• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,569 Views, 45 Comments

The Curse of the Elements - Art Inspired

The main six are busy doing their normal things when something strange happens.

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Chapter One: First Kisses

The entire day went on, and Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking about her pink friend for hardly a second. At night, her dreams were chock full of parties with Pinkie, games with Pinkie, and typically kissing Pinkie as well. "Where is all of this even coming from?" She thought to herself as she slumped out of her cloud bed, "I've always liked her as a friend, but I've never… actually liked her to where that I wanted to kiss her! Maybe it'll pass."

She made herself breakfast and did her normal preparations to begin clearing out the clouds. Of course, today's duty was impossible to finish because Pinkie Pie wouldn't get out of Rainbow's head the entire time. Finally, when she was at last done, she decided she just couldn't take this anymore. She just had to see Pinkie Pie.

On the other hoof, Pinkie was having just as much trouble as Rainbow Dash. She found herself over measuring ingredients in her baking again and again, and every once in a while, she accidentally allowed some pastries to overcook. "Oh, not again… That's the third time today!" She screamed in frustration as she opened the oven.

"Why is this happening to me? I try and cook something and instead I end up fantasizing about Rainbow Dash! Yesterday's muffins were a disaster! I thought the dreams were weird, but this is getting ridiculous... Maybe… just maybe I'll have to see her... i-if only to say hi. But, then... just why in Equestria is this happening to me? I keep seeing me and Rainbow Dash kissing, and we're going out on dates, and doing things that special someponies only do! My poor and fragile noggin can't take this much longer..."

Rainbow Dash entered the bakery and asked Mr. Cake where Pinkie Pie was. "Oh she's having the worst of days today!" Mr. Cake said, "Maybe you could cheer her up! Please, she's in the kitchen. Head right through there."

Rainbow entered hastily to find out that Pinkie Pie was a little distracted at the moment. She was fidgeting with a brand new batch of muffins that she had made, saying, "They didn't come out right at all!"

Rainbow Dash looked at the pink pony as if she had just seen the sexiest thing she would've ever seen for the rest of her whole life. Something about Pinkie made her heart stop. She was paralyzed at how good Pinkie was looking. Finally, however, she snapped out of her lustful daze and spoke up. "Uh, heya, Pinks..." Pinkie whipped around to find Rainbow Dash standing there staring stupidly at her.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash... hey! Um, what brings you here?"

"Oh, nothing much," Dash said, playing it cool. "Just thought I might, you know, see if umm, well. Do you wanna… hang out today? Maybe?"

Pinkie was stunned by this. Rainbow Dash's face was just about as red as a flaming hot chili pepper, and Pinkie knew that only happened when she really liked somepony.

"Well sure I'll hang out with you, but you gotta let me know something."


"Umm… Now, Rainbow Dash, don't get all upset, but… um..."


"Do you… w-wanna, oh, I don't know…" She then whispered extremely softly, "Make out...?" Pinkie said this so quietly that Rainbow Dash couldn't hardly hear her.

"Huh, what was that? I couldn't quite catch what you said," she confessed while inching closer towards her pink friend.

"…Make out?"

It was still too soft to tell what she had said.

"Come on, Pinkie! Speak up already." Rainbow Dash was now right in front of Pinkie Pie to where that she could almost feel the nervous pants of her breath.

"Make out... with me... P-please, Dashie..."

Rainbow's eyes widened intensely, and her body was paralyzed. Both Pinkie and Rainbow were blushing harder than either of them had ever blushed before. Rainbow Dash decided to answer Pinkie's question, but not necessarily with direct words. She pecked her lips on Pinkie Pie's for a moment, and Pinkie kissed back. Before they even knew what they were really doing, they were kissing one another from within Sugarcube Corner's kitchen, and neither of them even cared if they got caught. Pinkie tasted like sweets and bubble gum while Rainbow Dash tasted just like soda pop. They must have kissed for ten minutes or so before finally stopping.

Pinkie smiled contently, and said, "You know, I was saving my first kiss for a stallion, but I think I like it better with you." Rainbow Dash could barely move. She felt so happy yet nervous all at the same time that she kept asking herself from within her head if this was really at all possible. Pinkie Pie started walking towards the stares and asked if Rainbow wanted to go up to her room.

"Absolutely! I just… I mean, well this is so sudden… but at the same time, it's so awesome!"

The two stayed up there for most of the remainder of the day.

While Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash enjoyed each other's blissful company, Fluttershy and Rarity were at the salon enjoying the treatment they always got there. Just like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, they were suffering from the same affliction. Rarity thought she might be over worked while Fluttershy simply kept pondering on it. Finally, while they were in the bath that was used to cleanse their coats thoroughly, Fluttershy asked Rarity something a bit random, and with some trouble.

She began, "So, um... Rarity?"

The unicorn was about three feet away from where Fluttershy was sitting. "Yes?"

"Well, um… Nothing… I mean, well… How do I put this? H-have you ever kissed another pony before?"

Rarity looked stunned at Fluttershy's forward question.

"Well… now that you mention it," she began with blushing cheeks. "No, actually I have not. Now don't get me wrong. I simply haven't found the right pony yet. Why do you ask?"

"Oh umm… Well, I was just curious to know is all… What do you think it would be like?"

Rarity tried to look natural, but deep inside, she wanted to find out how it felt for herself as well. What was making her blush so much, though, was the fact that she wanted to find out how it felt with Fluttershy at the time, and seemingly nopony else would do except her.

"Well, I'm sure it feels the same way as… oh, I know... Wh-when you first go to school… No, that's not right. Huh, I guess I just won't know until I try doing it with somepony, but I'm sure it can't be that impressive."

Fluttershy inched closer to Rarity's side and decided to ask a very brave, but odd question. "Do you… Would you... Um… That is to say, do you want to try it… with me, perhaps?"

The two were now side by side almost touching shoulders, and it had fallen quite silent all of the sudden. Rarity was of course all too willing to kiss Fluttershy, but she was just as inexperienced as her friend.

"Well, how do you, umm. That is, should we just..."

"I think we just let our lips touch, R-Rarity. Of course, if you don't wanna try it, then that's alright. I-I'd understand..."

"Oh, but I do want to try it, and… well, it would be a learning experience for the both of us, wouldn't it?"

Fluttershy smiled, and she then slowly brought her lips that much closer to Rarity's, and Rarity did the same. Their lips met, and for a minute, it felt like they were meant to be doing this with each other. After that, Rarity admitted to Fluttershy that she liked kissing her, and Fluttershy invited Rarity to her house to try different styles of kissing from within a much more confidential setting. Rarity pleasurably accepted, and the two mares left the salon shortly after, and still blushing.

While they were at Fluttershy's cottage, Twilight Sparkle had been working on the invisibility spell while Spike was taking note of the experiment. After another failed attempt, Spike finally asked if anything was the matter. “Well, you see, Spike... I've been… distracted by something lately. It's actually kind of personal.”

Spike gave Twilight this look that told her whatever it was, he could handle it.

"Right, I forgot who I'm talking to… Well, you remember yesterday being the first attempt at the invisibility spell? Well, something in my head threw off my concentration."

"Well, what was it?"

"It was… me, and Applejack… We were kissing."

Spike leaned up against the wall acting as if this was something normal.

"Twilight, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"No, go ahead."

"How many stallions do you know?"

Twilight had to stop and ponder this for a few seconds. She knew of Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants, but other than that, she couldn't seem to think of another steed other than those two. Spike noticed she was taking a while, and answered the question for her.

"Not that many, right?"

"Right, I suppose..."

"How many mares do you know? Let's count. There's Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. That's five right off the bat! In other words, you're surrounded by mares every day. I'm surprised that you haven't been feeling these emotions earlier. I think that after finally getting to know everypony, you've decided that Applejack is the best match for you."

"So, in other words, this is perfectly normal to you."

"Well," Spike confessed. "Applejack is just a really great friend! Relationships have to start somewhere, Twilight."

The unicorn had never thought of it that way, but then again, she couldn't just go ahead and admit her feelings to Applejack, could she?

"Um, say Spike? Do you think I should go ahead and tell Applejack the truth?"

"Do what you want. It's your crush after all."

Twilight gulped, but soon enough, she made up her mind. "Ok, I'll... I'm going to be at the Smith's farm if you need me. But if you're wrong about this, then I'm about to make a complete fool of myself."

With that, she headed out the door.

Meanwhile, at the Smith's farm, Applejack had been working rather sluggish as of late. Her head was lost in the clouds. All day yesterday, and all day today, she had been thinking nonstop about Twilight Sparkle and her kisses. Finally, she found some time to talk with Big Macintosh in the middle of the day.

"Say, have you ever… um, kissed a mare before?"


"How did it feel?"


"Big Mac, be serious!"

"Oh, but I am!"

"Oh come on. Describe it," Applejack pleaded.

"Well, it was when I drank that love poison the fillies gave me. Ah fell in love with Cherilee."

"Ah remember."

"We kissed like crazy," Big Mac said longingly. "It was pretty good, but of course, it didn't last. Ah still kinda miss that day, being with her. She was as sweet as strawberries, Eeyup!"

Applejack wondered if Twilight would be just as sweet as strawberries. Just as Big Macintosh was headed back to work on bucking apples, Twilight rounded a few trees, startling Applejack instantly.

"What is she doing here?" Applejack questioned aloud. "If she sees me blushing the way Ah've been blushing all afternoon, she's sure to know something's up!"

Twilight walked up to Applejack without delay, and watched her hide timidly behind a nearby apple tree.

"Umm, Applejack? Are you ok?"

"Umm, nothin' over here… Just… uh, working, that's all."

"Oh, come on. You can take a break. There's something I need to know."

"Know what? Ah'm not hiding anything!"

Twilight smirked, knowing this was a lie. "You're a terrible fibber. Come on out. Please?"

Applejack decided to come out after all, but by then she was trembling with nervousness.

"Umm, Applejack, your face is redder than a tomato! Are you... blushing?"

"Yea, sorry Twi… Ah just… Ah don't know what's going on in this thing you might call my imagination. Ah can't seem to get... well, you outta my head these days. Ah thought it would go away after yesterday, but..."

"Wait. You were feeling like this yesterday too?"

"Huh? What do you mean by… feeling like this yesterday too?"

"Well..." Twilight began to blush, and it only got worse as she explained that around two o'clock yesterday, she began to feel the same exact feelings towards Applejack. "Wait," Twilight said as she began to think hard and long about what all of this could possibly be leading to. "I started thinking of you around two as well! Have you seen the others?"

"Come to think of it, no Ah haven't. Why?"

"This can't be a coincidence. Both of us started liking each other more than ever, and at around the same time. If not, then at the exact same time… That just doesn't make any sense what so ever! I wonder…"

Applejack had been gawking at Twilight's lips this whole time. She wanted to know just how they felt. Because of the fantasies drifting freely into her head, she couldn't help but ask if Twilight would like to go to her room so they could be alone with each other for a while.

"Sorry Applejack, but I just can't at the moment! The fact still remains that there's a pattern… and I need to check up on the others to make sure they aren't doing what I think they're doing. Believe me, it's not that I don't want to, it's just way too bizarre." With that said, she left Applejack high and dry with lust fogging her judgement.

Is there a pattern to this, or is Twilight just imagining things? If she isn't, then what could all this mean? Will she get to the bottom of this mystery, or give into her very own temptation along the way? Find out next time on The Curse of the Elements.