• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,357 Views, 25 Comments

Legend Brought To Life - WorldWalker128

Some Changelings transform into Lyra's favorite mythical creatures with unexpected results!

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Chapter 3: Fanfilly

Chapter 3: Fanfilly

Fear was not a bad thing, nor was it a good thing. It simply was a survival instinct, and was often very good at keeping those that experienced it alive. Panic however, was another story, and in a hive's mental network it was an even worse situation, especially for the queen, who was fighting the bombardment from all her children at once in order to stay calm herself. Finally, she shouted one word both mentally and vocally:


Beyond her voice echoing through the tunnels leading away from her personal chamber and breathing there were no sounds. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, observing the frozen, staring Changelings around her. Strains of worry still floated through the mental network, but for the moment the sudden shock of their displeased queen making her displeasure known had them paying strict attention to her.

“The earth Pony gave no indication that he was at all upset, did he?” she asked addressing her subjects before her, as well as Echo.

No, he did not seem worried or afraid or angry in the slightest. Echo replied.

“Then he may be a Changeling from another hive that does not care that we are here, or he may be a more open-minded Pony. Either way Echo, you are drawing too much attention to yourself by running frantically through town and you panic is affecting the entire hive. Slow down, catch your breath, and calm yourself.”

Calm?! How can I be calm when-

“Because I told you to be calm.” The queen interrupted, frowning. “Now. Be calm.” she repeated, using a bit of direct control on her subject and making her own eyes glow briefly.

Echo's emotions shut off completely and she slowed to a stop. Ponies in town were staring at her, so the queen made her look around for a clock-pole, and then approach it at a quick canter and look up at one side of it.

“Oh thank Celelstia! I've still got plenty of time!” Echo's mouth said, with her body producing the sounds but the queen saying the words. Echo's body sighed in relief and then at a normal pace began trotting back to Candy's store.

“Now that I've saved you from looking like you've lost your mind, 'Bonbon',” the queen said as she released her hold on Echo. “go back to the shop, finish making the orders, throw out the note, and then go to the play like you said that you would. The possibility of that stallion revealing who and what you are is indeed a possible threat, but not one that you need to worry about. I shall send several other Changelings to search for him while you are doing that.”

Returning her attention to the rest of her hive, she summoned the diggers to her and tasked them to take the form of Pinkie Pie (as it had been observed before that she could somehow be in several places at once) and search for the stallion that Echo had seen. “If you find him, find a way to lure him away from every nearby witness, and then interrogate him to find out how he knows what he knows. Do not harm him unless absolutely necessary, and do not reveal yourselves to him.”

Her workers nodded, and dispersed to head to the surface.

“And youngling?” There were several younglings that were leaving with the diggers, but there was only one she was talking to, and he knew it and halted before placing more than one hoof into the tunnel. He looked back at her. “No you may not stop into the sweet shop that Echo is working in to 'try one bite of everything'. You're too young to eat many sweets as of yet.” She gave him a knowing smile and he winced and nodded.

__ __ __ __ __

Hmm...where could he be? a short Pinkie Pie wondered as 'she' trotted down three street, passing by several bewildered townsponies who had obviously seen several other Pinkie Pies in other places already. The youngling already been through his assigned section several times and not seen the tan stallion they'd been tasked to find, nor talked to anypony who had, although he had seen several ponies both male and female that had an hourglass for a Cutie Mark. None matched his description, though.

He had a brief scare when he ran into the actual Pinkie Pie, but she'd only cheerfully greeted him and the bounced away singing a song with the chorus words including 'we are family'. Having luckily avoided being found out he once more searched the area and then frowned and plopped his pink plot on the ground. This is a waste of time; he's not here! He blew a breath through his lips without actually bothering to open his mouth first and looked at a clock pole that was nearby. The clock read that it was nearly three-thirty-five, and counting.

Another Pinkie-clone trotted by, this one fully-grown, ignoring him completely and startling a few local Ponies that obviously had not yet seen the increased number of Pinkie Pies that were roaming the town. Thankfully nopony shouted 'Changeling!', which meant that they'd simply taken it as a Pinkie-thing and had moved on.

Your highness, he's not here. He stated, trying to not let his mild annoyance slip through as well.

But he might be later should one of your brothers or sisters miss him. Remain where you are. He sighed.

As you command, Queen Nymph.

Thirty seconds before four o'clock, and still no sight nor sign of him, and the youngling was growing hungry, as he had been ordered out of the hive shortly before the daily time that she would distribute some of the energy that she'd been given from the collectors amongst those of the hive that worked within the burrow itself and performed none of the collecting themselves.

“I need food...” He glanced at a group of chatting Ponies walking by discussing the play they were going to. They were in a rather cheerful mood, and the urge to tail them and leech a bit of the positive energy off them was very tempting. Still, his hunger was only recently realized, and for the moment he could ignore it.

I see him!!! came the sudden shout from another Changeling. He's walking with a gray Pegasus and a pinkish-gray Unicorn child! The child is dressed in a costume, so they're probably heading for the school house's play. There are too many witnesses around and I cannot get close to him without drawing to much attention. What shall I do, my queen?

There was a moment of excited silence, and then she replied that the majority of the Pinkie-army were to return to the hive burrow for feeding and returning to their previous duties. Several were instructed to remain, the youngling among them, to his increased annoyance, though it was diminished when he was ordered to take a new form and head to the play along with the three nearest Changelings, one of them Echo in the form of Bonbon, who was on her way with Candy. Both of whom would be setting up a small stand outside the theater for selling the candies and chocolates that Echo had made earlier that day

The youngling perched himself on one of the crossing support beams above the audience, as had several other of the younger Pegasi that had not wanted to sit or stand with their parents. The play had not yet begun yet, but already the air was thick with positive excitement from the audience, as well as nervousness from the children standing behind the red curtain.

Seeing a window leading to the outside and several Ponies near it he drew in some of their good mood and satiated his hunger, smiling as he felt it fade away. He was not the only one.

Below him the tan earth Pony that they'd been assigned to follow was chatting with the local librarian on historical topics while the gray Pegasus and young Unicorn whom he'd arrived with were nowhere to be found. Most likely the Unicorn was behind the curtain as well getting ready for the upcoming performance and the Pegasus was trying to calm any nerves she might be suffering from.

Several minutes later a handful of adult ponies began sliding the curtains shut and the audience quieted and faced forward towards the curtain. A female tan pony with gray hair and glasses came out from behind the curtains and went through the vocal presentation of what was to follow in the play. The story was a re-enactment of the defeat of Nightmare Moon two years ago as described by the living Elements of Harmony, complete with special effects from a handful of local Unicorns as necessary.

The audience ooh'd and ahh'd and murmured for a few moments until the mare raised a hoof and then were silent once more.

“But first I'd like to thank our locals heroes once more for their part in fending off the Changeling attack on Canterlot. Were it not for your efforts, our kingdom would surely have fallen!”

The audience stomped their hoofs several times in agreement, but the purple librarian as well as several other others present quickly tried to wave their gratitude away, saying that it was not them but rather princess Cadence and a Unicorn named Shining armor who had defeated them.

“Aaand on that note!” the earth tan Pony said in a loud voice over all the others, drawing attention to him. He trotted up to the stage and climbed up onto it rather than use the steps.

Ack! Echo's thought of panic returning and zapping the minds of those Changelings present. He's going to say it! The earth Pony brushed his chest off, trotted next to the confused mare and winked at her before turning back to face forward. “Mares and stallions, fillies, colts, and any foals that may be out there somewhere,” He continued, still loudly, and still smiling confidently into th econfused Ponies watching and listening to him. “May I begin by agreeing that defeating queen Chrysalis and her Changeling swarm was indeed a job well done, and I must say that you Ponies are astounding at saving your country over and over no matter how insurmountable the odds!” His choice of wording was noted which started a bit of discussion in the crowd. “But Chrysalis' Changelings are hardly the only mythical race out there, and certainly not the only queen of her race. I'm sure you all-”

He continued talking to them, but the local Changeling queen nor her subjects were not really listening anymore and Echo had excused herself and was in the mare's restroom anxiously asking their queen what to do.

This is far from good, and with him being in front of everypony we cannot simply replace him and say that it was a joke in poor taste. However, his words open an opportunity to deflect attention away from us. Turning her attention for the moment away from Echo, she spoke to another of their number. Youngling!

His ears perked reflexively and he blinked from the crossing support beams above the increasingly puzzled or anxious audience.

Yes, queen-mother?

That creature you turned into- can you walk in that form?

I can stand and use its arms and hands a little, but I haven't tried walking yet.

Close enough. Transform into that creature in one of the Pony restrooms, and then return to the main room and get their attention.

How? he asked, already leaving the roof support beams and hovering through the building with his feathery wings.

It does not matter! She answered, agitated. Start a fire! Trip over a few of the Ponies in the back of the audience! Announce that you're an explorer and you got lost! But do something!

“This is what I get for wanting to keep something new to myself! I get to be a sacrifice!” the young Changeling grumbled as he stood in toilet stall and waited for the only other Pony in it to leave so he could transform with less risk. When he finally dried his hoofs and exited it, leaving the youngling alone once more. A brief flash of purple filled the room and then was gone, leaving a creature twice his height in the stall. A creature that could not rise to its full height due to the proportions of the constructed room, and a creature that did not know how to walk yet.

The wooden door banged open as the young Changeling fell forward while trying to take his first step onto the cool tiled floor.

“Oof!” Knowing how dire the situation was he pushed himself back up to his feet, grabbing hold of and using the basin of one of the sinks for support and balance. I haven't even grown old enough to receive a name yet!

Once more he made it to his feet, and, gripping the walls as best he could for balance as well as to support his legs, slowly made his way back to the performance room where the tan Pony was still prattling away. Several members of the audience had grown bored of him now and chatting amongst themselves instead. Once more he fell to the floor, but this time he also fell onto a purple pony holding an uncorked bottled drink, which spilled onto both himself and the Pony. The understandably unhappy Pony turned and glared at him, her eyes a little bleary.

“Hey! Watch it, you-” she gasped at this new unknown figure and backed up a few steps, bumping into three more Ponies who at first turned to tell her to look where she was going but then also caught sight of the newcomer and let out gasps of their own. Of those three, one was a Unicorn and the other two were earth Ponies. Of these three, two knew exactly what they were looking at, and all three gaped

“Sorry!” he said loudly. “So sorry!” he apologized, once more pulling himself up to his full height. These creatures have such poor balance!

The Unicorn suddenly began grinning ear-to-ear and bouncing on her hoofs and grabbed the earth Pony standing closest to her and shook her body until the poor earth Pony's eyes began bouncing in her sockets like rubber balls.

Wait a minute, he thought as he watched the proceedings. Cream-colored earth Pony with a blue and pink mane and tail...isn't she Echo?

__ __ __ __ __

“BON-bon-bon-bon-bon-bon!!” She near-shouted, squeeing in excitement. “Look at him, Bonbon! It's one of them! They're real!”

“Stop sha-yay-hay-king me, Ly-ra!” Echo begged, her forelegs, mane, and head waving helplessly in the air. Finally Echo remembered that she had back legs as well and gave Lyra a kick in the side.

“Ow!” Lyra exclaimed, now frowning at Echo. “What was that for?!” Echo grabbed both sides of her head and closed her eyes, given her head one last shake. When she opened them again she frowned right back and began smoothing her mane.

“I can see he's a human, Lyra, chill.”

Chill?! A real, live human is here in Ponyville, and you want me to chill?! Do you know what this could mean?!”

The commotion Lyra created had the exact effect that queen Nymph had hoped for, and in less than a minute the entirety of the theater was staring at them, including the two tan Ponies on the stage, one of those with gaping eyes and mouth, the other with a smile and a nod as if what had happened was exactly what he'd expected.

Echo had not seen this, however, and nor had any other Pony. Instead some backed away from the new creature while others, who had heard and understood what Lyra had said crowded in closer for a better look.

Lyra left Echo's side and ran to the human's side and began asking him question after rapid-fire question, grinning all the while, while Echo tried and failed several times to speak to the as-of-yet unnamed Changeling youngling to try and fill him in on some of the information she'd read from the book earlier given that most younglings, herself included from when she herself was younger, chose not to perform a bit of research before acting. But as her queen had found before her, there was nothing to connect to and it was as if she'd struck a brick wall, or that she were trying to communicate with the dead.

Echo tilted her head to one side and frowned slightly. Clearly he was alive and well, so why could she not speak with him? She could communicate with the bare handful of other Changelings in the room in their Pony forms, but he was the exception.

Then again, his body is very different from this one, and our own. Perhaps that difference is what causes it? Echo pondered as she also walked forward to stand next to Lyra, who had moved on from questions to examinations. As Echo came to a stop next to her Lyra lifted one of his new arms and ran her hoof along it, eliciting a chuckle from the youngling.

“Oooh! You're ticklish!” She rubbed his arm again, this time a little swifter, and the youngling pulled his arm away and frowned at Lyra.

“Stop that!” He said, sounding annoyed but still snickering, and began pushing himself up to his feet again. As he rose up to his full height which was not much taller than the Ponies surrounding him) the Ponies surrounding him backed up slightly. He brushed himself off and then pointed at Echo with one hand, and then a thumb at Lyra with his other. “Is she your friend?” he asked as Lyra, who had not been among those to retreat, began taking measurements using one of her legs.

“Yeah.” Echo replied. “You'll have to excuse her, she's been a fan of a book series that centers on your kind as main characters for several years. To actually see one of you in person is like her birthday or something.”

“All my birthdays for the last ten years!!” Lyra said, hopping in place for a moment, still being loud and still grinning. “Is it true your kind can eat animals? And that your hair color is the same all over? All over? And what about swimming? And how did you get here, and-”

“Lyra!” Echo scolded. “The guy fell over when he got here, so he's probably very tired! Let him rest awhile before you start interrogating him!”

Seeing an opportunity to get out having to give answers for questions he did not have answers for, the youngling-turned-human allowed his knees to buckle a bit and placed his hands on Lyra's back for support.

“Woah, sorry!” he apologized again. “She's right, I'm exhausted. Just give me a minute and-”

“A minute?” Lyra repeated. “If you're tired, then you should go lie down somewhere!” Lyra looked pleadingly at Echo with puppy-dog eyes, non-verbally asking if she 'could keep him'. Echo rolled her eyes.

“No, Lyra! We only have two beds, and what's more, he's a complete stranger! Heck, he's not even the same species as us! How do we know he won't try to eat one of us while we're asleep?” That question added more muttering from the crowd, some of it nervous.

“Easy, Bonbon!” She pulled at the sides of his mouth with her hoofs while he gave her an unsure look. “Look at his teeth! Do you see any fangs?” Echo saw no fangs. She also saw no individual teeth as the picture in the book had depicted for the taller humans. Instead she saw one solid curved white wall of bone on the jaw, and one on the roof of the mouth above the lower. She supposed at a distance nopony would be able to tell (and thankfully Lyra had not actually looked at them herself yet) the difference, and really, the humans in the book were fictional. Who was to say that the 'real thing' did not have 'teeth' the exact same way?

“And your point would be? Ants have no teeth at all, and they eat dead animals.” Lyra released the sides of his mouth and his lips slapped against each other. When they did he leaned away from her a little.

“We're both grown mares, Bonbon. I'm pretty sure we can take care of ourselves, and besides, he's not very big. I doubt he's anything we'd have to be afraid of.”

“Well...” Echo fake-hesitated. Really if he was going to stay with anypony in town, she would rather it be with her or another Changeling so his true form could be better concealed, but knew that the real Bonbon would be against it and so had argued. With her argument for the sake of staying in-character having been made though, there was no real need to continue saying no.

“Pleeeeease Bonbon?” she begged. Echo sighed.

“Fine. But don't expect me to house-train him. If he pees on the floor I'm not cleaning it up!” Lyra's face went from begging-cute-puppy to giddy-child, and without waiting to ask him what he wanted, proceeded to drag him out of the theater.

Face-hoofing, Echo followed.

Meanwhile Mayor Mare blinked and the 'Doctor' cleared his throat.

“Well, that was certainly an interesting development!” He stated as if talking about the weather. “I now leave the starting of tonight's play in your capable hoofs, Mayor Mare!” He patted her on her back, making her jump from the unexpected contact, then smiled and trotted offstage, leaving her, as he said, to get the play underway. Nopony seemed inclined to pay her much heed after what had just transpired, however.