• Published 10th Sep 2016
  • 441 Views, 6 Comments

I'm on a Master Quest - Purple Pony

A thestral goes on a journey with some friends to make sure the world will know his name. This is his day to show he is a Master. Now, if only ponies would stop running away on sight.

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Chapter 7-Meet the Maker

I woke up with a golden mane in my face and a sky-blue Pegasus in my hooves. All in all, not a bad way to wake up. As a bonus, no Pokemon sleeping on top of me.

However, I soon realize a downside. Sunny has my hoof pinned beneath her sleeping form. So, yet again, I can’t move. Dang it.

After about a half hour, Sunny opens her eyes, facing me, and after a moment (I assume to complete the waking up process), she boops me on the nose. “If my mom saw this, she would be scolding me for about five hours.” Sunny tells me.

“I still stand by my original statement. Could you move? I’m kinda stuck.” I ask her.

“This is going to be a theme, isn’t it?”

“Probably, since I personally prefer waking up with you.”

“Out of context, that could be seen as (maintaining E rating).”

“I know. Please move. I kind of want to go threaten a manager today.”

With a grumble (clearly, Sunny is not quite booted up until about 15 minutes) she gets up and flies over me. I proceed to climb out of bed, and go to the bathroom to prepare for threatening. It is still odd, seeing a Pegasus in the mirror. I probably won’t get used to it. Ever.

After fifteen minutes, I walk out of the bathroom and duck, as Sunny flies over me into the bathroom at full speed. I close the door once she gets in, and look to see my team still sleeping. All of them sprawled on my bed (but it may become their bed), with Leafeon snoring in her usual volume (which is full bore, ear piercing volume, at least with thestral ears). I decide to leave them alone.

Sunny comes out of the bathroom, looking more like her usual self (and awake). She glances at me, then at the sleeping Pokemon. “Do you want to bring them with you?”

"Sure, but not going to use them to negotiate. Don't want to scar him beyond repair. I just want answers."

“Okay!” She opens up the window, oh dear. “LEEEET’S FLYYYY!!!” Sunny shouts, leaping out the window. I follow her, and together, we fly to the store, so see if this problem can be fixed.

We arrive at Changeling Cosmetics, and upon walking through the door, I see a store that looks like any other clothes store (thanks for showing me what they look like, moooooom), but I fail to see anypony running the store. Terrible business practice.

Naturally, I look for the Transformation spells. After about 15 minutes, I find them. I see one for an earth pony, one for a Pegasus, one for a unicorn, one for a gryphon, and even one for an alicorn (I guess some ponies are power-hungry). But I don’t find anything that helps my current situation.

“Hello, sir. How can I help you?”

I jump about three feet in the air. If I’d had my thestral hearing, I would have known he was coming. I look over and see…well, a changeling. A pony like creature with a horn, gossamer bug-like wings, and holes in his legs. I immediately know that this is Thorax.

“Um, yes you can. You see, the mare I’m living with-“

“WHICH IS ME!!!!” Sunny interjects.

“-bought a Transformation for me. It was a pink bracelet with a Pegasus disguise.”

“I remember. She couldn’t stop bouncing. But your problem is…” Thorax lets me finish.

“The Transformation hasn’t worn off. I’ve taken it off, and it hasn’t changed me back. I used to be a thestral, and I’m kind of scared I won’t be able to go back.”

Thorax blinks. Again. Finally, after about fifteen seconds, he begins really deep thinking. I can tell because his face scrunched up. “That shouldn’t happen. It should wear off once you take it off. Do you have the spell?” I show him the bracelet. “Thanks. Hmmmm…I didn’t miscast it, if that’s what you’re thinking (I was, thanks for asking), so there must be something about you.”

So the problem is me? Come on, I was hoping this could be a quick fifteen minute visit, complete with a working bracelet. Instead, I get this. Not really happy.

“Could you figure it out?”

“Not me, personally, but I would bet bits that Flurry Heart could find out. I’ll go and get her, be right back.” He then turns into a unicorn and teleports away. After about fifteen minutes, he comes back with a concerned Princess Flurry Heart in tow.

“So, Thorax, who needs my he-CLOUD?!” Flurry starts.

“I do need your help. At the very least, I can let you know that you will be down a thestral in class.” I say back.

“Okay, come with me. I have a lab that could tell us what is the difference.” She then proceeds to teleport, with Sunny and I going with her.

Ugh, teleporting stinks. How do unicorns do it?

After we arrived, I emptied out my lunch on the floor, and looked around. Machines and gadgets fill the room. In the middle, some weird device that looks like an X-Ray machine-but clearly isn’t-stands.

“Sorry, Cloud. Teleports are tough the first time.” Flurry apoligises.

“Don’t worry, Heart. I didn’t need that breakfast anyways.” I snark back.


“My mom babysat her. Where do we begin?”

“Just stand in the middle. I’ll turn it on, and soon, we’ll know why the spell isn’t working properly.” After moving to the center, I hear a “3…2…1…Go!” and immediately, scans and noises come to life. Seeing as this is helping me, I stand perfectly still. After about fifteen minutes, the lights die down, and Flurry tells me to get off.

“Now, I’ll send this to Aunt Twilight, and she can tell me what she finds.”

It’s been an hour, and we haven’t gotten a response. How hard can it be? You’re just translating numbers into facts. Of course, I can’t really talk. I never liked math.

Vaporeon and Glaceon are taking a nap, not really surprised. Joltion and Espeon are arguing over what it could be that makes the spell not wear off. Leafeon is sitting in a corner, not really trusting all the equipment, and Umbreon is on my back, relaxing. Sunny’s Togepi is waddling around, with Sunny keeping close. And Flurry is going over…I assume curriculum for school. She shooed me away before I got close.

“Does it usually take this long?” I ask Flurry.

“No. Which could mean that something is really odd. Of course, she could have been dealing with a challenger at her Gym, or taking a nap, or-OW!” A scroll hits her in the face. After a second (to compose herself), she opens it up and reads it. As it unfolds, I see that it is about 7 feet long. This could be a while.

“I think I’ve found it.”

Finally. It’s been half an hour since she got the scroll, which means that it’s been a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes since I talked to Thorax at the store. I’m not a very patient pony. Character flaw of mine.

“So, what did you find?” Sunny asks.

“Well, there are two possible explanations. One is that your connection with Pokemon is affecting the spell, messing with the failsafe. The other is, well, more likely, but much more weird.”

“JUST SPIT IT OUT, PRINCESS!!” I shout. As I said earlier, I am not very patient.

“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. The other reason is, well, you are half Pegasus and you were almost born a Pegasus, so when you transformed into a Pegasus, it thought it was already in its default state. So instead of being able to go back to a thestral, which was the default, you are still a Pegasus, which it considers the default.” Flurry Heart explains. Neeeeerd!

Wait. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? “So my dad is a Pegasus, and it’s messing with the spell?”


“Give me a second to figure out which word best describes this situation. I’d better use five. This is all mom’s fault.”

“Not entir-well, yes, it is all her fault, but accusing her won’t make this better.”

“I’m just stating the obvious. And, more importantly, can you fix it?”

“Sure, but we’ll need Thorax again.” Flurry Heart explains.

“More teleporting!!!” Sunny says excitedly.

“Yes, more teleporting, Sunny.” Flurry says, and then charges her horn.

“How do unicorns do it all the time?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’m an alicorn. But I think that it’s a tolerance. HEY THORAX!!!!!” Flurry shouts. The changeling walks over, with a look on his face that says “Did you help?”. “I think that we can fix this. And it won’t be too difficult. All we need to do is…” I lost them here, when they started talking magic. I zoned out, until they brought me into the back room. “Could you give us the bracelet?”

I hoof it over, and they immediately start messing with it. I look away, as they start using magic so bright my Pegasus eyes couldn’t stand it.

“Sure is bright.” I tell Sunny.

“Definitely. What about after they fix it? Are you going to keep it?” Sunny asks.

“You kind of bought it, so why not? It might come in handy.”

Finally, the lights die down, and I look at the bracelet. Now, with the black ring, there is also a light blue ring. “So, what’s different? Besides the blue ring.”

“What we did is eliminate the default mode. It is set to change between thestral and Pegasus, with no barriers. So don’t lose it. All you have to do is put it on your hoof, and you change between the two. It won’t work with anypony that isn’t a Pegasus or thestral, so don’t worry about doing some irreparable damage.”

“Sounds good. I’ll just slip it on right now, and” upset stomach, splitting headache, and I open my eyes, and see that it’s all a bit brighter. “It worked!!!” I shout in excitement (not very often I get this excited).

“Well, my work here is done. I’ll see you two tomorrow in class. I think you’ll find the dorms quite crowded.” Flurry Heart tells us.

“Thanks, Princess. Or is it professor?”

“For you, Flurry.”

“Really? Won’t the other students get jealous that I can call you by your first name?”

“I know I was shocked!!” Sunny inserts helpfully into the conversation.

“Not in the classroom, then. Take care!” And Flurry’s gone.

“Well, guess we’d better go back to our room. I’m spent.” I say, to nopony in particular.

“Well, I’m hungry, so we’d better get something before we go.” Sunny says. “Thanks, Thorax!!”

“I didn’t do anything special. That was all Flurry.” Thorax says sheepishly.

“You got her, though. So Thanks!!” Sunny says, not discouraged at all by his statement. “Seeya!” And she grabs me and flies out the nearby window (what is it with her and windows?).

“That stallion at the register sure was a downer.” Sunny says. We made it back to our room with some food from Burger Princess.

“Ah, well, at least we got something done today.” I say back.

“He ran away screaming. I’m surprised that you aren’t even slightly miffed.” Sunny says/asks (she managed to do both in one sentence. Wow.).

“It means I’m back to normal. I was quite surprised that he was still standing, to be honest. Quite a few ponies pass out on sight.”

“Like the burglar?”


We eat in silence. The Pokemon raid their food bag (and the occasional Prench Fry) and eat noisily. See, no manners.

After we eat, we play some board games that Sunny brought with her (who brings board games to an academy?), until it’s about 8 at night. Then, we climb into our bed (it’s official, we have our own bed. The Pokemon get their own.), and go to sleep. The academy awaits!

Author's Note:

Well, problem solved. And I'M BACK EARLY!!! I didn't think it would take that long, but sheesh, the day after my grandparents leave, I get it done.

And I dare you to tell me that you didn't see the Simpson's reference coming. Seriously.

Well, the academy awaits. This oughta be fun! Maybe not so much to write, but ah well.

How hard can it be? it's just classes in school.

We'll see. But one things for sure. I won't spoil stuff in these.