• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 057: Unperfected Korsan (Part 1)

The head of Korsan opened its mouth towards Twilight. Inside the giant’s mouth, Twilight could see Korsan’s true body in all of its terrifying form. His true body was charging a beam attack.

Twilight snorted at Korsan. She strategized her final charge.

Crimson clouds, now practically rivers of electrified water, bathed her and the airship as the final seconds of their battle drew near.

The onlooking ponies can only imagine what’s going on behind the clouds.

Silence follow. Twilight and Korsan stared each other down, ready to make the first move.

Upon a lightning bolt striking Korsan, Twilight instantly sprung forward and up the massive deck length. Cannons immediately fired off at her. The multi-armed super-cannon joined in the fray, having freed itself. In seconds, the entire front half of Korsan’s airship body turned into the magma pits of Tartarus. Twilight was running through the epicenter of this chaos. Using patches of free wall, hailing debris, and even the massive cannonballs themselves, Twilight maneuvered upwards, higher and higher to her target.

Korsan then fired his ultimate beam attack. A massive energy beam of green electric magic blasted from the open mouth. It was five metres thick, enough to level a large house. Twilight barely darted away from the beam, half of her tail electrified and vaporized. She continued upwards alongside beam, avoiding even more stuff thrown at her.

She was now a third of the way to the quarterdeck.

Korsan’s electric blades sprung forth next and attempted to strike down Twilight. Amidst the heavy cannon fire, one by one, the swords violently slashed and hacked at the ship. Twilight barely avoided each blow, almost becoming paralyzed in electric shock. Enormous chunks of the airship crumbled and plummeted down.

Twilight was losing galloping space, and fast. She tried to think of a solution, but is unable to think straight. Everything was everywhere. There was too much to process.

An electric blade rammed right towards Twilight. Twilight jumped to the side. A series of electric bolts leapt from the passing blade and electrocuted her brain. Twilight backed away, regaining herself in an alcove.

Visions began to flicker in her head. Memories raced through her mind’s eye. Her conscience turned against her. Was this Korsan trying to mind control her? Was it electric shock? Was it herself? Twilight had no clue.

Korsan got the jump on her as she panicked. One of the massive electric swords slid down the deckside and onto her. Twilight quickly grabbed the burning electric blade and was pushed down the deck as well. She stamped her hind hooves into the floor. She eventually grinded to a halt. She then shoves back against the massive sword. As hard as she tried though, she is locked is a power struggle against the sword.

Lethal amperes of electric might pulsated through Twilight’s body. The longer she was forced against the blade, the higher the voltage. Her body wanted to go into an absolute spasm. Her will was in chaos, unsure what to desire. Her mind overloaded with sensation of all five senses.

The visions took a turn for the worst…

Twilight’s surroundings quickly faded into darkness. Figures from her worst nightmares emerged from the black fog and surrounded Twilight. Nightmare Moon, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and hundreds of monsters closed in around her. Her hooves were chained to metal cables that were stretched out into the void.

The villains drew in closer to Twilight. She panicked and struggled in her binds, only for them to not budge an inch. She attempted to buck the beings back, only for them to turn into smoky shadow versions of themselves on contact. Their eyes melted into burning green embers, peering into Twilight’s soul. The shadows reformed themselves into bizarre figures. They looked and felt like Korsan, down to his presence of madness.

Upon kicking the last villain, Twilight watched in horror as the bipedal shadows turn into her friends, all in Korsan’s mechanical suit and having his scarred right eye. Equally monstrous grins faded onto their liquid faces. The Korsan hybrids pulled out their cutlasses and pointed them at Twilight. They forced her to do the only thing she can: curl in on herself and cry.

Tears poured from Twilight’s tightly closed eyes. Her ears bled from the deafening roars of Korsan’s demonic laughter. Her hooves buckled and ached as they simultaneously burned and froze in the metal chains and cables.

However, amongst the chaos and terror surrounding her, Twilight could feel something else. Something peculiar lingered in her heart. Escaping the madness around her, she was dazed to find a feeling of bliss, deep inside her. Despite the hellscape around her, a single vein of hope remained.

Tapping into this vein, the floor Twilight and the Korsan beings stood on turned into a shallow body of ocean water. The Korsan hybrids twitched and glitches in the water. The Rainbow Dash and Korsan hybrid burst into a bright light before returning as a normal version of Dash.

Dash slowly walked up to Twilight’s side in the middle of the surrounding pirates. It was like they didn’t even exist.

Dash said, “It’s so peaceful and quiet out here, I love it.”

As the cool water washed in between Twilight’s hooves, the pain from her binds vanished. A surge of control pulsated inside Twilight. Her bonds were lightening, turning from hard steel to soft aluminum.

She looked around to see the hundreds of glitching Korsan hybrids drop their weapons. The biggest look of fear was on their faces. The hybrids slowly degraded, turning into plain clones of Korsan. With one wayward look from Twilight, the clones ran away in panic.

Twilight turned to look at Rainbow Dash, now joined by Applejack, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Her friends looked back at her with confidence beaming from their faces. Twilight then looked att the chains on of her. She didn’t feel restrained of them. She wasn’t even afraid. With one mighty heave, the chains and cables shattered into millions of shards.

Twilight found herself back on Korsan, shoving the massive electric sword up the deck towards Korsan.

The sounds of battle returned. She didn’t pay mind to the chaos, only the goal. With one great shove, the sword snapped from its arm and flew up to the quarterdeck. Korsan caught it in its mouth and snapped the enormous blade in two. He spat out the halves and fired another beam at Twilight. She quickly dodged the beam and made her way across the middle of the deck. She was closing in on the top.

In her path emerged four crossbow cannons. They instantly fired at her, sending hundreds of metal bolts right at her. Twilight quickly grabbed a falling metal sheet with her magic and held it in front of her as a shield.

As hard as the force of the debris, the cannonballs, the massive swords, the metal bolts, the lightning, and rain poured down, Twilight pushed even harder against these obstacles and continues going forward.

Huge chunks of debris fell down from the quarterdeck and smashed into the cannons in front of Twilight. Korsan reeled back and prepared another beam attack. Twilight launched her shield up to him. The shield struck the sword buried in Korsan’s neck. The sword is dislodged and falls down the deck. Twilight jumped in front of the incoming sword. She grabbed it before securing herself on deck.

She didn’t have the strength of Applejack and Rainbow Dash to help. However, all she needs is her smarts and Korsan’s short-sightedness.

Using gravity, centripetal motion, and everything she’s learned, Twilight swung the sword around herself and threw it back up the quarterdeck. The electric blade rammed directly into Korsan’s metal skull, creating a large blast in its wake. Korsan screeched in pain. The sword continued to pass into Korsan, ripping into his true body. The screams soon turn into choking garbles. Korsan’s airship body started collapse and crumble in on itself. Twilight finished this off with a flying kick into the hilt, driving the entire sword through Korsan. Korsan’s giant floating head no longer floated and collapsed into its metal part.

Twilight leapt off of The Perfection and hovered in the air, looking back to see the metal head crash into the quarterdeck and roll down the deck. At first glance, it seemed like Twilight had won.

Though, if anything on this adventure had taught her anything, Twilight knew that Korsan wasn’t beat until everything exploded in a massive fireball.

Eventually though, the entire airship erupted in a series of massive colourful blasts. They tore the entire ship to shreds, launching flaming debris in all directions. After a minute of destruction and mayhem, the entire airship dissipated into shrapnel and tumbled into the sea below, just missing the ships below.

The only thing that remained was the giant head that housed Korsan’s original body. Twilight immediately knew what was coming do and flew to the armada below, where everypony inside is celebrating once more.

“Girls, we’re not finished yet.” Twilight told them.

“Oh, no party now?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, come on!” Sweetie Belle groaned.

“Oh, come on!” Yin, Yu, Cecil, Jarvis, and Maurice roared out at once.

“How many phases does this final boss have?!” Rainbow Dash growled.

“This may be his last stand.” Twilight told her. “Korsan’s probably exhausted all of his magic, so he won’t be able to put up much of a fight.”

“I’m coming with you.” Applejack said.

“He’s going to pay for hurting our whale friend!” Fluttershy roared.

“We can’t just let him cause more trouble now, can we?” Rarity replied.

“I think I’ll stick back and watch. We should give Korsan a sporting chance.” Spike said, confident in his friends.

“Should we come along?” November asked, the other pirates joining around her.

“No, you’ve done more than enough. We don’t want you guys to get hurt.” Twilight said.

“And besides, it’s us versus one double-defeated pirate. How hard can it be?” Dash boasted.

Very hard.” Pinkie Pie answered.

Confused, Twilight turned around to see what Pinkie meant. Her eyes instantly bulged open in shock at what she and the others saw. Just above the wreckage of Korsan’s airship and sea was a giant platform of hardened electricity, a hovering arena with a competitor waiting in the center.

Korsan was using the power of the storm around him to power himself and the arena.

“I will give him this: He is resourceful.” Cecil said.

“Fine, let’s end this.” Twilight said. “Celestia, take me, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, all up to that platform and pull out as quickly as possible.”

In the middle of the floating platform of electricity stood Korsan, staring at Twilight and her friends being carried by pegasi. A wily smirk grew on his face. He had a surprise in store for them.

His mechanical suit had been rebuilt into a full set of mechanical armour. Its thick metal plates reflected the red and yellow light from above onto sea below. His chest bore five anti-magic storage glasses similar to that of his old harness.

On his back was a massive fifteen-metre long cape. It was black on the outside and electric gold on the inside. It flapped in the storm’s breeze, flaccid for now.

Poking from slits in his cape was a pair of massive robotic wings constructed of both magic and mechanical engineering. They radiated a lime glow from its crystal flaps. His head remained revealed, letting his long mane flutter in the breeze and his eyes burn with sporadic rage.

Twilight and her five partners jumped down in front of Korsan at the edge of the platform. Korsan gave a cold look at the mares, studying the determination and ferocity in their stances. In half of a second, he instantly broke down into hysterical laughter, his massive body twisting and shuffling. Twilight and the others simply held their stance and watched as their five-metre tall opponent broke down in his maniacal temper.

“This is mildly awkard…” Fluttershy whispered.

With a flick of his now gigantic claws, Korsan pulled out two cutlasses from his cape and held them out in full light of the red night. Drenched in anti-magic, these cutlasses were not only long, but incredibly thick.

“Hm? What do you think?” Korsan asked.

“I think you’re overcompensating for something.” Twilight sneered.

With another flick of Korsan’s claws, the two swords snapped and extended into two incredibly long whips. Parts of the sword separated apart, attached to the cable rope held within them.

“Yep, definitely compensating,” Applejack cracked.

“Face it, Korsan, you’re beat.” Twilight said. “That massive spike of magic you had earlier is all gone. You’re running on you last reserves of magic and the storm. You’ll hurt yourself if you continue this.”

“Step forth, if ye dare.” Korsan said, choosing to ignore her words.

Silently, Twilight and her friends slowly stepped forward. A low growl rumbled from Korsan.

“You will surely die… You all will…” Korsan lowly roared, almost warning them of their death.

“That maybe, but not today!” Twilight confidently replied.

The mares immediately galloped forward on the ice and charged at Korsan. Korsan stool still. His horn glowed a bright yellow hue. Twilight saw that he was casting a telekinetic spell. Twilight fired an anti-magic pulse. The blast sent Korsan back a few steps.

This gave the mares enough time to attack him. They rapidly kicked and punched Korsan. Korsan quickly collapsed his whips into swords and defended from them. He deflected the force of the blows right back at the mares.

Twilight zipped away from the brawl and magically drew a sword from thin air. She lunged forward and attacked Korsan. Korsan saw this and flipped over Twilight. His cape stiffened and slammed into the mares as Korsan flipped. The mares were sent into the air, but regained themselves on the platform.

With a flick of his claws, Korsan’s right sword formed into a whip. He sent the long whip after Twilight, snagging her hind leg. He pulled her back towards him and jabbed his other blade forward. Twilight freed herself in time and slid under the diving sword. She leapt onto Korsan’s back, using her sword to stab into the armour.

“It’ll take more than that to stop me!” Korsan laughed.

With a flap of his massive wings, Korsan sent himself and Twilight hundreds of metres in the air and into the hurricane. Korsan teleported away from Twilight and went in for an attack. Twilight prepared herself and the two alicorns dueled in the sky. Korsan rapidly circled Twilight, clashing his swords against her sword.

“Long time, it’s been, Twilight, my loathsome foe!” Korsan taunted.

“Not as loathsome as you, Korsan!” Twilight retorted.

She dodged a blade swing and smacked the back of his head with her back hoof in an aerial flip. Korsan drop a bit before retuning with an uppercut. Twilight barely dodged the metal fist, shaving her chin. Twilight backed away and fires a fired a magic beam at Korsan. He raises a sword and absorbed the beam.

“Twilight, I created myself for the sole purpose of destroying the inferior. But I could never seem to defeat a resistor on an equal plane as me! That's why I transformed my own body with my own magic! Feel the power of true alicorn magic, the magic that you deny!” Korsan said.

“Enough with the speeches, Korsan!” Twilight groaned.

Twilight then darted behind the end of her beam attack and punched Korsan in the face before he could react. Korsan was flung back, but recovers quickly and retaliated with his own beam attack. Twilight countered with another beam. The two magic beams struck each other, but only for a second. Korsan’s beam instantly destroys Twilight’s, giving Twilight a magic concussion.

Korsan was much more powerful than Twilight, even after the previous battle.

Before Twilight could recover or even react, she was hit by the electric magic ray of destruction and was launched into the thick of the storm above by Korsan.

Korsan roared in triumph, but was instantly cut off by a massive electric blade smashing him in the face. He fell onto the platform and saw met by Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. They were wielding one of the massive swords of Korsan’s previous form, having plucked it from the wreckage. It was a strain on their bodies without Twilight’s aid, but they showed they could do some damage.

The mares swung at Korsan once more. Korsan dropped his cutlasses and caught the sword between his claws. He shoved the giant sword back, causing the mares to fall back. While they recollected themselves, Korsan summoned a tsunami behind him and pulled out another massive sword from the waves. He swung his sword forward just as the mares swung back. The two massive blades smashed at the middle with incredible force before being knocked back.

Korsan quickly swung again. The mares parried the blade and followed up with a side slice. Korsan parried the slice and struck back, only to be met by another parry. The mares then immediately went for the hilt. It was a direct hit, striking Korsan’s blade out of his hooves and high into the air. The mares then sliced the flying sword in two. The sword halves plummeted into the sea.

The mares went in for the finishing blow. Korsan dodged the blade and leapt into the raging waters below. He returned a tall mast, sharped at the point. He chucked the mast onto the mares. They dropped their sword and grabbed the mast.

Korsan picked up another mast and threw it, yelling, “I am the ultimate overlord, Korsan! I am a true alicorn!”

“Another one?!” Rainbow Dash groaned under the weight of the first mast.

The second mast fell onto the first, doubling the weight. The mares strained to keep the masts from crushing them.

Korsan flew back onto the platform and picked up his cutlasses. He charged forward and slammed into the mast, shattering it into the pieces. The mares shielded themselves from the razor wood chips. Korsan grabbed them with his magic and slammed them into the electric floor. Their bodies pierce through the solid exterior and were bathed in the full body of chaotic power. A collective scream echoed across the arena. Korsan raised the mares into the air by his all-powerful magic.

“While not as good as absolute power, I can still enjoy taking down all of you.” Korsan bragged.

One of the pirate ships below fired a harpoon at Korsan. Korsan grabbed the harpoon midair with his cape. With one heave, the ship was thrown up in the air. Korsan flung his whip blades at the midair vessel, wrapping them around the ship. He yanked the whips and they instantly sliced the ship into three large parts. As the three parts fell into the sea below, Korsan was overcome in mad delight.

“I am invincible!” He declared.

A rapier then floated up to his chest stabbed into one of the anti-magic tanks. Korsan screamed in pain as he feels his almost bodily fluids flowed from his chest. Furious, he looked down to see Rarity on the platform, having freed herself with magic.

Et tu, Rarity?” Korsan asked.

“Eat it!” Dash yelled from behind.

As Korsan turned around, he was met by a powerful electric kick to the jaw by Rainbow Dash. Korsan head-butted Dash back, sending her careening down onto the electric platform. Dash picked herself up and joined alongside Rarity.

“I'll skewer you!” Korsan yelled, darting forward at the two mares.

He slashed his blade at Dash. Rarity blocked his cutlasses with her rapier. Korsan slid across the rapier and swiped at Rarity. She ducked below the two cutlasses and rolled around to Korsan’s backside. She tried to stab between his armour plates, but was cut off by Korsan turning. He attacked Rarity with a stab and side swipe. Rarity deflected the jab and parried the swipe. Dash hopped into the fray and tripped Korsan.

As he fell though, Korsan engaged his wings and took flight. He rapidly circled the arena, creating a spiraling electric tornado on the arena. Rarity and Dash stood back to back as Korsan fired magic bolts at them. The magic bolts sprayed from the swirling fog at all angles. Rarity used her rapier and magic shields to deflect the oncoming shots. Dash picked up Rarity and saved her from speedier bolts.

Rarity told Dash, “I think I know how to beat him. When I destroyed one of the anti-magic containers on him, you broke out. He must be using the anti-magic prevent others from causing interference with his spells. I might be able to free the others if we do the same thing to the others.”

“Got it!” Dash nodded,

Fear my superior power!” Korsan’s voice echoed in the midst of the storm.

Using quick judgement, Rainbow Dash chucked Rarity towards the source of the voice. Using the momentum of the throw, Rarity quickly galloped across the platform and stabbed Korsan at the edge of the arena, right in another anti-magic unit. Korsan screamed and fled, diving down into the sea.

A massive tsunami formed at the edge of the arena and washed over. Rarity and Rainbow Dash tried to run away from the wave, but found themselves trapped at the other edge. The wave charged forward with no sign of stopping. However, Pinkie then dropped in from above and landed in front of the two mares, armed with what appears to by a large stick. She pointed the stick forward just as the wave was about it hit. The stick transformed into a massive pink umbrella shielded the three from the tsunami.

“Moral of the story: Don’t leave home without an umbrella.” Pinkie told her friends as she folded the umbrella and stuffed it back into her mane.

Korsan burst from the sea and galloped at the three mares. The three noticed Rarity’s rapier still inside his harness, lodged in the anti-magic unit. Just as Korsan was about to slash into the three, Pinkie Pie pulled out her party cannon from behind her and fired it into his face. It immediately disoriented Korsan, sending him back. Rarity grabbed the rapier with her magic and pulled it out. Rainbow Dash flew around and bucked Korsan back forward. Rarity then stabbed her rapier into a third container. Korsan frantically grabbed Rainbow Dash and slammed her into Rarity.

He quickly backs away to the center of the arena. Korsan was no longer so cheery. Now, he was mad.

“I’ll crush you!” He bellowed.

Pulling out the rapier in his harness, he snapped the thin blade in two with a flick of his horn. His horn then brightly glowed. A second electric platform formed right above the first one. It was then flipped upside down and fell down. Korsan flew away, leaving the six mares on the platform to be crushed. The upside down platform stopped however, just short of crushing them. In the center of the two platforms was Applejack, holding the second up in the air.

“Applejack!” The others cheered.

Korsan saw this and flew up to the top of the second platform. He kicked into it, but it stayed firm. He kicked it again and again in a rampant fury of bucks, but the platform stays firm. Applejack would not let it crush her and her friends.

“Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!” Korsan yelled as he smashed into the platform.

But they refused. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie banded together to keep the platform up.

The platform suddenly shattered and dissipated into static. All of Korsan’s kicking, smashing, and chaotic state had destroyed the platform’s stability. Korsan attempted to create another platform to crush them was attacked by Rarity firing magic spells at him. Korsan used his blades and magic to deflect the bombardment of magic.

While he was distracted, Pinkie fished up a sharp piece of ship debris. Applejack grabbed the debris and threw it up at Korsan. The sharp projectiles slipped past Korsan. It stabbed him in one of the final two remaining anti-magic tanks.

Fluttershy immediately was released from her magic grasp and landed alongside her friends.

“Take that, Korsan!” Dash boasted. “The gang’s back together.”

“With only one anti-magic container on you, it was easy to limit how much magic you can blast out willy-nilly.” Rarity told Korsan.

Korsan looked at them in disbelief.

He murmured, “It’s not possible! It doesn’t add up! How can one magic user and four weaklings surpass the ultimate lifeform?! You treat each other like you each play a major role in this battle, and it works?! I don’t believe it!”

“Believe it!” The five replied, ready for the second round.

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