• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 648 Views, 18 Comments

Half-Baked - Half-Baked

The story of Half-Baked, an earth pony who decides to follow his dream.

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Chapter 6

Half sat there in his shower, letting the warm water wash over him. For once today he felt relaxed. The water washing away the stress and cleansing his body of impurities.

He’d gotten almost everything he’d needed to do for the day finished and now he could unwind and just chill. He’d managed to get the beds that he’d needed to replace and had the the gas re-connected to the house on the way back to his house, he’d got a few funny looks in the process what with the incident back at Sugar Cube Corner, but he ability to be able to have a warm shower and a bed to sleep in was surely worth it in the long run. He’d explored the town a little and had already met a few local ponies, all of which seemed to be very welcoming and friendly.

But there was something bugging him... Something that he’d put to the back of his mind in the last few days... Half couldn’t quite remember what it was though.

Running one of his front hooves through his hair he tried to grab the thought from the back of his mind.

“C’mon Half.. Think..” He said to himself, closing his eyes in an attempt to focus even more in order to remember what it was that was bugging him.

After a few minutes of Half sitting there in his shower, the only sound being that of the water hitting the floor and his fur, he gave up.

“Ah well... It’ll come to me soon enough” Half said to himself once more, getting up onto his hooves and turning off the water.

“But tonight I have a party to go to” He said with a grin on his face as he grabbed a towel from the no longer dusty bathroom counter and wrapped it around his body and started the process of getting ready.


Walking down the road to Sugar Cube Corner, his cream coloured mane styled a little less scruffy than usual, a few squirts of an aftershave that smelled like blueberries and a snappy looking bow tie around his neck, Half trotted down the road with a bounce in his step.

This was the first party he’d been invited to in quite a while, normally for him he’d be catering for them, not attending them. To say he was excited would be a little bit of an understatement.

Walking up to the door he could already hear voices coming from inside and music playing in the background, quickly presuming that the party was underway already, lifting his hoof to knock on the door it shot open.

“HIYA HALFY!” Pinkie exclaimed in her usual bubbly tone.

“Ok, that was freaky..”

“Come in, a party’s not a party without the guest of honor” Pinkie said, grabbing Half by the hoof and almost dragging him in before she quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

Inside Sugar Cube Corner there was a distinct lack of a sugar coating and instead there were dozens of ponies, almost all of them he’d never seen before, some he recognised like Big Mac who was talking to an orange coated mare with long blond hair and Twilight, who looked like she was in a very deep discussion with a pink earth pony mare who seemed to be slightly bored but was still paying attention to her. But what really caught Half’s attention was a vibrant white mare with purple shades, crazy blue hair and a pair of mysterious purple shades manning a DJ mixer in one corner of the room, ponies talking and dancing to the music she was putting out.

A banner stretched across the room emblazoned with “Welcome to Ponyville!” which Half noticed and smiled at, it was nice to feel welcomed by the community and not simply ignored, although in his mind he was nothing special.

Streamers and balloons were hanging or floating around the room and sitting next to a wall were a few tables next to each other, ladened with food. Sandwiches, salad, crisps and a whole range of dips just sat there waiting to be devoured. Brownies, cupcakes and a elaborately iced chocolate cake also sat on the table, the brownies in particular enticing Half.

“Alright everypony! Now the guest of honor is here let’s get the party started!” Pinkie called out over the music, producing a bright pink cannon out of seemingly nowhere and pushing the scarily large red button on top of it.

Those nearest to Pinkie quickly ducked as a tidal wave of streamers and confetti blasted out the end of the cannon, covering the entire room and everypony in it. This was the que the DJ was looking for apparently and she transitioned into a new song, this one aimed to get the crowd worked up and partying.

Ponies cheered and hollered as the song started playing, hoofs being thrown up in the air, ponies jumping up and down to the beat.

Half started bobbing his head to the beat, enjoying the music this DJ was playing as he walked over to the food, looking for the brownies that had caught his eye earlier, determined to find them and gorge himself on a few, if not more.

Half, when it came to all things sweet and baked, was a nightmare or so his parents claimed. When he was younger Half would devour pretty much everything that was in front of him that his parents or friends baked; even if it seemed absurd. At one point Half had consumed an entire 5-tier wedding cake all to himself when the bride didn’t like it. Though admittedly he’d suffered the repercussions later on that evening.

Scanning the table he quickly found the brownies, his eyes widening and his mouth watering as he made his way over to them, the rich and deep chocolate flavour already filling his mouth, he simply couldn’t wait any longer, he HAD to have those brownies!

Half stopped dead in his tracks.

Less than a few feet from his target. Looking just past the plate of brownies, lay a plate of muffins. Muffins that sat there enticingly, calling out to Half for him to eat them, Half’s mind making little voices calling out to him, crying “Eat me”. Half had acquired a new target, a new target that was far more appealing than those plain old brownies.

Looking left then right, making sure nopony was watching him Half made his move.
Quickly grabbing the plate in his mouth and scampering off with it like he was a jewel thief stealing a precious and valuable necklace.

Half scanned the room for a place he could eat his loot. A window seat caught his eye and he quickly made his way over to it. Placing the plate down gently, being careful not to drop any of its’ precious cargo, Half cast an eye over his prize.

22 muffins. Each as enticing and as scrumptious as its neighbour. Picking up one with a hoof he examined the muffin before him closely; Visually the texture looked excellent, the colour and form impeccable, obviously the chef knew their stuff. Pulling the wrapper off Half noticed it came off cleanly, a sign that it was indeed cooked through. Biting off a small segment of the muffin Half immediately knew that this was something special.

Although he’d tasted better muffins in the past Half always appreciated anything of quality; anything baked, be it good or bad, was treated with respect and an impartial judgement until it was eaten. Somepony had put effort, be it little or lots, into creating something and that had to be respected.

The flavours mixing in his mouth, Half tried his best to discern each individual flavour; He could taste the sweetness of the sugar and vanilla in the muffin, the richness of it too. “Oh my, is that peaches I can taste?” Looking closely he could make out tiny chunks of fruit hidden inside the sweet treat.

Stuffing the rest of the muffin in his mouth Half sat there content. Good music and good food were always enjoyable.

“Could this night get any better?” He thought to himself as he popped another muffin into his mouth. Right now he could’ve been in his own little world and due to this he didn’t notice as a grey mare with rich, blond hair walked up to him, tilting her head to the side as she watched Half go through the plate of muffins slowly. She giggled a little as she realised that Half had no idea she was even there, leaning in close to Half she prepared her move.

Can I smell muffins? Oh wait haha” Half thought as he popped another muffin into his mouth.
That reminds me, I wonder if I’ll see Ditzy here..”

“BOO” Ditzy shouted right next to Halfs’ head.

The sudden shock caused Half to almost jump out of his skin, frightening the living daylights out of him and lodging a half eaten muffin in his throat.

“Haha, Gotcha Half!” Ditzy squeed in delight, laughing at her success in frightening Half before realising Half was choking, him clutching at his throat and gasping for air. Ditzy gave Half a good thump on his back which dislodged the muffin that was stuck in his throat.

“Oops, My bad” Ditzy said with a light laugh and a guilty look on her face.

“It’s ok, nice to see you again Ditzy” Half said, rubbing his poor throat.

“Yep, I knew it had to be you who this party was for and I was right wasn’t I!” Ditzy said, jumping up and down in delight.

Half laughed, he loved how despite her age Ditzy still had a childlike attitude and a boundless amount of energy.

“Yup, you were right” Half replied to Ditzy.

“So how’re you finding Ponyville?” Ditzy asked as she stopped jumping up and down and sat there next to Half and his plate of muffins. “I can see you like my muffins too” She added with a grin.

“It’s nice, the ponies here are friendly and I’ve already made a few new friends which is good. Plus i’ve met you again which can’t be a bad thing!” Half said, genuinely happy to see Ditzy again; He’d finally remembered what he had put to the back of his mind for the last few days upon seeing Ditzy again.

“It’s nice to see you again too Halfy” Ditzy said returning the smile.

Half blushed a little. Ditzy was staring at him with her beautiful blond eyes, her hair covering one of her eyes partially making her look even cuter to Half.

“Umm.. So how have things been for you?” Half said, trying to break the awkwardness.

“Oh, things have been good, same old same old ya know?” Ditzy replied, her cheeks flushing a little too.

“Yeah..” Half replied, looking around the room.

“Come on Half.. You like this mare.. Grow some balls.”

“Ditzy.. would you.. you know.. like to go out sometime..” Half blurted out, looking at Ditzy before going bright red and immediately regretting it.

Ditzy sat there in a bit of shock looking at Half with her slightly wonky eyes before saying

Half looked at Ditzy with relative shock. She’d said yes? This was unexpected. Completely unexpected. he’d only ever asked one other mare out on a date and she’d point blank shot him down.

“Ok, umm.. Tomorrow for lunch?” Half asked Ditzy who just sat there politely looking at Half with a small smile on her lips.

“Sounds good, I'm sorry Halfly to do this again but i’ve got to dash. I promised Dinky I’d be back before 9. Was lovely to see you again though” Ditzy said as she rose from her seat and ruffled her wings.

“Same, take care Ditzy” Half said as he too go up.

Ditzy leaned across and gave Half a farewell hug, her legs wrapping themselves around Half with his doing the same.

Yup, her mane definitely smells of muffins” Half thought, his head resting against her soft mane.

“Bye Half, I’ll be at yours at about 1” Ditzy said with a wave as she started walking to the door.

“Bye Ditzy” Half called out to her, before turning back to his seat and closing his eyes.

“Wow. I can’t believe that actually happened..”

“Oh, I almost forgot” Half opened his eyes, Ditzy quickly flew over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Bye”

Half just sat there, his mind unable to comprehend what had happened, as he watched Ditzy leave Sugar Cube Corner.

“What the hay just happened?” Was all Half brain could muster.

Outside, Ditzy stood there in the street, her face bright red, her heart racing and her breathing heavy.

“Wait ‘till Dinky hears about this” Ditzy said to herself before opening her wings and setting off for home, giggling as she flew.

Authors note; http://www.youtube.com/user/ArchieVMusic - One More Cupcake and other awesome songs on his channel.
http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialDJPON3 - Loads of awesome mixes on her channel.