• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 052: Battle of the Skies (Part 2)

As the battle continued, Twilight found herself standing on top of the highest mast. With pirates scuttling up the rigging, Twilight was virtually surrounded. Two mare pirates reached the top and attacked Twilight. Without any weapons, Twilight quickly projected shields and defended herself. Swords and spells wailed against the shields, but couldn’t break through.

One of the pirates teleported at Twilight’s behind. She swung her sword right at the nape. Twilight ducked under the slice. The other then jumped in and swung a hoof below Twilight crotch. Twilight slipped and dropped to the floor. The two pirates raised their swords and threw them down. Twilight quickly slipped herself between the blades. The swords slam into the wood below, trapping them. Twilight flew up and smacked the pirates with a split kick. The pirates fell off of the yard and fell.

Twilight landed back on the mast and pulled out the swords. She held them ready with her magic.

She leapt from the wooden pole and her body plummeted towards the deck. She held the blades below her hooves and stabbed them into the sails, riding them down. The swords sliced the black fabric behind her as she went down.

Below her, she saw a small group of Korsan’s pirates. They were waiting for her with their weapons trained on her. Thinking quick, Twilight aimed herself downwards and fired a magic fireball at the mob. It exploded upon hitting the floor. The area was quickly engulfed by a burning cloud of smoke. The pirates gagged, their vision dampened greatly.

Twilight dropped into the darkness with her swords and fought the pirates. Twilight swished her swords into the dancing fire and flung it at her foes. This kept some distance between her and them, allowing her to fight two at a time.

The rain barely even hit the blades and weapons. They were too fast to catch, being rapidly flung around in the cloud of turmoil. Twilight being the epicenter of the chaos, and seemed to have the battle won.

However, one of the pirates overpowered Twilight. He disarmed her for a quick second and attacked with his bow knife. The knife sliced into her cheek, just enough to slash the nerves. Twilight screamed in pain, trying to back away. However, she soon found herself completely surrounded.

She attempted teleportation. But before she could, another pirate tackled her to the wet floor. The surrounding pirates galloped in and threw their weapons down at her. Just as all seemed lost, a group of unseen ponies attacked Korsan’s crew members from behind. The rescuers fended off Korsan’s crew and saved Twilight.

Twilight tried to see who her saviors were, but the smoke was too thick. Eventually, the pirates fled, and the area calmed down. The smoky haze cleared, revealing Twilight’s saviors: November Gale, Nitin Gale, Princess Cadence, and Craig Y’ol Timber.

“November! Nitin! Cadence! Craig!” Twilight exclaimed with joy.

As the four ponies got a better look at Twilight, they noticed the red scratch along her cheek.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Cadence worryingly gasped.

“I’m fine.” Twilight replied.

“That’s what they all say before it gets infected.” Craig muttered.

“We came as soon as possible. Princess Celestia got your letter.” Nitin said.

“Thanks for your help.” Twilight replied, overwhelmed with joy.

However, her joy was cut short by the roaring wails of Korsan’s machine, firing at pegasi and ships sailing in front of it.

“What can we do?” November asked Twilight.

“Okay, first we need to stop that machine. Cadence, get everypony away from the cannon’s view.” Twilight instructed.

“I’m on it.” Cadence nodded.

With a beat of her wings, Cadence was gone.

“Nitin, you know this ship better than any of us. Sabotage whatever’s keeping this thing flying and whatever’s helping the machine.” Twilight said.

“Understood.” Nitin nodded.

He leapt into one of the many blast holes of the withering ship.


“Now you shut your piper right there,” Craig Y’ol Timber interrupted Twilight, “I do what I want to do.”

“…Fine.” Twilight groaned.

“And me?” November asked.

“You are going to help me destroy the cannon and stop Korsan.” Twilight replied.

“Alright!” November cheered.

The two mares immediately galloped towards the quarterdeck, leaving Craig behind and alone.

“Good riddance.” Craig muttered to no pony. “Now, where’s the kitchen with the prunes.”

Twilight and November were unstoppable as they charged to the quarterdeck. Even as some of Korsan’s pirates tried to stop them, the duo would quickly push past them and continue on. Their momentum was unbreakable.

As they reached the stairs leading up the quarterdeck, Twilight told November what she knew.

“The cannon tracks you by movement relevant to its position by scanning what’s in its view overtime.” Twilight explained. “It doesn’t seem to identify the ship itself as a target, so if it moves, you have to move along with it as if you were still. Stay stiff when it is facing you, it will usually do a quick scan before turning around in search of a target.”

“…Got it?” November replied, confused at the long-winded explaination.

They leapt up the stairs and reached the top deck. They saw the hole where Korsan leapt down and is currently operating the weapon. Swiftly, the two jump down, keeping behind the roaring cannon. They were immediately prepared to face off against Korsan.

However, to their surprise, the captain was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is he?” November asked.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s a good thing he’s gone. Now help me stop this thing.” Twilight sharply replied.

The two quickly examined the cannon for any weaknesses or a shut-off switch. Twilight spotted a small lever deep inside the back of the machine, drenched in anti-magic. She used one of her swords to stab into the machine and try flipping the switch. The sword, however, snagged onto one of the whirring gears of the cannon. The blade became lodged, covering the level. The cannon choked and sputtered for a moment, but continued shooting onward.

“Shoot.” Twilight groaned.

“Wait, what if you jam the machine?” November suggested.

“Good idea.”

With her other sword ready, Twilight prepared to stab it in with the former. However, just as she was about to strike, an unseen force pushed her forward and towards the open edge of the room. Her wings instantly sprung open. Twilight stopped herself right before falling and entering the machine’s line of sight.

Her sword flew forward and the cannon instantly shot it down. The cannon reacted within the speed of sound, faster that a pony’s reaction time.

Clanging metal rung from behind Twilight. There was a sword fight going on. November was in trouble.

Now teetering between life and death, Twilight tried to fly back inside. However, an unseen weight was attached to her hind hooves. She immediately looks down to see an unexpected surprise. It was Rarity, having slipped over the edge shortly before Twilight and November’s arrival, desperately trying to climb back up.

“Rarity?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Pull me, up!” Rarity cried out.

With all of her might, Twilight pulled both of them back inside. November suddenly screamed behind them. The unseen pony knocked November into Twilight and Rarity. However, Twilight stood strong and kept the mares from falling out.

The now trio got up onto their hooves and faced the fourth pony: Korsan.

“Korsan!” Twilight growled.

“Twilight!” Korsan excitedly exclaimed.

Korsan kicked the nearby cannon with his hind hoof. It roared and spun in place.

“Hold still!” Twilight gasped.

The four ponies instantly froze as the machine’s barrels rapidly aimed towards them. As soon as the cannon passed them, Korsan immediately attacked. He swung his cutlasses forward. Rarity and November blocked the blades with their respective rapier and knife. November leapt forward and into Korsan’s chest. The two fell back by the tackle. But, Korsan stopped the tumble midway. The cannon looped around them again as they stood still.

Upon the cannon passing, Rarity hopped into the fray and swung her rapier at Korsan’s legs. Korsan rolled back to the wall, dodging the slash and throwing November to the floor. They froze once more and the cannon circles past them once more.

It was a continuous and painful loop. They fight, freeze, fight, freeze, fight, and freeze.

Having enough of this, Twilight stopped the cannon’s rotation. She took hold of the weapon and aimed it right at Korsan. With no other choice to avoid being shot at, Korsan froze in place, midway of a maneuver. A pain groan of defeat could be heard from Korsan.

The three mares stood back and aimed their horns at him. Each of the three horns glowed. Preparing to fire their most powerful spells at him.

“What are you going to do huh? Use magic?” Korsan muttered in her still breath.

“I’m not falling for that again. Ending you is more important that ‘hypocrisy’. This time, I’m finishing you off.” Twilight declared.

“You think this is the end? Please, this is only the beginning. From as I see it, we are going to have a great, long history together, if you don’t die, anyways. If you stay alive, I’m going to make sure you wish you died on this day. I’ll make sure you wish it everytime you look to the sky!”

Out of nowhere, Korsan moved in front of the cannon. He rapidly spun his claws and swords. The cannon instantly fired at him. Yet, his swords caught the metal rods. He deflected them at the mares, using the cannon to his advantage.

The mare trio scampered away as the barrage of bolts soared at them. As fast as the machine could spit them out, Korsan’s makeshift shields deflected them and fire them everywhere around the chamber.

The mares leapt. They dove. They teleported. They did everything within their power to run away from the barrage. Exhaustion soon took a hold of them them, but Korsan hasn’t yet even dropped a sweat.

Just before the mares could take it no longer, the entire ship suddenly jerked around. The sudden force threw Korsan, Twilight, Rarity, November, and the cannon off balance. It was as if an earthquake struck the airship and was tearing it to shreds.

The Perfection started to float down towards the ocean. Everypony inside slowly rose from the rapidly falling ground and floated around in the interior. The cannon slowly hovered to the ceiling aimed at Twilight. Twilight quickly pushed herself up as well in order to keep the same distance from it.

Rarity and November continued to fight Korsan, clashing their blades against theirs in the lower gravity. They maneuvered around the cramped chamber as The Perfection soon reached terminal velocity. The slowly turned around on its own and faced Rarity and November. They instantly froze in place and stopped fighting.

Seeing this as an opportunity to escape, Korsan used his claws and dug into the wood structure and ran out.

“Hey! Get back here!” Twilight yelled.

She immediately soared after him.

“Juliana! Keep this thing even!” Korsan yelled as he dashed across his quarters to the doors out.

A phoenix screech echoed back in compliance.

Twilight chased down Korsan as he went below the main deck. They traveled deep in the ship’s deteriorating hull. Korsan climbed along the walls, ceiling, and floor with incredible maneuverability. Twilight struggled to fly alongside and keep up with him. Chunks of the walls, furniture, and loose weapons turned into obstacles as they flew past the two.

As they continued on, Twilight fired bolts of explosive magic at Korsan. They barely hit him in the tight corridors of the cabin areas. Korsan returned by firing his crossbow at her, counting the bolts fired as he ran.

He gasped, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,”

They eventually reached the medical bay. Korsan quickly turned around and went behind the stairwell. Twilight continued to keep chase, following him into a massive room. Upon entering, Korsan and Twilight were immediately hit with a flood of green glowing liquid. The pained sounds of machines screaming rang in the ponies’ ears.

“What the-”

“The anti-magic generators, they’ve been sabotaged! No wonder this thing is going under!” Korsan roared.

While Twilight was shoved back by the tidal wave on anti-magic, Korsan pressed onward into the opposing current. He buried his claws deep into the floor on each step, tearing out entire wood chunks with each step. The room slowly drained, revealing the cause of the sabotage.

In front of the massive tank of anti-magic at the back was Nitin Gale. He was chopping into the pipes with an axe in his mouth.

Immediately, Korsan charged forward at Nitin, screaming, “It’s been about time we meet again, ye old stallion!”

“Indeed, Korsan!” Nitin replied.

Soaked in anti-magic, Nitin had to use his hooves to operate the axe. Regardless he held his axe at the ready as Korsan charged at him swinging. A loud clang erupted as the weapons collided. In this moment, the two stallions’ strengths were revealed to their rival.

Korsan and Nitin withdrew and struck again, and again, and again. The two continued to rapidly trade blows without rest. Korsan then backed Nitin up against the massive anti-magic container. However, Nitin kept his ground. He used his axe to trap the dual cutlasses in a blade lock.

Twilight flew into the fray and bolted towards the two. Along the way, she picked up a long, broken pipe in her mouth to use for Korsan. It was still dripping from all the anti-magic.

In the corner of his eye, Korsan saw Twilight and decided to switch targets. In one swift motion, Korsan dropped one of his swords. He then snapped his cape at Nitin’s hind hooves, causing him to trip and fall. Korsan finally grabbed his second sword again and attacked Twilight. Twilight and Korsan battled each other while Nitin regained himself. Twilight had to rely on her body and keep Korsan at bay. For as long as they can, Twilight and Korsan fought each other, matching each other’s attacks and counters. It was a test of endurance, a test to see how long they could outplay the other.

“Impressive,” Korsan congratulated Twilight, a sadistic smirk printed on his face. “You’re almost as powerful and smart as I am, but let’s see you deal with my Overdrive!”

The gears in Korsan’s back piece immediately accelerated and thundered. His speed and power against Twilight increased exponentially. Twilight powered herself up with a quick spell. She grabbed a hold of her pipe with magic, it now fully deprived of anti-magic. Twilight and Korsan struck their limit. Their fighting became untraceable.

The two clashed their weapons and bodies against each other with the greatest of precision, speed, and focus, never letting each other out of their sight. Leaping over and dodging each other’s attacking in the plummeting airship, the dancing of the metal was a sight to be seen, but uncomprehensive at the same time.

Eventually through, Twilight managed to hit Korsan in the face with a long swing of her metal pipe. Korsan was knocked back into anti-magic container behind him. Twilight then lunged forward in attempts to stab him. Korsan quickly evaded the attack. Twilight instead stabbed the jagged end of pipe into the glass. The glass instantly burst and anti-magic flooded the area once more. Twilight backed away, leaving the metal pipe lodged in the glass.

Korsan used his crossbow and shot the metal pipe out.

Eleven.” He told himself.

Twilight turned around to kick her rival, but Korsan was too quick. He grabbed Twilight’s outstretched hoof. Korsan then threw Twilight into the busted glass, forcing her into the anti-magic container. Korsan was going in for the drown attack.

The green liquid quickly poured down Twilight throat and entered into her lungs. Twilight tried to swim back out in a frantic hurry. However, Korsan jammed his back piece into the hole, sealing the exit. Korsan’s rapidly rotating gears became a deathtrap. Twilight tried to swim away, but was being sucked in. The churning anti-magic created a current that pulled Twilight the grinding gears. No matter how hard Twilight tried to swim away, Korsan’s gears were too powerful.

“No!” Nitin Gale exclaimed.

He ran at Korsan with a plank of wood. Undisturbed, Korsan broke the wood with an iron kick. Korsan then grabbed the charging stallion’s head with his hind claws and pinned him to the wet floor.

“Twilight! Either you drown, or you’re grated into bits! Either way, I win!” Korsan taunted, his back turned to her.

Twilight’s eyes burned from the thick substance. Her heart filled with acid. Whatever breath she had left was being spent by her calling out for any of her friends, any of her family, any pony to save her. She was powerless against Korsan now.

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