..." I watched and held my breath as I waited for an answer. I watched her carefully for a sign of anger, or confusion, or frustration, or even elation.

"Sure!" Oh I knew she would re- wait what?

"U-uh..." I was dumbfounded. She sounded happy, like she was excited or something.

"What?" She asked, obviously confused by my confusion.

"W-well I hadn't expected you to be so...uhmmm... with me on this...I mean, I'm not complaining, but..."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I-I don't know... I just thought you wouldn't want to..." And then it dawned on me. She had NO idea. None. I always knew she was a bit too focused on her studies but this is almost embarrassing. She really is this naive. Shouldn't that, I don't know, be a drawback? But it just made her a bit cuter. Uhg that's just not fair.


She's confusing me. I'M confusing me. First off, I don't see what's wrong with wanting to hang out with a friend through dinner. Second, why did she wait till Rarity wasn't in the room to ask me? And third, why is that odd feeling in my stomach back? And did it flutter to life when she mentioned dinner?

"Of course I want to. When were you planning to do this at?"

"I-I-uhm... well tonight- is tonight okay?"

"Sure." I said happily. No matter what oddities I was dealing with today, I'm sure this would be fun. "So, how about... seven? I'll pick you up?"

"N-no, I'll come get you." She said with a tiny boost of confidence.

"Okay." Rarity walked back into the room as we finished planning. This time-


I winked at her to show that it had gone well. She smiled politely at us and sat down in her chair.

"So, what did I miss?"

"Oh, Fluttershy was just wondering if I'd like to have dinner with her." Twilight said.

"You don't say? Well that sounds lovely. So, would you like to start now? It won't take longer than a few hours with the three of us."

"Sure." We got up and went into Rarity's workroom. We got to work on some repeat dresses and I got to thinking about the imminent date. Asking her out really wasn't that bad. Now, telling her it's a date not just hanging out? *sigh* That's going to be the hard part...