• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,360 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 9

Trixie’s body was completely unable to move. The burning pain in her head, at her destroyed horn, was unbearable. She would glare at Night Light right now if she was any condition to do so. He stood over her. Even though he was still transformed, she knew he had a smug grin of satisfaction on his muzzle right now. Despite her paralysis, she could still see the surrounding ponies. The citizens had a stunned expression on their faces, their hero had been brutalized. Little Dinky had tears in her eyes. There was despair and hopelessness in the eyes of everypony around her. Her destroyed morpher crumbled to dust under Night Light’s hoof.

Trixie gritted her teeth. She would not and could not lose like this. She had her pride. Despite her head feeling like it had been trampled by a stampede of buffalo, she struggled slowly to her hooves. She almost stumbled several times, but Trixie's determination won, though. She was on her hooves now and glared right into Night Light’s visor.

“This isn’t over.” Trixie rasped. She felt like she was about to collapse again, but stood her ground.

“Really?” Night Light sounded amused. He pointed his sword at Trixie. “You have nothing.”

As if to answer his taunt, Night Light cried out in alarm as an arrow made of intense winds struck him from behind. It swallowed him whole and pulled him high into the air.

“Gales of Destruction!” Ditzy cried out. Night Light screamed as an explosion engulfed his body. Smoke emanated from his body as he crashed into the ground creating a crater in the pavement. Everypony cheered.

“Trixie! Are you okay?” Ditzy asked in alarm. She gasped when she looked at what remained of Trixie’s horn. “Your horn!”

"I'm fine," Trixie said weakly. She pointed a shaky hoof at Night Light. "Go kick his flank!"

“Damn you.” Night Light wheezed. He got back on her hooves with a little difficulty.

Ditzy took a protective stance in front of Trixie. "How dare you," she growled.

“Pathetic foal, that did nothing at all.” Night Light mocked. He might have been right, he barely looked worse for wear. He charged at Ditzy and Trixie sword at the ready. Ditzy visibly tensed ready for battle.

Giving Raindrops the perfect distraction to jump out from the crowd axe in hoof. “Wave Cleaver!” She hit Night Light home right on his exposed flank. Water gathered around Raindrops’s axe forming a blade around the weapon. It smashed into him with the force of a thousand tidal waves knocking him to the ground. The blade of water cut a deep hole underneath him.

“This is nothing for the king of the gods!” Night Light yelled as he got back up again. Water dripped from his armor filling the hole under him. Raindrops took a protective stance next to Ditzy also trying to protect Trixie with her body.

"You have got to be kidding me," Ditzy said in disbelief, "he still isn't down?"

Trixie was surprised that Night Light was still relatively unhurt by that attack. Wait, no, that isn’t true. There were small cracks in his armor. They were hard to see, but they were there.

“I am going to kill you!” Night Light snarled.

That’s enough!” A loud voice boomed. Trixie winced at the volume. Princess Luna landed between Night Light and Trixie’s friends. She had her wings raised aggressively.

“Princess.” Night Light unmorphed and bowed respectively. “Thank the stars you are here.”

“What is the meaning of this?!” Princess Luna demanded.

“I was trying to apprehend a criminal when these two ruffians attacked me.” Night Light explained.

“What horseapples! You were attacking Trixie!” Ditzy yelled. She looked like she was about to jump around the princess and pummel Night Light’s face in. Raindrops glared dangerously at him.

“Stand down fair Ditzy Doo and you as well you fair Raindrops.” Princess Luna ordered. Ditzy gave a hesitant nod and unmorphed. Raindrops followed suit.

“Trixie is under suspicion of embezzling Ponyville’s Corona relief fund.” Night Light said. “She tried to escape, and I had to subdue her.”

“Subdue her!” Ditzy fumed. “Look what you did to her horn!”

Princess Luna turned towards Trixie and her eyes widened when she got a good look at her student. “Trixie!” She pulled Trixie in a comforting hug and the worn-out mare let herself be pulled inside it. She wasn’t in any condition to resist, anyway. Princess Luna stroked her student’s back, tears in her eyes. Trixie had never seen the princess so overcome with emotion.

Princess Luna turned towards Night Light and gave him such an intense glare the Viceroy actually took a step back. The princess’s stare could melt diamonds. “Did you do this?” She asked in a quiet voice.

"That is what I would like to know as well," Greengrass said. He walked through the crowd next to the princess with Cheerilee in tow. There was disapproval on the Duke’s face and much to Trixie's surprise it looked a hundred percent genuine. Cheerilee rushed to Trixie and gave a big hug. Her face was one of terrified worry.

Night Light tried his best to gain his composer back. He had been thoroughly rattled by the princess’s glare. “Yes, I had no choice. She was about to cast a spell to escape.”

“That is no excuse!” Princess Luna yelled. “You did not need to take such an extreme measure to subdue a single unicorn! The police are discouraging from using such brutality!” She waved a wing at the destruction caused by their fight. “Such methods are not warranted.”

Night Light looked like he was about to say something, but thought better of it. He bowed humbly. “Yes. Princess, you are right.”

“We will talk about this later.” The princess promised.

Several police officers with badges indicating that they were from Canterlot Police Force suddenly rushed into the street from an alley. “Viceroy Night Light! There you are.” One officer said. He saluted to Night Light. He stared wide-eyed at the nearby destruction and the sight of the princess. But quick threw it out of his mind. “We heard the disturbance. What is the situation? “

“Officer. The matter is taken care of, for now.” Princess Luna said sending a dirty look Night Light’s way. She seemed more like her old self. “Go back to your duties.”

Night Light held up a hoof. “Wait. Report. Did you find anything at the Representative’s house?”

The office gave another salute. "Yes, sir. It is just as you suspected. There is evidence of suspicious files in Ms. Lulamoon’s possession. They have been sent for further analysis. “

The entire crowd gasped in astonishment. Night Light nodded and pointed towards Trixie. “Good, arrest that mare, and the two pegasi next to her. They attacked me unprovoked.”

“What! No, we didn’t! You attacked Trixie!” Ditzy seethed. She looked about ready to pounce on Night Light again. Raindrop’s glare was one full danger and promise of violence if anypony tried anything to Trixie.

“You attacked a member of the Night Court. A serious offense indeed.” Night Light smile was smug. “And Ms. Lulamoon attacked me first.”

“You expect us to believe that?!” Ditzy challenged. The tension in the air was palpable.

“Calm yourself Ms. Doo.” Princess Luna soothed. It seemed she realized just how close everypony was to exploding into real fighting. “Enough of this Viceroy Night Light, you are provoking more than Ms. Doo’s anger. Neither of Trixie’s friends will be charged. They were protecting a friend.”

“Princess…” Night Light was about to say, but Princess Luna interrupted him.

“That is final Viceroy. You are not one to talk about laws when you yourself caused such property damage.” Princess Luna gestured to the hole in the Ponyville Library.

“Inconsequence, Trixie was….” This time Ditzy interrupted him.

“You heard the princess. Shove it!” Ditzy yelled. Night Light glared daggers at Ditzy. He did not like being spoken to in such a disrespectful way. The crowd cheered when Ditzy said that.

“Officer, you can arrest Trixie Lulamoon after she seeks medical attention.” Princess Luna said graciously. “The damage to her to quite severe. It might lead to complications if not treated soon.” Trixie gulped at that statement.

The officer nodded. “Ponyville Hospital?”

“Yes, that should do nicely.” The princess agreed. “Come close Trixie. I will bring you there myself.”

Trixie weakly walked up to her teacher and placed a shaking hoof on the princess’s barrel. Trixie gave her friends a reassuring smile and gave a small wave.

“Raindrops. I want you to find Carrot Top and explain the situation. We will meet you both at the Ponyville Hospital.” Cheerilee ordered. Raindrops accepted the order without question and took off in the air. “Sorry Duke, but we will have to cut our time together short.”

"I quite understand," Greengrass said graciously. "Go to your friend. She needs you. I will look into this matter myself. I do not believe for a second Ms. Lulamoon would ever embezzle as the Viceroy suggested. This has to be a mistake.”

“Thank you, Greengrass," Cheerilee said in the quiet respectful voice. She took off with her friends to the hospital.

“You have good friends.” Princess Luna commented. Trixie gave a weak smile and nodded. Before Luna teleported her away, she noticed something odd about Night Light’s morpher. The gem that gave Night Light his powers had a small almost imperceptible crack in it. She smirked. Maybe these new Rangers weren’t as invincible as they seemed? She would find a way to fix her morpher and kick his tail to the sun. In a flash, they disappeared for the hospital.


Greengrass tapped his hoof and tried his best to hide the anger he felt right now. They were in a hotel room in Ponyville. It was large but simple and not well furnished, but it suited their needs for the moment. Notary was watching the scene silently beside him. Vinyl and Fisher had a scowl on their muzzles. "What were you thinking? I thought we agreed that we both shared the same goal to win the public’s trust?”

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but Duke Greengrass is right.” Fisher glared at Night Light. “What were you thinking? Were you thinking?”

“I got rid of the problem.” Night Light said curtly. “Lulamoon is no threat to anypony now.”

"Wonderful, if you overlook the fact you made us seem like a bunch of complete brutes in front of the public," Greengrass growled, "did you see the way they looked at you? They will not trust us so easily now. We were to be seen as heroes."

"Yeah, and destroying Trixie's horn was so not cool," Vinyl interjected.

“And you destroyed her morpher. We wanted to study that.” Fisher said tapping a hoof on the floor in clear irritation.

Night Light smirked. “What's done is done. Besides, why would you want such an inferior piece of technology, anyway? Trixie and her morpher broke so easily.”

“It doesn’t matter. It still should be studied.” Fisher said in exasperation.

“Without their leader, the Galaxy Rangers are finished. The public will have to accept us as their protectors whether they like it or not.” Night Light said with an air of smugness.

"I wouldn't count Trixie Lulamoon out so soon," Solitaire said. She crossed her front legs and grinned in amusement.

“Oh? Really?” Night Light sounded like he had just heard an amusing joke.

“Did you know that Corona tried destroying the Elements of Harmony to prevent them from being used against her?” Solitaire asked.

Greengrass perked his ears. He never heard about this. Night Light listened intently.

“She shattered them to dust. It should have been over, but Trixie and the rest of her friends bonded with the Elements anyway. The rest is history.” Solitaire explained.

Greengrass rubbed his chin. “Ah, of course. If they were rebuilt before, why not again?”

Fisher’s eyes widened and grimaced. “This is a problem.”

Night Light snorted. “It doesn’t matter.”

"Look at your morpher," Solitaire instructed. "Look at it closely."

Night Light rose an eyebrow and did as he as instructed. He stared at it, not understanding what Solitaire was talking about. Then he saw it, a small crack in his Planetary Gem. He took a step back in shock. “Wha?”

“You see, the Elements of Harmony have the ability of regeneration. No matter how much their armor is damaged or destroyed, it will always be restored.” Solitaire said.

“So their armor can’t be permanently destroyed?” Vinyl asked tilting her head.

Solitaire nodded her head. “Precisely. The Planetary Gems have vast power, but it isn’t limitless. Think of them as a battery.”

“Eventually it will run out and the gem and morpher will be useless.” Solitaire continued. “The Elements of Harmony draw power from a source more powerful than the planets, the stars, and even the gods themselves.”

Night Light stood up straight and presented his morpher to the scientist. “Fix it.”

Solitaire shook her head. "I don't know how yet. You used your morphers before I could thoroughly test them.”

Night Light glared at Solitaire. Greengrass have a serious expression. “I see. So, their powers will outlast ours eventually.”

Solitaire nodded. “It depends on how much you use your powers, but yes. Keep in mind, barring extraneous activity and damage, that will take centuries.”

“Those fillies are barely a threat then.” Night Light snorted in derision and trotted out.

Greengrass’s instincts weren’t so sure. His gut told him the Rangers were a threat and a dangerous one at that. He knew the Rangers had the ability to become stronger. They might not be a threat now, but would that always be the case? No, Greengrass knew their roots were deep and trying to pull them out wouldn’t get rid of them. Even without her horn, Greengrass sensed that Trixie was still a dangerous threat. She was far too dim to give up and even he had no idea what stupid and reckless thing she would next. Greengrass knew you can’t plan for stupidity. It was time to speed up their timetable.


Trixie was reclining on a bed trying her best to stay patient. She hated doing nothing and resting in a hospital bed was pure misery. There were some books on the table next to her, but she wasn’t interested in reading. She just wanted to get out of here already. She couldn’t though, not until the doctor came back with the results of the scans they had taken of her. Trixie sighed in relief that she won’t have to stay the night. The doctor told her that she only had exhaustion and her horn was only the real issue.

Trixie growled when she thought of what happened to her horn. Oh, she would make Night Light pay for this that was certain. She was equally furious that she couldn’t do that show for Carrot Top. The loss of her magic hurt, but it was nothing compared to the pain of not being able to help her friend who was in such dire need. She had been planning for days for that event and now it had to be completely rewritten so it didn’t require magic. That would take time the desperate farmer didn’t really have. She was going to do it, though, even if it killed her. Even if she had to drag herself across the stage on the ground. She was not going to let Carrot Top down.

On a better note, Trixie didn’t think the damage to her horn was too severe. Right now, her horn was just a stump covered by a bandage. They had to cut it to the stump for her own safety. She knew a unicorn’s horn would grow back in time. So this was only an annoying setback. A unicorn’s horn was just made out of keratin after all, the same as a pony’s hooves. Throughout a unicorn’s life, their horn never stopped growing, about .5 inches a year. Thankfully, there are spells to hasten the process, and it would only take a few months of magical therapy to get her horn back to normal size.

The doctor was just checking for any serious damage to the base of her horn containing important nerves which might cause serious complications. Complications that could seriously disrupt a unicorn’s ability to cast magic and make it unstable. There have also been cases of unicorns developing mental health issues from a damaged horn. That was why the doctor was taking this case so seriously.

About a ten minutes later, the doctor finally came into her room. He had a serious face, but it had a small smile on it.

“How are you feeling Ms. Lulamoon?” The doctor greeted.

“Trixie thank you. And I’m fine, just tired.” Trixie responded. “Well? What do the scans say?”

The doctor nodded and open a folder with a picture of the MRI scan of her head. The inside of her head was cool and everything, but it looked like just a brain to her. She had no idea what she was looking at.

“Everything looks good Trixie.” The doctor said warmly. “No damage to your frontal lobe and your horn’s nerve endings.”

Trixie sighed in relief. “That’s good to hear.”

"I want you to get plenty of rest for the next few days. Otherwise, you should be fine." The doctor gave Trixie a piece of paper. "This has contact information for Spellworks, a magical therapist in Canterlot who specializes in regrowing damaged horns. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with him right away.”

Trixie planned to have that done tomorrow. She couldn’t bear the thought of not having a horn back for even a day longer than necessary. Magic was her special talent after all. It would also give her the opportunity to search for Pokey who was still missing. Trixie was really starting to get worried about him.

Trixie trotted up to the front counter with the checkout sheet in her hooves. Already not having her magic was really annoying. She kept forgetting she didn’t have it and tried using it on instinct. Her friends, Bon-Bon, Dinky, and the princess were in the waiting room waiting patiently for her. They grinned when she entered the lobby. Trixie was eager to give them the good news. After finishing up at the desk, she started towards them when several police officers went in front of her. Trixie recognized them as the officers from before though there were a few new faces. One pony stood out from the rest though. This stallion had a tan trenchcoat on. He had a messy brown mane with a coat that was a rusty orange color. His cutie mark looked very odd on his flank. It was a pony’s nose. Night Light was with them and it looked like he was holding back a self-satisfied smirk.

Trixie’s friends were not happy that this development. Princess Luna’s mouth was in a tight line. Lyra’s looked enraged and was about to pounce on all the offenders. Raindrops’s face darkened and promised violence. Thankfully, the rest of Trixie’s friends were more level headed and just scowled.

“Oh for!” Trixie growled. Couldn’t she get a moment's rest? “Look, I just got out of the hospital. I know you have plenty of questions about the so-called ‘suspicious documents’, but I am not well enough right now.”

The officer in front glared at her with a penetrating stare. “Trixie Lulamoon, you are under arrest for the murder of Pokey Pierce. You have the right to remain silent.”