• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 965 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 048: United and Strong

“What?! He expects us to go to war?!” Alexander exclaimed.

He and everypony on deck were absolutely blown away by what Korsan told them. It was overwhelming to the crew.

“Has he gone off the deep end?” Slasher asked, completely shocked.

“He has to be. We’ve almost died on Alicorn Island, now he expects us to go to war? Even Isyan was more sane than to do that!” Alexander replied.

“We have to do something!”

“And we will do something,” Twilight replied. “We all will get as many ponies on our side as quickly as possible.”

“I’ll try to convince Korsan to hold off the attack.” Rarity said.

“No,” Twilight told her. “He’s too unstable right now.”

“You just rejected him, Rarity.” Alexander commented.

“He might kill you just like he did to Isyan. I’m going to go to him, he trusts me.” Twilight said.

“Are you sure?” Rarity asked.

“I just ‘sent a letter to Celestia declaring my face-heel turn’.” Twilight replied.


Rarity and the other pirates loosen the roped around Twilight and the others. Rarity then pulled out her rapier and carefully stabbed it into the anti-magic strap around Twilight’s horn. As Twilight climbed out of her binds, the horn band dropped onto the wooden deck.

“Thanks.” Twilight said.

“Good luck, and don’t get hurt.” Rarity replied.

“I’ll try not to.”

Twilight galloped to the quarterdeck. She saw the back of Korsan as he headed into his quarters, a smug grin certainly on his face. Making it to the beginning stairs, Twilight was approached by Yin and Yu. The brothers were in a panic of some kind, most likely for the same reason Alexander and Slasher were.

“Oh, hello there, Ms. Sparkle,” Yin quickly spoke to her.

“Uh, hi,” Twilight replied.

They walked up the stairs as they continued to talk.

“So, what are you doing?” Yu asked.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked back.

“…” Yu had no response.

“Hey, we asked first.” Yin replied.

“But she’s new to the crew, we should be courteous.” Yu whispered to Yin.

“Don’t give me that courteous garbage. We’ve already been given enough lip about that.” Yin silently retorted.

“Hey, I don’t want to risk being smashed in the face again. Remember that yellow devil?”

“Of course I do, I was right beside you with a busted nose of my own.”

“Exactly my point,”

“Whatever, this is getting us nowhere.”

Yin returned his attention to Twilight, who had heard the whole ordeal.

He asked her once more, “Twilight, what are you-”

“Wait,” Twilight interrupted Yin. “A ‘yellow devil’?”

“She was furious!” Yu exclaimed.

The three then reached the third floor of the quarterdeck.

“Hey, we’re here, Yin.” Yu said.

“We’re all here to meet with Korsan, huh?” Twilight asked.

“You know what? We’ll find out what we’re all doing once we get inside.” Yin replied.


Twilight, Yin, and Yu quickly marched into the captain’s bedroom. Upon entering they immediately looked around for Korsan. The room was barren, with the only company being distorted music coming from the organ in the back. It sounded broken.

“He might be in the garage with that new weapon he’s been working on.” Yin said.

With the two pirates leading the way, the three walked to the metal doors. They opened the doors without hesitation and were met by six rapidly spiraling pipes aimed right at their face. The long, thin pipes were traveling at blinding speeds, emitting deafening rattles of gears and pistons colliding.

The ponies stopped dead in their tracks as they stared down the circling barrels aimed at their heads. Metal bolts could barely seen at the other end of the barrels. They were just like the bolts used for Korsan’s crossbow, but absolutely massive.

“Oops,” a mischievous voice echoed from behind the pipes. “My bad, let me turn this off.”

Korsan…” Twilight cursed beneath her breath.

The barrels soon slowed down as the weapon was turned off. The weapon was turned away from the onlookers, revealing its true, massive size. Twilight and the two pirates gazed upon the whole of the weapon, dumbfounded. by the vast collection of razor sharp gears and cables inside it. Hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces of machinery were jumbled together in a solid cannon of mechanical terror.

“What is that?” Twilight gasped.

Korsan revealed himself to her and the others from behind the cannon.

He frenziedly replied, “It’s my newest weapon, sort of a scaled-up version of my crossbow. I hope you like it, because you’re going to be seeing it a lot in the coming years. It’s accurate, it’s powerful, it’s strong, it’s continuous, it’s everything a tool of war should be!”

Now no pony wanted to confront Korsan. They couldn’t even imagine what would happen to them if Korsan fired at them with that thing.

“Isn’t it glorious?” Korsan asked.

“Uh huh…” The three nervously nodded.

“So, what brings you all here?”

“...You two, you want to go first?” Twilight asked, turning to the yellow stallions beside her.

The brother duo promptly replied with a silent death gesture in her direction.

“So then, Yin, Yu, what is it?” Korsan asked.

Yin took a gulp of air before shakily answering, “We’re here to ask you about a few… aspects of your newest command.”

“Ask away. But make it quick, I’m going to have a lot of my plate very soon.” Korsan replied.

“Well, don’t you think the timing of such a ‘war’, as you put it, is a bit sudden?”


“Yeah,” Yu replied replied, even more squeamish than his brother. “We just had a big adventure and all. Shouldn’t we have a bit of a rest?”

“Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no, this war must begin now, and I’ll need all of you to be ready when it begins.” Korsan eagerly replied.

“What if some of us, not me nor my brother, just, hypothetically speaking, what if some of us don’t want to join in this war?” Yu asked.

“…” Korsan didn’t respond and instead silently paced across the room.

His scarred eye remained locked onto the three, staring into their souls.

“Also, Captain, you’re eyepatch is still-”

“Still what?” Korsan sharply asked Yu.

“Eep!” Yu yelped.

“Well?” Korsan asked.

“Still over the wrong eye, Sir,” Yin said.

“Oh, so it ‘tis. Huh. I guess I’m taking a liking to this new view.” Korsan replied nonchalantly.

“Are you sure you can see fine that that eye?” Yin asked.

“Oh, I can see much better with this one.”


“Yep, seeing everything a lot clearer than before with this here eye, I never thought of removing the eyepatch,”

“Sir, you still haven’t answered our question.”

“Oh yes, Yu!”


“I forgot, silly me, well, if anypony doesn’t want to participate, they’re free to do so.”

“Really?” Yin and Yu asked in unison.

“Yes, they can help me in here, performing tests.”

Korsan then slammed his claw against the machine, springing the weapon to action. The onlookers jumped in place as the cannon roared to life. The barrels instantly spun up and were ready to fire. The cannon slowly rotated in place, pointing right at them.

“Stay still.” Korsan warned them.

The mighty cannon scanned over the three still ponies before moving on around the metal chamber. It passed Korsan and continued to rotate. Now out of the machine’s “sight” away, Korsan turned off the cannon.

He walked up to the three ponies, his tongue licking his chops.

“Are we clear?” He asked Yin and Yu.

The two unicorns stuttered, “C-c-c-c-c-c-cryst-tral-l.”

“Any more questions?” Korsan asked.

“N-no!” They replied.

“Very well then, be on your merry way.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Quickly, the two stallions ran out of the captain’s quarters in a sweaty panic. Not even a second passed when the door to the captain’s quarters could be heard slamming shut. Now, Twilight was alone with Korsan.

“Now what about you, Ms. Sparkle?” Korsan asked, petting his cannon.

“M-me?” Twilight stammered, still frozen from the machine’s quick drive. “What about me? What do I think about your suit? It’s good! All refilled with anti-magic, it looks like-”

“What have you come to see me for?” Korsan asked, cutting off her pleasantries.

“Oh, yes, I was just wondering…”


“Wondering if I should be getting any training, …Sir!”

“You seemed pretty capable during our little, moment, on Alicorn Island. By the way, who taught you those moves again? You never really clarified.”

“My brother, the Captain of the Royal Guard in Equestria,”

“I see. I don’t recall seeing such a stallion during the night of the gala three weeks ago.”

“He was busy at the Crystal Empire, had to take care of certain affairs.”

“Interesting, most interesting.”


“And curious, might I add. You are oddly open with these more personal details. Mind if I ask why?” Korsan asked.

“I just thought you would know since you’re the captain.” Twilight lied.


“Is there a problem?”

“No, no. There shouldn’t be one, right?”




“Oh, I was just thinking. Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Well, I guess, what are your current feelings towards Rarity?”

“Ms. Rarity…” Korsan muttered below his breath.

“…” Twilight took a gulp of air, suspense killing her.

“I’d rather not think about her all that much. I’m more concerned about urgent matters.” Korsan plainly replied.

“I see.”

“You know about these urgent matters, I assume.”

“…What do you-”

Those matters,”

“…” Twilight loudly swallowed another gulp of air.

Anxiety puked from the walls as Korsan gave her a very judgement and knowing glance.

“What’s wrong?” Korsan asked. It was like he was playing with her.

“I-I think I should check on our prisoners, Captain.” Twilight replied.

“Ah, yes, a very wise decision, I congratulate you, Ms. Sparkle. They will need to be secured for what’s coming. War often begins at the most, unexpected, and sudden times.”


“Don’t you think?”

“Uh, yeah,”


Slowly, Twilight backed away from the room and Korsan’s sight before frantically entering into a gallop. She escaped the captain’s quarters and flew to the bow of the airship. As she soared between the masts of the boat, the sounds of maniacal laugher echoed from behind. The cold screeches of a hungry ice phoenix followed in the captain’s wake.

She eventually reached the remains of the front mast. A large group of pirates, including Yin and Yu, surrounded the busted mast.

Twilight hovered above the mass gathering, asking, “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on? We’re listening to what Yin and Yu have to say.” One of the pirate mares replied.

“He’s off of his rocker!” Yin yelled out to their audience.

“Called it!” A stallion in the mass exclaimed.

“He wants us all to get ready for this war, now!” Yu said.

“Now?!” Butch asked in shock. “What if we aren’t ready?”

“You better be ready! There’s this giant, super-crossbow-cannon that he’s going to use to maim any of us that doesn’t fight.” Yin said.

“It was insane!” Yu added. “It was like, RRRRRRRRR, and, chink-chink-chink-chink-chink.”

“Basically, it’s scary.” Yin said.

“Well then, we better get ready to fight.” One of the pirates said.

“Wait!” Slasher exclaimed. “Why do we have to? Why can’t we fight back?”

“Did you not just hear Yin?” Alexander asked Slasher. “Korsan’s going to skewer anypony that he doesn’t like!”

“Not if we all work together.” Slasher said.

“Are you kidding? He’s got Chopin, Gofu, Pip, Horus, Ivan, Phlox, Barbara, Hotus, and several others glued to his side. None of us can beat those guys in sparring tournaments, even when it’s two of us against one of them." Hans replied.


“And besides, what are we going to do after that?” Maria asked Slasher. “None of us know how to run this ship. We’ll be caught and executed for our crimes, just like things were before Korsan. For a moment, I, and nine others with us, thought the same thing as well as you did, we wanted to overthrow Korsan in order to start anew. It was a stupid idea, one we only got out of out of sheer luck. He’s ended his own cousin’s, why not us?”

“What life is there in constant fear and destruction?” Slasher retorted.

“Korsan’s life,” Maria said. “Look at him now, terrified of all of us, yet still has the biggest grin on his face. He has ended thousands of lives, and will end millions more without remorse. A hundred or so pirates will be nothing to him. It’s good for your skin to stay alive.”

“Quite.” Alexander replied.

“But it’s wrong, and you know it.” Slasher said.

“Is it?” Hans asked.

“What?” Slasher replied.

“After all of these years, we’ve been almost unstoppable because we can use magic. We can teleport, levitate objects from afar, and cast all sorts of other spells.” Hans explained.

“But that doesn’t mean we should end the lives of millions of non-unicorns.” Rarity retorted.

“As much as I hate the violence,” Butch replied. “If there isn’t a worthy reason to rebel against Korsan without strong cause, then don’t. You and anypony else that joins this ‘new mutiny’ are signing into a pointless suicide pact. It’s either life or death, and I’m going with the former.”

Slowly, most of the pirates broke away and headed back to their stations on the ship, choosing to stay with Korsan. Alexander also walked away from the group. Horrified, Twilight and the few others remaining watched over the mass exodus. If only there was some way to bring them back.

“But-but-but,” Slasher stammered, but was cut short by Alexander staring back at her with an intense stare. “…I’m so sorry…” She cried.

“Don’t worry sugar cube,” Applejack comforted Slasher. “You tried your best.”

“Need a hug?” Fluttershy asked, slowly hovering to Slasher.

“Look on the bright said, there’s a few pirates still here.” Yu said.

“Perhaps me and my brother could join this rebellion.” Yin followed up.

“I got your back.” Rarity told Slasher, holding her rapier between her and her cat-loving friend.

“Thanks,” Slasher sniffled.

She smiled as she looked over her friends around her.

A brilliant thought then burst in her head. A thought so grand, she almost lost control of her flight. Immediately, Twilight soared around the mass of retreating pirates, catching their attention.

“Listen up!” She exclaimed, landing in the middle of the herd.

“Ugh, not this again,” Alexander groaned in shame.

“Korsan knows about my false allegiance to him, and how I have sent Princess Celestia a letter for her to come and save us at any hour or day.” Twilight declared.

“Oh that’s reassuring!” One of the stallions sarcastically yelled out at Twilight.

“But that is not a call of despair! Instead, let it be a call of rejoice! Listen, as Korsan holds his expectations high towards all of you, it will be all the more crippling to see his expectations shatter before him when Princess Celestia comes with her army.” Twilight said.

“But why should we even rebel?” Butch asked, “What cause is there if we’re just going to get caught?”

“Again, why bother with a bunch of losers?” Hans asked Twilight.

“All ponies are equal, each in their own right!” Twilight declared.

A series of groans and boos erupted from the mob.

Twilight yelled at them, “Listen! Over the past three weeks, I have witnessed many things that I would’ve have taken for granted. My friend, Fluttershy, a pegasus, talks fluently with animals, something that no magic has been able to replicate. She is also one of the kindest and bravest mares I know, facing her greatest fears, even death, in order to help those in need. My other friend, Rainbow Dash, another pegasus, is fast, really fast, faster than any speed spell and can go farther than any series of teleportation spells. She can create storms with only a beat of her wings. But most importantly, she is more loyal to me and my friends than anypony I know. Another friend, Pinkie Pie, an Earth pony, even in the worst of times, she’ll almost never frown and keep a positive attitude. She’ll always find a silver lining and find some way to keep both friends and enemies happy. Applejack, the Earth pony that had temporarily joined you all, is the strongest mare in Equestria. Without my magic, I depended on Applejack most of all to keep me safe. And although she betrayed us, I understand why she did it. She had an honest reason, to protect those she loved, even me and my friends. That’s right, Applejack, I forgive you!”

“This is all very touching and all, but what are four-five friends of yours reason to try and ‘protect’ millions?” Maria replied.

Despite her cold voice, Twilight, and by extent, the other pirates, sensed something was off. Something was melting inside Maria. A warm breath of a hopefully heart could be felt in her voice.

Rarity replied, taking Twilight’s place as the speaker, “The same as a crew of one hundred compared to billions of other ponies that love and are loved by the millions. Remember that day three years ago? The day when you all destroyed an entire kingdom, sending those thousands of families to their deaths? Are you ashamed of that day?”

The pirates hesitantly replied, “…Yes, but-”

“Why? There isn’t a worthy cause is there?” Rarity asked.


“But there was a cause, and you all know it. The reason why all of you are so ashamed of that day, and why you should fight against Korsan, is that you know the truth. Although we are more versatile in some aspects, doesn’t mean we are any better than pegasi and Earth ponies. You know why?” Rarity asked.

Twilight replied, “Souls, personalities, friendships, all of these play equal factors in each and every pony that Korsan has never seen and that all of you have taken a blind eye to. My friends, mostly all non-unicorns, are far better, happier ponies than many unicorns I have come across. They, as well as I, have helped so many others to live better lives with just their voices alone. Heck, magic sometimes is the source of the many problems we come across. Without magic, all of you were powerless, not knowing what to do. Wiping out two thirds of all ponykind and replacing it with magic is not going to solve anything.”

“…” The crew were deathly silent, thinking to themselves based on the words of these heroes before them.

“We’ll most likely destroy ourselves if we follow along with Korsan.” Twilight continued. “You all wanted a second chance, and this is it. Use your talents for helping those that can help you in return when you need help with a problem you can’t solve with magic. Their humility may be your reason you will still be alive and live as you will in the future.”

Alexander replied, “But we’re criminals. No pony is going to look at us any higher than scum.”

“Criminals can be heroes. Any pony, including non-unicorns, can be,” Twilight said. “Literally, it happens every Tuesday.

Rarity concluded the battle rally, “I know this is scary for a lot of you, abandoning your luxurious lives on this ship to possibly die. But what is a life in shame and fear other than Korsan’s, the maniac that keeps you prisoner on here? His way of life is bringing death to thousands. Even if you die fighting, you would have lived a better life in those few seconds than serving him for however many years. If you still decide to stay loyal to Korsan, then go ahead. We shall meet again when the battle begins, and even there, I will still offer mercy. If you want to end this guilt of being his lackey, then join us, and together, we’ll end Korsan’s tyranny once and for all!”

“Choose wisely, please.” Twilight begged.

Silence washed over the airship. The massive sea of motley ponies stared off into their own personal subconscious worlds. As they all thought, Twilight heard the revving of Korsan’s weapon at the other end of the ship.

Eventually, Maria and a few other pirates left and returned to their regular posts.

However, just as it seemed that the mutiny was going to fail, a pirate’s voice turned the tide.

Alexander proclaimed, “You know what? You’re right. More it is noble to live a short life fighting for what is right and pure, than to forever live in shame and wrong. I dreamed of being a noble pony to the end of my days, and this is how I’ll do it.”

Slowly, Alexander walked over to Slasher’s side. He turned and faced the remaining, undecided pirates. Instantly, the mob burst out in small talk and cheers, splitting apart and taking sides. As one pony joined the heroes’ side, another went back to their station and prepare to fight them.

Yet, even with this vast split, the many members of the new mutiny, including Twilight, Rarity, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Slasher, Alexander, and several others, stood firm. They triumphantly looked to each other, their own personal army of justice.

“Hey! Don’t forget us!” Yin called out to Twilight.

Yin and Yu galloped to Twilight and the others and joined them.

“Yu! Yin!” Slasher yelled out to them.

Yu galloped to Maria, overly excited to see her. He quickly stared to stare into her eyes with a dumb smile on his face.

“Slasher, I haven’t seen you in ages.” Yu said.

“I missed you so much.” Slasher replied, blushing a little. “I missed seeing you out in the halls, goofing around with the other ponies.”

“I missed your smile.” Yu replied, blushing a lot. “You’re so prett-I mean-petite. You’re petite form always brought a warm atmosphere.”

“This is so awkward! Just do it, Yu!” Rarity yelled at him.

“What does she mean?” Slasher asked.

Yu took a deep breath before replying, “…Before we all probably die in some horrific fashion, I just need to get this off of my chest, Slasher”


Without hesitation, Yu grabbed Slasher with his magic, pulls her into his face, and locks his lips onto hers. At first shocked, Slasher soon succumbed to the kissing and held bond even tighter. Their eyes closed as the two collapse onto the floor in a cuddling fit.

Yin and the other pirates watched in shock.

“Aww!” Pinkie exclaimed. “It’s so romantic!”

“When was this going on?!” Yin exclaimed in confusion.

“It doesn’t matter silly, it’s love.” Pinkie replied.

“It just came out of nowhere, no explanation or any-” Yin tried to reply, only to be cut off by Pinkie.

“You will feel the love tonight!” She told him.


“Just ignore it, Yin.” Applejack replied.

“How? My brother is sucking the face off of Slasher out of nowhere!” Yin exclaimed.

“Ahem…” A soft voice called out to Rarity.

Rarity looked to the source and away from the others to see Maria. She was standing behind the mast stump, nervous to show herself in front of the others. A glint of fear was in her red eyes.

“Maria?” Rarity responded.

“Is it too late to join you guys?” Maria whispered.

“It never is too late.” Rarity warmly said.

Slowly, Maria walked out from behind the mast and joined the team. With a team of now over thirty ponies, the heroes now stood a chance against Korsan. However, only time would tell who will win. Will it be Korsan, or Twilight and her friends?

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