• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 746 Views, 1 Comments

Circle of the Moon - GJT_Productions

Princess Celestia cancels the first Nightmare Night after Luna's return, forcing friend and foe alike to change plans...

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A Matter of Timing

The readers might be familiar with Princess Luna's visit to Ponyville on Nightmare Night, after her powers had fully recovered and she had regained her full alicorn size and appearance. It was there Luna learned how to deal with and accept the "curse" the tradition of Nightmare Night had put on her as a result of her rebellion and thousand-year exile.

However, this story is not about that visitation, which was actually the second Nightmare Night that happened after Luna's return from exile. This story is about the first one, which occurred mere months after that return, and almost didn't happen at all...


The reason it almost didn't happen was a very simple one: the older ruling sister judging that her younger counterpart was simply not ready to deal with the legends yet. The will of Princess Celestia was both absolute and unswayed by any argument, and the word of her decree would go out before any such ceremonies would be conducted that year.

"With all due respect to you and Her Highness, sir, I think Princess Celestia is making a mistake. Surely this action is only delaying the inevitable?" Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard asks of his superior, Guard Captain Gibraltar, when he first hears of Celestia's decree. Shining Armor, thanks to his own younger sister, understood that this arbitrary action reeked of the behavior of an overprotective older sibling - something he had to constantly wrestle with before second-guessing the actions of that sister now learning friendship in Ponyville.

"I don't doubt that you are right, Shining, but I have no leverage to try to convince the princess to act otherwise unless I know how Luna herself feels about the whole matter." Captain Gibraltar wearily answers. "That is part of the reason I summoned you to this meeting."

"I understand, sir. I have been reluctant to ask about Nightmare Night, but now it seems prudent to at least make an attempt, for Luna will certainly have heard about the decree." Shining grimly acknowledges, being as frank as he could be about the situation.

"You do need to do that, and the sooner the better, due to the communications lag between Canterlot and the far reaches of the kingdom. Also, I have heard a rumor the batponies are planning their own celebrations in place of the ones Celestia just canceled - can you confirm this?" Gibraltar asks again.

"Yes sir, the batponies are indeed up to something. Lieutenant Vesper has said he will provide a report with more specific details by the end of the night." Shining affirms.

"Very good. I would like you to pass along a copy of that with your shift-end report, and I promise that the plans of the batponies will be kept as secret as they want them to be. If something does not go as they intend, understand that I will take full responsibility and you will not be held at fault." Gibraltar explains.

"Yes, sir. I appreciate your honesty, sir."

"No need to thank me for that, Shining. Incidentally, I'm having the copy of the decree going to Ponyville being carried by Upper Class Meadow Song tomorrow, if you want to send a message to your sister, make sure to leave a note so that Meadow Song can pick it up before he leaves Canterlot."

"Understood, sir. I'll think over what message I want to send tonight."

"Very good. You are dismissed to your duties. Remember, the sooner you get the information about Luna's feelings, the better chance I have to change Celestia's mind."

"Yes, sir. Good night, sir."

"Good night, Shining. Hopefully, Luna will not react as badly as I fear she will to this..."



"Come on Twilight, we're going to miss the big announcement!" Spike the Dragon exclaimed, pumping his little legs trying to keep up with a Twilight Sparkle running full gallop through the streets of Ponyville, the destination being the main square where Mayor Mare was to make an important announcement about the town's upcoming Nightmare Night festivities.

"This is very irregular, Spike! I set aside a hour today to start the new Daring Do book, and now I'm going to have to reschedule the whole rest of the day!" Twilight exclaims in exasperation between gasps for air as she gallops.

"Quit your whining, we're almost there!" Spike counters in irritation as he and Twilight round a corner to emerge on a main road leading to the town square. As the two speed down toward the square, they can see the already-packed condition of the square and three of Twilight's friends - Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack - along the edge of the crowd.

"Took you two long enough, Mayor's about to start." Rainbow Dash states in irritation, gesturing toward the stage fronting the square as she speaks, as Spike and Twilight Sparkle skid to a stop in front of her. On the stage, three ponies are seen walking up to a podium - an earth pony mare balancing sheets of paper and being escorted by an earth pony stallion in a Royal Guard dress uniform on each side.

Twilight recognizes Mayor Mare as the one balancing the sheets of paper - on which the speech would've been written on for her to read - and one of her escorts as Aide Cherry Fizzy, instantly recognizable due to the unique arrowhead shape of his rank pin, but doesn't recognize the other escort wearing the Lieutenant's star on his uniform until Applejack makes a casual comment: "Crispin doesn't like wearing the dressy stuff, must be important if he's wearin' it now."

A hush settles over the crowd as the escorted Mayor Mare stops in front of the podium with microphone, the escorts facing the crowd with the serious looks expected of a member of the E.U.P. Guard. Mayor Mare awkwardly shuffles the papers she's carrying, and all attention turns to her as she clears her throat to begin her speech:

"In light of the return of Princess Luna several months ago and proof beyond doubt of the reality of the existence of 'Nightmare Moon', Princess Celestia has decreed a cancellation of all formal Nightmare Night celebrations across the kingdom for this year. If there is to be a wrestling between the legends and the reality, it will not occur this year. Traditions and events organized on the individual level will still be permitted to operate without interference, but there will be nothing more organized than that. In that light, this town's formal gathering has been canceled, although I would encourage everypony to organize alternative means of celebration if they still desire to do so. That is all, you may continue with your regular business citizens of Ponyville."


The speech, short and relatively to the point, sends a wave of stunned confusion and some dismay through the crowd, and the buzz of conversation resumes very quickly. Twilight looks over at her three friends to try to gage their reactions while Spike simply stands looking in the distance in puzzlement.

"No Nightmare Night this year? Rarity's not gonna be happy to hear that." Applejack speaks first to break the silence around the four mares and young dragon.

"It's not gonna be so bad, Applejack. It sounds like we'll still get to dress up and collect candy, so it can't be all bad. Look on the bright side of things!" Pinkie Pie exclaims to try to lighten the suddenly-heavy mood.

"Is that all you think about when it comes to Nightmare Night, Pinkie? Getting and eating as much candy as you can?" Rainbow Dash asks cynically.

"Hey, you're never too old for candy ya know!" Pinkie Pie tartly replies with a glare in Rainbow Dash's direction.

"Well at least we'll have The Running of The Leaves to look forward to..." Rainbow Dash comments with an eyeroll.

"Couldn't you do somethin', Twilight? Try to change the Princess' mind?" Applejack asks, letting herself hope Twilight would be able to influence Celestia's actions.

"If it's gotten this far, Applejack, there's nothing I'd be able to do." Twilight sadly answers. "I don't even know how Luna is going to react to this, and there's other ponies in a much better position to judge that than we are."

"Well so much for that plan. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to buy two gallons of vanilla ice cream in case Rarity decides to have a dramatic episode..." Rainbow Dash comments again as she takes off flying away from the crowd.

"And Pinkie and I have gotta get back to work. I've got a feelin' that we're gonna need extra cider made this year..." Applejack comments as she too turns and starts away from the crowd.

"I don't know what those two are so glum about, it's not like everything is ruined. Still, gonna need to help the Cakes with more sweets..." Pinkie Pie comments as the last in line, turning and bouncing away in a happier mood than rest of the crowd, which were already starting to filter past Twilight Sparkle and Spike as the two were left to their thoughts.

Twilight is left silent and puzzled, debating internally about what, if anything, she should do about this. A moment later, she's startled by a tapping of a hoof on her left shoulder, jumping a bit before recognizing who was doing the tapping.

"Oh, sorry, Meadow Song, go ahead. I got lost in thought for a minute." Twilight states while breathing heavily recovering from the shock of the moment.

"Your brother wanted you to read this. It's related to the announcement the Mayor just gave." Meadow Song somberly comments, pulling out a sealed envelope with a forehoof from inside the dress uniform he's wearing. The seal on the letter matches that of the nighttime "Luna Shift" of the Canterlot Guard, and Twilight knew that was confirmation enough for what Meadow Song was saying.

"What's up, Twilight?" Spike asks Twilight as the latter takes the letter with her unicorn magic, blushing a bit as he finally realizes he had been distracted for longer than he should've been puzzling over what was going on.

"My brother sent a letter the same time Celestia's decree went out. I wanna see what it says." Twilight replies, slashing the floating envelope open with the edge of a hoof and then pulling out the folded letter inside. She unfolds it and begins reading out loud, mostly for the benefit of Spike:

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Do not read too much into what Celestia's doing, little sis. Not even I'm sure how Luna would react to the Nightmare Night now if she was exposed to it, but all indications are it wouldn't be good. Perhaps Celestia is right in calling off the celebrations this year. Point is, Twily, there's too many unknowns about Luna yet to risk anything. Don't be too discouraged, and remember that Celestia is an older sister too, and she will act like one despite all the hundreds of years she's lived.

- Sincerely from your B.B.B.F.F.
Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor of the Canterlot E.U.P. Guard
Commanding Officer, Luna Shift"