• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter IX: Movie Night (Part 1)

The Magic Lantern Theater is considered to be one of Canterlot’s oldest movie cinemas. A time casual from an era of art deco, enormous seating covered in velvet, an orchestra pit, and the smell of popcorn in the air. It was the kind that nearly resembled an opera house by design from the foyer to the auditorium.

Outside of the theater, as their armed escort came to a stop, the couple looked out to a theater that proudly displayed in lights of the first screening of the newly discovered film. There was a line of moviegoers that waited to get to the ticket booth in the very front. The Prince was also grateful of noticing the Lunar Guards at the front door, checking for cameras before anyone went in.

“You know,” Fancy commented the bright headboard as he and Blueblood stepped out of the palanquin. “This is quite the crowd for a silent movie. Then again, I guess the fact that it’s obscure might contribute to the fact.”

“I do wonder what it’s about though,” the Prince said as he and his date approached the ticket booth. “Auntie Luna said it was a romantic horror film that was considered too shocking when it was made. Then again, with so much time has passed, perhaps what we’ll get will be tamed in comparison.”

“Don’t count on that just yet,” replied the elder unicorn. “There are a few silent films out there that could give a grown stallion like my nightmares. So who knows what we’ll see.”

They walked past the booth and up to the doors where a young unicorn in a red uniform stood with a hole puncher in his aura. “Tickets please,” Fancy gave them to him in which he carved a couple of holes in them. “Confections are on the left, and the theater is just up the stairs, enjoy the show.”

Giving their tickets back and walking past the guards, the couple entered a brightly lit, golden foyer that had a long glass counter the contained rows of candies. And behind the few ponies in a red uniform were the popcorn machine and soda fountains that looked like they haven’t aged outside of the building. Indeed, it almost seemed that they’ve stepped back in time.

“Popcorn sirs?” a teenage pegasus inquired in his crackling voice. “Or ice cream floats?”

Fancy was the first to approach the counter, “Why would you look at these. Daisy Cups, Caramel Bars, Twister’s Liquorish, I haven’t seen any of these since I was a colt.”

“You can get a couple with a large bowl of popcorn,” the uniformed pegasus told him. “Would you like that, sir?”

After telling Fancy that he would have only water before he let his date order whatever he wanted, Blueblood’s attention turned when he heard: “So the rumors were true after all.” Looking over his shoulder, where he found a gray Earth Pony who had a white and gray mane that was styled as a baroque wig, sunglasses, a fan for a cutie mark, and white cuffs on his forelegs.

Blueblood felt tensed up, “U-Uh… sorry?”

“You really are with sexy Pants, are you Princy?”

The blond unicorn’s first instinct was to immediately back away from that pony, only to bump into his date who turned around. “Hoity!”

“Hey there Fancy!” the gray stallion walked over to hug him, “It’s been a while hasn’t it?”

“I didn’t expect to see you here, what brought you here old sport?”

“Here on a date, he’s in the bathroom right now and he-”

“Who are you?” the Prince interrupted the conversation.

“Oh!” Fancy chuckled, “Where have my manners run off to? Blueblood, this is a friend of mine, Hoity Toity. Hoity, this is Prince Blueblood.”

“Charmed,” the gray stallion bowed a bit before turning to the older unicorn, “Now seriously Fancy, why are princes flocking over to you and not me?”

He shrugged, “You could call it dumb luck. But what about you? Who are you dating this time?”

“Somepony brand new, you know Cosmare Magazine? There’s a new photographer who has been shooting some of my latest designs. He seemed rather delicious so I thought, ‘Why not?’ and asked him out. His name is Fashion Plate by-the-way. But for the moment, I’m rather hoping that you would settle something for me?”

“That being?”

He smirked, “Is it true that you really are going out with him?” Hoity pointed at the Prince.

Blueblood glanced over at his date before Fancy could speak, he spoke up, “Mr. Pants has agreed to do some trial runs with me, for the sake of getting to know one another better.”

The gray stallion snorted, “That’s quite the mouthful to say that you are.” He took off his sunglasses for a moment and winked at Fancy, “Lucky devil. How come you get the really good ones?”

“Uh, excuse me,” a nasal voice was heard, the three of them turned to the counter where the teenager had a striped popcorn bowl with a couple of candy bars sticking out and two tall drinks. “That’ll be thirty bits please.”

“I think it's best we head to our seats,” Blueblood insisted as he used his magic to pick up the snacks. He started for the staircase before his date could get a word out of it.

“What’s gotten into him?” Hoity wondered aloud.


It took a while for Fancy to find his date that sat sulking in one of the box seats. “You know, as a rule,” he said as he walked past the curtain. “If you’re going to suddenly run off like that, the least you could do is to give me an idea where.”

Blueblood rubbed his forehead, “I know, I know. I wasn’t thinking back there.”

The older unicorn sat down next to him, “But why did you? We were having some small talk with a friend of mine then you stormed out? I don’t understand why you would do that.”

“It’s a little difficult to explain,” the Prince sighed. “I guess it’s out of force of habit. Tell me, Fancy, how long ago have you come out to everypony?”

“Since I was nineteen, why?”

“Look, what I’m trying to get at is that… I’m…” Blueblood’s ears folded back, “I’m not used to having ponies outside of family talk about… this. It’s one thing for my Aunts to chat about us, but it’s another when it’s from someone I don’t know. Growing up, I’ve learned how to conceal myself, to show others what I wanted them to show. Including my… orientation. But now with the news and your friend, do you know how naked it is to be this exposed?”

The blond unicorn felt a hoof on his back was being rubbed in circles, looking to his right, he saw his consort’s have a sober expression. “My apologies then, I didn’t know that you would be uncomfortable having everypony know about us. I assumed that since you came out-”

“No,” Blueblood interrupted, “that’s not what I’m trying to say. It’s not having others know that I prefer… ponies like us. Rather I’m not as used to hearing them speak of something so personal.”

“You just need some time to get used to it,” Fancy reached down and grabbed one of the candy bars. “Do you want one?”

The Prince grimaced, “I prefer to have something more refined than carnival fare. I, on the other hoof, am surprised that you’re the one that orders all of this.”

“There’s no shame in eating ‘carnival fare’ as you put it when they taste so good.” His date replied as he unwrapped one of the bars. “I’m willing to share if you ask.”

Soon the lights in the theater had dimmed, and in the spotlight on stage walked out a mare in a black dress. “Mares and Gentlecolts, may I have your attention, please? Before we begin our show, I want to give a quick introduction to the film and the string quartet that will be playing for us this evening.” The chatter in the theater had at this point died down, and all ears were pointed directly at the mare on stage.

“First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming out to see, what is technically the premiere of ‘Til Death Do Us Part.’ What you are about to see is a film that was made nearly a century ago but has never been released in theaters until now. It was made near the end of the silent movie era before sound was introduced, so the fact that this once lost film was not only found but has the original score for string quartet is really a once in a lifetime chance.

“This film is not only combined both romantic and horror for the first time, but it possibly might be the earliest to feature a same-sex couple – something that was considered avant-garde at the time.” There was a murmur in the audience before she continued, “Now, there were a few who said that those who worked on this movie were cursed during the production of this picture. For example, the two lead actors have met a grim fate where one had died on set while the other had mysteriously disappeared for reasons unknown. Even the composer of the score that you’re about to hear had apparently gone insane by the time he finished writing it. Perhaps, tonight we might find out why this film was banned from being released.

“And now, with the help of the Cantlerlot String Quartet, tonight the Magic Lantern proudly presents the world premiere of ‘Til Death Do Us Part.’ Please, enjoy the show.” The audience applauded as she walked off stage and four other ponies came on. They bowed before they went over toward the covered orchestra pit where four chairs and music stands sat. As they turned up, the red and gold curtain behind them was parted wide, revealing a white screen. Flipping their music sheets to the opening pages, the first violinist raised his bow and looked over to the screen, readying for the movie to start.

As soon as light from the projector materialized the title card on the screen did the quartet began its slow crawl of an opening, “‘Til Death Do Us Part. Keralight Studios. 928.” It was encircled with the white outlines of a spider’s web with skulls in the corners of the screen. For about three minutes as the quartet played an eerie opening, other title cards appeared that introduced the small cast and the legions of ponies from long ago that had a role in putting the movie together from location scout to the director.

While the film was opening, all, except for three princesses, had their eyes on the screen. They were hidden, of course, watching from the shadows of their box seat on the other side as the couple seated. Luna looked through her opera glasses and smirked at the sight of her nephew and his coltfriend were close to one another as the spooky music was playing.

“So what’s your plan?” Princess Cadance whispered.

“I think we should start with something simple,” Luna explained quietly. “This theater and the movie playing should provide the right conditions for them to get close. If the film gets too frightening for either, the other should bring them close for the sake of comfort. Or maybe have them a good time to riff the film to the point where it could get them into the mood as if were. And if luck is on my side, then I may have them making out before the motion picture could be over.”

“Something tells me they won’t,” Celestia said in a singing voice as she rolled her eyes.

“Oh? As if your noodle idea was any better?” They were shushed from the audience and the Night Princess winced, taking a quick glance to make sure their nephew didn’t notice, luckily he didn’t.

“Auntie Celestia does have a point,” the pink alicorn in black responded. “This is hardly the kind of setting in which those two would either declare their love or even gives so much as a smooch. Then again, it could happen, but that does seem rather unlikely though – especially in a room full of ponies.”

“Ah, but in a darken room nonetheless,” Luna grinned. “Surely, those two would reason that while it’s dim and everypony’s attention is towards the screen that they could get away with it without anyone noticing.”

“Though I still have my doubts baby sister,” the Princess of the Sun told her.

On the screen, the film opened up on a dilapidated mansion with a crescent moon overhead. It was three stories tall with shingles missing, windows were broken, shutters long been fallen off and smashed, paint faded away to reveal the gray wood, the front door boarded up, an overgrown lawn filled with tall weeds and a long dried up fountain. The camera then backed away to show the untamed trees and bushes that stood nearby like guards until the screen came to a stop when it went through the bars of an iron gate with a “No Trespassing” sign. Complete with a padlocked gate.

Sunglass Manor. Once a lively place a century ago now stands silent. Tarnished by tragedy, this disgraced home is all forgotten and abandoned by the family that kept this place alive. But now, it remains deathly quiet, with no soul dared to enter its hallowed halls.

That was… except for one who was looking for shelter.

The audience watched as the camera cut to a raggedy Earth Pony in the moonlight with the wind blowing at his bearded face, teeth chattering in the cold. He held on from one of his forelegs a bindle that thrashed about in the gale. The stallion stopped for a moment, breathing into his hooves and rubbing them.

Hard Trek, a stallion that has been homeless, was walking all night. Seeking for a place to warm his icy hooves, he is cold and tired. And he wishes for a place for him to rest his head.

Eventually, the pony went up to the locked gate, examining the rusty padlock and yanking on the chain. Apparently, the links of that chain were so old that after giving it a few tugs that it came apart, allowing the stallion to push open the gate and started to make his way towards the mansion. On the screen, the homeless guy walked up to one of the broken windows and after looking around, tossed his bindle in before climbing inside. To which, the camera cut to the inside in which the audience could make out the silhouettes of a couch, armchair and a table with something on it. Out of the darkness, Hard Trek’s shadow pulled open his bindle to take out a box of matches to illuminate himself. He walked towards the table to which he found an old kerosene lamp that had some liquid in it. After lighting another match, he lit the lamp that helped brighten up what appeared to be a darkened living room.

The stallion’s ears folded back but had a look of confusion on his face. For there was a good reason, unlike the outside of the mansion, the room itself appeared to be not only clean, but the decor appeared to be what all other living rooms were two hundred years ago. In the flickering kerosene light, there was floral wallpaper, oil paintings, even a mirror that was hung in a guild frame.

“Hello! Is anypony here?”

The camera cut to a close up of him.

“I-I’m cold and lost. If anyone is in here, could you at least let me warm up in here? It’s a cold night out there.”

However, nothing seemed to happen.

While the screen showed Hidden Trek moving towards the hearth to light a fire, Fancy leaned over to Blueblood. “How do you think this is going to end?” he whispered. “Do you suppose this is a lost vampire film?”

“I hope not,” the Prince grumbled. “This would make it things way too predictable. Then again, being a silent movie, I don’t exactly have that high of an expectation out of it.”

On the screen, the homeless pony got a fire going when it cut to Trek's side as he rubbed his hooves and held them out to the flames. Behind him was a doorframe that was inky black that contrast to the bright Earth Pony that paid no mind of a figure that was taking shape. From the open double doors, an outline slowly materialized until a face appeared. It was that of a tall, pale unicorn that had a tall white collar that was held together in a black cravat, a gray vest, and a midnight dark suit.

“Why are you here?”

This got an imitate reaction from the homeless pony, his head quickly snapped to the doorway, a hoof over his chest. Trek immediately began apologizing to the unicorn as more of him came into the light of the fire. He explained that he was cold, tired and lost that he was looking for shelter. The pony further said that he’ll leave if his host just gave him a minute to warm up a little. But even as the tall unicorn leaned over him, he put a hoof underneath his beard, looking down at the poor fellow and asked if he knew him.

Trek shook his head.

“Are you sure we haven’t met before? Your face is familiar to me. As if…”

The unicorn silently trailed off as his eyes went wide. A close up of Trek’s face was shown, his beard had faded away to reveal a young, handsome face before it blurred back to his original look. The stranger stood back in amazement. Trek tilted his head and asked if something was wrong.

“No. Nothing at all. You said that you were cold? Do you have someplace else to be?”

The camera cut to the two of them, the homeless guy’s ears fell flat against his head, glancing over to the fire.

“Go where? I have no place to go to... Mister…?”

It was here that the stranger gave a warm smile.

“Call me Mr. Glass, I’m the caretaker. And you sir, are welcomed here.”

As Mr. Glass put a hoof on the other’s shoulder, Trek sighed in relief. He seemed to thank the unicorn before he yawned, glancing over towards the old couch; the ragged stallion went over and flopped onto it. He made a hoof gesture as if asking his host if he minded, the pale unicorn shook his head. Another yawn escaped his muzzle as he curled up on the couch, wrapping his forelegs around himself, letting sleep overcame him.

Mr. Glass, as soon as it was made clear the homeless stallion was asleep, seemed to glide over to one of the arms of the couch and knelt down near his head. At first, he had a smile on his face before it dropped to worry. With a hoof, he raised it and gently stroked the poor pony’s mane as softly as he could.

“Oh my love, what have they done to you?”

When Blueblood saw that, he raised an eyebrow, “Now things are getting interesting.” He commented.