• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 007: Stowaway Crusaders

With the three fillies, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, now caught onboard the SS Raindrop, the seven heroes immediately escorted them into the galley, seating them side by side on one side of the table. They then sat at the other side of the table and begun the interrogation.

“What in Equestria are you doing here?!” Rarity barked at the young trio.

“Technically,” Pinkie interrupted.“ We’re outside Equestria.”

Rarity snapped, “I don’t care! Fillies, why aren’t you back at home? Sweetie Belle?”

“Well…” Sweetie hesitantly replied. “It was Scootaloo’s fault! She was the one who tempted me into sneaking onboard.”

“What?!” Scootaloo snapped back. “Don’t blame me. It was Applebloom’s idea to sneak in inside the apple crates.”

“Don’t go accusing me of anything!” Applebloom retorted. “Who do you think levitated us and herself into those crates to begin with? Sweetie Belle?”

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle sharply replies, “It was your idea.”

“All of you quit it!” Applejack angrily yelled. “As I can see it, all of you played some part in stowing away. Now what I want out of all of yous is an apology. Twilight, let’s turn this boat back home to send these babies back home.”

Scootaloo pleaded out, “Wait! We can help you! Don’t you want Applebloom, your little sister, to be happy and help you for once?”

“Oh yeah, plenty of help so far…” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. “Maybe now you can operate the cannons…”

“…Is that an option?” Scootaloo asked, her and the other fillies’ ears perking up.

“Girls,” Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone. “We appreciate that you want to us. But as I told you, it’s too dangerous. If you all were on deck when those sirens attacked us, you’d all probably be kraken-food by now.”

“But that was just one small incident.” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah,” Applebloom chimed in. “And besides, we were all just curious about the music and banging going on outside. You were all acting so strange, wandering around the edge of the boat, almost oblivious to everything happening around you.”

“Wait, you weren’t affected by the singing?” Spike asked.

“No,” Applebloom stated.

The three young mares then shrugged to further emphasize.

“Come one,” Sweetie Belle whined. “Let us help. We’ll stay below deck when Korsan’s around, we’ll cook, we’ll clean inside, we’ll mop the poop deck, we’ll clean your beds, anything!”

“For the last time,” Rarity furiously declared. “No! Any objections?”

“Nope,” Applejack said.

“Same here,” Rainbow said.

“Sorry, but I have to agree with Applejack and Rainbow.” Fluttershy mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact with the fillies.

“Absolutely not.” Twilight said.

“No,” Spike said.

An empty silence takes over what was supposed to be Pinkie’s statement.

“Pinkie Pie?”

The rest of the mares and Spike turned their attention to Pinkie Pie, standing in the middle of them all, staring at the fillies ever growing pupils. The pink Earth pony bit her lip in guilt as the fillies kept staring. Their pupils grew larger and they quivered their lips, attempting to persuade the older mare to give in.

“Pinkie, don’t fall for it.” Twilight warned her.

“I can’t…” Pinkie mumbled as her own eyes grew wider with theirs. “Can’t… resist… so… sad…”

Soon, the trio’s eyes began to water. A few fake sniffles added to their act.

Finally, Pinkie snapped in desperation, “I can’t say no! You can stay with us, just please, make it sto-op!”

“Oh my feathering deity,” Twilight groaned.

“Seeing Pinkie sad makes me sad…” Fluttershy whimpered. “I take back by vote. You three fillies can stay.”

“Well,” Sweetie Belle happily declared, nearly instantly snapping from her crying fit. “Looks like the votes are half and half. So, what’s it going to be? Are we just going to be sitting here?”

Twilight grumbled as she responded, “If you’re going to be with us, we have to establish some ground rules.”

“What?!” Applejack and Rarity exclaimed in unison. “We’re letting them stay?”

Twilight finished her thoughts, “Rule number one; you must always be where one of us tells you to go. So no wondering around the ship,”

“What?” Scootaloo cried out.

Twilight continued, “Rule number two, whenever we come across another pony of any sort, you must go inside and hide, regardless of whoever snapped and let you on deck, unless the situation says otherwise.”

“No pirate fighting?” Applebloom said. “Drat.”

“And final rule,” Twilight declared. “No meddling in our business. If we didn’t ask for your help, you do not help.”

“Fine,” Sweetie Belle heatedly replied.

“Any other rules one of us wants to add?” Twilight asked, turning to the others.

Pinkie replied, “No cuts, no buts, no coconuts.”

“…Okay then. Rarity? Applejack? Any problems?”

The two mares gave a short glance at each other before responding, “None. Sounds good. Now all three of you fillies stay here.”

“Good, now back to following Korsan. Where is he anyways?” Twilight said.

Far away from Twilight and her gang, Korsan’s ship flew high above the water heading towards Thieves’ Hold. At the crow’s nest on top of one of the backmost masts of the ship, leaning over the edge, a small, white mare is holding a telescope, looking over at the rival ship. It was Maria, the combatant from the night before.

“Captain,” she loudly called out to below. “You might want to hear this!”

Standing on his hind legs at the large metal steering wheel atop of the quarterdeck, Korsan was steering the ship. He immediately heard the crew member from high above and quickly drew a level from behind the wheel. He pulled it up, causing the ship to go on its own while he ran down to the main deck and towards the bottom of the tall mast. The mare speedily slid down the sides of the ladder with her hooves, reaching the waiting captain in seconds.

“What is I, Maria?” Korsan promptly asked.

“It’s our followers’ ship. There are three more ponies we didn’t see.” Maria reported.

Korsan raised an eyebrow, he was a bit surprised.

“What are they like?” He asked.

“Three fillies, one Earth pony, one pegasus, and one unicorn.”

“Anything notable about them?”

“From what I saw, the unicorn one looks to be the white mare’s sister. They’re all in the galley, Captain.”

“I see…”

Korsan took a moment and paced around the deck. Maria watched him, curious of what was going on in his mind.

“I’m going to have to play by another angle if that’s the case. Have Chopin sketch the new sea dwellers after he’s finished with the original seven.” Korsan commanded.

“Aye-aye, I’m onto it.”


The bipedal pirate then walked towards the doors to the galley behind him. Upon entering, he saw a yellow stallion with a long, light blue and purple mane and tail sitting at the table, staring at Maria through the windows, oblivious to the captain’s arrival. “Hans Kraus,” Surprise of his unseen presence, the crew member stumbled from his seat before quickly getting back up and saluting him.

He immediately respond, “Yes, Captain Korsan?”

“Apologies for my intrusion, but I was merely curious of what my crew’s been doing.”

“Nothing to fear,” Hans quickly replied. “Nothing out of the usual here in the galley nor the kitchen. Isn’t that right, Ivan?”

“Aye.” A gruff stallion’s voice cheerfully echoed from the kitchen next to the galley.

Korsan chuckled to himself as he saw the slightly older pirate trying to keep his secret from him before responding, “No need for such secrecy, I know.”

“You do?” The yellow stallion gasps.

“Yes, I know you two have a thing for each other.”

“I apologize for my unprofessionalism.” Hans apologized, bowing down to the captain.

“There’s no need to be sorry. I can see that you two have strong affections for each other. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your duties, I respect your relationship.” Korsan said.

“Really?” He exclaimed with joy.

“Why yes. We’re not monsters here. We treat love as it is.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

“Your welcome, Hans, I best be going now. I have to do some research in phycology.”

“Is this about the mare aboard that Equestrian ship?” Maria asked.

Korsan turned around and saw Maria, half-filled with joy. She must’ve overheard Hans and Korsan chat.

“Why yes,” Korsan answered. “It’s been discovered that she has a sister with her as well, something I didn’t anticipate.”

“I apologize for my intrusion,” Maria said. “But I heard you and Isyan talking about her a few minutes ago from below deck. You seem to be attracted to her. I’m not sure a mind-scheme will get her to like you, Captain, especially with your plans with the Diamond Eye.”

Korsan raised an eyebrow, his metallic fists clenching. Maria knew the captain didn’t like eavesdroppers, especially from his own crew.

Slowly, Korsan approached.

The mare lowered her head in shame and closed his eyes, awaiting some form of punishment from his leader for her inadvertent treason. However, she instead felt a cold claw caress her chin, as her head is being lifted back up to Korsan’s face. The pirate pegasus looked at her with a peculiar smile, neither cold nor warm, as her red pupils reveal themselves to his single, icy blue eye.

“Don’t feel ashamed,” Korsan comforted her. “Most ponies would usually disagree with my ideals. However, I have studied well enough to know what I’m doing. Everything comes down to a basic science, including magic and emotions. If harnessed properly, the world practically kneels down to you. Do you understand?”

“…Y-Yes, Captain, I do understand.” Maria replied, a bit shaken.

“Good. Now run along, both of you two.”

“Yes, Captain.” The two crew members replied before quickly marching out the door.

However, before Maria got to the halfway point out out, a pair of metal claws were then felt stroking the back of her neck.

“And for future reference, don’t eavesdrop on me when I’m talking with a crewmember privately, especially my cousin. Let’s just say that some consequences are receiving a small buff.” Korsan silently warned her.

“Aye-aye, Captain…” The mare nervously responded as she left the chamber.

Now alone in the galley, with only the cook in the adjacent kitchen with him, Korsan began to slowly pace around the room, examining each of the seats as he walked.

“Ivan Voorhees, I have a favor to ask you.” He said to the cook.

“Aye,” He promptly responded.

“Keep an eye out for Maria Vanshwitz, Hans Kraus, and Isyan Maden. If you hear anything fishy from them, report it to me.”


“Let’s just say that some ponies are knowing a little too much and talking a little too much. You know the saying for such an occasion.”


“Dead pony tells no tales…”


“Perhaps, perhaps it is true. Idiots they are if it is.” Korsan said, responding to Ivan’s statement.


“Captain!” Hans exclaimed as he burst into the room.

“What?” Korsan asked.

“We lost sights of their ship. Chopin was observing them for a while until he had to sketch, but when he looked back, they were gone. They seemed to have gone another direction.” Hans said, panting.

“Blast…” Korsan cursed beneath his breath.

“What should we do Captain?”

“Continue our course to Thieves’ Hold.”

“But what about the mare?”

“If they could survive the sirens and beast of Siren Gulch, chances are set that they’ll reach us eventually. And even if they don’t follow, I have a backup plan.”

“Are you leaving this up to fate and a backup plan?” The yellow stallion asked.

“In a scientific sense. Besides, this will give me plenty of free time to do some research.”

“I guess so.”

“Let’s just continue with our regular ways, forget that galleon.”

“If you say so. By the way, how has progress on the Diamond Eye been?”

“Dead ends so far. It turns out that it’s not two halves, but instead two separate Diamond Eyes that were called one.”


“They don’t fit together to form one, their edges don’t meet properly. But don’t fret. Our ultimate objective will soon be reached. I just need time and focus.”

“If you say so, Captain. Oh! One last thing,”


“Well, you didn’t hear this from me, but I’ve heard from Clara that Frankie told Maria told Phlox told Lazarus told Ivan told Lilis told Lotus told Yin told Yu told her that Butch has been considering retirement for a while now.”

“Ivan, is this true? Did Lazarus tell you that your partner cook’s been considering it?” Korsan asked, turning to the kitchen.

The cook humbly responded. “Aye.”

“Hm, very well then,” Korsan said, nonchalant.

“What are you going to do about it?” Hans asked. “The only other ponies who’ve retired were old Nitin Gale and his daughter. And let’s just say, to be blunt, they haven’t really enjoyed our company since.”

“A notable point, Hans, I congratulate you. I’ll examine Butch sometime later to come to a conclusion for the old stallion. You’re free to go.”

“Okay then, Captain.”

As the tall pony trotted out of the galley, Korsan’s eye looked back at the burly, black stallion through the serving window between the galley and the kitchen.

Ivan replied to the glance, “Aye…”

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