• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 049: Celestial Intervention (Part 1)

Cracks of thunder roared across the stormy skies over the archipelago, Thieves’ Hold. Rivers of rain fell from the dark heavens onto the stone stacks that towered the raging waters below. Falls of fresh rainwater poured from the stone and wood structures and into the see.

The popular tavern that resided in this place was gone for the moment. Only a wooden foundation of the tavern remained, hovering over the edge of the steep cliff. It was not abandoned, rather the opposite. The tavern of Thieves’ Hold was under renovation.

Massive construction was unfolding on the small isle. As the rain poured down and the thunder cracked, hundreds of ponies were bustling around the platform. All sorts of building materials were scattered around the to-be new tavern. Wooden planks, logs, furniture, iron rods, lamps, stone blocks, and several miscellaneous items were being thrown around the area. The sounds of roaring pirates and heaving workers filled the air.

At the balcony, November Gale and Nitin Gale were looking at plans of the tavern, shown on a soaked scroll laid across a small crate. On the scroll were several schematics and blue prints for the new tavern.

“These look great, Dad!” November cheered.

“Thank you, November, though I’m not sure if our budget will handle this.” Nitin joked back.

“Ten million bits?” November asked, raising an eyebrow.

The two glanced over to the giant crate behind them, brimming with golden coins that shone in the rain. They shared a laugh.

“Who am I kidding? Ha, ha!” Nitin cackled.

Jarvis, one of the old patrons, approached the Gales. He was carrying three large logs on his back.

“Mr. Gale.” Jarvis called to Nitin, still laughing.

“Hm? Oh yes, Jarvis, place those next to Cecil.” Nitin told him.

“Yes, Mr. Gale.”

“Please, just call me Nitin.”

“Okay then, Nitin.”

As the Gales returned to their blueprints, the green giant, Jarvis, trotted over towards the back of the growing foundation. He approached his friend, Cecil, who was lifting several other logs up. Cecil was fitting the logs through holes in the floor.

“Hey, Cecil.” Jarvis said.

Cecil looked down from his work and saw Jarvis.

“Hey Jarvis.” He merrily replied. “Put them with the others.”

“Need some help?” Jarvis asked.

“Sure, help me get this stubborn bugger in.”

Jarvis walked up to the tall log Cecil was holding up and pushed his hooves down against the sides of the wooden log. The log slowly lowered into its tight hole.

“There we go…” Cecil groaned, as he would with any strenuous work.

“Quite a lot of rain we’re getting.” Jarvis remarked.

“Oh please, this is nothing compared to what’s going on in the northwest.”


“Yeah, there’s a massive hurricane forming. Rumours are spreading around that an entire ocean’s worth of water will be pourin’ there. This is merely the edge of it.”

“Pity for anypony who’s sailing there,”

Cecil then asked Jarvis, “Speaking of sailing, where’s Maurice? He ditched us when Korsan left.”

“I don’t know. He probably left knowing that we would stick around to rebuild the bar.” Jarvis replied.

“Perhaps.” Cecil agreed, rolling his eyes.

The massive vertical beam set in place. But before Cecil could thank Jarvis, a flash of blue light blinded the two stallions. Somepony was teleporting right in front of them, no consideration given for light falloff. The blinding glow died down immediately, revealing Maurice in his casual back suit and top hat.

“Maurice!” Cecil exclaimed.

“What’s up you slacker?” Jarvis asked.

“Guys! I’ve just scored a big one!” Maurice giddily cheered.

“How big?” Cecil asked.

“I just looted a mailing ship headed from Equestria to Cervidas with me crew!” Maurice said.

“You what?!” Cecil and Jarvis gasped.


“Maurice! Do you realize that you committed one of the biggest federal crimes between two of the largest military kingdoms? We’re pirates, but even we draw the line when it comes to mail. That’s too much of a risk.” Cecil scolded the bouncing pony, Maurice.

“Relax, the ship’s crew barely knew what hit them. I even got a few of the more de-luxe letters.” Maurice said.

And tampering with the mail?!” Cecil exclaimed.

“Hey, check out this one butt kisser’s letter to the king…”

“You’re ridiculous,” Cecil moaned.

Maurice took a moment to clear his throat before reading out loud to his fellow rivals with benefits.

To Ceres, King of Cervidas,

My liege,

I have the honor to inform you that the power of Equestria has been exaggerated to a degree that beggars belief. This evening I had the pleasure of witnessing a band of thieves make off with Equestria's greatest treasure during their annual gala despite the presence of a company of elite soldiers and all four of the alicorn Princesses. This theft was not carried out, lest you be misinformed by others, by darkness or by subterfuge, but by sheer force of arms. Their guards were overwhelmed despite superior numbers and their Highnesses were undone by the bandits' leader, who defeated them alone and unaided. Having seized their prize, the thieves left, victorious and of their own accord, apparently having deemed it not worth their while to take neither hostages nor plunder - nor indeed seize - the city. Should my words fail to do justice to this night's events, I have included with this letter photographs which I was able to take whilst the focus of the room was on our unexpected guests. I should emphasize to your majesty that these thieves were neither creatures of darkness nor bearers of enchanted arms, but mere mortal ponies of an ordinary sort.

Therefore, I implore your majesty to, with haste, gather together what soldiers you may, and set sail fo-

“Okay, okay, I’ve heard enough.” Cecil interrupted Maurice’s readings.

“That sounds a lot like that one raid Korsan did in Equestria.” Jarvis pointed out.

“That was three weeks ago, right?” Cecil asked.

“Four weeks.” Maurice corrected him. “…I think.”

“Why would a mailing ship be at least three weeks late?” Cecil asked again.

“I don’t know. The ship was being a little suspicious.” Maurice noted.

“Whatever, just get rid of the letters you took before some official catches you.” Cecil told Maurice.

“We’re in the middle of nowhere, who’s going to find us?”

“Probably the same lot as that group with Pinkie,”

“Oh yeah!” Jarvis exclaimed. “I remember her.”

“We all do, Jarvis. She’s the reason this place is getting upgraded, no, fixed for once.” Cecil replied.

“Hey, when do you think she’ll come back?” Jarvis then asked.

“No clue. Maybe Maurice will attack another mail ship and find a letter that’ll answer your question.”

“It was just one ship out there in the open!” Maurice retorted. “I wasn’t going against an armada or anything.”

“You may as well be trying to pick a fight with Korsan.” Jarvis replied.

“Actually, where has he been?” Cecil asked. “We’ve been here for a fair while and we haven’t seen one sign of him.”

“Wasn’t he busy with something involving some diamonds, an island, and being able to use magic?” Jarvis asked back.

“If I recall correctly, yeah…”

“Do you think he found what he’s been looking for?”

“Knowing him, probably.” Maurice plainly said.

“What’s going to happen to us then?” Jarvis asked.

“He’s probably going to try and kill us or something. I say we split this place when the bloke finally snaps and hide until the heat dies down.” Maurice advised his friends.

“What about November and Nitin? Shouldn’t we stick around help out with the new bar?” Jarvis replied.

“Hey, I didn’t say Korsan did find whatever he’s looking for to start his blood campaign now. I’m just saying in case it does happen.” Maurice said.

“When do you think that’ll be?”

“Probably long before I get caught for this mail job.”

“Don’t tempt fate, Maurice.” Cecil warned him.

“Oh please, as I said, we’re in the middle of nowhere-”

A massive ship horn suddenly blared across the trio as well as the rest of the working ponies. A frightening shadow was casted over the wall of the stone tower. Tall sails fluttered right by the pirates on the top of the tower.

They all looked over to see the huge battleship right next to them. A while glow seemed to come off the ship.

“Is that Korsan?” Jarvis asked.

“It can’t be, it’s too small. It’s doesn’t even have a green glow or black sails.” Cecil replied.

“A battleship?” Maurice said.

Other, smaller ships then joined the great battle ship and surround the stone towers.

“An armada?! Only large military kingdoms would have-Oh dear.” Maurice lamented.

“You have messed up big time now.” Cecil said.

“Hey, you’re all going down with me. We’re all pirates here!” Maurice snapped back in panic. “Also, when we get to prison, I’ll be the one who gets the soap first.”

Most of the pirates stood frozen as the larger ship parked itself at the edge of the harbor. A long ramp extended from the ship and onto the port. Two ponies, one white and one black, flew out from the ship and approached the top.

November and Nitin prepped their weapons as the two emerged from below the cliff and land at the edge of the balcony. A thick mist covered the area, making it difficult to recognize the two ponies.

“Who’s this?” Nitin sternly asked.

The two walked across the balcony and revealed themselves by the light of the nearby lantern. They were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, alicorn princess of Equestria. Both were garbed in thick, extravagant armour that covers them from head to tail. Celesita’s was gold and white and Luna’s was in black and blue.

“The princesses of Equestria?!” November gasped.

“I wasn’t the one that tampered with your mail! It was Korsan!” Maurice’s voice echoed across from the corner of the foundation.

“How did you all even-” November asked.

Celestia interrupted her with a powerful message, “We received a letter from Princess Twilight Sparkle that detailed for us to come to this location and enlist the help of all of you. This is an urgent matter.”

“Who?” Cecil shouted out.

“Twilight Sparkle. She says you all know her.” Celestia replied.

“…” Every pony was silent, clueless.

…What did the letter say? Oh! Pinkie Pie’s friend-”

“Pinkie Pie! This came from Pinkie’s friend?!” Cecil asked.

“Uh… yes?” Luna answered, slightly confused by the abnormal connotation.

“This is important! Everypony shut up and listen to these two!” Cecil yelled out.

Mass cheering erupted throughout the area. It was great to hear from their dear friend, Pinkie Pie. Eventually, the pirates silenced themselves and listened in to what the princesses had to say.

“Okay then…” Luna replied, stunned from the reaction.

November humbly asked the princesses, “What does Twilight need help with?”

“She says you all know Captain Korsan, correct?” Celestia asked.

“Yes ma’am.” November said.

“He’s about to begin his global campaign to wipe out all pegasi and Earth ponies.” Celestia announced.

The entire audience gasped.

“Twilight and her friends need all of us to come and help stop him.” Celestia then said.

“Fight against Korsan?!” November exclaimed.


Nitin glanced back towards the pirates with them. At first, they were uncertain. But as they looked to each other, they saw that they all had the same thing in mind.

“We’re in.”

“I know it is scary-wait, what?” Celestia said, having prepared a rousing speech.

“Yeah, we’re sick of Korsan.” One of the pirates yelled out.

“He just wiped our bar from the face of the world. How can we rebuild it if there’s no world to put it back?” Cecil replied.

“It’s about time we did something!” Another pirate declared.

“Korsan’s a jerk.” Another said.

“He owes me money!” Another exclaimed.

“He smells,” Another commented.

“So, yeah, we’re in.” November told Celestia and Luna.

“Hey!” An old, cranky voice faintly yelled out.

“Did you hear something?” November asked.

It was coming from underneath the balcony at the waters below.

“Will all of you keep the noise down?” The voice yelled out again.

“Who’s that?” Nitin asked.

“If all of you don’t shut up so I can get to sleep, this here cane’s going to have a word with all of y’all!”

Author's Note:

Kudos to Veylon for originally writing the letter Maurice reads.

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