• Published 28th Jun 2017
  • 2,673 Views, 39 Comments

Comparing Notes - Rose Quill

  • ...

All Good Things

I sighed as the Hydro Star drew back into the moorings at the island.

"Why the long face?" Lighty asked as he pulled me back into an embrace.

"We leave the day after tomorrow," I said, the thought making me cling to the arms around me. "And we still don't know how the dimensional rift works or how to find a crossing point."

He kissed the top of my head before resting his chin there. "Like I said, we'll tackle that challenge when we find it."

I was about to respond when I heard a rush of wings and looked up to see Mom landing on the quay, her amber wings furling behind her.

"How was the trip?" she asked, waving as Mother landed behind her, lavender wings twitching a bit before fully coming to rest.

I surged out of the boat, heading straight for my parents, ignoring the protests from my sister, boyfriend, and cousin.

"What in Tartarus were you doing?" I barked. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? I didn't know what that mana fount was, or if you had survived it. I..."

Mom laid a finger across my lips and pulled me into a rough hug.

"You sound like I was caught sneaking back into the house after curfew," she said, giving me a level look. I blushed as I realized I had more or less repeated the same speech she had given me after getting caught doing just that.

"Sorry," I murmured. "It's just..."

"I know, sweetie," she said. "I know."

"Who's hungry?" Sunshine said.

“We are!" Sunlight exclaimed and winked at his love. Her troubled face at least began to return to some minimal level of cheer as he grabbed her hand in his and followed the parents back into the villa.

"Us too!" Trance and Cloud Prism raced past into the doorway ahead of the pair.

"Better slow down or you might leave your shoes behind!" Sunlight joked with a grin.

"Pfft," Midnight blurted.

"I get the first plate. Couples go last," Aurora kidded her sister while nudging her side opposite Sunlight.

"Oh really? Maybe I'll just find you someone so you'll have to wait like the rest of us couples," Midnight returned fire as their whole group gathered around the kitchen area. The smell of fresh food was strong as it came out of the oven. Again, there was a plethora of choices for the meal. A total of three different main dishes were retrieved from the oven in the interest of serving a somewhat large number of vacation-goers.

It was after the meal that a few of the "kids" were lounging in the large soft living area sofa. Some heart-warming nature channel was playing on low volume on the television. It had been turned there by Melody, who in turn was now in a coversation with Sunlight just across the same sofa.

"I've always liked animals in general, I guess," he continued. "Probably because my world's Aunt Fluttershy was always visiting. Besides Aunt Dash, she's probably my family's closest friend."

Melody took a short sip from her small teacup before setting it back down on the coffee table. "It's so nice to know that Mum has such a positive impact no matter which dimension she's from."

Sunlight took on a sly look. "Can you even imagine a Fluttershy who was tired of being nice and quiet all of the time?"

That arose a series of laughs. The parents were currently out lounging in the "back yard," so reactions were limited. Midnight leaned against Sunlight more than usual.

"Of course, she can express all of the feelings and emotions a regular person can," Melody explained. "But I've come to understand why people see her that way. It's been different for me, of course, since she's my mother. But she does have an enormous amount of patience and love..."

"And I'd expect any daughter of Fluttershy to talk about other people - family or not - in exactly such a positive and pleasant manner as that," Sunlight said, his joking spirit set aside. Instead, he had shifted to a sincere smile worthy of flattery.

Melody blushed only to have Midnight rib her boyfriend for it.

I leaned back enough to see his sky-blue eyes.

"You already got one girl from my dimension," I said with a smile. "Trying for a harem?"

He grinned. "No, just trying to get in good with your relations," he said as he squeezed me. "I have a feeling you may be more than I can handle."

I gave him a wolfish grin. "You better believe it, buster," I purred.

Trance chose that moment to give a retching sound.

"You two are so gross," she said, giving us the evil eye.

"I think it's sweet," Melody said.

"Sickeningly so at times," Aurora added.

"You'll never catch me doing anything like that," the daughter of Rainbow Dash declared.

"You never know, Trance," Lighty said. "Maybe one day someone will come along that you just can't stop thinking about."

"Harmony have mercy on them," Adagio said as she entered the room and looked at us. "Your parents want to see the two of you."

Sunlight practically skipped onto the back patio, not fearing for anything from his parents and eager to see what had come of the earlier lightshow. He had been getting more comfortable with Midnight's parents as well and the fact that they hadn't been called in by Adagio to resuscitate anyone lead to the logical conclusion that matters were well enough in order. Midnight was more apprehensive but still curious as she followed.

"Mom!" Sunlight cheerfully greeted Twilight and hugged her first before Sunset. The multitude of little differences made it easy to know which pair was which.

"Sunlight," Sunset began as he hugged her and she returned it. "We managed to pull it off. I think you'll like this..."

Although the natural breeze had waned, none of the couples present noticed the heat of the jungle island. They had become accustomed to it both over the years and specifically during the length of their ending visit. The fact that the sounds of the native tropical wildlife would not be heard for much longer was not a pleasant thought to any. Especially the two less certain of their ongoing ability to connect.

At the same time, Sunshine was distracting her daughter. "Just a moment, Middy," she nearly giggled at the eagerness of Midnight to see what her other mother was obviously obscuring.

Other Sunset was on the opposite side of the patio table, closing the new journal while using her own body to obscure it. She gave a nod to her alternate self, who came around with her wife and Sunlight. "We have something to give the two of you," she announced. "Something that will help us keep in touch. Particularly the two of you. We all decided it would be best if the bonds formed here did not have to break, but the rest is up to you."

In an effort to present it in the group it took to create it, Sunshine came up alongside her wife while the two Sunsets held out the journal together.

I reached out and took the book from my mother, running a hand over the mark on the cover. I recognized my cutie mark, of course, even cut in half. I had it permanently marked on my left thigh, after all. But the symbol that bifurcated it on the left side was unfamiliar, somewhat reminiscent of Moms, but different in the shape of the rays.

"Is this..." Sunlight breathed. "Is that what my cutie mark looks like?"

His mother nodded, tears in her eyes as she held her arms out. As the two embraced, I saw the same misty look in my parent's eyes, knowing they were remembering when I had gotten mine almost ten years ago. They had reacted the same way.

"This is what you channeled all that mana for?" I whispered, feeling a little guilty about getting upset earlier. I was about to say something when the book in Lighty's hands began to glow and vibrate. He opened the copy of the journal he held and blinked.

I opened my book, and there on the top of the first page, in my mother's handwriting, was the address for our home in Canterlot city with a note scribbled beneath it.

Regardless of distance, you are welcome at any time - Sunset and Sunshine Shimmer

He looked up and smiled, some wetness glimmering in his eyes, reaching out and hugging my parents.

"Thank you," he said before he nabbed the pen that was sticking out of Mother's bun and jotted something in his journal, the response appearing after a minute or so in mine, an address for a neighborhood not too far from where our home was located.

"Keeping things balanced?" I teased, keeping just how touched I was hidden behind my snark. I felt like it was all I could do to not cry right now as it was, and this thoughtful, goofy, and handsome nut was doing a number on my heart.

"Well, in case you decide to come over for Thanksgiving," he smiled, taking my hand in his.

"I'd kiss you but I wouldn't want you to be embarrassed in front of your parents," Midnight replied in continuing snark.

Sunlight, however, looked back to the journal cover. Her mark he had become familiar with. Not the least bit because she had it tattooed on her and even more so for his admiring gazes he gave her - branding her image in his mind. It was the other half that amazed him. And all because it was...his.

Midnight followed his eyes and empathized. "It's surreal, isn't it? That feeling when you see it and know it embodies some deep part of you."

Sunlight's hand tightened on hers. "There's just so many things I want to know. I get the feeling I'll only be able to find out in Equestria."

"Well, no need to rush," Midnight's Sunset proclaimed with an easy-going look. "I get the feeling you will find out even more than you want to before long."

"More than I want?"

"There are some things about being in pony form that are a little different," Aurora spoke up from behind.

"A lot different to someone who's never been like that before," Midnight clarified but didn't lose her own cheer. "It'll be a while before we're there though. For now..."

"Thanks again for doing all of this," Sunlight almost got teary once more looking at the journal and then back up the parents.

"We know what it means," Twilight nodded to Sunshine before both of them looked to their wives in turn.

"I don't even know what to do now," Sunlight chuckled.

The boy's girlfriend began to open her mouth for a suggestion but a blue blur zipped upon them before she could give voice to her thought. Rainbow Dash wrapped them both in a hug from behind.

"How about an awesome celebration cake for an awesome kind-of-like-I-just-got-my-cutie-mark celebration?!" Rainbow enthused. It was almost as if Sunlight was 5 years old again and she was psyching him up for his birthday party. The mature women's form-fitting running shirt and pants spoke of an intended jog but the lack of sweat and high energy seemed to indicate she either hadn't gotten to it or found the exercise insufficient.

"You're not even from Equestria," Sunset reminded her old friend with a grin.

"But I know all about the cutie mark thing. Not like you always go on and on when I ask about why that sun thing is so important to you. Besides," Rainbow defended herself, "I have to fill in for Pinkie, right?"

"Well, you don't have to be from Equestria to understand in this group," Fluttershy remarked from the doorway, Rarity standing behind her slightly with a steaming mug. "After all, on our side, we've all been across and seen how important they are."

I blinked as a tear tried again to free itself. the sheer volume of the emotions outpouring here evident even to a non-empathic girl like me. I gasped as I was wrapped in another hug from my sister.

"This is so...awesome!" she shouted, sounding like Pinkie for a moment. "You two are getting to stay in touch no matter what. This is probably the happiest I've ever been for you!"

I smirked as I disentangled my self from her Pie-esque hug, using the motion to wipe away the tear surreptitiously. "You said that when I got my cutie mark, Rory," I giggled. "Aren't you worried about the bar getting set really high one day?"

Rory waved me off casually. "Nah," she replied. "Every few years it resets itself. Besides, this means that maybe one day I get to be Maid of Honor!"

I facepalmed. "Rory," I groaned.

Mom gave Aurora a gentle hug. "One day at a time, Rory," she said gently. "Just because your mother and I managed to get together rather quick, there were extenuating circumstances."

Mother piped up. "Which you were reminded of when you were little rather often," she said, giving my little sister a wink over the rim of her glasses.

When Rory turned beet red, Sunlight looked a little confused. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"She kept trying to use the 'play one parent off the other' ploy," I told him sotto voce. "She didn't have it firmly grasped that they can talk telepathically until she was nine."

"I was eight," Rory grumped for a moment, giving a decent imitation of Aunt Rarity, eliciting a laugh from my extended family except for the Aunt in question.

"I really don't sound like that," Rarity sniffed, then hesitated. "Do I?"

Fluttershy leaned back and kissed her wife on the cheek as Melody reached out and wrapped her in a hug.

"It's ok," Fluttershy said.

"We love you anyway."

"It is adorable," Other Sunset admitted as she and her fellow parents watched their offspring from the kitchen. Night had fallen and Sunshine was working along with Fluttershy and Adagio to create a pineapple pie along with a few other treats. It seemed as good a time as any to make a special dessert for the night - even though so many nights had been special on this vacation.

Twilight sighed, her head on her hands as she leaned over the counter. Her gaze was on the same person.

Sunlight and Midnight were sitting on the plush carpet before the living room coffee table. The journal was on the table between them and Midnight was trying to sketch something on a piece of paper while being given suggestion by Lighty. The boy had a few sketches on his side of the table as well. Though Midnight was sketching, her free hand never left Sunlight's.

"Like this? It's got to be symetrical," the elder girl insisted. The shapes she had sketched were that of his cutie mark from the journal's cover, except whole rather than halfed as it had been when combined with hers.

"From what you and ma have told me, that's often the case," he agreed with a thoughtful hum. He looked over the image of the sun with the outstetching rays and fin-like protrusions. "I guess we'll only find out if its one of the asymentrical ones when we go to Equestria."

"That'll be fun," Midnight openly laughed, picturing her boyfriend flailing about with four legs.

"I'll keep my distance so you don't fall on me," Aurora joined in with a nudge.

Sunlight was too occupied with the possibilities. "I could levitate, though. We're pretty sure I'll be a unicorn after all."

"Even 'simple' magic like that can take a lot of time to learn and master. Just ask Twilight," Midnight clarified.


"Princess Twilight," Midnight explained further. "You'll be meeting her for sure."

"I know it won't be super soon but I'm still so excited," Sunlight enthused. He got up and fell back on the sofa, using hand motions to encourage his girlfriend to join him.

"Pie is ready," Sunshine called out as Midnight came around the coffee table.

"Well that should make this the best night ever," Middy declared and pulled Lighty back up from his spot.

The pie was delicious, but as night fell, a sense of sorrow fell over me. Our week was up, and outside of a few items of clothing, we were all packed. I felt a mild panic under the sorrow, knowing what the dawn meant. I stood on the veranda and stared up at a moon that was familiar but felt alien to me. It held none of the wonder that Luna’s did, the warmth.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I heard my sister ask.

“We’ve been over practically every inch of this island and resort, Rory,” I whispered. “Not a trace of a planar tear, or a mantic shear, or even a sign that says watch for flying pigs. Wherever the conjoined spot is, it’s not here.”

“Maybe we just missed it,” she said softly. “It is a pretty big place, after all.”

I turned to her and smiled wanly. “Oxy and Adagio gave us access to places we shouldn’t have been in otherwise. And we both know we looked everywhere. You made the checklist!”

Rory smiled weakly. “Point,” she admitted.

I turned back to the moon and sighed. “A few hours and a journal is all we’ve got right now.”

I felt her hand rub across my back before she squeezed my shoulder. I reached up and gave her hand an appreciative squeeze in return.

“You’ll figure it out,” she said as she turned to leave. “You’re too stubborn to leave things like this.”

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped. She was right, after all.

I don’t know how long I stared at the moon, hoping that some sort of answer would come to me.

“Midnight?” called a voice. By now I could pick out the slight differences in my parents voices and those of Lighty’s. His mother came over to the rail tonlean against it with me. “A little late night astronomy?”

I shook my head silently, gaze not wavering. I could feel tears inside, but I wasn’t going to let them out.

“You’re worried,” Twilight said. “I may not be your mother, but I am still a mother. We can tell these things.”

I nodded, not trusting my voice. Every wonderful moment I had shared with her son flashed through my mind; the stepped falls, the underground cave, the sea turtle, the diving games, the times we had just sat on one of the couches or this very veranda. My first real kiss from someone that I felt something for and they felt something back.

I couldn’t hold them back any more as a few leaked out and a sob broke free.

“I’ve searched every inch of this place,” I whispered between breaths. “And I couldn’t find the joint between worlds. It’s not here, and I don’t know if I could find it if it was! I’m terrified that I’ll never get to see him again, and the journal will just keep reminding me of that fact. It’s crazy though, we’ve only known each other a few days, barely a week. Why am I so scared?”

I looked at her, attempting to smile. “You shouldn’t be listening to me blather on like this,” I said. “I’m sure you have concerns of your own. It’s just...” I pressed my hand to my chest. “Every time I think about tomorrow, it hurts and it’s scary because I’ve never felt like this before, and nothing makes sense anymore!” I covered my face in my hands and wept, not caring anymore about maintaining a strong image.

I was pulled into a hug that felt very familiar to me as Sunlight’s mom started to stroke my hair just as my parents had done in the past.

Sshhh," Twilight whispered in a soothing fashion. Even now that Sunlight was older, it was still instinctual from her days of mothering him. Then again, parenting was a trait gained but never lost. "I know..."

"Know the terror of being separated dimensionally from the first person you ever deeply loved?" Midnight sniffled, her tears running out but a sad mood remaining.

"Not by dimensions," Twilight admitted in a still soft tone. "But I have felt that tear in your heart. Sunset and I have had an amazing life together, but we've had disagreements like most couples. One or two times I even felt we wouldn't be together anymore. Of course, it was never really that bad but I couldn't help how I felt in the moment. I forgot just how much she really loved me and that she would never stop going after me even if I was the one to leave."

Midnight looked up into Twilight's eyes. She saw her own mother there but also someone else. A kind women who had as much empathy as her redheaded wife.

"Trust in yourself," Twilight encouraged with a knowing smile. "Even if the link between worlds closes, trust you would find a way. Trust in Lighty. He would never let you go. He would spend his whole life finding a way if he had to. I know him. And trust in us. Your parents, Sunny, and I. You have so many people in your life, Middy, that you can trust to help you and care for you no matter what. Not a single one of us would give less than everything for your happiness because we're family."

Midnight hugged Twilight again. A few more ears managing to come out as Twilight stroked her hair once more. After a while she whispered a few words, her voice creaky from the emotions but more assured now than ever.

"Thank you...mom."

She held me for a little while longer before she shifted a little.

“It’s late now,” she said, patting me on the arm. “Staying up all night won’t make the time slow down any.”

I nodded and shuffled to the room I shared with Aurora. The bed squeaked as I sat on it and removed my glasses.

“You ok?” Rory asked as I laid down.

“No,” I said simply. “I’m not.”

Her bed squeaked and soon I felt a presence next to me and her arms wrapped around me. It was familiar, something we had done for each other time and again through the years to comfort each other when we were feeling down.

But tonight, it wasn’t her arms I wanted around me.

“Go,” she whispered in my ear.

He shifted sleepily as I slipped into his room. His arm was thrown up over his head and one leg had slipped over the edge of the bed. I smiled at the sight and eased my way over to the side of the bed he hadn’t occupied just yet. As I slid under the blanket and up against him, he woke up.

“Middy?” he murmured sleepily. “What are you doing?”

“Shut up,” I said and crushed my head into his shoulder. “Just hold me and be quiet.”

His arms wrapped around me and I clutched him like Rory clutched her plush parasprite.

“You ok?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I am now,” I said.

Waking up in the morning with a beautiful girl who was his girlfriend from an alternate dimension was not something Sunlight would have anticiapted when he arrived here a week ago. It was real, though. He opened his eyes to see hers still closed beside him. Her body was warm in his arms. Normally not a difficult thing considering the daytime temperatures of the season, but the villa was kept at a comfortable level and so the warmth was noticeable.

He hated to leave it. "We have at least a little time left," he whispered to himself. He leaned over the tiny distance of the pillow to kiss her awake but was beaten to the punch.

Midnight did the very same in a heartbeat and then sat up in bed with a yawn.

"I thought you were still asleep," he frowned while sitting up with her. He was disappointed with the briefness of the contact and having to get out of the soft comfy bed already.

With a slow and dramatic turn and a sleepy face, Middy creaked out her words. "Do I look awake to you?"

"Hehe," he giggled. "Well in the interest of not sleeping through the rest of our time..."

The half-asleep Midnight was not left waiting for what his trailing insinuated. He rolled over onto her on the bed, making them both fall back onto the warmed sheets. She returned his embrace and they held each other much as they had throughout the night - only with their lips together a well. He kissed her for longer and she did the same, simply enjoying it and the feeling of peace and contentment that came with it.

When they broke at last for a breather, Middy could hear Lighty's stomach growl. She chuckled at that. "I guess we can try grabbing something to eat as long as we can bring it back here and resume where we left off."

"We'll probably want to grab some mints with breakfast then."

That made her chuckle again as she playfully rolled him over.

I begged the coffee maker to move a little faster. Despite the standard morning beverage for my family being hot tea, Mother had slid back into drinking coffee with her demanding college teaching schedule, though usually only at school. I, on the other hand, felt the need for the strong brew today.

It was the last day we were going to have together, and I wanted to be as alert as possible. Maybe I would see something with Lighty by my side that I missed previously.

Hope was a powerful motivator.

I felt arms slide around my shoulders, bearing an amber shade. I waited for a moment before speaking.


“The one and only,” my mom said as she gave me a squeeze. I turned to face the fiery-haired woman. “I have a proposition for you.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Not something else that would require channeling mana, is it?”

She shook her head. “I know how nervous you are about leaving tomorrow and are going to want to spend every moment with Sunlight,” she said, giving me a knowing smile. “So here’s what we’re going to do: Your mother, sister, and I will head back tonight. I talked it over with your mother last night and a surprisingly early rising Aurora just now. If you’re ok, then we’ll leave after lunch and I’ll come back tomorrow to get you.”

I stared at her. “Mom, that’s a five hour drive just to get me,” I stuttered. “I can’t ask you to do that, even if it means…”

“That’s why I’m not asking,” she said with that smirk I had inherited. “Besides, there’s something I need to grab from the house to show the other me, so this makes it kind of easy, a two birds situation. Spend time with him, and his family, and don’t worry about trying to spend time with your family.”

I started at her numbly. “But…”

She laid a finger over my lips as Lighty came in from the hall. “Just do it, Midnight,” she said quietly. “And we’ll sort the rest out tomorrow.”

I watched the Hydro Star pull away, my family aboard. I felt pulled in some way I couldn’t put into words. I wanted to stay with the young man that held my hand, but I also didn’t want my family to leave just so I could have a few more obligation free hours.

“You’re worried,” Sunlight said. “I can tell, somehow.”

“It doesn’t take a genius,” I said without any sass. “I had admitted it to you anyway.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I mean, I can almost feel the worry wafting off you. You’re feeling conflicted now, more so even than last night.”

I looked at the young man. “Are you using that amazing brain of yours, or…”

He reached up and tapped his forehead where his horn appeared when he ponied up.

“A little of both,” he said. “After last night, I can kind of sense your mood.”

I tilted my head in thought. Just how deeply were we connected? All this had started back at the stepped falls the first day we were here, when I felt a resonance when I sent him some calming emotions. I closed my eyes and focused inward, stilling my thoughts. I could feel my heartbeat, and as I listened to it, I felt it’s pulse in my body, but also…

I felt it, in time with my own pulse but just a few moments off, like the slapback echo on Mom’s guitar rig. Love, concern, determination, I could sense all of it in the small wave.

“How did I miss this?” I whispered.

“You’ve had some more pressing thoughts,” Sunlight said, turning and taking both my hands in his, the warmth starting to eat away at the worry. “By the way, your mom told me to wait till they left, but there’s something in your room for you, next to the journal.” He looked at me with a weird look. “Does she always do the surprise thing? Cause that’s got to be weird.”

I turned and sprinted to the villa, leaving Lighty on the pier blinking.

Sitting on my bed was a folder mass of black material. I lifted it up and found myself holding a leather jacket, it’s lapels studded with round rivets. It had seen better days, with scuffs and a few spots repaired with care if not finesse. A piece of paper fluttered to the ground, and I picked it up, sitting on the bed to read it.


Please forgive the tiny fib I told you this morning. There isn’t anything at the house that needs retrieving, but everything else was true.

This jacket was mine when I first came through the portal. I’m not sure what goes into the clothing choices the mirror gives us, but something about this coat always felt right. Even after it’s getting beat up at the Fall Formal and being given a new one by the girls, I always kept this one close by. Almost like a security blanket, or something like that. Your mother gives me all sorts of ribbing for it, but even when we pack to move or go on vacation, it’s always on her checklist.

I want you to have it, at least for a little while. Maybe some of the luck it gave me may help you.

We love you and will be researching anything we can get our hands (and hooves) on to help. Don’t give up on us, don’t give up on yourself, and trust in the other ones of us.
After all, longer odds have been beaten by our family before.


“That tricky, treacherous woman,” I said, smiling. I lifted the jacket and slid it on, finding that it fit rather well, outside of the sleeves being a touch long. I stood and went to the bathroom to see how it looked, and staring back was a confident looking young woman.

I stuck my hands in the pockets and I felt a hard bit of plastic. I pulled it out and found myself holding a guitar pick, the emblem faded but recognizable as the Rainbooms. A smile tugged at my lips as I turned to leave, and I let it blossom forth.

I felt a tiny bit of amused appreciation and I turned and saw Lighty standing at my bedroom door, a smile on his face.

"Wow," Sunlight spoke up, looking her up and down as she walked over to him. "You look...hot."

Midnight smacked his arm in good spirits. "Don't tease," she almost chuckled. "It's very special to me."

"I wasn't teasing," he defended and grabbed her around the waist. "I was serious. I do recognize it, by the way. My ma has pictures of when she wore it too. Though those ones are kind of old."

"Does she still have it?" Midnight thought to ask out of curiosity. She held him in return and began rubbing his back in a relaxed fashion.

"Probably," he shrugged as much as their position allowed him to. "They got a couple large boxes of stuff from when they were younger. Might be in there. Ma is against keeping old junk around, though, so I think whatever's in there is only stored because of magic and portal stuff."

"Portal stuff," Middy laughed at his words.

"Anyways," he rolled his eyes. "What are we going to do now that we're all alone?"

"I was just thinking about that myself," Midnight fluttered her eyes in a joking manner. "Want to guess what my idea is?"

"Take a stroll on the beach? Kiss under the moonlight?" Lighty returned her humorous mood. "Well, it's not dark enough for that. We could come back to the bedroom though and close all the curtains. It perfectly dark when you do that. Then I could use my horn to make fake moonlight."

"Such a romantic," Middy sighed, leaning in her nose to touch his. It was more a pony guesture than a human one, but he would be finding out about that eventually.

"Then maybe I can find out if you're hotter in or out of that jacket," he wiggled his brows.

That made Midnight lean back in laughter. He always did such a good job of overplaying it to the point that the absurdity was endearing. If she wanted anything for her remaining time with him then it was simply the happy and peaceful mood that he brought her.

They left the villa for a walk together, revisting the places on the island that they had enjoyed over the vacation. If Sunlight was a source of calm contentment then being on the island with him was perfection. This was a place she had grown up around as well. Having that in common with him only made her more certain of her feelings. They may not have gone into it due to the lack of proper apparel, but they stopped at a spot overlooking the lagoon.

"It's going to be fun coming back here over the years," Lighty remarked, taking notice of every nook and cranny he had explored growing up and even during this latest adventure.

"Is the word 'pessimistic' even in your dictionary?" Middy grinned at him in reply.

He turned to her and slipped his arms around her beneath the jacket.

"Maybe my name was prophetic," he jested.

"It doesn't have to be dark just for my sake, you know," she told him, referring to his plan back at the villa. She adjusted her glasses while saying so.

"You're as hot in those glasses as you are in that jacket, but it would be easier to kiss around your eyes if they were off," he smiled, leaning in.

"My lips aren't good enough?" she returned in kind.

He shrugged. "I just want to cover as much ground as I can until the next time we can be together."

"In that case, we'd better get back so we can get started," she gave him a sly wink.

As he had hoped upon waking that morning, the day did not lose cheer for their parting. Midnight's eager pulling towards the villa was just the sign of happiness he wished her to always have. And in that mood, he shared gladly.

The day passed faster than I had realized. That in and of itself was a bit sad, but in that time I had gotten to know the goofball that I had fallen for all the better. We had sat with his parents and they tried to tell stories of when he was little - to his horror - and I even partook in their regular workout.

I’m going to feel that in the morning, I’m sure. I mean, I’m no slouch, but trying to keep up with Lighty’s parents? Woof.

That night, we were sitting on the veranda staring at the moon when I suddenly gripped his arm tightly.

“You ok?” he asked, looking down at me.

I shook my head. “Just remembering that in the morning we have to say goodbye,” I said. “I should have spent some time trying to find some way for us to be together.”

He laughed and shook his head. “What do you think we’ve been doing all day?” he giggled. “Just happening to do the same thing at the same time?”

“You know what I mean!” I said.

“I do, Middy,” he said, shifting the way we sat so he was holding me. “But I think you’re missing out on what is looking for a way to make it what will be.” He gestured at the view. “I love this place, but I know I can’t stay no matter how much I want to. So I make the most of every moment I can so that I have the memories to look back on for next time.”

He looked at me, his blue eyes glittering. “Sometimes you have to take what you have and experience it to the fullest for it to mean anything.”
He kissed my forehead and I felt his calm start to permeate me. “So, I’ve been overworking myself, is that what you’re saying?”

He shook his head. “No,” he grinned. “You’re acting like Mom, getting so wrapped up with a problem that sometimes, you forget why you started looking for the answer in the first place.”

I don’t know when I drifted off to sleep, but I do remember waking up as he carried me in to my room and laid me on the bed. He turned to leave and I grabbed his hand.

“Don't" I said. “I’m not done experiencing yet.”

I woke up the second time with his arms wrapped around me, both of us still in our clothes from the day before.

Mom hefted my bag, and dropped it in the back seat of the car before shutting the door. She came up and hugged the alternate versions of herself and Mother before giving the same to Adagio and Rainbow. I hugged Lighty before sliding my hands down and slipping them into his back pockets.

“Don’t forget to write, you hear me?” I whispered.

“I wont,” he said in that earnest way of his and I knew he was making a promise.

“See you soon,” I said, giving him a wink as I turned and headed for the car.

We drove in silence for a few minutes before Mom finally broached the topic.

“You figure anything out?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “I think that somehow, everything will turn out ok.”

“Oh yeah?” she said. “How do you figure that?”

I slipped my bare feet up onto the dashboard and reached back to drag my journal from the recesses of my bag.

“I just have a feeling,” I said, setting pen to paper.

Check your pockets, I wrote.

The young man walked back into his room in the villa, a small bit of lonesomeness tugging at his heart now.

That was forgotten when he spied his journal glowing softly. He opened it and frowned.

“Check my pockets?” He slipped his hands into his pockets and from one of the back ones he pulled a guitar pick out, a bit of rawhide strung through a hole punched in it. He saw the familiar emblem of his parents old band and smiled.

As he went to set it down, he spied the strands of silvery hair weaved along the rawhide.

“Cheeky girl,” he said with a smile.