• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 648 Views, 18 Comments

Half-Baked - Half-Baked

The story of Half-Baked, an earth pony who decides to follow his dream.

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Chapter 3

Half sat there in his room on the floor. Boxes sitting on the floor next to his bed filled with personal belongings like books, photos and a few items of clothing.

It had been two days since he’d been to Ponyville and had officially bought his own house.

In the short while since then he’d been in contact with almost all of the magazines and critics whom he had contact with on a regular basis; to inform them of his decision and had let all his friends know that he was moving to Ponyville, giving them his address in case they wanted to contact him. After all, they were his Foalhood friends. In his mind he hoped that they would keep in touch,

He had also begun the laborious task of packing his belongings into boxes, ready for moving to Ponyville. Sadly, It was taking him longer than expected. He had hoped to have had it done at least an hour ago but flicking through some of the old photo albums he had made over the last few years had brought back memories; Wedding Cakes, Birthday Cakes, Celebration Cakes and a whole manner of other photos lined the pages of them, each photo holding a precious memory.

“Half?” Brandy Snap knocked on the door of his room gently with one hoof before entering and sitting next to Half who was slowly flicking through one of the aforementioned albums.

“Just got caught up looking through these” Said Half, looking up from the photos to his Mother.

“Been a while since we had a look through any of these old albums... Oh, I remember that one.” Brandy said, pointing with one hoof at a picture of Half and his Father, Short Crust, next to a 5 tier Wedding Cake covered with light pink icing and white, edible flowers.

“The bride kept coming in to check how the cake was coming along, wanting to know the exact details and everything. Yeah that was a fun cake to make.” Laughed Half.

“What about that one? Wasn’t that the batch of Chilli and Chocolate Chip Muffins?” Asked Brandy, pointing to another photo.

“I think so, they came out alright.. except for the fact whenever you took a bite it was like someone had set fire to your mouth..” Half said with a bit of a sigh but laughed at it afterwards.

“Yeah, I don’t think that was one of your best experiments my dear” Laughed Brandy. “I will say though, sometimes you do come up with some simply marvelous flavour-combinations”

“Oh. You mean like this one?” Half asked his mother as he flicked back through the pages of the photo album until he found a picture of him next to a platter of cupcakes, each coated in rich, dark chocolate and topped with a slice of orange.

“Oohhh... Those were DIVINE” Brandy exclaimed, her mouth salivating as she reminisced the taste of those cupcakes.

“Orange, cherry and dark chocolate.. If I remember correctly you ate almost half of every batch of these I made” Half said with a grin on his face.

“I couldn’t help it...” Brandy replied hanging her head a little with mild shame and guilt at her actions.

Half leaned over to his mother and gave her a hug. He loved experimenting with flavours and techniques and his mother was always supportive of him; so her enjoying one of the more successful combinations he had come up with was more than alright with him.

“Think we’ve put off packing for long enough dear” Brandy said as she stood up, picking up the photo album in her mouth and placing it in one of the half-filled boxes.

Half reluctantly got off the floor and continued packing along with his mother. She was right, he had been putting off packing, he was a little scared to move out of the house he’d called Home for the last 18 years of his life. Ponyville was too far away from here to simply walk down the road if something went wrong or if he needed anything.

It was too late to turn back now though, he’d already handed over the deposit for the house plus there was a point in everyponys’ life where they would have to “leave the nest”and he knew that this was his time.

“That’s the last of it” Brandy triumphantly proclaimed, closing the box ready for it to be moved over to Ponyville. “How about going out for dinner tonight to celebrate you getting your own place?”

“Sure, nothing too fancy though” Half said with thoughts of all his favourite restaurants and the mouth-watering food that they served.

“Of course not, let’s go grab your father first, he wouldn’t forgive us if we left him here to starve” giggled Brandy, Short Crusts’ appetite was always a topic for a good laugh in their household.

With that Half and Brandy made their way out of his room but not before Half stopped in the doorway to take a quick look back into his room. The majority of his possessions were now packed into boxes ready for the move to Ponyville which left the room looking naked, the bed and a few items of furniture was all that was furnishing the room. His room.

This’ll probably be the last night I spend in here for a long time, maybe forever

With that last, painful thought Half turned and quickly rejoined his Mother. If this was going to be his last night here he was going to make sure to enjoy it.