• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,420 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Excitement In Appleloosa

Flurry found that her trips to Moongleam's home were a little more fun with High Note added to the mix. The songbird had taken a liking to her, chirping happily whenever she dropped by, perching on her hoof or shoulder and nuzzling her cheek.

"High Note really seems to have taken a shine to you, Flurry." Moongleam remarked one afternoon, as she fed the songbird.

"Must be the wings." Flurry joked. "He probably thinks I'm another bird. A big, weird-looking bird..."

High Note chirped once again.

"As long as my darling little crooner likes my best friend, that's okay by me." Moongleam smiled, gently stroking High Note's head. The bird cooed happily.

"Wow, you've really bonded with that little guy, huh?" Flurry noted.

"I have." Moongleam nodded. "The second I saw him, I know he was the pet for me."

"Love at first sight, huh?" Flurry chuckled.

"I suppose you could call it that." Moongleam smiled. "All I know is that after I laid eyes on High Note, I didn't want any other pet in that store."

"Aww, that's so sweet." Flurry beamed. "And the two of you do look good together."

"I'm sure we do." Moongleam chuckled. "And having a pet has been a wonderful experience. I've learned so much about responsibility from caring for High Note. Maybe you should get a pet."

"Maybe." Flurry nodded. "But I wouldn't rush into things. Besides, my assignments give me plenty of responsibility."

"Suit yourself." Moongleam shrugged. "But all that responsibility comes with a lot of fun and bonding."

"I guess so." Flurry shrugged. "Something to consider for the future, I guess."

"Fair enough." Moongleam nodded. "Would you like to feed him?"

"That's not even a question." Flurry chuckled. She grabbed some seed, and held it out on her hoof. With another happy chirp, High Note hopped from Moongleam's shoulder on to Flurry's outstretched leg, and started feeding.

"Good boy, High Note." Flurry beamed. "Good boy."

"See? You're a natural." Moongleam chuckled.

"Well, I'm no Fluttershy, but I do okay..." Flurry joked. "Hey, not so fast, mister." She jokingly chided High Note. "Don't wanna get too heavy to fly, do ya?"

Both girls chuckled, while High Note simply cooed quizzically.

That afternoon, Flurry returned to the castle for dinner.

"Been over at Moongleam's again?" Anthem asked Flurry.

"Well, she is my best friend." Flurry noted.

"With a cool new pet." Anthem declared, having met High Note when Moongleam brought him over one morning. "Mom, dad, can we get a pet?"

"Having a pet is a big responsibility, champ." Shining Armor declared.

"I can handle it." Anthem urged. "If Moongleam can handle a little bird, I can handle a pet of my own. So, whattaya say?"

"We'll see, honey." Cadance nodded.

"That usually means 'no'." Anthem sighed.

"No, it means 'we'll see'." Cadance assured him.

"Speaking of responsibilities." Shining Armor declared. "Flurry, we have another assignment for you this weekend."

"Cool." Flurry smiled.

"We need you to go to Appleloosa." Cadance told her. "You have to meet up with the mayor to discuss some trade matters."

"Will do." Flurry nodded. "Should be a snap..."

"Just be sure to bring your sun hat, darling." Shining Armor told her. "It's pretty warm out there."

"Sure it is, dad." Flurry rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying, you don't want to get heatstroke." Shining Armor said defensively.

"Okay, I'll bring my sun hat." Flurry sighed. "Just to put your mind at ease."

"That's all I ask." Shining Armor smiled.

As the weekend rolled around, Flurry and Moongleam took the train to Appleloosa. It was a fairly uneventful trip, with Flurry and Moongleam enjoying a mostly empty carriage. Flurry, in keeping with her father's wishes, had donned a yellow sun hat. As they reached the desert, a flock of birds flew by.

"Aw, look at that!" Flurry smiled.

"Ohh, they remind me of High Note." Moongleam sighed. "I hope the little guy's okay. We've never spent so much time apart before..."

"I'm sure he's missing you too." Flurry assured her best friend. "But I'm also sure he'd want to have fun."

"I suppose..." Moongleam nodded.

As they exited the train, the desert heat rained down to meet them. It was so unlike the moderate temperatures of the Crystal Empire

"Ugh, it's even more humid than I imagined." Moongleam held up a hoof to shield her eyes.

"I'm actually glad dad talked me into taking my sun hat." Flurry admitted. "But don't tell him I said that."

"My lips are sealed." Moongleam nodded. "In fact, I'm actually a little jealous. Perhaps I should have brought one of my own."

"You did say our trip would be so short that it wouldn't be necessary." Flurry pointed out.

"I miscalculated the heat out here." Moongleam frowned. "Besides, I don't like hats that much anyway."

"Which can be a problem on days like this." Flurry declared.

"No kidding." Moongleam sighed. "Feels like I'm melting..."

"Then let's get to the mayor's office, where there'll be some nice shade and protection from the sun." Flurry suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Flurry nodded.

As they made their way into town (Moongleam trying to stick to the shade), they couldn't help but notice the townsponies were in a joyful mood, chattering excitedly. Most of them were heading towards the outskirts of town.

"Something's got these ponies excited." Flurry noted. "Wonder what's up?"

"Let's ask after we get out of the heat." Moongleam wiped her brow.

Thankfully, they soon arrived at the mayor's office. They were greeted by a yellow Earth Pony stallion with a brown mane and wearing a white suit.

"Howdy there!" The stallion smiled. "Welcome tah Appleloosa! Ah'm Mayor Braeburn. You must be Princess Flurry Heart, and, er... Guest."

"That's me." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

Braeburn had recently run for mayor of the town, winning in a landslide. Like his cousin Applejack, his leanings toward honesty had endeared him to the voters. And the fact that he had been a well-liked member of the community for so many years had helped too.

"Good to meet you, your honour." Flurry smiled. "And this is my best friend and trusted advisor, Moongleam."

"Charmed tah meet ya both." Braeburn smiled. "Now, shall we go inside an' attend tah business?"

"Yes, please." Moongleam nodded. "Anything to get out of this lousy heat..."

"Well then, right this way, li'l lady." Braeburn declared. "It's plenty cool in mah office."

Braeburn led them indoors, to his office. It was a fairly rustic room, with an applewood desk with a photo of various Apple family members.

The trade discussions didn't take long. Flurry had already researched the trade matters, and was ready for them. While they talked, Moongleam stood by the open window, enjoying the cool breeze.

"And we'll be needing a little more of those crystal apples." Braeburn announced. "In return, we'll throw in some more cactus juice and apple tree lumber."

"Sounds like a good deal." Flurry nodded.

"Wonderful." Braeburn shook Flurry's hoof. "An' that about wraps things up."

"Already?" Moongleam frowned. "I was enjoying being cool. Don't think I'm ready to go back out there..."

"Now that the business is out of the way, mind if I ask a question?" Flurry inquired.

"Not at all, yer highness." Braeburn smiled.

"What's with all the commotion out there?" Flurry asked.

"Why, it's jest our annual rodeo." Braeburn announced.

"Rodeo?" Flurry mused. "I've never been to a rodeo before..."

"Here we go..." Moongleam rolled her eyes once more.

"What?" Flurry shrugged. "As long as we're here, we may as well enjoy the local attractions before we head back home."

"Even if it means spending more time in this sweltering heat?" Moongleam frowned.

"I'd call that a small price to pay." Flurry declared.

"Says the mare in a sun hat." Moongleam muttered.

"If it helps, the heat tends tah die down in the afternoon." Braeburn assured her. "And there are a couple a' hat vendors in town. They'd be happy tah do business with ya.."

"No thanks." Moongleam shook her head. "It's not that I have anything against the headgear around here, you understand. I'm just not a... Hat pony."

"Suit yerself, little filly." Braeburn shrugged. "Still, here's hopin' ya have fun at the rodeo."

"We'll see..." Moongleam frowned.

"Thank you for your time, your honor." Flurry said respectfully.

"Thank ya kindly fer yers, Princess." Braeburn bowed. "Ah hope we meet again sumtime."

"So do I." Flurry beamed. "Now if you'll excuse us."

Flurry and Moongleam left Braeburn's office, returning to the sweltering heat outside.

"Ugh, this is almost worse than the Dragon Lands." Moongleam sighed. "Are you sure you want to stay for the rodeo? We can just as easily catch the next train back to the Crystal Empire..."

"Come on, Moony!" Flurry urged. "It'll be fun!"

"Oh, yes." Moongleam rolled her eyes. "Baking in the sun while ponies twirl lassos and stack hay bales. Sounds like pure entertainment..."

"It does, doesn't it?" Flurry grinned.

"I was being sarcastic." Moongleam groaned.

"I know." Flurry shrugged. "But if the heat bothers you that much, you can wear my sun hat."

"No, I can't." Moongleam refused. "It wouldn't be fair to let you suffer this heat instead."

"I insist." Flurry placed the hat on Moongleam's head. "I'm dragging you to the rodeo, so you may as well be comfortable there."

"Thanks." Moongleam said drily. "Now I'm going to have some horrendous hat mane too..."

"You're welcome." Flurry rolled her eyes.

Shortly after, they reached the edge of town, where the rodeo was being held. There were already lots of ponies getting ready for the show.

"Wow, most of the town must be here." Flurry mused. "They must really love a good rodeo."

"Kind of a cliche, when you think about it." Moongleam deadpanned.

Suddenly, Discord appeared in front of them. He was wearing a stetson, a plaid neckerchief, and a black vest.

"Well, hello there, young fillies!" He smiled.

"Discord?" Flurry asked. "What brings you to Appleloosa?"

"Why, the rodeo, of course!" Discord smiled. "I absolutely adore these charming little events! Though I suppose that's a result of my hanging around Applejack too long..."

"Well, at least you're not following us around again." Moongleam remarked.

"Ah, but how would you know?" Discord smirked. "I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be. I could have been right behind you on several of your other assignments, and you wouldn't even have known it."

"Okay..." Flurry cringed. "Thank you for that creepy thought."

"Any time, little princess." Discord winked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get myself a good seat."

Discord disappeared in his usual flash of light.

"Wonderful." Moongleam sighed. "Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse..."

"I wouldn't put the day in the 'lose' column just yet." Flurry declared.

"I don't really have high hopes for this rodeo." Moongleam frowned. "It seems a little... Simple for my tastes."

"How do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?" Flurry asked.

"Funny, those are the exact same words my parents once used to get me to try green beans." Moongleam declared. "And I found said green beans to be utterly disgusting."

"Well, nopony's asking you to taste the rodeo." Flurry smirked. "Speaking of, we should get some snacks before the show starts."

"And some water." Moongleam added. "Lots of water..."

After buying a few refreshments, Flurry and Moongleam made their way to the stands, intent on finding a good seat. A few ponies turned to glance at Flurry, as a princess at the rodeo was a rare sight. Fortunately, Flurry didn't have to feel too self-conscious, since another attendee was drawing plenty of attention to himself.

"'Scuse me, coming through!" Discord declared, slipping through the crowd like a snake. Upon reaching the stands, he conjured up a flying pig, and rode it as it ascended to just above the top of the stands. "Best seat in the house..." He conjured up a couple of flags and a noisemaker. "Yee-haa! Let's got this show rollin', pardners!"

A number of spectators were unnerved by Discord's display, while others were simply annoyed.

"There's always one, isn't there?" Moongleam sighed. "Let's just hope nopony realises we know him..."

"On the plus side, he's taken some of the attention off me." Flurry noted.

Flurry and Moongleam made their way up the stands, finding a decent spot around the middle.

"Here we go." Flurry smiled. "The show should be starting soon."

"I can hardly contain my anticipation." Moongleam snorted, taking a moment to sip some of her cactus and apple juice smoothie.

"Come on, Moonie, give it a chance." Flurry urged. "You never know, you might enjoy it."

"I'll try." Moongleam said reluctantly.

"Can't ask for more than that." Flurry beamed.

Moments later, the rodeo began. Things started off with some performances from the rodeo clowns. Their antics had the crowd in stitches, particularly the effort made by an older Clydesdale stallion whose comedic stumbling seemed almost natural.

"Ha-ha!" Flurry chuckled, as the stallion crashed into a pile of barrels. "That big one really knows what he's doing!"

"He does seem to have the way of the staged tumble refined to an art form." Moongleam admitted, a wry smile on her face.

After the clowns came the barrel racing. One by one, contestants would compete to run the gauntlet of barrels in the fastest time. The first contestant was a light blue Earth Pony stallion with a silvery mane, green eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a spur. He dashed forward, zig-zagging around the barrels.

"And Silver Spurs wastes no time gettin' tah work!" The announcer declared. "Jest look at 'im go!"

"Not bad." Flurry declared. "You can tell he's been training for this."

"It's just running." Moongleam shrugged. "It doesn't require that much of a learning curve."

As Silver Spurs made the final turn, he bumped one of the barrels ever so slightly.

"Ooh!" The announcer winced. "Gonna haveta take a few seconds off fer that!"

"You know, if he had made a thirty degree turn instead of a twenty degree turn, he would have avoided that." Moongleam declared.

"Well, maybe the next contestant will know better." Flurry declared.

"We'll see..." Moongleam said skeptically.

Three more contestants followed. Some weren't as good as Silver Spur, but one managed to win the day. A contestant by the name of Dervish ultimately won.

"Congratulations, Dervish!" The announcer declared, as the dark brown Earth Pony stallion with black hair, blue eyes and a Cutie Mark of a whirlwind accepted his trophy.

"Yay, Dervish!" Flurry applauded along with the rest of the crowd.

"He made that last turn perfectly." Moongleam admitted. "Perhaps he knows a little something about angles himself."

"Maybe." Flurry nodded. "Of course, that would mean there's more of a learning curve here than one might think."

"I suppose..." Moongleam frowned.

What followed was the rope tricks. Flurry had seen the best rope tricks from Applejack, so she wasn't quite as invested in the event as the last one. Moongleam, however seemed interested in spite of herself.

"I must admit, manipulating a rope without magic requires some decent dexterity." Moongleam declared. "Not an overly useful skill, mind you, but it makes for a good show, at least."

"Careful, Moongleam." Flurry smirked. "Somepony might start to think you're starting to enjoy this."

"It is... enlightening." Moongleam admitted. "But I wouldn't say it's entertaining."

"Sure you won't..." Flurry chuckled.

The next event soon arrived: single's hay bale stacking. The contestants took it in turns to pile up hay bales as high as they possibly could without the pile tipping over.

The first contestant only managed ten bales before the pile toppled.

"Ooh, tough luck." Flurry frowned.

"This is an event?" Moongleam frowned. "Stacking hay? So simplistic..."

The next contestant managed to clear seventeen.

"Nice." Flurry smiled.

"It's only a matter of time before it topples." Flurry declared. "Simple physics. Not just the pile, but the angle of each bale as it is thrown onto the pile."

As the contestant threw an eighteen bale onto the pile, it finally collapsed.

"See?" Moongleam declared. "The next contestant won't get much further, trust me."

The third contestant, a dark orange mare with a green mane, brown eyes and cutie mark of a plate of pancakes by the name of Short Stack went to work piling bales. She reached seventeen quickly enough.

"Here we go." Moongleam declared. "Time for the stack to tumble..."

At that moment, Short Stack switched positions, throwing bales on the pile from the opposite direction. She cleared eighteeen, nineteen, twenty...

"You were saying?" Flurry smirked.

"Well, that's brilliant." Moongleam admitted. "Simple, but brilliant. The new angle is countering the tilt of the old."

Before long, Short Stack was up to thirty. Unfortunately, the pile fell before she could reach forty, but she had long since proven herself the winner.

"Congratulations tah miss Short Stack!" The announcer declared as Short Stack was given her trophy.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Moongleam cheered. "You were incredible, Short Stack!"

"Finally having fun, huh?" Flurry grinned.

"Okay, so maybe this rodeo turned out to be more entertaining than I thought." Moongleam shrugged. "And Mayor Braeburn was right about the heat dying down in the afternoon..."

"So, you ready for the rest?" Flurry asked.

"Definitely." Moongleam nodded.

After several other exciting events (with small breaks in between), the rodeo came to a close, and Flurry and Moongleam left Appleloosa with not only wonderful memories of a fun day, and some souvenirs. Moongleam carried a model of a wrangler tying down a Timberwolf, while Flurry was wearing an oversized hat.

"Are you really going to wear that all the way home?" Moongleam cast an un-amused glance at the hat.

"Well, sure." Flurry nodded. "You do buy hats to wear them, you know."

"Very funny." Moongleam rolled her eyes. "Just don't blame me when ponies start staring..."

"I'm used to that, in case you haven't noticed." Flurry joked.

"I noticed." Moongleam declared. "Luckily, there was somepony to take the focus off you!"

"Woo-hoo!" Discord flew overhead on his flying pig. "Same time, next year, Appleloosa!"

"Guess he's good for something, after all." Moongleam joked. "And thanks for talking me into this Flurry. You were right. I had to try it to see if I liked it."

"Good think it worked out better than the green beans, huh?" Flurry smirked.

"Well, I definitely don't feel nauseous." Moongleam declared.

The two friends chuckled as they headed back to the train station, the sun setting behind them.