• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 016: Rarity's Capture

As the two rivals stood face to face in the light of the tavern, fury and adrenaline pulsed through Twilight and Korsan. Korsan quickly drew his second sword from his back and charged towards the purple pony. Twilight picked up the broken remains of her chair and slung the pieces at him. Korsan diced the bits into smaller pegs of wood that merely bounce off of his metal suit before lunging at Twilight. Just as one of his outstretched blades touches one of Twilight’s hair however, an orange hoof appeared from beyond his sight and smacked the pirate in the cheek, launching him onto Maurice and his gang’s table.

“Don’t just stand there you bunch of coves!” Korsan barked, sliding off on the. “Get Twilight and her hooded goons!”

“Okay girls!” Twilight announced as her friends rose from their seats. “Time we show Korsan the true power of a team!”

Immediately, the entire bar fell under chaos as the two crews clashed in a classic barroom brawl.

Rainbow Dash soared underneath the tables and the hooves of Korsan’s crew, distracting most of them.

“I got this one!” Maria Vanshwitz declared to the others as she approached Fluttershy.

While Fluttershy was distracted by three stallions running at her, Maria snuck up behind. The white unicorn pulled a dagger and aimed for her target. However, just before she attacked, another small dagger soared into the mare’s mane, snagging it and pinning her to the nearby wall.

Maria looked over to the counter to see it was November that threw the weapon at her.

“November Gale…” She hissed.

“Maria Vanshwitz…” November hissed back.

Maria pulled out the dagger from the wall with her magic. Several stands of her red mane fell to the floor. Maria then tossed the dagger back at November and immediately charged at her. She armed herself with a second dagger from a brown belt around her waist. November ducked and her blade stabbed into the wall behind. She grabbed it and she and Maria engaged in a blade fight.

“Applebloom!” Applejack called out as a giant stallion pirate, armed with axes, ran at her and the fillies.

“I don’t want you and the others to see this.” Applejack warned her.

Listening to her older sister, Applebloom led her two filly friends under the table before a very audible snapping sound was heard from where Applejack was, followed by an even louder crunching noise. A faint whimper concludes the quick bout.

“Y’all can look now.”

Looking back, the three fillies saw Applejack triumphantly standing on top of the large stallion, now writhing in pain on the floor.

“What are you lily-livered morons doing?” Korsan screamed at his crew as he and Twilight fought in the center. “Use your magic!”

“Slightly preoccupied here!” Maria snapped as she and November were in a blade.

A small pirate stallion followed Rainbow Dash as she swoops under a large round table. With a grin on his face, the bandit quickly lifted the table to the ceiling. The table’s legs smashed on impact, crushing anything below it. The pirate whooped with joy, only to be struck by a buck in the face by Dash. The table then fell and Dash grabbed it in midair.

She swung the heavy disc over to where three pirates had surrounding Pinkie Pie. The table instantly took them out, launching them across the room, through one of the windows, and out into the icy water below with the broken window.

“Oh yeah! Score!” Rainbow Dash bragged. However, the cyan pony’s jubilee is cut short by a deep blue aura enveloping her midair, holding her in place.

“Hey!” She exclaimed.

From behind Rainbow Dash, a small pink unicorn with an eyepatch over her right eye walks around to the front of her prisoner with a smirk on her face.

“Let me go!” She demanded.

Soon, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Spike, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, were grabbed by the pirates’ telekinesis and are lifted next to Dash. Their captors cackled in victory as they reveal themselves in front of Dash and the others.

“You no-good cheatin’ pirates,” Applejack snapped at the seven unicorns holding her and her friends prisoner. “Let us go, or else-”

“Or else what?” The small unicorn pirate taunted back.

“I... Got somethin’! You won’t like it!” Applejack warned the tiny pony.

“Ha! What’s an Earth pony like you going to do to me?” The pirate mare retorted. “You’re no match for even me!”

Meanwhile, in the center of the bar, Twilight and Korsan continued fighting each other viciously. Twilight ducked her head from Korsan swinging his swords above her. Twilight aimed her horn quickly and fired a magic bolt. Korsan leapt over the shot and Twilight, preparing a downward swing. While he remained in midair, Twilight fires three more bolts of magic at him. The pirate pegasus deflected them with his swords before landing behind Twilight.

He crossed his blades in front of his chest as Twilight attempts to buck him. Her hooves and Korsan’s blades smashed together with such violent force, it forced the two away from each other and launched Korsan’s swords off of his hooves.

Being pushed forward to a billiard table, Twilight saw the pool balls in front of her and grabs them with her magic. Korsan recovered from the knockback and reached into his cape, drawing out his crossbow. Twilight immediately threw the pool balls at Korsan, aiming for the head. With perfect accuracy, Korsan fired his weapon at the balls, causing them to drop to the floor one by one, each with a large metal bolt piercing them.

Upon shooting the fifteenth and seeing the cue ball approaching him, Korsan chuckled as he aimed his crossbow at it. He pressed the trigger with his claw to shoot down the final ball. However, a loud click was heard from the weapon instead and the heavy white ball smacked into the captain’s nose. He was instantaneously disoriented from the in pain and shock.

Using this as her time to strike, Twilight swooped over to the disorientated stallion and grabbed him by the shoulders, throwing him up to the ceiling and smashing his head. As Korsan dropped back down, Twilight turned around in the air and kicked him in his front, launching him across the room. He smashed his back against the wood wall upon landing. Korsan snapped back to his senses into time to see Twilight charging at him.

Grabbing a lantern from a nearby table, Korsan threw the lamp right in Twilight’s face, causing a fireball to erupt upon collision. Blinded from the blast, Twilight plummeted into Korsan’s open claws, which grab onto her wings. With his rival now in his grasps, Korsan jumped from the wall and took to the air, performing a spiral in the air before smashing Twilight into a small table.

Korsan then raised a hoof in the air and formed his claws into a razor fist. However, as the pirate captain slammed it downwards, Twilight regained herself just in time. She rolled away, causing Korsan to get his claws lodged into the middle of a wooden floor plank instead. Twilight quickly got to her hooves and aimed her horn right at Korsan’s face, charging her magic for a powerful fireball spell to finish him off.

Using his strength, Korsan tore the board from the floor with his claw still stuck in it and swung it at Twilight. Twilight fired fireball from her horn just at that moment. A large explosion erupted from the spell, blinding everypony in the bar for a few seconds before their vision returned. Their eyes darted to the source of the blast, stopping their fights for a moment.

In the center of the tavern, amongst an indoor cloud of smoke, wood chips, and embers, stood Korsan, holding an unconscious Twilight in his claws. Her face was covered in ashes and burns while Korsan’s remained completely unscaved, with only a few tiny embers lingering on the nose. The ceiling and floor of where Korsan stood were completely pitch black with some planks of wood starting to break and fall.

With a large smirk on his face, Korsan pulled out an anti-magic strap and attached it around Twilight’s horn. He flung the purple body over the serving counter before turning to face Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and several other pirates looking at him in shock and surprise from the corner.

“That was a fireball,” Rarity uttered in her frozen breathe, backing up while Korsan slowly walked to her. “That was a fireball to the face. H-how did you-”

“Even I’m a little surprised I made it out unscaved.” Korsan remarked. “This tavern must be made of some really good wood. I haven’t even noticed until now. Either that, or I’m quite lucky.”

As Rarity’s rear hit a booth against the wall, she realized that there was nowhere to go. Her attention instinctively snapped to her younger sister, who was still standing next to their table, scared stiff.

“Sweetie Belle! Get back!” Rarity exclaimed.

“I-I-I-I c-can’t,” Sweetie mumbled.

Rarity then commanded Korsan, “Get away from her you monster!”

Forgetting her own safety, Rarity charged forwards between the pirate captain and the filly. She stood midway between the two, aiming her horn at Korsan’s nose. Korsan stopped right in front of the white unicorn, towering over her and looking down at her face.

“Such determination, such fury, such willingness to put your life on the line to protect your family, I’m almost speechless.” Korsan complimented Rarity. “However, I also see fear, dripping all over you. Though very logical for you to fear the greatest sea artist, master of the mechanical arts and revolutionary of these times, it is still a weakness, as with several other things that you’re burdened with. I can remedy that. Come with me, join my crew, and I can help you destroy those burdens. You can be one of the most powerful ponies in the world! So what do you say?”

“Never!” Rarity roared back.

“I don’t want to perform any drastic measures, but if you refuse my efforts now, I will require yourself and my crew to insert a little more leverage. Think about it.” Korsan coldly pleaded.

“Here’s what I think, take this!”

With a flick of her horn, Rarity attempted to grab Korsan with magic.

Nothing happens.

“Didn’t you hear Nitin run his lips about my anti-magic?” Korsan asked.

“I can try…!”

As Rarity continued to try to restrain Korsan, the pirate glanced around to see everypony still staring in silence. They were still scared breathless how he managed to tank a fireball from an alicorn princess.”

“Come on stallions and mares, this isn’t a Titan Megalodon, it’s just a lucky misfire. Well, that would be the most reasonable answer. Crew, back to The Perfection! Gather any fallen crew members on your way while I take care of Rarity and her little ankle biter.”

Korsan’s crew eventually came to their senses upon hear of his command and promptly exited the bar while the other pirates still continue to gawk. The seven remaining crew members inside continued to hold Twilight’s friends in place.

Korsan returned his attention to Rarity, still trying to grab him, before proceeding to grab her by the horn.

“Apologies ma’am,” He said.

Rarity immediately screamed as Korsan dug his claws into her horn, abruptly cutting off her magic. The mare immediately started to thrash and flail.

“Help!” She cried.

With Rarity now in tow, the pirate pegasus made his way to the door. However, he’s quickly stopped by a sharp pain in his ankle right above his metal boots. Groans of pain echoed from his throat.

“What the,”

He looked down to see Sweetie Belle biting down into his leg with all of her might.

“Let her go,” Sweetie’s voice grumbled as she bit into the hoof.

“Get away!” Rarity squeals. “Save yourself!”

“No, I’m going to let him take you away!” The unicorn filly said.

“I didn’t mean it literally…” Korsan painfully chuckled before reaching down with his other front hoof.

He picked the small filly up by the back of her neck, and held her in place with an iron grip.

“No! Let us go!” Sweetie pleaded.

“I’ll let yous go when we’re onboard and far away from this blasted place. Now come on,” Korsan commanded.

As Korsan resumed his walk out, Rarity and Sweetie screamed out to their friends at the top of their lungs, “Help! Get us out of here! Save us!”

“What about us, Captain?” The small unicorn member calls out, still holding her prisoner in place along with the others.

“Just toss them in the corner,” Korsan replied at the doorway. “Quickly, we won’t have much time before they chase us again.”

Promptly, the seven pirates chucked the seven dazed friends into the back corner of the tavern and followed their captain out to the balcony.

Within moments, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the others broke from their shock and jump into action.

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash hollered as she soared to where Twilight’s laying body was.

“Wha-” Twilight wearily groaned as she woke from her unconscious state.

“Korsan took Rarity!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“What?!” Twilight asked.

“And Sweetie Belle as well!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“What?!” Twilight screamed.

The purple alicorn snapped fully awake and flew with Rainbow Dash over to the front door. The other friends followed as they all headed out to the balcony, only to see Korsan’s ship already charging away at rapid speeds.

“Oh no!” Twilight exclaimed. “Korsan disabled my horn while I was knocked out it seems. I can’t teleport!”

“I’ll catch up to them!” Rainbow declared.

She jumped into flight and blitzed into the thick of the violent rainstorm and towards the floating pirate ship.

“Everypony else, to the ship!” Twilight declared back at the tavern.

“Don’t worry Rarity! Don’t worry Sweetie Belle! I’ll save you!” Dash yelled out in the distance.

She reached alongside the rear of the racing airship and climbed her way forward. The screams of Rarity and Sweetie Belle echoed from below the main deck as the cyan pegasus drew closer to the front of the quarterdeck. Korsan then emerged from the galley with his crossbow in his claws, causing Rainbow Dash to fall back and below the keel.

“I can’t do anything to help them if Korsan or his crew members get in my way.” Dash said to herself.

Far ahead at the front end of the ship, Rainbow Dash saw two giant black anchors, still being pulled upwards by their equally massive chains.


With a target now set, the mare raced towards the right anchor, flapping her wings vigorously. She reached it in only a few seconds. In the bright flashes of lightning around her, the pegasus aimed her hooves at a link and delivered a series of hard bucks at it. Eventually, the entire chain rattled and plummeting back down into the water.


However, Dash’s victory is cut short when the entire ship above suddenly tilted. But it didn’t make sense, it was as if it was for no reason.

“The anchor hasn’t even hit the bottom,” Dash said to herself.

The dwarfed mare watched in shock as the massive vessel leaned its deck towards her and was greeted by a group of Korsan’s pirates, holding onto the railing. All had their horns aimed at her. Instantly, the pegasus was wrapped in a red aura and dragged towards the slanted deck.

“We got her captain!” One of the pirates declared. “You can pull the ship back up no.”

“Let me go!” Dash exclaimed.

“Why should-”

Before the unicorn could fully respond, the entire ship suddenly came to a screeching halt. The pirates were immediately launched forwards onto the railing at the front of the bow. Rainbow Dash was released from the telepathic grab.

“That.” Dash said.

Back at the rear of the ship, Korsan was jerked forward into the wheel in front of him, clueless to what was going on.

“What in the seventeen seas is going on up there!” The captain growled as he regained his hoofing.

The voice of Twilight then echoed into his ears, “We’re here, Dash!”

“Twilight?” Korsan asked.

Quickly, the bipedal pony ran to the starboard edge of the tilted airship and looked down to see Twilight and her friends approaching in their galleon.

“It’s them…” He hissed.

After getting a good look at the pursuing vessel, Korsan climbed back to the wheel and pushed a small wooden button next to the lever next to the wheel, causing a long, thin speaking pipe with to emerge from behind the wheel.

Leaning close to the opening of the pipe, Korsan declared, “Attention all crew members! Battle stations! Twilight Sparkle is right below us at starboard!”

“Here we go.” Twilight said.

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