• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 022: Cruise Dating

The Perfection gracefully sailed across the cloudy skies as the warm sun descended into the horizon. The golden rays of dying light reflected off of the shiny woodwork of the deck, turning the thirty black sails of the tall masts fluttering in the wind into a warmer grey. At the forecastle deck, shielded from the direct sunlight by the array of gib sails, sat Korsan and Rarity.

Seated in two chairs at a small round table with a small set of fancy drinks and elegant foods, two ponies were on what was intended to be a date.

“So,” the brown stallion, Korsan, suavely asked his guest of honour. “Have any questions? Feel free to ask me anything.”

He lifted up a small silver goblet from the table and drank down its contents.

Rarity took a moment to look around. Without any of the other pirates around, the ship and surrounding sky was perfectly peaceful. But this wasn’t the time to relax, now was the time to get answers, to find some weakness.

Rarity then asked in a curious, yet still bitter tone, “How is this ship flying?”

“Simple.” Korsan pridefully stated. “I lined the exterior hull with thick amounts of anti-magic. Anti-magic, in thicker amounts at least, reacts with the magic field surrounding our world, holding the ship in a locked altitude above the ground, similar to a magnet really.”

“Where have you been?” Rarity asked.

“Everywhere. Ti, Pingwin, Heliopolis, Cervidas, Vaporia, Prances, Heliopolis, and many others, I’ve been to every nation east of the Forgotten Sea. I tell you what, the various cultures scattered across our world are fascinating, especial when they’re compared side by side. Watching my band of diverse crew members interact with one another is one of my biggest sources.”

“How did you pick out your crew members? By random, I’m guessing.”

“Actually no, I study a bit of their history before breaking hem out of whatever bottleneck rut they were stuck in, to determine who’s truly worthy to become part of this ship.”

“Even the mime?”

Especially Chopin,”


Rarity thought for a moment before asking another question. For some reason, she was intrigued by Korsan. She couldn’t tell if it was because of the pirate’s exotic history, the sheer bizarreness of his world compared to her own, or the cool, comforting tone of speech he has when simply chatting.

Before her mental defenses could be lowered, Rarity had to know one thing.

“Do you actually care about your crew members?” She asked him.

“Oh course I do, why would I not?” Korsan replied a bit stunned.

“Aren’t you worried about them backstabbing you, being mostly criminals?”

“…From what I’ve seen from their past, and how I run this ship, I’m highly certain that they’ll be loyal to me.”

Rarity was shocked. For the first time, she sensed some sort of doubt in Korsan’s voice, as if he wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure, but perhaps the fact that he, as well as any other pony, has doubts and takes a moment to think of an answer gives comfort.

Before Rarity could ask another question, Korsan instead questioned her.

“Actually, I have some questions for you.” He said, curious. “Where did you come from?”

“Ponyville,” Rarity answered, a bit hesitant.

“I figured. You didn’t look like a local or foreign bigwig that night. What do you do for a living?”

Although apprehensive to answer at first, seeing as Korsan was going to be stopped sooner or later, Rarity decided to play along and openly talk with the pirate captain about her life.

“I’m a fashion designer, the best of the best some celebrities say.”

“Interesting, perhaps I could use your assistance in designing a new costume for me.” Korsan joked.


“Fine, fine. Does your sister want to follow your lead and also do this designing business?”

“I can’t really say for certain. She just seems to be doing anything that gives her some sort of opportunity, even after getting her cutie mark.”

“Heh, I never even got mine, though I won’t say it really matters where I’m standing.”

“As much of a foal she is, Sweetie is quite fond of these adventures.”

“At least she has a childhood…”

As Korsan continued on, his voice became notably softer.

“Miss Rarity, what’s it like being an older sibling?” Korsan asked.

“It’s most certainly not the easiest if that’s what you’re implying.”

“But you have so much power, so much control. Surely, you must have no problem taking a hold of the world around you.”

“Oh now that’s just silly. Sweetie Belle’s a filly. Half of the time, even I can’t control her.”

“Do you still love her as your sister though?”

“Well, of course. That what siblings are for…”

Rarity stopped talking for a moment as she remembered of what Nitin Gale told her about Korsan’s family at Thieves’ Hold.

“Although she can sometimes drive me insane,” Rarity then said, careful of her wording. “Other times, she’s one of the greatest ponies I know. All of those good times we shared together, I’m real sorry that you only got rejection from yours.”

A small moment of silence came by before the pirate pony spoke, returning to his more callous and villainous attitude.

“But they had fair reason to be,” Korsan coldly said.

“That’s not tru-”

“Say, does Equestria still uphold that moronic equality thing today?” Korsan interrupted her.

What seemed to be at the drop of a hat, Korsan removed whatever warmness he had in personality, and replaced it with that crude pirate bravado he has with outsiders.

“Yes, and its most certainly not moronic.” Rarity told him.

“Well, perhaps you need to take a moment to see that it is a moronic principle.”

A small huff escaped Rarity’s nostrils.

“Being forced into having a date with some monster like you is moronic.” Rarity said, equally as cold as Korsan.

“I am no monster, but rather, a revolutionary, a necessary evil of sorts.” Korsan said.

“Does your crew know about what you mean when you say that? The fact that you’re slaughtering every non-unicorn in your path?”

“They, have some awareness of my goals. We haven’t been doing anything all that violent.”

“But what about that day three years ago?”

The pirate pegasus’ voice suddenly sharpened into an aggressive tone.

He replies back, still trying to keep his cool, “Oh yes, that’s right, Nitin told you all about that day. I wasn’t in the best of moods to say the least.”

“You’re probably never in the best of moods. For all I know, you are is just some psychopath using some false cause to justify whatever crime you want to commit. I am not joining your crew on whatever circumstance.”

Now furious at her partner, Rarity promptly got up from her seat and headed towards the stairway to below deck. She didn’t even bother to look back. She had it set in her mind that all Korsan was doing behind her was sitting in that chair with that Cheshire grin on his face.

“Wait.” Korsan’s voice echoed from across the boat.

“I don’t care, I’m going back in my cell and away from you.” Rarity told him.

“Let’s just finish our supper at least.”

“I’ll starve, thank you.”

As the angered prisoner reached the galley doors, Korsan called out to her.

But what he said was nothing imaginable by Rarity. Instead of his cruel, pirate bravado, Korsan spoke in a more benevolent voice. It sounded almost sorry, and more like a genuine try to appeal to her.

“Look,” he said. “I was being stupid. I’m not all that tough or brooding as I set myself to be. Really, I feel like we might have more in common that either of us know. Let me show you, back in my chambers. You might actually like a few things.”

Rarity slowly turned towards the pirate, interested of this immediate change of heart.

“…” Rarity kept silent however, not sure what to say next.

“Please? Hear me out,”

A small spur of delight and interest sparked in the mare’s head as she watched her rival now starting to beg to her. Despite her still disgust in Korsan, she couldn’t help but feel pity for him as his voice degraded in pride.

“Hmmm… Like what things?” She asked Korsan.

“Books, maps, mechanical devices, treasures, gemstones, artifacts,” Korsan said.



“Show me.”

“Yes!” The captain surprisingly cheered in delight. “Follow me.”

Within a second, Korsan’s body had already left the chair and was now running across the main deck to the other end of the long ship.

“What the,” Rarity muttered to herself as she slowly followed behind the captain. “I wasn’t expecting him to be this, enthusiastic, or even this… childlike.”

Rarity met up with her guide inside the second floor of the quarterdeck. Before them was long wall of solid wood and a vault door in the middle of it. As Korsan eagerly pulled several levers alongside the steel door, the white unicorn looked at her surroundings.

Outside, she saw a random stallion crew member climbing up one of the masts ladders with a dagger in his magic grip.

A loud clank was then heard behind her, causing her to snap her head back and see Korsan pulling the vault door open. The sight revealed caused Rarity’s jaw to drop.

The inside the massive vault turned out to be an utter gigantic treasure room, filled to the ceiling with many riches and treasures of unimaginable value. A mountain of golden blocks and coins stood in one corner of the room. The alongside wall was stuffed with ancient books, including an entire set of Daring Do novels. Several flags of different countries and kingdoms hung from the ceiling. Smaller sorted piles of iron, silver, quartz, emerald, diamond, bronze, and other valuable metals and abundant crystals were spread across the vault floor. Mechanical toys and devices made from wood, metal, and strings were displayed on shelves and tables. Large container units, holding special objects, were all arranged in a nice pattern, in one corner of the room. Even more trinkets and valuables dotted every metre of the massive chamber.

Shocked stiff, Rarity continued to silently stare into the room, mystified of the front half of the chamber her eyes can see alone.

“So,” Korsan gleefully asked. “What do you think?”

“I’m speechless. I never imagined you had such tastes.”

“Come, you said you wanted to see the gemstones.” Gently grabbing Rarity’s front hoof, Korsan led her into the large room. The two searched around for where the jewels were placed.

“Now where did I leave those? By the Altar of Aspidochelone? How about the condensed anti-magic? No, was it the Snapneck Claw prototype? No, no, no, it was by Captain Cutlass Cornelius’ skull.” Korsan muttered to himself.

“Where did you find all of these things? I know you pillage and plunder and all of that, but some of these things look like they’re centuries old, even millenniums.” Rarity asked, looking at a wall of highly detailed paintings of nature.

“I found them on some travelling ventures, only a few I ‘stole’ per say, specifically the gold and some gemstones.”

“Why didn’t you show me this room before?”

“I didn’t really think of showing you this room because…”

“Because what?”

“…I don’t know. Maybe my big talk, my thick privacy, I’m really more of an idiot.”

“Why are you telling me this now?”

“…Back at the forecastle, when we were talking, something just triggered inside of me. It was some feeling, a really good feeling, one that I haven’t felt in a while. For some reason, I feel like I can be honest with you. I-I just can’t really describe it.”

“You mean you see me as a friend?”

“…Perhaps, perhaps. Ah, here they are.”

The two ponies approached a pair of long shelves, one above another. Both were lined from end to end in a vast array of valuable jewels and stones. From red diamonds, to yellow star-cut rubies, to green crystals, to blue emeralds, they all glistened in the lantern light above them. Rarity was immedialty, completely entranced by her favourite things in the world.

“They’re beautiful.” She silently exclaimed.

Korsan looked over the display of stones alongside her, explaining what some of them are.

“Let’s see, that small white one’s the Eye of Calypso. That red diamond’s a Sparkle Blood Diamond. This pink one in the corner is an old birthstone of the current princess of Germaneigh.” He explained.

On the middle of the top shelf, the white mare noticed the Diamond Eyes, leaning against the wall side by side. Rarity was then immediately reminded on why she and her sister were even here on this ship. She looked over her side to see her guide continue to ramble on about each and every one of the hundred or so jewels before them.

“Korsan.” She said.

“Yes?” He asked, turning to her.

“Where did you find the second Diamond Eye?”

“Off from the shores of Pingwin. I had to, ‘borrow’, the other half in Equestria during the gala in order for the thing to actually be usable.”

“Usable for what?”

“To find the place I’ve been looking for, my ticket of finally being able to use magic, Alicorn Island.”

“Alicorn Island…”

“There’s some sort of map hidden in the Diamond Eyes, I just can’t find it though.”

“What do you plan to do once you do find the island?”

“Well, seeing as you and your friends came all this way after me for it. I might just return it to Equestria with both halves for a small ransom, I wouldn’t really need it since. But at this rate, I may never be able to find that blasted isle.”

“You’re really trying hard to find a way to use unicorn magic.”

“It’s been my lifelong dream, to be able to do things you and most other unicorns are able to do at any moment. To teleport to anywhere in only a second, to levitate massive objects with only your mind, to protect myself from ponies trying to use magic on me, it’s all a wonder to me.”

“Captain Korsan.” An old stallion’s voice called out from outside the vault. “We’re approaching alongside the western coastline of Wisteria. Continuing northwards, we’ll be far beyond the charted waters of the Outer Kingdoms and the Antlertic Ocean.”

“I see, Butch, I understand.” The captain said to his crewmember.

“Course of action, Captain?” Butch asked.

“…Let me take to the wheel. I got this taken care of. Come along, Rarity.” Korsan said, an eagar smile growing on his face.

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