• Published 2nd May 2016
  • 1,361 Views, 23 Comments

Love Me, for My Name is Twaith - Michael Hudson

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A Deal Between Immortals

Twilight paused, staring across the room. She had found her way back from the remains of Canterlot, and been through the pleasant, tent town that was the new, temporary home for the refugees of Sombra’s attack. She couldn’t talk to them, even when she saw a familiar, purple filly. No, she had come for this conversation.

The spiritual heart within her thumped within the void that she once had known in her. While that place fed on fear and want, this new part of her filled the darkness with something… sweeter. Something that turned her essence into jelly as she stared at the white alicorn standing at the balcony. It didn’t help that with the light coming in from the rising sun, Celestia looked like a goddess. “Come on Twilight, you need to do this.”

Her eyes widened as Celestia’s ears twitched, and it took every fiber of her essence not to simply run right then and there. Instead, she simply floated there, staring as Celestia turned around. She tilted her head, some of her multi-hued mane slipping before her eye as the other shined in the candle light. “Oh, Twilight…”

Twilight turned away at the same time as the princess and stared at a wall. How was she supposed to do this? Celestia was one of her closest friends, confidants, and now… “How are you supposed to ch-” She cut her tongue off and watched the bit of essence trail back into her cloak as her pupils became pins. “Ow, ow, ow!”

Celestia raised a hoof, her head snapping so fast as to almost give herself whiplash as she looked forward. The wraith had her hooves to her mouth, and her eyes shut, causing her whole form to be bundled up. “Even now, you can still be so very cute.”

Twilight turned to the words, and covered her face as she heard herself be called cute. How many times had she heard that before and thought nothing of it? Of course, they couldn’t all have been times she was being hit on, but it was a sign of how oblivious she had been. The sound of hooves brought her out of her cover, and she sheepishly smiled as Celestia looked down at her. “Um, I, just, you know, bit my tongue while trying to stop myself from thinking out loud.”

Celestia chuckled slightly as she laid down on the ground, now eye level with the floating spirit. Looking into Twilight’s shining, green eyes, it… it filled her with hope, but another set brought pain. A set she had adored looking into ever since the last time a large section of Canterlot found destruction.

She slowly raised a hoof and stroked the side of Twilight’s face. Was she ready to do what she needed to for her daughter? Celestia had given up so much before now, so giving this up should be easy. Matters of the heart were never so simple though. “So, what brings you here this morning?”

Twilight ran one hoof over the other as she looked to the side, and tried to just turn this into small talk. “Well, we all agreed that, since I wanted to fly back, check on Equestria, and see you, we would meet up here, in The Castle of the Twin Sisters. They were going to need to come here anyways, so as to be able to give you their report.”

Celestia knew she should leave it there. There was safe, platonic, and let them both keep what they wanted down. Last night it had been easy to accept their feelings for each other, but now that they were in the light, and others could creep into their minds, it was almost impossible. The beating of Celestia’s own heart rang in the ruler’s ears, demanding to be listened to for once. “Is… there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?”

Twilight shrank back slightly, her hooves disappearing into the stone as she looked away. Celestia wondered if this would be their relationship now. They didn’t get to see each other enough as is, not with Twilight having tried making Ponyville her home. The sun’s rays began to filter into the room, and Celestia turned to look at it, just for a moment.

The large, fiery ball of gas looked back, just as it had every day, every month, every century. It was always there, and she would always be there to take care of it. No matter what, she knew that the two could share such things like a sunrise together…

Celestia abruptly stood up, and walked beside Twilight, so as to not block the sun. When Twilight turned her head, Celestia forced her beloved spirit’s head forward, just as the sky turned into a sea of orange and red. “What do you think of it?”

A small gasp escaped Twilight, and she smiled, the hues and being beside Celestia sending wonderful bubbles all throughout her essence. “I-it’s beautiful.”

“It is,” Celestia said as she nodded. “It’s also the only thing I’ve ever been able to hold constant, because as years pass, trends fade, ponies… expire, and nothing is able to stay the same, because no one lives like I do. That’s part of why losing Luna hurt so much.”

Twilight furrowed her brow, before placing a hoof onto Celestia’s side. “What are you getting at?”

Celestia looked at the naive mare out of the side of her vision. Even now, she still knew so little about romance and love. Then again, she was being very cryptic and vague, so that could be a part of it. “Twilight, I’m used to change, I’m used to waiting, and right now, while I would love to have another constant like you in my life,” she swallowed hard as a tear came down her eyes, “I know you have many, many mares seeking your attention, and I honestly hope that-”

All noise stopped in the room for Celestia, replaced only by the soft beating of Twilight’s heart. Even her own had gone into shock as she felt soft, warm lips against hers that sent lightning bolts down her spine. It lasted only a second, but it ranked amongst the top experiences she had ever had. “Twilight?”

The wraith blushed hard, but now kept eye contact with Celestia as a tear ran down her face. “I… I don’t want to hurt you, because you mean so much to me. You brought me out, you let me meet all of my friends, and you have put such overwhelming trust into me keeping control that I just can’t believe. I do love you Celestia, I swear I do, and I don’t want to-” She stopped as Celestia’s hoof came against her muzzle, and a tear came down the ruler’s face.

“That… that’s what I needed.” Celestia looked up, a wide, goofy smile across her face as tears streamed down. “I love you too, Twilight, like I have so few ponies. You’re smart, goofy, and kind to a fault at times. You always want to do more, and it’s exciting to see where you’ll go with it. And that… that’s why I need you to wait with me. I want to see where you go with your friends, and lovers. Just, promise me that-”

“-I’ll come back?” Twilight smiled, unable to hold her tears back either. “I promise that I will always come back to you. You mean too much to me for me not to. Besides, I can only imagine how boring eternity would be if I didn’t have someone to share it with.”

“Trust me, if I didn’t have a kingdom, I think my hobby would be trying to test how immortal I was.”

The two both smiled, before wrapping their hooves around each other as their silhouettes became one.

Author's Note:

So, how this one will be going is that the comments left below are suggestions for who should come next as far as the Twaith ships go, and of course suggestions as to where the end of their relationship should be. I would give examples, but can't, as that may be spoilery. Sorry.