• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 1,459 Views, 22 Comments

Gift Givers - Art Inspired

Maud sends Rarity a gift of her affection. Does Rarity feel the same way as Maud does?

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Part Six: Second Thoughts

Maud slept practically the whole way there. When she finally came to, the first few houses of Ponyville were within her sight. In little time at all, she found the train to be slowing, so Maud soon began getting ready for departure. It would’ve been easier had she been able to stop shaking. While reaching for her bag, she grabbed her extended hoof with the other, and huffed. She was all alone for the time being. Nopony would intrude while she sat down for just a minute, and pulled out the gift she had gotten from Rarity. She glared at it while still shaking, and muttered to herself, “Stop feeling these emotions, Maud… It’s not like you.”

She blinked at the mare she saw, and though she fought back the temptation to admit it aloud, she knew within her heart that she had changed, and it was all Rarity’s fault. Outside, she appeared to be the same Maud Pie everypony knew, but for some reason or another, it was the slight difference in the way Maud acted that might give her away. While she put her rock back, and equipped her saddlebag, Maud was able to thankfully settle herself down. She concentrated on her breathing, and then heard the conductor announce in his old, raspy voice, “We’ve reached Ponyville!”

Maud got off, giving little thought to anything else other than what she had came there for. She was grateful that she hadn’t bumped into Pinkie only for her to slow Maud down, actually, and after the note was dropped off, Maud was on her way to Rarity’s. Coming up to the door, she gulped, and knocked. Maud waited patiently, and then heard somepony approaching from the other side.

“Maud Pie! You’re finally here!” Rarity was already greeting Maud before the door had even opened. She was embraced by Rarity without a moment to prepare, and it wasn’t just a small hug, too. Rarity held onto Maud as though she were a long lost relative. “It’s good of you to visit, and perfect timing, too! I’m not really doing anything at the moment.” Even after that, the unicorn still persisted on basically snuggling Maud, and nearly dragged her in. All Maud could do now was hope her friend didn’t see her blushing.

“Did you come the second you got my gift?” Rarity asked this while trotting away from Maud, and towards what little messes she had made before Maud had shown up.

Now, in Rarity’s boutique, Maud found it hard to speak. She hadn’t exactly formed a plan, so on a whim, Maud said, “I appreciate the ambove you gave me.”

Rarity simply nodded, and then gestured with a hoof to follow her. “You’re welcome,” Rarity said while leading Maud upstairs to her bedroom. “By the way, you know that large, gorgeous and beautiful diamond you gave me?”

Maud quietly answered, “Yes…?”

“Well…” Rarity opened her door, and sitting on a desk to the left opposite of where her bed could be seen was the diamond. It was decorated in pink fabric, and made into a fashionable collar. Alongside the collar were crystal earrings which were now being lifted by Rarity. One after another was put on, and then the diamond centered bow going around the unicorn’s neck. “There,” Rarity exclaimed. “How do I look?”

Maud was amazed at how Rarity looked, but she had to compose herself. “You look…” And then she paused, at a loss for words. By now, Rarity was noticing this, and began making a face. Luckily, Maud’s senses caught up to her before Rarity could grow too suspicious. “It looks magnificent on you.”

Rarity wasn’t used to seeing Maud with a smile on her face for such an extended period of time, but she wasn’t about to say anything about such a welcoming change. Instead, she simply voiced fancily, “Why thank you for the compliment… Now, I’m sure we’ll have a lovely time together. When do you think you’ll need to be on your way back home?”

Maud scratched the back of her head, and said, “It depends. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”

Rarity observed Maud get out the Ambove from her saddlebag. “Anything at all, Maud.”

Maud asked this about as Straightforward as possible, trying hard not to arouse Rarity’s curiosity too much. With a frown, “Have you ever had a special somepony?”

Unpredictable as the question was, Rarity had to think on her answer for a good second. “Huh… Have I ever…?” She asked this to herself while holding her bottom lip with a hoof. “I don’t think… I mean, of course I’ve had my fair share of opportunities, but it’s never really happened, you see.”

“What happened?”

Rarity looked at Maud, a little bit of blush in her cheeks now as well. “Why do you wish to know, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Instead of being defensive, Maud came closer, and admitted to Rarity, “I’d like to get to know you better.”

Saying this made Maud worried Rarity was now beginning to catch on, but Rarity also hadn’t many ponies she could talk to about this. “I see,” Rarity said with a nod. “Well, you know of Prince Blueblood, right?”

Maud nodded. “Right.” She was actually only assuming him to be somepony of weighing importance who fancied Rarity at one point or another in her life.

“It happened at the Grand Galloping Gala one year. He was attending, and I was there…” She grunted, and continued, “He expected me to treat him as if he were a mare! It… It was utterly ridiculous, Maud!”

The earth pony found herself smirking, but immediately cut it out once Rarity looked back at her. “Really?” Maud asked. “How so?”

“Oh! He wanted me to pick him a rose, and wanted me to get the door for him! And more! It was…” She sighed, and mentioned, “It was possibly the most stressful nights of my life.”

Maud looked out the window at the castle of friendship in the distance, and asked, “Anypony else?”

Rarity giggled coyly, and said, “You’re probably already aware of Spike’s crush on me. The little guy’s felt that way ever since we met, but now…”

Maud saw Rarity moving out of the right corner of her eye. She weighed herself against her desk calmly, and said, “He’s met another dragon, you see. Her name’s Ember… Princess Ember...”

Rarity wasn’t just saying that. She meant it in a way that showed how much the truth hurt her. Maud noticed this, and asked her, “Rarity? Are you alright?”

“Hmm?” Rarity rubbed her eye a little. “I’m alright, it’s just… Maud, I don’t see why we have to have these conversations. Although…” She looked off at Spike who was now leaving Sugar Cube Corner, and resumed, “Although he hasn’t shown much interest in her just yet, I have this feeling he’ll end up with Ember in the end somehow.”

Maud sighed, and agreed. “Sorry to say, but you’re probably right.”

Rarity smiled, and hoofed while pulling down the blinds. “It’s not like we could ever be together in the first place, right? I mean, he's a dragon and I'm a mare. It just wouldn't do.”

Maud didn’t make eye contact. She just stared down at the rock she still held in her hoof. “You know,” she said strategically to change the subject. “Ponies send rocks like these to other ponies in order to show them how much they love them.”

“Yes,” Rarity remarked quickly. “Pinkie told me about that, actually…”

Rarity didn’t say anything after that save for a few mumbles. So, Maud spoke up. “Then I’m to assume you meant sisterly love.” The way she sounded to Rarity was depressing, and with everything pointing to only one thing, Rarity then took a huge chance of her own. She grabbed Maud’s other hoof. “Rarity?” Maud asked.

“And what about you? Hmm, Maud? What about your gift to me?” Rarity’s mouth came within inches of Maud’s, close enough that she could see the emotion deeply hidden within Maud's eyes. “Did you send your gift because you like me as a sister… Or…?”

Startled by Rarity’s sudden forwardness, Maud gasped with wide eyes, and yanked her hoof free. She couldn’t say a word because of how fast all this was happening. All Maud could do was back away while Rarity watched her. The earth pony covered her mouth, and said to Rarity, “I’m sorry… I’ll just go.”

Rarity yelled, “Wait!” But it was too late by then. Maud Pie had already turned around and was headed down the stairs for the door. Before Rarity could say another word, her guest had left without so much as a goodbye.