• Published 24th Apr 2017
  • 963 Views, 14 Comments

Ultimate Equestria - Leo Pachino

What happens when Twilight Sparkle and her friends are pushed to their limits? How does their friendship and strength hold against a series of evil none like ever before?

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Chapter 001: Regal Invites

“As the raging thunderstorm continued to rock the ship back and forth, Daring Do watched in horror as Captain Cutlass Cornelius approached her at the end of the breaking wooden bow. With her wing sliced halfway through from their previous fight, she couldn’t fly away and instead faces two options. She should either jump off and drown, or face off against a superior foe.

The dragon pirate chuckled as he drew closer to Daring Do, sharpening his sword-like claws against each other. With each step Cornelius took on the weakened bow, a loud crackle could be heard. Now, with only a metre of distance between them, the heroic pegasus closed her eyes tightly and curled into a small ball. It was her only way to buy more time, to think of her options just a little more.

Manically laughing, Cornelius raised his bladed claws high into the air. Bolts of lightning struck down on the claws and charged them with electricity to the point where the metal started releasing small bolts of energy. These bolts connected to the pouring raindrops that come anywhere close to them, turning them to steam. The pirate captain swung down his arms and-”


“Spike! I was in the middle of the climax! You threw off my groove.”

“Sorry. The tickets just arrived and I was a little too excited.”

“Gah…” The mare known as Twilight groaned as her eyes broke away from the lines of text in the book and turned towards the purple baby dragon standing at her side, holding two golden slips of paper in between his claws.

She immediately recognized them as tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, the royal ball that she and her friends always look forward to going to. As her purple eyes traveled upwards to meet Spike’s large greens, his face turns to a look of discomfort and shame.

“Sorry…” Spike uttered below his breath.

Twilight sighed and took a deep breath to calm herself down before responding.

“It’s fine… I’m sorry I snapped.” Twilight reassured her friend. “I just want to finish this before Rainbow Dash does and spoils it for me. Thanks Spike. What day is it anyways?”

Spike answered, “The day of the Grand Galloping Gala,”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Yeah, you-”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Frantically, Twilight leapt up from her position and hopped from the bed, causing the open book to flop forwards onto the sheets. The alicorn then began to dart around her large crystalline bedroom chamber, picking up several items scattered at every corner of the room. Her horn glowed intensely with several shades of purple as items become enveloped in a purple aura and flung into the middle of the room in front of the dragon.

“I tried to,” Spike said. “But you were to so intent on finishing your book and beating Dash. When I tried to tell you that the ticket delivery was late, you didn’t listen. Only when I have the tickets now and practically shouted at you, you listened.”

“I was thinking I would start getting ready when they arrived, I wasn’t expecting them to be this late.”

“They were.”

“Okay, what do I have? Spike, help! Dress?”

Casually, Spike reached into the large pile and sifted through the items, examining each one quickly and tossing out any toys or random things that accidentally got in there.

“Check.” Spike declared, pulling out said item.

Spike placed the dress on the end of the bed. He then hurried back to the pile as Twilight relayed the next item on her mental checklist.






“No-” Spike’s denial is cut short by a necklace of pearls being flung into his face and dropping into the pile.

“Check.” He restated.

“Bits?” Twilight asked.

“Ten, no, eleven bits,”


“Got them.”

’Daring Do and the Lost Kingdoms of Trihearth’?”

“Ye-No, you don’t need it. You’ve had your face jammed in it for a week.”

“I do! Rainbow Dash will not spoil it for me this time.”

“She wo-”

“She will!”

“Fine, I’ll add it to the pile.” Spike turned to the bed and reached for the book. Upon grabbing it, the feeling of moist sweat and heat surged into his claws, nearly causing him to drop it in reflex. However, instead of doing as she said, Spike instead slipped the book under one of the large bed pillows.

Immediately after though, a sudden spike in guilt prompted the dragon to pull out the book.

“…Check.” He reluctantly said.

“What else, what else, what else…” Twilight pondered aloud.

“Your crown,”

“Yes! My crown?”


Upon placing the crown atop of the new pile, Spike sneezed. The air had become polluted with glitter and smells from the various items being thrown about.

“That should be it right?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah,” Spike nodded.

“Good, then let’s go!”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“You just said we-”

“Not these things, you.”


Confused, Twilight walked over to a large mirror hanging onto the wall to examine her reflection. She saw that she has deep, black bags beneath her eyes and that her mane was a frowzy mess, with purple hairs tangled up in each other and her pink highlights weaving through the cluster and spiking out the back.

“Oh.” Twilight said.

Spike added, “And don’t forget, you have to put on these things.”

“You’re right. Thanks. Go on ahead without me. The others should be at the train station. Tell them to go to Canterlot without me.”

“Will do,”

Meanwhile, at the train station on the outskirts of Ponyville, five mares, each dressed in beautiful clothing, brandishing a wide array of colours, were quietly standing on the boarding platform. With a train approaching in the distance, the five soon become anxious at the absence of their sixth and seventh friend.

“Where is she?” A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail amongst the group impatiently asked. “Shouldn’t Twilight have been the first pony to be here?”

Her name was Rainbow Dash, the ace and motivator.

“Quit your fussin’, Rainbow Dash. She can always catch the next train.” An orange Earth pony with blonde hair replied.

Her name was Applejack, the muscle and voice of reason.

“But we agreed to wait for her, Applejack.” A yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail gently responded. “What if she panics when she can’t find us here?”

Her name was Fluttershy, the kind and noble.

“I know, Fluttershy, but I don’t like it when my little sister and her friends are already there without us to supervise them. Whose idea even was that again?” Applejack replied.

“It was Pinkie’s if I recall correctly.” A white unicorn with a curly purple mane and tail answered.

Her name was Rarity, the generous and fashionable.

Rarity continued, “But it’s not all that bad as you put it. How much trouble could my sister, your sister, and Scootaloo cause-”

“A lot, Rarity.” Applejack dryly answered for the mare.

“Well… maybe. Yeah, it was kind of a dumb idea.” Rarity said.

“But they would’ve been so bored here Rarity!” The pink Earth pony known as Pinkie exclaimed, “And besides, I made them all Pinkie Promise not to cause any trouble in Canterlot.”

“Guys!” Rainbow Dash yelled out, “We’re forgetting the issue at hoof. What are we going to do if Twilight doesn’t show up when the train gets here?”

Fluttershy calmly exclaimed, “Girls! It’s Spike!”

The four others looked over to where Fluttershy was staring and see Spike running towards them from the entrance of the train station.

“Hey everypony,” Spike called out.

“What’s keeping Twilight?” Dash irritably asked.

“Twilight was sidetracked by that new Daring Do book. She’s getting ready now and it’s probably going to take a while. She said that we should go on without her.” Spike the dragon explained.

“Did she finish?”

“No, she’s still getting ready.”

“No, no, no, I mean did she finish ’Daring Do and the Lost Kingdoms of Trihearth’?”

“No, she only got midway through the climax.”

“What?! She doesn’t know that Daring Do’s mother is-”

Before Rainbow Dash could finish, the powerful blow of the train horn interrupted her.

“The train’s here. I’ll tell ya later.” She said.

One by one, the five ponies and Spike walked into the open train car. They each took a seat inside, with the mares being careful in their positioning as to not damage their gowns and party-wear.

“Those dresses look great.” Spike remarked.

“Why thank you,” Rarity stiffly responded as she continued to meticulously correct her position. “I worked on these over the past month, including that tuxedo you have.”

The small dragon looked down and confirmed that he was wearing the black suit Rarity made.

“Oh yeah, I nearly forgot I was wearing this all day. The thing’s so comfy.”

“Wish I could say the same.” Applejack remarked, obviously scratching her behind underneath her dress.

“So, do you think anything odd is going to happen?” Spike asked.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

Spike further explained, “You know, the first gala ended in chaos. The second one last year ended with Discord bringing that Smooze thing and nearly sending your friend into a portal. Wouldn’t it be a bit expected that something bad might happen this year?”

“Nah, it was probably just chance. Nothing bad will happen this-”

“Don’t tempt fate!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

“What?” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, confused.

“If you say that nothing bad will happen, something bad will happen! It’s a law of the universe!” Pinkie declared.

“Or just nothing bad will happen.” Fluttershy replied.

“I bet ten bits on it.”

“Fine, I bet ten as well. That’s how confident I am that we all shouldn’t worry this time.”

“You’ll be so sorry.”

The train horn blared out three times as the locomotive begun its departure to Canterlot. Starting with a sudden jerk forwards, the train slowly began to accelerate and head forward on the iron tracks. Spike looked out the window at the orange evening sky and saw Twilight’s crystal palace in the distance amongst all of the various buildings of Ponyville.

“Well Twilight,” Spike spoke to himself. “See you on the next train.”

“Don’t feel do down.” Pinkie told Spike. “We’re all still going to the Grand Galloping Gala still.”

Out of nowhere, a bright purple light flashed in the middle of the train car, blinding the six inside with it. Twilight, adorning a sparkly blue dress and a golden jeweled crown emerged from the light as it faded.

“Twilight!” Her friends all exclaimed as their vision recovered.

“Sorry,” Twilight replied, “I forgot to check the time.”

“We heard from Spike.” Rainbow Dash responded, “So, you haven’t gotten to the part where it’s reveal that Daring Do’s mother is-”

“Don’t say another word!” Twilight hissed.

“Oh, right, spoilers…”

“Shoot! Now that you mention it, I left the book at home.”

Filled with mild fury, Twilight stamped a hoof into the floor.

Spike turned to Dash and asked in a whisper, “…Is her mother dead?”

“Shush!” Twilight hissed again.

“Oh, sorry, just curious…”

“Now then, did anything important happen while I was gone?” Twilight then asked.

“I’m going to win a bet against Fluttershy.” Pinkie cheered.

“No you won’t.” Fluttershy dryly replied.

“I’ve recently been practicing lightning manipulation.” Rainbow bragged. “It’s going to be so awesome!”

“Nothing much going on with me,” Rarity added. “Boring, but I like it.”

“Big Mac’s been working out.” Applejack said. “Soon, he’ll be able to buck apples out of three trees with a single buck.”

“Oh! I almost forgot.” Twilight suddenly exclaimed. “This year, Cadence will be presenting a historical artifact from the Crystal Empire at the gala tonight.”

“What is it?” the other six asked simultaneously.

The Diamond Eye, a massive diamond of immense historical and monetary value. It is larger than the average pony, and has near-flawless clarity. It is decorated with many ancient grooves, designs, and markings, amplifying its value even more. Dating back to before King Sombra’s reign on the Crystal Empire, the Diamond Eye had been a monument of sorts to the history of the empire. However, it is only half of a once even greater gemstone. The Diamond Eyes, so to speak, separated ages ago, and the other half was never found since.

“It’s going to be stolen!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully declared. “See Fluttershy, it’s destined to happen.”

Applejack groaned, “Enough of this, I’m already irritated enough with this dress chafing parts of me I didn’t even know I had, do not push it. That diamond is not going to be stolen tonight.”

“Fine. Sorry.” Pinkie grumbled.

“Good.” Applejack nodded.

“For now…”

“Excuse me?”


“Hey Twilight,” Spike asked Twilight. “Is there anything else special about that diamond?”

Twilight promptly replied, “There is writing engraved into the diamond, but it’s in a very ancient language and that it’s only part of a full message. Scholars say that it’s some form of poem with a very important subject matter.”

“Where do you think the other half is?” Spike then asked.

“No idea. King Sombra did a lot of changes to the kingdom all of those centuries ago. The other half may be underneath a hundred metres of ice and snow a hundred kilometres away from the empire, and that’s only if it didn’t make its way out to sea. If that’s the case, it might as well be on the other side of the world.”


“But there is some hope in finding it, albeit very little.”

Twilight turned over to the window and looked out. Off in the distance was Canterlot and the castle at the edge of the city. That was where they were going. Twilight and the others were greatly excited for this night, for this was the night where things would go right.

At least, that’s what she thought.

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