• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,054 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Once again, Wind, Into Battle

Author's Note:

Sorry for lack of updates, but really life has been kicking for the longest time. Hopefully, this would be a return to form and I get my rear in gear.

Kazemon of the Wind:
Once again, Wind, Into Battle

“Hello, my name is Bob but friends call me Bob that Bob spelled backwards!”

Five hours. five long-pull your eardrums out so you didn’t have listen anymore-hours…that’s how long this has been going on. And I was nearing my limit. When the changelings first began this chant, I had tried everything I could think of to get them to talk. I did everything from cheap movie tricks to actually hurting them, even it was nothing more than a love-tip. Nothing worked. It was like the spell had taken away all higher functions of the brain and the only thing they were capable of doing was saying that annoying line.

Whatever spell was on these creatures were strong and I probably wouldn’t be able to break it. So I was left was just waiting around, since I didn’t know how the spell that was over cart worked, so I figured it would be waste to try and get the ponies on this train attention. So, I just waited, eating my full of apples and trying not to make any sudden move as my wounds were starting to bother me again.

And to make this mutter worse, it was starting to get really cold. Thankfully my cloak was thick enough that I could avoid hyperthermia. But that did get me curious to the train’s destination, but I was afraid to leave my prisoners, fearing that they would come out of whatever spell they’re under and would get away.

I sigh slightly as I took a bit out of my last apple and chewed slowly, my mind going over things. I really wished that I knew more about the cartoon I found myself in, then maybe I wouldn’t be so unprepared for this. This thought was quickly turned away, as I realize this world wasn’t like the cartoon, if the creatures from a cartoon made in a foreign land told me anything.

I let out another sigh as I brought my apple up for another bite, when a sudden click caught my attention. I looked at the door as it was only the thing in the room that had a lock, and became confuse. I thought that there was some kind of spell on the cart that no pony could get in.

It suddenly clicked with me, about the conversion I eavesdropped when I found the changelings. They said that were meeting someone from a red hive for a mission. So, it would easy to assume that this other changeling also could bypass the spell. With that information burning bright in my mind, I reached from my D-tector, but I was to slow, as the door slammed open and a magical red energy zoomed from the archway. Out of reflex, my free moved quickly and put my hood up as the magical energy slammed into me, and I grunted as I was lifted from the ground.

I tried move but my found that my arms and legs felt like lead weights. I couldn’t even move my little pinkie, and for that I felt like kicking myself for my previous action.

Stupid, so stupid, I thought to myself. Instead of trying to spirit evolve I put my hood up to hide my identity. Still, I wasn’t all too sure that wasn’t the right move, as the red hive changeling strolled into cart. I could feel my throat tighten as I got a look at the newcomer.

The red hive changeling, Pie for lack of a better name, was taller then the changelings from the green hive; I would have to say he’s about three feet taller than the changeling that had kept me company for the past five hours. But it wasn’t just his height that was intimating...the changeling was built like a rock! Even though Pie was wearing near full-body armor, I could clearly see the muscles on the bug-like creature’s body.

Speaking of armor…it scared me just as much as the creature wearing it. His boots nearly went up to his body leaving just enough space that the changeling could move without hindrance. I noticed that there’s a long claw folded in on the outside of the front boots, and I shudder to think what those could be used for.

Next, was the armor covering his body. The armor was covered small spikes, two located at the back, one located on each shoulder, and two long ones under his wings. Speaking of his wings, I noticed that the Pie’s wings were slightly higher up than the wings on the green hives.

Finally, the helm Pie was wearing had a really menacing look to it. The mouthpiece has been molded to fit the changeling’s mouth and there were razor “teeth” on the corner of the mouth. Finally, there were two long and razor sharp horn sticking out from the side of the helm.

The red changeling caught me staring and gave me a glare that caused my blood to run cold. Its times like this that I wished that I had gotten a better draw during that lottery and I had gotten a digimon like the warrior of fire or light. Heck, I would have taken beetlemon, and he’s my least favorite digimon out of that entire season.

“Hello, my name is Bob but my friends call me Bob that’s Bob spelled backwards.”

Pie looked at the captive green hive changelings with a condescending glare as he walked up to them. Strangely, as the changeling walked past me, I turned so I could see what was happening. I didn’t know if that was a side-effect of the spell or if the changeling just like to had an onlooker when he works

“Honestly, all it takes is one little hatchling to scare you all into capture mode,” Pie snorted condescendingly as he horn lit up crimson. “If it wasn’t for your energy collecting abilities, you green hivers would be deadweight.”

The ropes I used on the changeling glowed in Pie’s magic and they exploded into sand a second later. The green changeling landed on their butts, but they didn’t seem to notice, they just uttering that same phrase like nothing had happened.

“Form up, you poor excuses of changeling!” the red changeling ordered, his horn glowing.

The green changelings, eyes still vacant, stood at attention, and Pie gave me one last condescending look before marching out of the cart. The spell on me lasted for nearly a whole minute before it ended and I fell to the floor. I moaned as I felt my side, that landing really didn’t do any favor for my injuries. Still, I tried to shake off the pain as I got to my feet and threw off my cloak.

As I began to spirit evolve, my mind raced. If the changeling were here, wherever this place was, it couldn’t be good. Add to that mix the red changeling, which was clearly trained and prepared for battle, and I fear for the ponies of this place. About the only positive thing I could get out of this event experience was the arrogance that red changeling showed. It clearly didn’t consider me a threat, but I honestly didn’t know if I could use that in any way.

I pushed off all these thoughts aside as I finished evolving into my digimon form, and ignoring the pain throbbing around my midsection, flew out of the train cart and high into the sky. I just hope I am in time; I don’t want a repeat of what happen back at Canterlot.


Things had been really quiet since Twilight Sparkle had entered the mirror to a different world, and Princess Celestia was thankful for that. About the only interesting thing that had happened in the day and half since Twilight had traveled through the mirror, were listening in on rumors about that mysterious creature that helped during the second changeling attack on Canterlot.

Helped, Celestia thought sourly. It more like that filly saved us all. If she hadn’t been there…well, I don’t want to think about the outcome if she wasn’t there.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash said offhandedly, “If I ever seen that weird thing around, I want what‘s owed to me.”

Applejack sighed slightly as she put the cards she and the fashion designer had been playing with, and looked at the young flyer. “Ya’re still on about that, Dash?” the farmer asked nonchalantly.

Rainbow Dash leveled a small glare at her farming friend, and said offensively, “I trademarked that move and I’m owes royalties when somepony uses my move!!”

Rarity looked up from her cards and said, “Correct me if I’m wrong, darling, but I thought the Wonderbolts are the only ponies allowed to trademark a move?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t like that remark and looked ready to say something about it, only to be interrupted when a duo of crystal guards came barreling into the chamber Twilight’s friends and the three princesses were current in.

“What’s seems to be the trouble?” Celestia asked calmly.

The guards looked at the princess currently ruling them, and Cadance nodded for them to proceed.

“well, you highnesses, creatures like the one that attacked Canterlot a while ago has been spotted near a deserted area of the kingdom,” one of the guard explained calmly.

Celestia’s eyes widened upon hearing this and wanted to head off to deal with the satiation. The only thing stopping her was the knowledge that she was waiting on her former student. Her sister’s must had sensed her hesitation and offered her older sister’s a small smile.

“Go,” Luna said encouragingly, “I will stay here and let you know if Twilight returns. After all, we don’t need three princesses getting the way of each other.”

Celestia gave her sister a small smile and looked at her former student’s friends. Even without words the older princess knew that the group was already with her, and she nodded. Together, the group left the room that housed the mirror to another world and hurried through the castle’s hall to its observation deck. Celestia instantly took a post at the telescope and looked into it. She frowns when she saw the fire-like digimon doing little but smashing empty buildings.

Celestia looked at a guard and asked, “You said the area the digimon are in is deserted, may I ask why?”

One of the guards sighed shamefully and looked at the ground. “That area fell into disarray during one of Sombra’s less controlled outbursts. We had been forced to have all citizens of that area to leave as we tried to repair the buildings before they become even more unstable.”

The guard continued with his report, but Celestia tuned him out as she looked back into the scope. Something wasn’t right here. Changelings were the only known beings with the magic to summon these creatures, so one would reason that a changeling summoned these creatures. But she couldn’t find one trace of said creature. And if a changeling did summon them, why just go after empty buildings?

“Guard-stallions,” Celestia commanded calmly, looking at the two guards, “Make haste and gather as many guards as you can. We need to stop these digimon before they reach the inside of the empire.”

Though confused by this sudden order, the two guards quickly followed it and hurried off to get as many guards as they could find. Even Twilight’s friends were a little confused by this sudden turn of events.

“Is everything okay, Princess Celestia?” Rarity asked on concern.

“Just something doesn’t feel right about all of this, and I want to get to the bottom of things before it spirals out of control,” Celestia replied calmly and began walking towards the door to the deck.

The others exchanged uncertain looks before they hurried after their princess, some secretly wishing that Twilight was with them at the moment.


I realized something wasn’t right here…the changelings had a near four minutes head start on me, and yet I found them not to far off of the station, in what was clearly a deserted area, and they had already summoned four Meramon to aid them in a fight. And all they were doing smashing empty buildings.

So yeah, there’s something not right here, but I couldn’t let this continue, or they might get closer to a more populated area. Still, I must remember to be a more cautious this time around. I realized what caused me such problems in my first fight was that I treating this entire experience like an episode of Digimon.

I learned that hard way that wasn’t going to work. So with that in mind, I landed in an alley near two Meramon and watched for a minute. These digimon must newly summoned, they completely lack colors, and just seems to be following orders. I could use that in my favor. I tried to keep to the shadows and watch the two Meramon, waiting for the right moment. During this tense moment, I tried to focus my wind, making it as sharp as possible. The effort wasn’t easy, but I somehow managed to do it, and let the razor sharp of wind fly.

The attack was aimed from the necks and it looked like my wind would hit it mark…burnt toast, The Meramon on the left moved enough that my attack only grazed his neck. Thankfully, my attack hit dead with the other Meramon and he was turned into data as he head was set free of its shoulders. Unfortunately the fact that they fellow digimon “died” didn’t go unnoticed and they zoned-in on my location.

With my position now made, I decided it was pointless to keep myself in a confined space and stepped out into the open. I was ready to fight the soulless digimon when that annoying (and let's not forget, cliché) slow clapping was heard to my right. I looked in that direction and saw Pie and the still spell-shocked Green changelings appear out of thin air.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” Pie said condescendingly, his horn glowing with his magic. “But you end has come.”

The red changeling didn’t give me a chance to ask what he meant, as he fired his magic high into the air. I tried to keep my panic in check as a dome of red magical energy encased the area, one of its walls dangerously close to me. I studied the area and frown when I noticed how the dome was set up. There was enough move that I could easily dodge the three Meramon with little problem. The only problem I could see was the roof was to low, I wouldn’t be able to get high enough to right-out avoid the Meramon attacks.

It was clear that Pie wanted to keep me close to the ground, but that’s okay. I’m light enough that I should be able to dodge any incoming attack with relative easy.

“Now, tear that lower being to ribbons,” Pie ordered coldly.

The Meramon charged soundlessly and I saw an opening wide enough that I could easily slip past them. Question is should I do that? I’ just realized this has all been a trap, and I foolishly stepped right into it. Still, if I could get past them and into the center of the area, I should be able handle things with little problem.

So, with that mind, I took off racing toward the gap in between the Meramon. Suddenly, the two Meramon made the opening wider, but I didn’t get a chance to go through it as Pie suddenly ported in and fired a blast from his horn. The blast hit me dead center and I was thrown back into the wall of the dome.

The second my back touched the dome, a burst of magical surge out of the wall and would had blasted my injured midsection, if my digimon instincts hadn’t alerted to incoming discharge. It was those same instincts that caused me to thrust my hands to dome’s wall and use some wind to move myself away from the wall just as just as the discharge would have hit. Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough and a small burst hit my midsection.

I groaned as I fell to my knee and held my midsection. That discharge must have grazed me, but I pain I felt surging through me was the worst I had felt in weeks. I was struggling to gather myself before I’m attacked.

“Hmm, I can see why the High-King is so concerned about you?” I looked up when I heard the condescending tone of Pie and saw he was still between the Meramon. “To bad you didn’t realize this spell creates a dome that attacks your weakest point.”

Yeah, I got the message before you even delivered it, you prick, is what I wanted to say if I wasn’t busy kicking myself. All of this has been trap, like I first thought, but this trap was aimed at me, and worse, I fell right into it. And the icing on this sour cake is the red changeling methods, he use his digimon in such a different way then the green hive I couldn’t figure his plans until it was too late.

My thoughts were interrupted when my advance digimon instincts told me something was coming at me. I turned my head slightly to my right and saw a fireball handing my way. My instincts took over and I jumped up, arcing over the ball and watching as it slammed into the dome. I frown when I saw the dome ripple and distorts until the attack dissolved.

I used my built momentum to do a handstand jump and soar over the soulless digimon and their changeling handler. I flipped around and use my wings to soften my landing and looked at the dome. Pie had said that spell that created the dome targets anyone weakness that came into contact with it. But what would happen if something that had no weakness...guess there was only one way to find out.

I couldn’t help but sigh mentally as I took off at full speed at a nearly Meramon. I really did think that I did some sort of death wish, as I position my body forward and slammed into the fire-type with all of my might. I needed to bite my lip to keep myself from crying with pain as I used my built momentum to flip over and sent a burst of wind at the off-balance Meramon. The fire-type was sent flying into the shield and I watch as the spell zoned on the Meramon as tried to find a weakness and couldn’t find one. I couldn’t help but wince as I watched the dome discharge erratically. And it didn’t help that the digimon wasn’t screaming as the energy discharged into its body.

The digimon exploded into data, which didn’t reform into a digiegg, with one final discharge from the dome. I watched as the spot where the Meramon was just a moment ago ripple erratically before the spot opened up. I watched as the dome dissolved into nothingness and I might have cheered at my work…if the pain in my midsection wasn’t making me a little lightheaded. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline surging through me, I doubt I would be standing at this moment.

“Not bad,” I heard Pie said, actually impressed by the feet I just did. “You figure out something that took modern changeling mages mouths to learn.”

I suddenly didn’t like the look in the changeling’s eyes. I knew that look all too well, he was sizing me up. I tried to put up a brave front by getting into a fighting stance, but I think Pie saw through it.

“But, judging from the way you’re holding yourself, you have reached your limit,” even though I couldn’t see under the changeling helm, I could feel the arrogant grin on his face as his horn lit up and opened a hidden compartment on his forward boot. “Normally I would relish in taking you down personally, but I think this is more fitting.”

My eye snapped open completely when I saw him lift two summoning orbs from the compartment. Great, just great, that arrogant prick was planning on summoning more digimon, and with the state I’m in, I doubt that I could handle anymore trouble. To my surprise, Pie didn’t throw the orbs to the ground, like I thought he would, but threw them at the two Meramon instead.

I heard the orb break on the fire-types’ backs and watched as energy began to surge around them. No, it couldn’t be what I thought it was, could it? Please, don’t let this be what I thought it was, I could barely handle these two if I was in peak condition, so there was no way I could fight them if they…digivolve.

Unfortunately for me, my fears were confirmed when the Meramon began to glow and I watch as their formed altered slightly, growing in height and muscle mass. The light died down and I saw the muscular, black pants wearing, chain covered, gray bodies, metal skull marks, and two-tone hair of…

“…SkullMeramon.” I whispered dreadfully.

One of the menacing looking digimon let out a fierce roar and charged. I gasp, and guided by my digimon instincts took to the air, the adrenaline in my system dulling the pain for the time, as I fly high into the air.

This wasn’t good, not good at all. My human form wouldn’t be able to handle two ultimate digimon, even if my body was good shape. And to make matter worse, digivolving seemed to have sped up the realization progress. They were still following what orders were given to them when they were first summoned, but who knows how long that was going to last. I shudder to think what those two digimon would do once they were fully realized.

What-oh, my digi-sense was going off at full force, and I turned around. My eye snapped when I saw a large slump of crystal flying at me.