• Published 10th Sep 2016
  • 441 Views, 6 Comments

I'm on a Master Quest - Purple Pony

A thestral goes on a journey with some friends to make sure the world will know his name. This is his day to show he is a Master. Now, if only ponies would stop running away on sight.

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Chapter 9-Too much Royalty in the Room

Sunny was hiding beneath me, trying to avoid the crystal ponies. Understandable, since she just destroyed the statue of Spike, the Brave and Glorious, with a thestral screech. I wouldn’t be much better. In fact, I probably would have gotten out of town.

Sunny, Flurry, and I are standing at the train station, waiting for Princess Twilight Sparkle to arrive, as well as betting on who else shows up. I bet that Spike would show up, and Sunny bet that Pinkie would show up. Flurry said both. I think she has the best odds.

As the train pulls in with a cloud of steam, I quickly avert my thestral eyes. Sunny is still a thestral, despite my constant pestering of her. Seriously, why does she like this form? I don’t feel comfortable in my Pegasus transformation.

As the ponies come off of the train, in varied amounts of a hurry, we finally see her exit the rear car. Princess Twilight. She’s just a bit taller than Flurry, with wings nowhere near the size of Flurry’s (seriously, Flurry’s are HUGE!), and a horn about as long as Flurry’s. She has a purple coat with a blue mane with pink and purple highlights. She walks with poise, very unlike Flurry, who doesn’t care about how she walks. I quickly remember who I’m meeting, and attempt to bow. Hard to do with Sunny underneath me. “Please, don’t bow before me. This isn’t a formal occasion.” Twilight tells me.

As I rise, I see Spike standing next to her. He’s almost shoulder height to her, with purple scales around most of his body, and green scales on his belly and back. As he smiles, I see his teeth, while nowhere near as sharp as mine, could cut something. Yes, I’ve almost won the bet. I just need-

“SUNNY! IS THAT YOU?!” I hear from on the train. Next thing I know, I’m lifted into the air, as Pinkie climbs underneath both of us, putting Sunny on her back and me still on Sunny’s back. I quickly fly off of them, look at Flurry, and say, “You win.”

“Win what?” Twilight asks.

“He thought only Spike would come with you. Sunny thought only Pinkie would come. I said both. Thus, I win the bet.” Flurry explains.

“Ah. And who are these two?”

“The one flying” she points a hoof at me “is Cloud Song, the one behind the numbers I sent you yesterday. The one on Pinkie’s back is-“

“I remember her now. She lived with Pinkie. It was Sunshine Drops, right?” Twilight asks.

“Yup!” Pinkie and Sunny answer at the same time.

“So, you’re the one behind those numbers. I must say-“ Twilight starts, but gets interrupted by a crystal pony running towards us, “Spike, the Brave and Glorious! Somepony has defaced your statue!” Spike blinks, then says, calmly, “Show me the damage.”

Thus, we are all running towards the statue that Sunny destroyed, with Sunny hanging back noticeably. After a couple minutes, we arrive at the scene of the crime, with Spike’s statue mostly unharmed, and besides the decapitation, it is still in very good shape for being a twenty year old statue. Spike, however, notices the decapitation. Then, he freezes up in shock. Twilight, to his defense, says, “Who. Did. This?”

Flurry then proceeds to do what any good pony should do. Throw their friend under the bus to escape punishment and get the truth out there. Sunny, meanwhile, attempts to fly away, but Flurry catches her with her magic.

Spike, upon hearing the story, turns and looks at Sunny with a look that says “How could you do this to me?” Pinkie, however, upon hearing the story, starts going into deep thought (well, relatively deep), and that scares me.

Fortunately, the tenseness of the situation is quickly resolved. How, you may ask? Two alicorns. Problem solved. The statue looks as good as new, with the head in its proper place above the shoulders. Sunny gets let go, but not after I slip the bracelet on and turn her back into a Pegasus.

The six of us are now eating lunch at a café somewhere in the Empire. Twilight is questioning me about the bracelet, but most questions I deflect to Flurry. Finally, Twilight asks me one more question, the one I knew was coming, but still wasn’t prepared for.

“You don’t know who your father is?”

I sigh in defeat. “No, I don’t. Not for a lack of asking, but mom is tight-lipped about a few things. My dad being one of them.”

Flurry stands up in a rush. “Well, I’ll ask her. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll order her to tell you.”

“That won’t work. Either she’ll spill the beans when you ask, or she won’t say anything at all. She’s stubborn like that.” I point out.

Sunny and Pinkie, who were ignoring us and gossiping with each other, suddenly gasp in shock. This can’t be good. “What is it?”

Pinkie Pie rushes over to me, grabs me, and shakes me violently. “WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS A FEW DAYS AGO?! I NEEDED TO THROW A PARTY! NOW MY SCHEDULE IS MESSED UP SINCE I WAS ONLY GOING TO BE HERE FOR A DAY BUT NOW I’LL BE USING TODAY TO PLAN AND I WON’T BE ABLE TO DO TOURISTY STUFF WHAT’S YOU FAVORITE FLAVOR OF CAKE?” Pinkie yells in one breath. Will ponies ever stop yelling in my ears? Probably not.

After a moment to collect myself, I say the one thing that will appease the pink party pony. “Mango.”

“Ugh. How could anypony like mangoes?” Pinkie gags. Wait, something she doesn’t like? Did I just make a breakthrough in the science of Pinkie Pie? I look at Twilight, and see absolute shock with a side of WTF on her face. To demonstrate to Pinkie, I gesture at my salad. It has lettuce, carrots, mangoes, onions, mangoes, and more mangoes. I then point to my side, which is three mangoes, and my drink, which is a mango smoothie. Pinkie, after seeing this, just stares off into space, with a look of sheer horror.

Sunny, having lived with the pony for the longest, says, “Congratulations. You just broke Pinkie Pie. I’ve seen this look on enough other ponies to know when somepony has seen something so odd, they just cease to function for the next half-hour.”

Flurry decided to add in “I think you broke Auntie, as well. Congratulations. You just managed to break the pony that defies reason and the pony who uses reason and logic all the time at the same time. I believe you will be getting questioned by both of them in the near future.”

Pinkie, even in her shocked state, manages to call dibs on questioning me first.

I managed to get far enough away from them before a half hour was up. I am now sitting at my chair in the classroom, watching the ponies file in. The number who freak out is down to three (including the one that tried to assault me, though I still can’t remember his name), which is solid progress. Sunny sits on my right, Snowdrop sits on my left, and Flurry is standing at the front of the class.

“Hello, students. Today, I bring you a special guest. She’s the Element of Magic, the Princess of Friendship, the Professor of Pokemon, and the Master of Friendship Lasers. I give you, PRINCESSSSSSS TWILIIIIIIIIIGHT SPARKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!” Flurry says in a tone that an announcer would introduce two boxers with.

Twilight pops into existence, glares at Flurry (Sunny whispers to me “I don’t get why she doesn’t want an epic introduction. That was awesome.”), and proceeds to look at the class with a smile. “Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle. And for the record, I don’t know how those friendship lasers work.” The class laughs. “And I am here to teach you the basics of Pokemon. Bear in mind, information is still being found on Pokemon. I, personally, learn a new thing every day, about either Pokemon or ponies. For example, today I learned that Pinkie Pie hates mangoes.” The class breaks out into laughter again. Until the Element of Laughter pops into class through the window, hissing “Mangoes are evillllllll!”

Fortunately, Sunny predicted this would happen. She does the best thing anypony could have done in this situation. She throws a mango at Pinkie.

Unfortunately, Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense kicks in, as she sidesteps. Fortunately, Sunny took that into account (since she lived with her the longest, she can predict it all) and smacked Pinkie in the face with the mango. It exploded, leaving her face covered in her worst nightmare. Pinkie did the only reaction she knew about this.

She proceeded to grab Sunny, drag her to the front of the class, and berate her like Sunny was her daughter.

It was really funny to watch (poor Snowdrop, she couldn’t see it). Watching Pinkie, one of the most immature, random ponies to ever exist, scold Sunny like that. It was priceless.

Sunny, however, looks like she’s about to die. It makes me wonder exactly how many times this scene has played out before, during her stay with Pinkie. Then, I realize a bigger question.

Does she consider Pinkie Pie to be her mother?

Finally, after about five minutes, Pinkie hugs Sunny, and sets her back into her chair. Pinkie then proceeds to fire herself out of a party cannon out the window. And thus, the encounter ended. And I gained something to hang over Sunny’s head.

“Okaaaaay…let’s continue on with the lecture. First, how many of you have Pokemon of your own?” Twilight gets us back on track. I raise my hoof. So does Sunny. And about ¾ of the class. “A good number of you. Okay. Simply spending time with a Pokemon is a wonderful experience. Now, a Pokemon can have up to two of the 17 different types. The types are Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Rock, Ground, Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Dragon, Bug, Ice, Dragon, Steel, Ghost, and Flying. Different types have different weaknesses.

“Normal Types are very well rounded. Offensively, they aren’t great against anything, but they can hit almost any Pokemon with standard damage. Only Rock and Steel are resistant, and Ghost is altogether immune to Normal Type attacks. Defensively, they are solid as well, weak only to Fighting Types. They are also immune to Ghost.” Twilight is using the projector and some screens to show us what the types do. Poor Snowdrop, she can’t see it at all.

Twilight continues. “Fire Types are more of an offensive type. A Fire Type move is super effective against Grass, Bug, Steel, and Ice. It won’t do well against Fire, Water, Rock, or Dragon. Defensively, they are weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. They can resist Fire, Ice, Steel, Bug, and Grass. As a bonus, Fire Types often can inflict a Burn, which not only hurts a Pokemon, but it also lowers its attack stat. You will often see Fire Types with low Defense, simply because if they burn their opponent, they can easily take a physical hit.”

Twilight droned on and on about different types, but I zoned out quickly. I knew this stuff already. I read. And I watch my mom’s battles at the Gym. Nothing can beat real life experience.

Dang, Twilight sure can talk forever when she wants to. It’s been about three hours, and I’m barely staying awake. Flurry Heart, however, has fallen asleep. I quickly raise my hoof.

“Yes?” Twilight asks.

I point to Flurry Heart, who is in a deep sleep. Twilight looks, and upon putting a deadpan on her face, lifts an air horn and blares it in Flurry’s direction.

Flurry jumps into the air, flaps her wings, and realizes that she had fallen asleep. “Was I the only one?” She asks sheepishly.

No, she wasn’t. About half the class was asleep or getting there before the air horn went off. I, however, am rubbing my ears from the blast. Darn my thestral hearing. I’d consider changing, but I don’t want to freak o-SUN IN MY EYES, DECIDED, TRANSFORMING. A flash, a slight migraine, and I’m a Pegasus. Phew, the intensity certainly dies down. And as a bonus, everypony’s too busy either laughing or being ashamed to notice. Thank Luna.

Twilight finally looks at the clock, and seeing the time (about five in the afternoon), she yeeps in surprise, and quickly wraps up. After she’s done, she quickly flashes away.

Flurry retakes control of the class. “Alright, class (yawn), no homework for today, since most of you should know that stuff (yawn) already. Sorry, but Aunt Twilight’s (yawn) speeches always put me to sleep. She just keeps (yawn) talking in the same (yawn) tone of voice, and it’s so (yawn) soothing. Now, you are free to (yawn) go and take a nap, which Imma do right now.” And she curls up on the floor and falls asleep again. The rest of us sneak out quietly, so as not to disturb her.

Back at the dorm, me and Sunny let out our Pokemon, and collapse on the bed. Sunny looks really frazzled. I don’t think she can sit still for long periods. Then I remember that I have a question to ask.

“Hey, Sunny?”


“Do you consider Pinkie to be your mother?”

Sunny looks at me, blinks, and gives me a cruel smile. “I’ll answer if you give me a massage. I’m sore from sitting around all day.”

Being sore from sitting around, if only most ponies had that problem. I, however, have a new problem. I don’t know what constitutes a massage. Hey, I’m only 10. I’ve never been to anything like that. I voice my concern to Sunny, and she just rolls her eyes. “It’s simple, just rub your hooves on my body where I want you to. Got it?”

“Ummm…sure? Just let me know if I’m doing it wrong.” I say apprehensively.

“If you’re doing it wrong, you are screwing up big time. Now, lower back, a bit above the tail, please.”

Well, here goes nothing. I start to rub her lower back, softly.

“Harder. You are trying to relax the muscles, so you need to touch them.”

I rub a bit harder. Sunny says even harder. I rub harder. Sunny finally coos in appreciation, and just lays there. I keep rubbing her lower back, then her upper back, then her hind legs, then at the point where her wings fold into her back. After that, she just lays there in what I can assume to be bliss, and then starts to answer my question.

“I know she isn’t my real mother, but during those six months, she was a better mother than mom was my entire life. She always listened to me when I talked, always comforted me when I was down, and payed attention to me. She showed me how to bake, how to cook, how to throw parties, and how to make friends. Being with her got me my cutie mark. She didn’t scold me often, but when she did, I deserved it. Sure, she was a bit random, but she had a predictable randomness. When I left to go back home, Pinkie actually cried. And it wasn’t anything overly dramatic, just wept while the train took me back to my home. So to answer your question, it isn’t me considering her to be my mom, it’s her considering me to be her daughter. As for me, I can’t tell if she’s a mother or an older sister. Either way, she loves me, and I love her. That’s all that matters.”

At about halfway, I was tearing up, but didn’t cry in an attempt to save face. By the end, I was crying. “Come on, Sunny. You’re just too sweet. It’s almost illegal.”

Sunny notices me crying, smiles, and comes up and hugs me. “Hey, we just need to let it out sometimes. I should know.”

After about five minutes, she releases me, and regains her evil smirk that usually means trouble for me. “Now, how about I ask you something personal.”

I gulp. “I reserve the right to ask for something out of this if it gets too personal.”

“Silly, it’s a simple question. Have you ever kissed a mare before?”

“Well, I-wait, WHAT?!” She seriously just went there. I mean what the hay, Sunny! Who asks that sort of question? “I’ll answer if you do something for me.”

“I’ll preen your wings as a Pegasus.”

“I have no idea what that is, but sure.”

“You really didn’t get out much, did you?” Sunny deadpans. “Preening a Pegasus’s wings is almost better than a massage. The only reason I didn’t have you do one to me is because it requires a gentle touch.”

“Ah.” I transform into a pegasus, and lay down on my stomach, with my wings spread out.

“Now, let me know if it hurts.” Sunny says. Then, she begins to run her feathers through mine, straightening them out.

Sweet Luna, this feels AMAZING. I should go get a massage more often. Dang, this is awesome.

“Found a broken one. Here.” And Sunny bites on a feather and pulls it out.

That’s it. Thinking is done, enjoying this has taken priority. “aahhhhhhhhh”

All too quickly, it ends, and Sunny climbs up off of me, and asks the question again. “Have you ever kissed a mare?”

My brain is still in “enjoyment mode”, and as such thinking power is at a minimum. I know what she meant, my mom doesn’t count. So I answer truthfully. “No.”

Not one of my smarter moments.

Sunny, after hearing the answer, promptly flips me over, and kisses me on the lips.

Ummmmm…how do I say this while still maintaining an E-rating?

Sweet mother of Luna, what the hay is going on? My brain is torn between the “this is so hot” side, and the “where did this come from” side. I lean towards the former.

After it ends, Sunny winks at me, and says “Well, are you still functioning?”

I manage to answer, barely. “W-w-wow.” And my tongue decides to take the rest of the night off.

“Just so you know,” Sunny says, “that was my first kiss as well.”

“uuuhhh, Imma go to sleep, g’night.” I manage to get out, then I climb into the bed and go the sleep.

I turn around, and see all the Pokemon just staring at me, with a look of absolute shock that probably reflects Cloud’s brain at the moment. “What?”

Cloud’s Umbreon starts talking, but I can’t understand him. From the tone, I can gather that he wants to know where in the world that came from.

“It was a spur of the moment thing.”

Espeon starts talking, and I sense a bit of squee coming from her. Jolteon looks at her, then just sighs and goes to sleep on the Pokemon’s bed. Umbreon, however, continues talking, and the tone seems somewhat threatening.

“Hey, don’t worry. He’ll recover. And I don’t plan on hurting him. Actually, do you know where the mangoes are? I’m going to make him a cupcake!” I say cheerfully.

Umbreon points to the top shelf of his nightstand. I grab a mango, spin around, and say in my best Pinkie Pie impression (which I hope is good, since I lived with her for six months), “Let’s get delicious!”

The Pokemon shudder. I wonder why.

Author's Note:

Longest chapter yet. The romance is real. Will the admin's keep this an E-rated story? Will I be able to?

Cheer up, Author. You'll be fine. They can't take you off of FimFiction for incorrectly rating your first story.

Thanks for the confidence. But why do you keep showing up in the Author's Notes?

Because I wanna. And because you let me.

Anyways. HAPPY WEDNESDAY. I'm still going to continue to update once a week, but I may just get a bit ahead now in case writer's block rears it's ugly head.

Also, what do you think about me ending it on Sunny's POV? Should I go back and forth? Let me know in the comments.

Finally, I listen to this music when writing. It's a nice, calming melody that I never get sick of. Also, it's from the best video game of all time. So there's that.