• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,356 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 1

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

Dinky tried her best to be brave. She had to. Dinky struggled against her bonds. They were tight and didn’t leave much wiggle room. She was gagged so she couldn’t make any noise either.

“Hey! Stop that right now!” A burly pegasus demanded.

Dinky stopped and sank down defeated. She just laid against the cold wall. She prayed her mom would come soon. Dinky wondered how she got into this mess. It had been a normal day. School, friends, homework, not much different. On her way home, she was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled into an alley. A sack was put over her head and she found herself here. Wherever that was.

It looked like Dinky was in an abandoned warehouse. It was mostly empty, but she could see metal crates here and there. It smelled dank and mildewy. Dinky was surround in a corner by two tough gigantic ponies. They were almost as big as Big Mac. The other one was an amber unicorn pony with a blond mane. For some reason, his horn was glowing a gold aura.

Dinky sighed and waited. For what, she didn’t know. Eventually, an earth pony with a chocolate coat and an elaborately styled gray-blue mane trotted in.

"Go well, Boss?" The unicorn pony asked.

"Well enough.” The Boss answered. “Oh sure, the mare made a bit of a fuss, but I made it perfectly clear that if she wanted to see her filly again, she would go on that train.”

Dinky glared at the Boss with the most defiant look she could muster.

"Oh don’t give me that. It’s for your own good.” The Boss said giving an obviously fake smile when she spotted her. He knelt down next to her. “We’re giving you all you could ever need. A nice job, a much better town, a generous sponsor, what more could a pony ask for?”

Dinky growled the best she could.

The Boss snorted. “You have no idea how much better your life will be in Manehattan. My sponsor made sure to give her the best accommodations. If your mother is a smart pony, she’ll be on that train for her new life. You will join her soon naturally.”

The Boss gave Dinky a nasty smile that made her skin crawl. “If not, well, we’ll teach her what happens when you defy me.”

Dinky gulped. She prayed to Luna that her mom would think of something to get out of this.

“You made sure that she won’t get her friends?” The earth pony thug asked.

“Oh course. I got Bull and Cement Hooves to make sure she doesn’t.” The Boss smirked.

Dinky blinked. These guys did know her mom was a superhero, right?

The Boss noticed Dinky’s incredulous look. He rolled his eyes. “Please. I’ve seen the pictures. These ‘Galaxy Rangers’ play with toys.” The Boss gave another nasty smile. “No way they can match a seasoned pony in the business.” He gave a laugh and his two thugs joined him. The pegasus pulled out a knife and flipped it several times in his hooves. He gave an evil look.

Dinky stared at them for a long moment. These guys are idiots. She thought.

“Yeah, and that Trixie broad ain’t able to use her invisibility thanks to this.” The unicorn pointed to his glowing horn. “Gotta a spell that dispels illusions see?”

Dinky sighed. “Trixie, you really need to stop overusing the spells you have.” She thought. She wondered if Trixie even had any secret spells nopony knew about.

The Boss grinned. “So, if I were you I won’t stop resisting and accept the inevitable.” Dinky refused to give in and gave a defiant look. The Boss rolled his eyes. “Fillies nowadays.”

Fifteen minutes went by uneventfully. Dinky thought of the various tricks and illusions she'd seen Trixie do to pass the time. Trixie's magic shows were one of her most favorite things. Her thoughts were interrupted when the ground started shaking.

"What the bleeding heck?” The unicorn exclaimed.

The Boss almost lost his footing but saved himself in time. “What? An earthquake?”

The ground shook again and again. The thugs looked at each other.

“Whatta we do? It dangerous if we hang around here!” The unicorn exclaimed. “Teach always said it bad to stay out in open. We gotta get under a desk or table and cover our head. Against a wall works too.”

The Boss tried to say something but stopped when the ground shook again. He tried again. “You idiot. We need to stay here and protect the filly.”

“No!” The unicorn said emphatically. “Something gonna fall on our heads! Just know it!”

“No. We are not! It’s just a giant monster or something.” The Boss crossed his front legs. “They happen all the time around here. You!” He pointed at the pegasus. “See what is happening.”

The pegasus thug looked at the Boss in alarm and shook his head. “No way! I could get eaten!”

“I’m paying you! And I say you get out there!” The Boss pointed towards the door.

Sudden the door crashed open and a figure was thrown from the door right into the thugs. They fell into a heap of bodies and tangled limbs. The figure that crashed into them was a black unicorn with a red mane. He laid sprawled over the thugs completely unconscious.

“Bull?” The Boss exclaimed in alarm.

A new figure in all green rushed through the door in a blur. It brandished something in its hooves. Before Dinky even knew what was going on she felt something wrap around her and she cried out in alarm or at least tried to. She felt herself being pulled. The figure grabbed Dinky when she flew near. Dinky exclaimed in joy when she recognized the figure. It was the Green Ranger! It was Miss Cheerilee!

“Don’t worry. You’re safe now.” Cheerilee said soothingly. Dinky hugged her tightly. Cheerilee rushed out of the warehouse.

“What? No! After her!” Dinky could hear the Boss yell.

Suddenly there was a crashing sound and the sound of metal being twisted and rended. The thugs and the Boss screamed in terror and looked up. Dinky looked up as well. It was the Megazord and it was tearing off the roof of the warehouse. It flung the roof to the side and pointed the barrel of its missile launcher into the building.

"You better surrender!” Dinky could hear her mom say over a speaker. “You are dealing with a very very angry mother right now. Don't push me."

Cheerilee put Dinky down and started for the warehouse. She cracked her whip. “Make it easier for yourself. There is no way out.” She blocked the exit of the warehouse.

The Boss just stared at the Megazord horrified. The thugs trembled. Soon the entire group nodded rapidly.

It didn’t take long for the bad guys to be tied up again a tree. Dinky grinned with satisfaction when Trixie gagged them all. She could see a crowd gathering seeing what the commotion is about.

Dinky rushed at her mom when she jumped out of the Megazord. Her mom unmorphed and scooped Dinky into a big hug.

“Mom! Thank the night!” Dinky nuzzled her mother and returned the hug with a tight one of her own. “How did you find me?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Ditzy gave a wink. “I knew that this would be the place they would hide you.”

Dinky tilted her head. “Really?”

“Of course.” Ditzy smiled. “Bad guys love abandoned warehouses. This seemed like the best place to look first.”

“Good thinking.” Cheerilee complimented. “I’m glad this went so smoothly.”

Trixie smashed her hooves together. “This is what they get for messing with the Galaxy Rangers. I hope they are willing to tell us who was behind all this. Or we will use this.” She pointed towards the Megazord. It turned towards them menacingly. The Boss and his thugs couldn’t nod quick enough.


Duke Greengrass trotted down the castle’s hallways. They were illuminated by candle and created deep shadows. It was late. The princess tried her best, but she was a pony of the night. The Night Court always convened very late in the evening. Greengrass was used to it naturally being a noble for many years. His assistant Notary followed behind him dutifully.

This night’s meeting was an eventful one. Corona’s return and the recent scandal in Ponyville yesterday had put a lot on everypony’s plate. It wasn’t hard to tell just how angry yesterday’s incident made Princess Luna. It was a surprise she didn’t start shouting. A bunch of thugs linked to the Manehattan mafia kidnapped Ditzy Doo the Pink Ranger’s daughter in some half-baked scheme to gain control of one of the Galaxy Rangers. It failed spectacularly in a very public fashion.

Trixie Lulamoon and her other rangers captured the thugs and made them spill which noble they were working with. Vicereine Puissance was implicated. It was a charge she most thoroughly denied. Greengrass enjoyed the color of white she turned when Princess Luna said she would personally investigate the incident personally. He wondered if the old hag would do something stupid like try to bribe the Princess.

Still, the scandal caused quite the headache for the entire Night Court. The press was screaming that it was yet another example of the rampant corruption of the Night Court. The court’s approval rating hit a low it hasn’t been for centuries. Thankfully Greengrass’s personal rating hadn’t taken too much of a hit thanks to his philanthropy and charity work. Still, getting the public’s trust back was something he would have to work on and it wasn’t going to be easy.

Greengrass cursed Trixie Lulamoon for her total lack of tact in resolving yesterday’s incident. Though, given that she was a magician, it really shouldn’t have been that surprising. The thought of that deluded bumbling oaf being the only thing separating them from Corona’s wrath didn’t sit well with him. She was an egotistical blowhard with more ambition than sense. Her dream was to one day become a prominent member of the Night Court. Greengrass was going to make sure that never happened for everypony’s sake. The Night Court has enough complete foals in it already.

Greengrass, however, knew they needed Trixie Lulamoon. She and her friends were the only ones that had the power to match Corona and her monsters. He had seen their abilities in action once. A few weeks ago, he secretly traveled to Ponyville to see the Rangers in action for his own. It was terrifying that Corona could create a monster with such power so easily. He doubted any army or soldier could match them. So far he saw it fit to leave them alone for now. His instincts told him that trying to separate them would lead to disaster. They needed to stay together. Of course, he was right, and the Corvus incident proved it. From what he understood, they just barely won that fight.

Still, Greengrass wished there was some way to put those powers in more capable hooves. Archduke Bobbing Fisher of the Ministry of War had demanded today that Trixie and the other Rangers turn over their morphers to him so they could be studied and analyzed and put into hooves of professionals. Princess Luna, naturally, refused such a request stating that the magic of the morphers would only work for the original Rangers and they were to stay where they are at now, least for the time being. The situation was too dire to start tinkering with them. Fisher snorted at this, but Greengrass believed it. Old, ancient magical items tended to be like that. There was also the fact that they only activated after a thousand years of dormancy when they came in contact with Trixie and her friends. He knew there had to be something special about them.

Like it or not, they were here to stay. Greengrass just hoped Trixie Lulamoon wouldn’t do something stupid and doom them all. He wondered if there was some way to make the Rangers unnecessary. Something he would have to look into.

"Ha! Just the pony I was looking for!” A loud booming voice said bring Greengrass out of his thoughts.

Greengrass turned around and looked at the approaching pony. It was Archduke Fisher. He was a unicorn with a brown and bluish-gray mane and a slate gray coat. He had a bushy mustache and his cutie mark was that of a hammer next to two blue stars.

“Hello, Archduke Fisher.” Greengrass gave a gracious bow. “I was just thinking about you. I was impressed with your speech today about the importance of defending Equestria.”

Fisher snorted. “Spare me the empty compliments. I know how you really feel about me.”

Greengrass tilted his head. “I’m sorry. I am not quite sure what you mean.”

"Tell me. What do you think of Trixie Lulamoon and her ‘Galaxy Rangers?” Fisher could barely hold back his disgust. It wasn’t a secret how much he despised Luna’s current student.

Greengrass pretended to think it over. “Well, I think they are a vital asset to the defense of Equestria.”

“I mean of Trixie herself specifically. I know you. You hate her as much as I do.” Fisher said crossing his front legs.

Hate? Hardly. She isn’t worth the energy. Greengrass thought.

"It's true we have had our differences in the past, but I don't begrudge the mare at all," Greengrass said.

Fisher started getting annoyed. “Never can speak your mind, can you? Always the politician.” He waved a hoof. “Never mind. What if I told you I knew there might be a way get rid of them and instate real protectors for Equestria?”

Greengrass rose an eyebrow. “Have you found a way to replicate their technology and powers?”

Fisher snorted. “Don’t pretend you didn’t already know, I know of your spies.”

Greengrass didn’t know at all, but he wasn’t planning on correcting him. “Has it progressed far enough that it can be a threat to Corona?”

Fisher beamed. “We’re close.” He rubbed his hooves together.

“And what do you want of me then?” Greengrass asked. “It seems you already have everything under control.”

“What I need is allies. Like minded ponies that understand what is necessary.” Fisher answered.

Greengrass quirked an eyebrow. “Necessary?”

“Yes! Trixie and her bunch of ne'er do wells are nothing but untrained amateurs. Equestria needs real heroes! Ponies that will do what is necessary!” Fisher responded. “The Rangers need to be hardened soldiers!”

“Let me ask you this. You know of Ditzy Doo the Pink Ranger, right?” Fisher started pacing.

“Yes. I’ve seen her in the papers.” Greengrass said simply.

“Does she look like the type of pony that would slit a pony’s throat without a second thought?” Fisher asked.

Greengrass was taken aback by the question. He did his best to hide his reaction. “Probably not.”

“Exactly!” Fisher exclaimed. “That’s the problem. We are at war! We need real ponies protecting Equestria! Ones that know what needs to be done! Ponies that can make the hard choices! None of this butterflies and friendship nonsense!”

“I see…”

"This is why I want to make an alliance with you," Fisher smirked, "I know for a fact that you would sell your own mother out if it meant getting what you want. That is the ruthlessness I need."

Greengrass would not do that. Not in a million years, but this misconception could be useful. “Say that I do agree to this alliance, what would you have me do?”

“Bringing down the Rangers won’t be easy. The Princess in her ignorance is protecting the Rangers.” Fisher said. After the scandal, Princess Luna extended her protection to them. She stated that since they are in a state of war, any attempt to target the Rangers would not be tolerated. “We need to both discredit and get rid of them without the Princess becoming involved. I think you are well up to the task.”

Greengrass thought about it. It looked like an interesting challenge. There were dangers to be sure, but Fisher would make an easy fall pony. Erasing his involvement shouldn't be too difficult. Getting rid of Trixie and putting in more capable ponies to stop Corona had a certain appealed to him.

“Very well. I accept this alliance.” Greengrass put out of a hoof and Fisher shook it.

“Good pony!” Fisher laughed. “Equestria is in good hooves now.”

Unbeknownst to either pony, a figure was listening in on them from behind a pillar. His hearing amplification spell allowed him to hear every word despite the great distance and the low tone they were speaking in. He tapped his chin with a hoof. “Well well. Just the opportunity I was hoping for.” He smirked and disappeared into the darkness.