• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 2,540 Views, 19 Comments

The Fairy Dragon of Equestria - Solphestus

Life is always full of twists and turns, and when you wake up to find your memories erased and that you have been transported to Equestria you can really be thrown for a loop. But what if you were reborn as another species in the process?

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Chapter 1 - Where am I? And WHY AM I SUROUNDED BY GIANT PONIES!?

I don't know where I am, or where exactly ‘here’ is, but what I do know is that I can't move and can't see for some reason…

I also don't know how long I have been stuck here, but it seems to have been long enough for me to forget most of everything from before I found myself in this predicament, including how I got into this situation in the first place...

I wish someone would hurry up and find me, I don't care what they ask for in return for their help I just want out of this predicament!

“You girls sure this is a good idea?”

Hmm? What was that?

“Of course! This place has tons of things to do!”

“Yeah, like getting eaten…”

Hey, it sounds like someone is coming this way! Hey, over here, please help me!


“Hey, did yall just hear something?” The first voice I heard suddenly said.

Huh? Did I manage to somehow get their attention? Wait, something doesn't feel right...

“Hear what?” The second voice asked, now sounding only a few feet away from where I was.


Oh dear… that does not sound goooooood!

“Look out!” The third voice shouted.


Ow, my head… what happened?

“Oh my gosh, is it okay!?” Shouted the third voice, sounding worried.

“What… is it?” The second voice asked.

“It looks to me like some kind of cat?” The first voice said, sounding uneasy for some reason.

A cat? What are they talking abou- Why am I in the middle of a forest surrounded by giant horses?

“What, like a puma?” the third voice asked, coming from what looked to be a... white horse with purple and pink hair as well as a horn sticking out of its forehead?

“Don’t make up animals, Sweetie.” The second voice grunted, coming from an orange… Winged horse with purple hair!?

“I think it’s waking up.” The first voice interrupted as it pointed a yellow hoof in my direction. Wait... Aw heck no!

“Aww… It’s kinda cute…” The horned horse said, her large green eyes sparkling.

“Eh, it’s kinda cool…” The winged one stated boredly. “But can we, y’know, get outta here before it’s mother comes to hurt us?”

“But what if it doesn't have one? It looks more like Opal than something that belongs in the Everfree.” The only normal-ish looking horse said skeptically.

“Yeah, but do you know how much hair Opal cuts off!?” The horned one squeaked.

Ok, it's official, either I’m going crazy or I’m not in kansas anymore...

“So? We just have to make sure it doesn't get ahold of our manes then.” The yellow one stated.

“Yeah… You’re right, we should help it!” The horned horse said, determination written on her face. I did not like the sound of this...

“No! We aren’t taking in a stray! Besides, what if it’s mom is hunting and comes back to find that we foalnapped it’s… Kitten.” The winged one said.

“There aren't any tracks near here except for those left by timberwolves, I dont think its mother is coming back.” The yellow one deadpanned.

“Plus, what kind of cat leaves their baby in a tree!?” The white one added.

Ok, while they're distracted I’m going to try to slowly slip away from the crazy talking horses… *Whump* Ouch, what did I trip over? The horned one then gasped as it rushed over and picked me up… Welp, there goes my escape attempt.

“Awww, you poor thing. Did we scare you?” The horned one asked, using baby talk. “We’ll get you out of this scary forest, don’t you worry~!”

Gah! How is it so cute!? I think I’m going to get diabetes!

“Really, Sweetie Belle?” The winged one rolled her purple eyes. “It doesn’t understand you.”

“Soothing words help any infant!” ‘Sweetie Belle’ said. “Hey Scootaloo, mind heading back into town and getting some cat food?”

“It won’t be able to eat that stuff. It’s an infant. They only eat their mother's milk.” ‘Scootaloo’ said.

“And how did ya know that?” The yellow one asked as she raised an eyebrow at Scootaloo.

“I… Asked Fluttershy about it while she was foalsitting me.” Scootaloo looked away, blushing. “Let’s just get out of here! That thing kinda stinks.”

Hey! Who are you saying stinks!? And why do you all keep referring to me as if I’m some kind of cat you crazy talking horses!?

“Fine, but I think it’s a she.” Sweetie Belle stated.

“What ma- nevermind, I don’t want to know.” Scootaloo looked away, her face red. “I’ll go see if I can get any milk that she can drink.”

“We can try using some of the milk back at my house, we have plenty to spare after all.” The yellow one offered.

“Sounds great! Let’s go!” Sweetie Belle squeaked happily, hugging me firmly. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?

“Ok, meet me at the treehouse while I get the milk from the fridge. I don't think letting it near Winona is a good idea with the way she and Opal get along after all.” The yellow one said as she started to walk in what I assumed was the direction they came from.

“What about Scootaloo’s place?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No.” Scootaloo said simply. “Uh… I’ll see you girls, uh, later. I, uh, have to go train with Rainbow Dash! Yeah!”

“So you finally got her to teach you how to fly?” The yellow one asked as she paused and looked back at Scootaloo.

“Uh, yeah!” Scootaloo chuckled nervously.

“Alright then, I guess we’ll see you when your done I guess?” The yellow one said before she continued walking, it wasn't long after that they arrived at the edge of the forest and split up, each of the strange horses going in a different direction. Though the direction of the one holding me seems to be the same general direction as the yellow one went for some reason.

“What are we gonna call you?” Sweetie Belle wondered, although more to herself than anything.

Oh no, I am NOT going to be treated like some kind of pet! I’m a… Well, I don't remember what I am but I still have my pride! Also, note to self get a mirror and figure out what you look like.

“How about… Fluffy?” Sweetie Belle then asked.

No, no no no that is NOT happening! I then decided to try speaking up in defiance… “Mew!” only for my voice to not come out as it should have… not good.

“D’aww! You’re so cute! You like the name I picked?” Sweetie Belle gushed.

“Mew mew meeew!” I Tried to protest but instead all I did was make cute kitten noises. I hope I’m not stuck like this...

“So you do like it!?” Sweetie Belle suddenly squealed. “I already love you so much Fluffy!”

And there goes my pride… Hehe...

Sweetie Belle brought me to an… Odd looking treehouse with a ramp instead of a ladder. The horned horse walked up said ramp and into the treehouse.

“Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse, Fluffy!” Sweetie announced happily.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, did you just get here?” The yellow horse asked as she walked into the treehouse holding a box full of glasses of milk.

“Yeah! Also, I named her! Meet Fluffy!” Sweetie held me up with her hooves.

“Aww, I was hoping to help name her.” The yellow one pouted. You think you got the short end of the stick? Then you should try understanding MY predicament...

“Fine, what are your ideas?” Sweetie asked curiously. Oh no...

“How about Snow? After all, she sortof makes me think of the seasons for some reason.” Not as bad as fluffy, but still why!?

Sweetie gasped. “What about Pure Snow!? Ah wait, that doesn’t sound as good I thought… Yeah, Snow sounds great!”

“Snow it is then!” the yellow one cheered.

“Hey, can I feed Snow Applebloom?” Sweetie asked.

“Sure, go right ahead.” Applebloom said as she just now set down the box of milk… how was she able to talk with that in her mouth!?

The box of milk started glowing green, and it began to move towards me… On it’s own… Followed by a glass bottle with milk in it floating out of the box and hovered over to my face… Sadly, as it came within reach I heard my stomach growl, and once I resigned myself to my fate I let myself be fed the bottle of milk.

“D’aww!” The two horses said while they watched me… I think I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment.

“Where are we gonna keep her while during the winter or fall?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“You know, that's a good question…” The yellow one said as she put a hoof to her chin.

“What about Scootaloo’s place? She doesn’t have a pet or a parent that’d dislike her.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“I don't know, she didn't seem all that enthusiastic about Snow when we found her.” The yellow one stated. She wasn't the only one unhappy about me being found by you...

“Maybe Fluttershy could take her? Snow would probably be better off with her...” Sweetie Belle suggested.

Who’s this Fluttershy they are speaking of? And why do they still keep treating me like some kind of pet!?

“That would probably be for the best. And at least she will let us come and play with Snow whenever we feel like it.” The yellow one said in agreement.

“Let’s go then!” Sweetie Bell turned me around in her hooves, giving me a grin. I do not like that look, I do not like it one bit.

“Alright then, but I’m taking a turn carrying Snow on the way.” The yellow one said, taking me from Sweetie Bell. I still have yet to figure out her name...

“Aww, fine.” Sweetie belle moped before the two of them carried me out of their treehouse. I don't know where we're going now or what in the world is going on… but the moment I find the opportunity I’m getting out of here!