• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter XV: Tempered Clavier

“Dad, how did you get out?” was the first audible thing to come out of Fancy’s mouth.

“They let me out, son,” the father told him as he placed the chocolate cake down on the table. “I’m all better now, they even gave me these.” He pulled out from his breast coat pocket a small, orange bottle with a white cap on it. Inside were some pills that only filled about three-fourths of the way. “Now that the doctors had let me go, I just want to see my kids again to see how they’re doing. You’re the first I’ve come to.”

The Prince’s consort, however, looked on with suspicion. “Is that way you’ve injured a couple of Royal Guards outside of my home?”

“They wouldn’t let me knock so what I was supposed to do?” he shrugged, and then he took notice of the blond unicorn. “Oh Fancy, where are your manners? Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend here? He looks familiar…”

Blueblood was about to approach, but was stopped by a walking stick, “You were about to get into his kill zone,” his coltfriend warned.

“Oh…” the younger unicorn stepped back and cleared his throat. “I am Prince Blueblood Everfree. But I’m afraid that I haven’t caught your name.”

Fancy’s father smiled warmly and jolly chuckled. “Quite right, (I knew your face was familiar!) My name is Tempered Clavier. I used to be a concert pianist a long time ago and as you doubt guessed it, I’m his dad.” He then pulled out a knife in which both stallions instantly jumped further backward. The elder unicorn blinked, “What? Do you want some cake? I’ve just made it myself.”

“Uh, dad,” his son, after handing it over to Blueblood, reached out for the knife with his magic. “How about you let me cut that… You didn’t put your medicine into it again, did you?”

“Of course not,” Clavier snorted, “It would overall ruin the flavor. But now you’ve mentioned it, here,” he let go of the knife. “You start cutting it while I go fetch the dishes and forks.” With that, he disappeared into the doorway of the kitchen.

Blueblood glanced over to his coltfriend, “That’s your father?”

“Indeed,” he sighed. “I certainly did not expect that he would be here. I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not.”

“Should I summon the guards inside?”

Fancy hesitated as he thought it over. “We should wait until Fleur gets here. At least by then, we should be safe with her here. But for now, we do need to be cautious around him.”

“Then should I at least summon the Royal Taste-Tester?” his consort stared at him. “What?”

His consort blinked, “You still have one of those?”

“They’re not always needed given how rarely anypony tries to assonate the Royal Family nowadays. However, if you want, I could have him here in a few minutes so we could be doubly sure that he didn’t do anything with the cake.”

“This is my father we’re talking about, if he’s here to see me, it’s highly unlikely that he would poison me…” he looked over at the chocolate dessert. An uneasy silence came between them for a moment, “But just in case… In the meantime, could you have the guard send an emergency telegram to Dr. Mindweave in Fillydelphia to ask him if my dad has really been let out.”

As Blueblood immediately went to the front door to tell the guards to get the taste-tester, the affluent pony set about in dividing the cake, sending a telegram to a certain doctor – as well as ordering to gather some more guards to have them storm in when it was absolutely needed by a secret word. After the Prince had told them these things, he started his return to the dining room as he hears his consort and his dad set up the plates. He heard Clavier ask, “So where’s your husband now? I didn’t see you chaps when I came in.”

Fancy frowned, “You mean you haven’t heard?”

He laughed, “Son, I was inside a Loony Bin since after you two came back from your honeymoon. Being inside a mental hospital is the last place in the world to know what’s going on. Anyway, how’s Vibrato doing?”

Blueblood froze as he heard the name. ‘Wait a second,’ he thought. ‘Vibrato? He’s not talking about who I think he’s talking about?’ Instantly, the Prince’s mind pulled out from his filing cabinets that were marked under “Music” and pulled out the name of an opera singer that he saw at… the Trottingham Opera House… who was a tenor… was born with a condition that made him shorter than the average pony… and was known for his… temper…

His son sighed, “Dad, I haven’t been married for ten years now.”

“What,” Clavier looked at him in surprise. “Fancy, what happened? Last time I saw you two, you were such a drop dead adorable couple.”

“That doesn’t matter,” he replied as he started to dish the slices of cake. “All I can say is that things ended… messy and we’ve parted ways. For the present, I can tell you that I’m dating again. If anything, you’ve already met him.”

The father looked confused until his ears picked up as Blueblood pulled up a chair. He looked between him and his son. “You’re… You’re actually dating royalty?” Fancy nodded. Clavier gave a low whistle, “I mean, wow son… When I’ve asked you a long time ago if you found your Prince Charming I didn’t think you would take it literally.”

“It’s a long story,” the blue-maned unicorn said before changing the subject, “Dad, are we going to be expecting a shoot-out or is there going to be another bowling alley incident?”

He laughed, “Fancy. It’s fine, really, nopony is chasing me, the doctors had released me, and all I want is to see how my boy is doing.”

“Even though you probably might have sent a couple of guards to the hospital?”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” he said defensively, “but as I’ve said, they were in the way.”

By now, the Prince decided that now would be the time to enter the dining room where he sees his coltfriend dishing up slices of the chocolate cake onto the third plate. The other unicorn meanwhile had already taken his seat at the table. Clavier was already digging into the desert while his son eyed what was on his plate with suspicion. Before Blueblood could sit right next to him, however, one of the windows had suddenly exploded in which Fleur came somersaulting in.

“Ninjas!” Clavier cried as he quickly held out his fork over his head and threw it across the room over to the bodyguard. The unicorn mare, however, was able to catch the flying fork with her bare hooves before it could hit her face. She let the momentum of the pronged silverware spin and was about to return the favor when she noticed that the stallion was loading a pill into a straw.

“Blue! Duck!” Fancy cried, and without thinking twice, the Prince dove underneath the table as the father unleashed a rain of lightning-fast pills that not only flew but were expertly deflected by Fleur only using the fork. All around them, like pebbles being flung by a slingshot, the blond unicorn heard glass being broken, or bouncing off the walls, off the table and ricochet on the crystal chandler.

“Dad! Fleur! Stop!” Fancy cried out as his horn instantly grabbed both the fork and the straw. “Dad, this is my bodyguard. She’s one of the good guys.”

He blinked, “Since when did you get yourself a bodyguard?”

“The point is I have one,” his son rolled his eyes. “Dad, may I introduce to you, Fleur de Lis? Fleur de Lis, this is my father, Tempered Clavier.”

His bodyguard looked up and down at him, “Is he safe?”

The father laughed, his horn began to pick up the scattered pills while the blond prince peeks his head out from underneath the table. “Oh don’t you worry my dear! I have my medicine on me. And sorry about attacking you, you can never be too careful with all those distracting guards outside.”

“So I’ve noticed,” the mare dryly replied. Before Clavier could reply, the doorbell rang.

The pony that was at the door informed Fancy of the reply of the doctor in Fillydelphia to confirm what his father said about being released was indeed true. That and the Royal Taste-Tester had just arrived. So, after having the pony swearing an oath of risking his life for the crown, biting on a piece of cake and waited for about fifteen minutes, much to his father’s amusement, the Test-Taster left after saying that it was the best cake he ever had. Once it was deemed safe, Fancy, along with his coltfriend and bodyguard had dug in. However, that didn’t mean that he won’t keep a cautious eye on his father.


“You know,” the Prince observed. “From what Fancy has told me about you, I’m rather surprised how pleasant of a pony you are.”

His consort gambled, “I still don’t trust him.”

“He’s right you know.” Clavier commented. By now, they were in the music room and Fancy’s father was once again at the piano. Dreamlike notes echoed within the black box, a song that bounced off the walls. However, the pianist’s son, his bodyguard and coltfriend still kept their distance. From the window, the battalion of guards still kept watch from both inside and out. “Given my past, he doesn’t have any reason to trust me. What little time I did spend with him I was so mental that I would be surprised if he thought otherwise.”

Fleur put down her cup of tea onto the other end of the piano. “Sir, out of curiosity, why are you here?”

“Well, I’m here for two reasons; the first is to see my son. And the other is to ask if I could stay here for a few days before I head off to Applewood, Cloudsdale, and Manehattan for the same reason.”

Both Blueblood and his coltfriend looked at one another, “Dad, I don’t know if you could stay here.”

The eldest unicorn raises an eyebrow but kept on playing. “And why not?”

“Mum is coming tomorrow morning.”


Fancy frowned, “Dad, the last time we were together, you attempted to kill her by chasing her with a broken bottle. Oh, not before you drugged us too.”

“You would have just gotten in the way. Besides, I didn’t want any of you or your siblings to get hurt.”

“I nearly drown in mash.”

“At least I was able to pull your face away from that and into the asparagus.”

“That’s not the point!” the blue-maned stallion paused to take a calming breath. “What is that I’m going to have to introduce Bluey to mum and I don’t need you to be around when she comes.”

Clavier chuckled, “Oh-ho! Now you two are onto nicknames, are you? Tell me, Your Highness,” he turned to the Prince with a grin. “Have either of you foalnapped the other yet?”

Blueblood was taken aback, “I beg your pardon?”

The father frowned, “I’ll take that as a no. Such a disappointment, but then again, you two are early.”

Fleur looked over to her employer, “What is he talking about?”

Before Fancy could answer, his father did it for him. “It’s a sort of family tradition, or at least, in his mother’s side. Back when I was dating her when we’re drawing closer to each other after a couple of dates, she ended up loving me so much that she tossed me into a burlap sack and had taken me to the Bahamares. Of course, I had everything from the neck down still in the bag for the whole time.” He sighed, “Oh it was the most romantic thing that she ever did. So much so, I asked her to marry me at the end of it all. If you one of you really wanted to take your relationship a step further…”

“Dad, I’m not going to foalnap a member of Royalty,” Fancy said flatly. “I’m pretty sure that I would end up in prison or execute for it.”

“Who’s to say that he wouldn’t?” Clavier tilted his head towards his coltfriend. “While I’m not attracted to stallions like yourself, I would think it would be romantic.”

“Says the pony that at one time couldn’t go near a bag of potatoes because they were saying such intimidating things,” his son deadpanned.

“They threatened to bury me headfirst into the garden.”

“So you used the crossbow on them?” Fancy raised an eyebrow.

His father rolled his eyes. “I think we’re getting off topic, so your mum is coming, so what? That doesn’t mean I can’t stay here for a few days.”

“I think what your son is concerned about,” Fleur began, “Is that he’s afraid that there might be some bitter confrontation between you and your ex. Perhaps, it would be wiser if we could get you a hotel room until you’re ready to move on.”

“Oh no, you don’t! I came here specifically to be with my son and that’s what I’m going to do! I’m staying here.”

“But I don’t know if I would be safe with you here in the house,” Fancy objected. “I don’t even know if I would feel secure sleeping under the same roof as you.”

“You could sleep at the palace,” Blueblood suggested before quickly adding, “After all, we do have guest rooms.”

Clavier chuckled, “Oh, I see where this is going.” Then his ears perked up, “Actually son, let me make you a deal. I will try to clear out in the morning so you can talk to your mother if you would spend the night with your Prince Charming.”

Fancy’s jaw dropped. “Dad!” he cheeks were turning pink, “We’re still trying to get to know each other and we’ve only gone on a couple of dates!”

“All the more reason to go,” his father amusingly huffed.

“Security-wise, it does make the most sense,” Fleur pointed out.

With a defeated sigh, Fancy agreed. After having his valet organize his personal things to be packed for an overnight stay, he and the Prince loaded up on the palanquin and headed straight for the palace.


“So you’re allowing me to sleep anywhere I want?”

The Prince nodded as he and his consort walked down the gilded halls. “With the exception of my Aunties quarters, you’re allowed to any room in the castle. Of course, we’ll have to get up pretty early the next morning so you can meet your mother in the morning.”

Fancy hummed in thought as he looked over at the art of the paintings, tapestries and marble busts. “Where is your Royal Apartment?”

“On the next floor above us,” he paused, “Why?”

His consort, smiled, “Your Majesty, would I have the honor of staying with you for the night?”

The blond Prince stopped dead where he stood, eyes wide and trying to fight back a blush, “You’re not saying-”

“Well, we don’t have to. Grant it, our relationship is a bit early for such an activity. I can always sleep on the couch-”

“Absolute nonsense! I’m not going to let my consort sleep on the couch, my aunts would never forgive me.” The Prince huffed, “If you are going to sleep anywhere, then it must be in a bed.”

“Oh, you don’t have-”

“I am not arguing about this,” Blueblood interrupted. “Come, the stairs are this way.”

So his consort had followed his coltfriend. Down the stairs, up the black-and-white marble stairs and down another hallway until they stopped in front of double doors that bare Blueblood’s cutie mark of a compass rose. Behind the towering doors, his consort gawked at what he saw, much to the Prince’s amusement. The first striking he saw coming in was that the Titanic, white marble columns that stretched to hold up a painted dome above. Royal blue curtains drape down that only slightly hid the other room. Beyond the curtains, a bedroom in which was the size of a house had not only the king size bed complete with a canopy post, but it had antique Prench furniture from couches to tables. There was a lit fireplace that looked like could easily fit Celestia in standing up. White walls and Rococo gold decorate the corners between the corners and the ceiling. Over the fireplace, a classical painting of Commander Hurricane hung over the hearth – flying in the air with wings spread, holding a spear in his strong hooves and shining armor.

“This is your room?” Fancy questioned. “It looks like I’ve stepped inside a museum.”

“You’d be half right,” Blueblood mused. “Much of the furniture and art in here are originals, like that painting over the fireplace, that’s a real Tomane Lawrence, one of his very few historical portraits.” He smiled while his coltfriend gave a low whistle, “I take it that you approve of my room?”

“It’s incredible! This whole place is a hodge-podge of every art style I know. I can easily imagine a war over the items in this room in an auction house.”

“I’m not selling any of it any time soon.” The Prince pulled on a rope that rang a bell. In moments, a butler in a smart suit came in, “Would you call up the maids to turn down the bed, and get an extra blanket and pillow for the bed?” Before Fancy knew it, two maids came in to pull down the mountain of pillows and covers until only the sheets remained bare. At the same time, another maid came in to lay, tuck and flatten the sheets over the couch before dressing it with a blanket and a pillow.

Once all the servants were gone, Blueblood waved a hoof over to the bed. “I want you to have my bed, and I’m not taking a ‘No’ for an answer.”

“Very well,” Fancy smirked, “But do remember Bluey if you ever are feeling lonely in the middle of the night. At least you’ll know where to find me.”

A blush broke on the blond unicorn’s face, “I’ll… I’ll keep that in mind.” He coughed into his hoof, “But it’s getting late, let us retire to bed.”

In the end, Fancy had fallen asleep on Blueblood’s enormous bed while the Prince lay on the couch. He listened to the soft snores of his consort while his mind began to wander elsewhere. Before the lull of sleep overcame him, he started to wonder how much longer he could impress the older stallion from what resources he had. He knew he was lucky so far to have somepony like Fancy to be anywhere near him, but before he fell asleep, a poisonous doubt crept into his head. What if at some point he messed up?