• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter XXVI: Family Reunion

Hoof cuff was the first to act as he waltzed over to the Prince’s bedside. “You know, Your Highness, I do have to say that you’ve got yourself a good catch with my little brother.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Thank you?”

Ms. Harshwhinny walked over to the other side of the bed and asked, “So have you given any thoughts to marriage yet?”

“Mum!” Fancy sat straight up in his bed. “We are not doing that yet!”

“We’ve been going courting for a few months,” the Prince pointed out. “And I just was able to tell him that I loved him, isn’t this way too soon?”

Keen Eye snorted, “Not exactly. Fancy over here married his last husband in a month after they meet. So really, this shouldn’t exactly be an issue.”

“But this time being a Royal wedding,” The pudgy brother mused. “I could be the beginning of a new chapter for everyone here, and not just Fancy.”

“I know right?” the officer remarked, “As exciting as policing is on some days, I guess I wouldn’t mind being called ‘Duke Hoof Cuff’.

“Not to mention getting a better home that would make our mansion look like a mobile home in a trailer park by comparison,” Harshwhinny agreed.

The older sister scoot over to where her injured brother was. “So what do you say, Fancy? I would like to retire early from that horrible job in Applewood.”

Her brother glared suspiciously at her, “I thought you said that you liked your job.”

“Not if you have to cater to psychos every day,” she turned to her dad that as across from her, “No offense.”

Clavier rolled his eyes, “None taken.”

“I mean come on Fancy,” Keen turned her attention towards her younger brother. “It’s pretty much a win-win-win here. Blueblood can be with the guy that loves you. You can be spending the rest of your aging life with a hot looking guy. And we get benefits because we’re related.”

“Now, wait a minute,” the Prince objected. “I don’t think that’s how it works.” Five pairs of eyes gazed at him, all asking what he meant by that. “Look, even if we do end up getting married, my property and wealth would indeed be shared by him along with his with me. However, I personally cannot upgrade his title above Royal Consort without the consent of all the Princesses and Prince Shining Armor. Which means, none of you would be made official aristocrats without all my Aunts, cousin, her husband had Princess Twilight’s given consent.”

“With all due respect, Your Grace,” the younger brother of his consort began. “But aren’t you very good at diplomatic skills? Surely, even you could at least convince the Royal family into giving him some other title than just consort. Maybe it doesn’t have to be Prince per-say, but at least something as modest like ‘Count’ would be an honor for him and the family as well.”

Fancy frowned, “What benefit would I gain? In case you- OW!” he shifted his hind legs, along with the cast that had kept his shattered leg within it. “In case all of you had forgotten,” he continued, “I’m already doing very well with my system of being a patron for the art. Besides the fact that I’m living quite comfortably, ponies in Canterlot consider me the top critic in regard to culture over there. So what would be so different if I happen to marry a Prince?”

The hospital room became silent; however, the stillness was broken by Fancy’s mother who was frowning at her son. “By Celestia, you really are an idiot. Don’t you realize what we’re trying to do for you? And for us as well? This is a once in a lifetime chance to kick start an aristocratic dynasty.”

“I won’t have it!” Blueblood objected. “Clearly, none of you have any idea what any of you are asking.”

“Oh quit being a wussy,” Ms. Harshwhinny stomped her hoof.

“HEY!” Fancy’s voice thundered in the small room. Sitting straight up, he first moved one hindleg then the other. Despite the sharp pain that was radiating from his cast, he let it dangle off the hospital bed, glaring at his whole family. “Leave, all of you,” he said through his teeth.

“Says who?” his older brother inquired.

“Me,” Fancy responded. “How dare all of you come waltzing in, going from checking up to see how we’re doing to plotting a power grab through the stallion I love. I have been manipulated by my ex-husband before, and I’ll be forever damned if I let anypony, especially all of you, to do the same. Never, in all my years have I heard such selfishness coming from any of you, especially you mum! I cannot believe that you would use our family’s ultimate insult upon a member of the Equestrian Crown!”

His mother raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What exactly are you going to do if we refuse to leave? In case you haven’t noticed, your leg is broken, so it’s not like you could do anything about it.”

Blueblood was just about ready to call upon the guard to have the family remove. However, before he could do anything about, with fire in his eyes, his consort did the unthinkable. Letting his hind hooves touch the floor, he stood up. Even when half of his weight was sending shocking pains in his hoof, Fancy held a look of determination with a tear running down his cheek. “DON’T, EVER, tell me, what I can, or can’t do.

Fancy felt that his bandaged hoof was walking on shattered glass with each, labored step. “If it means that I will have to remove each and every one of you by force, I will. Get the Tartarus out, all of you are dead to me.”

Tempered Clavier, who hadn’t spoken for a long time, finally broken his silence, “Wait, are you giving up on your family?”

His son narrowed his eyes, “You know what? Stay on the island, get off the island, I don’t care. Do you all want to hear it? You are a horrible family. What’s more? I don’t think I’m going to miss any of you. Now, get out.”

Blueblood saw the looks of betrayal and heartbreak on his consort sibling’s faces, including his mother’s. The father, however, his face brightened up, eyes glistening with pride as he shouts joyfully, “THERE YOU GO FANCY! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!”

Whatever determination his son had, he finally buckled under the weight and collapsed on the floor. The Prince sprang out from his bed, taking the I.V. tube down along with him. And both stallions had one thing on their minds, “What?”

The insane stallion went over to help his son help. “Oh Fancy, I’m so proud of you! You’ve finally gotten over the whole ‘they’re my family’ crap, and realized that we’re just a bunch of psychotics.”

“HEY!” Fancy’s siblings cried out in unison.

But their protests went ignored as he asked his son if he was alright. With a nod from his son, Clavier sighed, “Oh thank Celestia,” he turned to his ex-wife. “Do you think he’ll stop worrying about any of us and finally start taking better care of himself?”

“Well apart of wishing he would bring my silverware back,” Harshwhinny narrowed her eyes. “I don’t know how easily I’m going to forgive you for cutting all of us off.”

Blueblood cleared his throat, “You all do realize that I have the authority to write up restraining orders, right?” Nopony answered. “I can see from now that all of you have a choice. You can leave the hospital peacefully and never come near us again, or I can call the guards and have them escort you off the island.” The prince narrowed his eyes, “Choose wisely.”

To his consort’s relief, the family did leave, only his father bid him goodbye before he too exited the room. Doctors came in to put them back in their beds and give Fancy some more painkillers. Finally, after they too left, the room was still.

“I’m so sorry that you got to witness that,” Fancy said at last.

Blueblood shook his head, “Don’t be. I admit I had been curious to see what your family was like, and now I see why you don’t want them to be in the same room together.” He looked over to the bed next to him. “You know, it’s rather amazing that despite being raised by those… (pardon the term) savages, you ended up being the most normal out of the bunch.”

His consort sighed, “I know… it’s a miracle really that even though I have been raised by Anti-Mum with her line of husbands that I didn’t turn out to be dysfunctional.”

“Well, to be fair, both of our families are certainly that to a degree. After all, we can’t forget Aunt Luna.”

“Personally, I prefer having being raised by Nightmare Moon over her any day.”

The Prince raised an eyebrow, “Being related to a pony that almost brought eternal night?”

“At least it gives me something to brag about.”

Both stallions chuckled.

“In all seriousness,” said Blueblood. “Don’t ever let Auntie Luna catch you saying that. She’s still sensitive about that sort of thing.” This got Fancy curious and asked him if he ever inquired her about Nightmare Moon. “I did once,” he confessed. “It was on a night that I had a touch of insomnia that I went up to her and asked her about her past. Now, you must keep in mind that compared to Auntie Celestia, Luna is one of those ponies that would gladly listen to what I have to say. But when I asked… she was so embarrassed about it. I don’t know if she finds it easier to talk about it since that Tantibus incident, but I could hardly get a word out of her.”

“To be fair, if I did something just as foolish, I probably would try to avoid talking about it as much as I could.”

“Like you did with your last husband?”

Silence. Neither stallion spoke as the hoofsteps outside of their room walked by their door. Finally, Fancy asked, “Bluey, do you remember that movie we watched sometime back? That creepy silent film?”

“What about it?”

“I know this might sound ridiculous, but… I was just thinking,” he gulped. “Now that it’s clear that we do love each other… Do you think it might be possible that I might end up hurting you… because I love you?”

This gave his coltfriend a confused look, “What? Is this about the time you hit me?”

“No, no it’s not that,” the older unicorn shook his head. “Do you recall how that movie ended? When that ghost revealed himself and had mistaken that poor fellow to be his coltfriend from long ago, that he still loved him. And when the bloke got scared, he tried running out, but in the end, the ghost ended up hanging him in hopes that they would be together forever.”

“How could I forget?” icy shivers went down the Prince’s spine.

Fancy sighed as he looked straight up at the ceiling. “Blueblood, tell me this honestly, do you think that I would do something similar to you. That I would love you so much that… that I might end up doing something harmful, or worst… like how my ex-spouse did?”

“You haven’t hurt me since that-”

“I’m not talking about the past,” his consort interrupted. “I’m referring to the future. Here, let’s pretend that we do end up more than just coltfriends, but as… husbands. Let’s say that I would do something that ends up hurting you, be it your respectability, your finances or…” he paused for a long time. “You. What if I turn out to be abusive and you can’t get out of it? Like how that ghost in that movie had strangled the poor fellow out of love, what if I do the exact same thing and not even know it?”

Blueblood snorted, “Well, it’s a good thing I have one thing that normal stallions don’t.”

“And what’s that?”

“Guards that would give their lives to protect me,” he smirked. “Fancy Pants, I don’t really know how things will go from here. Maybe we will one day get married, maybe we won’t. Or perhaps one of us could die before the other.”

Fancy deadpanned, “Gee, thanks for making me feel older than I already do.”

“What I’m trying to get at,” Blueblood continued. “Is that regardless of what goes on in the future, I’m going to make the most of it by enjoying life with you. How could I not? Running into you is the best thing to happen to me.” The Prince flop his head onto the pillow. “Still, I wish there’s some way I could make this up to you. With the Princesses spying on us and your family trying to get us hitched.”

His consort shook his head, “No, I should be the one doing that. After all, after to put up with them, perhaps I should do something for you… Except I’m completely out of ideas.”

However, the Prince did. An idea popped into his head that made his heart beat with warm blood, heating his cheeks. Glancing at the only window into the room, he got up to close the curtains. His coltfriend noticed this. After asking what he was doing, the blond unicorn went over to lock the door before walking forward towards Fancy’s bed.

“Do you remember a few days ago, that if I ever felt that I trust you absolutely that we might… you know.”

“Oh?” At first, his consort didn’t understand, but then it clicked to him. “Oh!” He sat up in his seat, “Seriously?”

Face blushing red, Blueblood closed the paper curtain around the older unicorn’s bed. “After what I saw, how you stood up to them… literally, that I not only found it rather touching, but I don’t think that anypony outside of my guards would do the same in your condition to undergo so much pain.” He climbed on the bed and lay next to him. “Fancy, I know this is rather… unorthodox, but I do trust you. Fully. And I do mean what I say that I want to repay you somehow.”

Although blushing as well, Fancy looked at his hind leg that was still in a cast. “I don’t think I’ll be able to do much, given my current condition.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to anyway,” he gave a soft smile. “But, do you trust me enough to do this?”

His answer came when he kissed him on the lips. “Alright. Only on one condition.”

Blueblood kissed back, this time it was on his coltfriend’s neck. “Anything.”

“Whatever you do to me, I’ll have to do so in return when I’m well once more.”

With another kiss on his chest, the blond unicorn muttered, “Deal,” and proceeded to lay a trail of kisses lower, and lower.

Author's Note:

I know what some of you are thinking: "What took you so long?" Well, apart of the parade of interruptions, household chores, errands, favors, and having to rewrite this chapter because it didn't fit with the flow of the story... I think I'm getting very close to the end... only, how do I end this story?