• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 1,320 Views, 37 Comments

Fantasia Gleam - CrossRedstone

A human turns up in the world of Equestria girls, a few months before the Friendship Games, but after Rainbow Rocks. Too bad she has yet to see the final movie and is living with Sci-Twilight.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note:

I wasn't sure how exactly to continue this, so I just went with it. Oh well, I had fun. Please tell me what you think about it, so I can improve my work. Have fun reading.

Velvet stood in front of the reception desk, tapping her foot impatiently, her umbrella leaning against the desk from her side. They were not kidding about the rain yesterday on the radio. At night, she could even hear thunder going outside, which didn’t help her sleep that night. Luckily for her, she normally didn’t uphold any particular schedules and so she could allow herself to sleep in a little. The nurse had been gone for over ten minutes by now. Other people who talked to the other nurse behind the desk had gotten through much faster with their requests. So what was the holdup? Checking whether she could visit a patient or not normally didn’t take this much time. At least to her knowledge. This was actually the first time she visited someone in the hospital.

Finally after five more minutes, the nurse returned.

“I’m sorry this took so long. It turns out the girl was recently transferred into another room and of course, once again no one has the time to take five minutes and update the database.” The nurse rolled her eyes, causing Velvet to chuckle.

“Anyways, the girl is now in room 207. You can take the elevator over there and go to the second floor.”

“Thank you, very much for your trouble.” said Velvet.

“It’s no trouble. All part of the job.”

Velvet nodded and walked towards the elevator. Once inside, she realized that she forgot to ask about the girl’s name. Oh well, she could always ask the girl herself. With an audible “ding” the elevator stopped on the second floor with the doors opening. The corridor was filled with people, patients, doctors, other visitors and even two police officers. Careful not to bump into anyone, Velvet made her way through the mass of people. Room 207 was in the middle of the corridor. The woman knocked at the door, politely. To her surprise, it was immediately opened from the inside by the doctor she spoke to yesterday.

“Ah, it’s you.” the doctor greeted her with a quick wave of his hand. “I didn’t expect you so to come so early.”

“I have flexible working times.” Velvet replied. “Is it okay for me to visit?”

The doctor nodded. “Though, I should tell you, she is still a little tired and not all there. She might say something that doesn’t make such sense.”

“Oh dear.” Velvet frowned.

“Don’t worry. I think she is just tired.”

Suddenly there was a peeping sound. The doctor took out his phone and looked at his display. “Duty calls once again. If you will excuse me.”

“Of course.” Velvet stepped aside, letting the doctor go out of the room. Once he was gone, Velvet closed the door, perfectly shutting out the chatter from the hallway. To Velvet’s right was a door which led into the bathroom, to her right hung a first aid kid. Further in, the room contained four big beds with white sheets on them. Only one of the beds was occupied. Inside was the turquois skinned girl from the other day. Her eyes were half closed and she had her left arm outstretched, looking at it lazily.

“Are you sure I’m not on drugs, doctor?” the girl spoke for the first time since Velvet saw her. The woman had to suppress a giggle. Obviously she didn’t notice the doctor leaving already.

“‘Cause I’m sure as hell, my skin is not supposed to be blue.”

“Well, it isn’t exactly blue dear. I’d rather call it turquoise.”

“Huh?” confused upon hearing the new, unknown voice, the girl turned her head into the direction Twilight Velvet was standing. The girl blinked exactly two times, before her eyes widened in shock. “W-w-w-w-WHAT THE HELL?!” the girl screamed, surprising Velvet.

Shortly after the scream left her lungs, the girl clutched her head, letting out a short whimper. It was then that Velvet noticed the bandage around her head. Slowly the woman approached the bed, hoping not to give the girl another scare. Whatever she was scared of in the first place.

Said girl looked up again, after the pain in her head subsided. Velvet was a little disturbed upon finding a manic gleam on her face.

“All, all right. Now I definitely know that I’m in a drug dream. Hehe…”

Velvet blinked, now really worried. She looked over to a panel with a nurse call button. She sat down on a chair next to the bed, so that she could quickly push the button if the need would arise.

“Are you alright? Should I call a doctor?”

“I don’t think this will help.” the girl said, still smiling like a madwoman. “I mean, I’m already hallucinating about people with candy colored skins. And now there’s you.”


“Yeah! Man, for a figment of my imagination, you’re pretty clueless.” she giggled. “I mean, why else would Twilight Velvet sit right next to me. Not to mention the doc telling me, white and brown skin colors are fairly rare around these parts.” A snort. “And then his name! Doctor Thin Needle! That name is as hilarious as it is creepy.”

She turned her head to Twilight Velvet. “I mean, can you IMAGINE someone naming their kid like that? Of course you can, you’re my imagination after all.” the girl let out a whole heartily laugh. This all caused Velvet to worry even more. She was about to press the button to her right, when out of nowhere the girl winced again, grabbing her head.

“Urrgh, I swear, this is the last time I get wasted like this.” she growled, massaging her temples.

“Do you maybe need something? Water, maybe?” Velvet asked.

The other girl shook her head. “No, the nurse already gave me some. Hehe, I thought my imagination would know this already.”

Now Velvet was getting slightly irritated, but kept her cool. Everyone handled shock differently. The woman decided however that it was better if the girl realized that this was in no form or shape an hallucination. She gently put her own hand on the girl’s one, who looked over to the woman curiously.

“Did you know that there at least twelve ways to check if you’re dreaming or not?” Velvet asked.

The girl just shook her head.

“One way to check if one is dreaming or not, is to check if a detail doesn’t add up. For example” Velvet turned the girl’s hand around “a hand normally has five fingers. In a dream you normally can’t really tell. But let’s check, shall we?

One, two, three, four, five.”

Velvet tapped on each finger with each count.

“There seems to be nothing wrong with this. Also, there is the fact that we’re having a normal conversation. Tell me, when was the last time you dreamed and actually talked to someone?”

The girl looked at Velvet for a full minute. The woman patiently waited for the girl on the bed to react in any way. After a while the girl retracted her hand and pulled of her sheets, revealing a long, white hospital gown, along with bare, blue legs and feet.

“I think I need to go to the bathroom for a while.” The girl said, before moving her legs to the edge of the bed. She shuddered when her bare feet touched the cold floor. Each step she took left a “tap” sound, echoing through the room. The sounds disappeared as soon as the girl disappeared behind the bathroom door.

Velvet sighed, leaning back in her chair. When she woke up this morning, she definitely didn’t expect this.



The mirror shattered into thousands of tiny pieces after it hit the ground.

This is crazy. She told herself.

This can’t be real.

There was rapid knocking on the door, followed by a female voice. She ignored both. Instead she looked at her now blue or turquois, like the woman said, hands! They weren’t supposed to be that color! They were supposed to be brown! She picked up a rather large piece of the mirror she not so accidentally broke. It showed even more turquois skin and a red or rather violet, she wasn’t sure, eye! They were green only a few hours ago! And then there was her hair! Not that it looked bad or anything, but the last time she woke up with pink hair, someone had painted a clown face on her face!

The banging repeated, this time more urgent, but she ignored it.

“CRAP!” she threw the shard piece away, accidentally cutting her hand.

At least the blood is still red. She thought through gritted teeth. She was only numbly aware of the pain, as there were other things going through her head. For the first time in her life she really had a hard time grasping a single straight thought. So much was going through her head, her new look, Twilight Velvet, the itching bandage, the headache, a possibly new world, another new world literally right outside her doorstep, the sheer fact that there was a high chance of never ever seeing her friends again and so much more that she couldn’t even file it away.

Some people seemed to be talking outside.

Why…? How…? This...this all...I….what...what…?

Her thoughts were interrupted, when the door was opened from the outside. The Doctor, Thin Needle, rushed in, along with a green skinned nurse. Green! Her brain was at the edge of a meltdown at this point. Shrugging it all of as a drug dream, she’d been easily able to cope with the situation. But realizing that this all was too real to be a dream…

“Let go of me!” she shouted as soon as the doctor touched her arm. She raised her own arm, accidentally slapping the doctor across the cheek. The nurse nearby misunderstood the gesture as an act of violence and took out a little syringe. She quickly grabbed the girl’s arm and stuck the needle into a vein. The girl hissed in pain, pulling back the arm. But the sedative was already inside her system. The last thing that entered her mind, was her wondering how the nurse was able to put the needle into her so fast.

“I’m sorry.” Velvet bowed her head. “I should have called the nurse from the beginning.”

“Don’t worry. All’s well that ends well.” the doctor shrugged and gave the woman a smile. “Besides, I don’t think she hit me on purpose. More likely is that she was still distraught about waking up in an unknown environment. There are rare reports about patients acting even worse than she did, although they were perfectly fine from a physical standpoint. By the way, she didn’t happen to tell you her name, did she?”

“Uh no.” Velvet blinked. “She didn’t tell you either?”

“No.” the doctor shook his head. “I guess we should let her calm down first. I imagine we won’t see you anytime soon again, will we?” the doctor asked.

Velvet looked to the side. “I’ll think about it. Oh yes, I completely forgot to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“She somehow knew my name and my face.”

“She did?” it was the doctor’s time to blink.

“Yes. She might be a fan of my work.” Velvet took out a small card and handed it over to the doctor.

“Twilight Velvet? Ah, you wrote the Harry Trotter series!” The doctor smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, fantasy isn’t exactly my reading genre.”

“It’s all right. I hope I didn’t overwhelm the poor girl.”

“Don’t worry. She’s a toughie.” He rubbed his cheek. “I can tell, hehe.”

Velvet giggled. “Can you please tell, that she can call me, when she feels better?”

“Will do.”

There was the beeping sound again. Doctor Thin Needle took out his phone and sighed. “The work of a doctor is never done. A pleasure to see you again, Miss Velvet.”


The doctor hurried to the staircase, leaving Velvet to herself. She breathed out slowly, before leaving the hospital.

This wasn’t exactly how I planned this day to go. She thought to herself, while exiting the building. The rain had somewhat calmed down, but wasn’t completely gone as of yet. Still, she could have left the umbrella at home today.

Nurse Sleepy Leave sighed, as she closed the door behind her.

At least he wasn’t too mad.

She had just been chewed out by the doctor in charge of the unknown patient for using the sedative so fast and without any warning. At least she got off scot free, since she had a somewhat bad experience when it came to patients. She unconsciously put her hand on her throat for a second.

It had been a few hours since she knocked out the girl. Sleepy Leave needed to go check on her. Probably even change the IV bag as well. Taking up her pace, Sleepy Leave went to where they stashed the IVs on the second floor, before heading to 207 for a second time this day.

As soon as she opened the door, she could hear music playing! To her surprise she found the girl awake, still lying on bed and with the TV remote in her hand. Currently there was some sort of music channel turned on.

Upon hearing the nurse’s footsteps, the girl tilted her head, making eye contact with the nurse. She raised her arm lazily and gave a short wave.

“Hey. Sorry about earlier.” she said.

The nurse quickly walked towards the bed.

“Are you feeling alright?” Sleepy asked.

“...Fine.” the girl said after a Moment “Just a little weak right now. And hungry.” she added.

“How long have you been awake?” the nurse asked.

“About an hour or so.” the girl shrugged.

“An hour?” the nurse repeated. “Oh well, at least you’re alright. Do you need something to drink?” Sleepy asked.

“Nah, drank from the sink. Oh yeah, sorry about the mirror.”

“It’s no problem dear.” Sleepy Leave smiled. “You must have been confused from everything that’s happened. Don’t worry, mirrors can be replaced.”

“Hmm.” The girl turned her head towards the TV again.

“Should I call for the doctor? Or do you want to recover a little more?”

The girl seemed to think for a moment. “Can I have maybe a little lunch first?”

“Of course.” the nurse smiled reassuringly. “Just wait here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Sleepy Leaf headed to the exit, but then stopped in her tracks, as she remembered something important. “By the way, would you mind telling me your name?” Sleepy asked.

“...Fantasia. Fantasia…….Gleam.”

“Fantasia Gleam. What a lovely name. All right, be right back.”

The nurse left the room quickly, slamming the door shut pretty loudly. “Fantasia Gleam” flinched a little, refocusing on the TV, watching as some girl named Countess Colo-something performed a dance on the stage, while singing. To be honest, she was more interested in the background dancers, simply because they looked utterly ridiculous. The hairdo, the clothes and did these guys ever eat?

“Music’s good at least…” she muttered, but still changed the channel. It now showed a grey skinned weather reporter. The map...it definitely was not any country Fantasy Gleam was familiar with. Not England, France, Russia, Japan, Libya, Germany, USA, the list goes on.
“-The following week promises much more sunshine. Still, expect some rain in the south. The temperature climbs back up to 15°.”

On the screen it showed small predictions of the following week. Fantasia also noticed that the temperature that was shown was Celsius and not Fahrenheit. So Equestria Girls was not taking place in America like most bronies thought. In fact, it seemed to be taking place in a whole different country altogether.

“Nghn…” Fantasia cringed a little, as her head acted up again. She made a mental note to ask the doctor about some aspirin or something similar. She switched to another channel.

“The murderer must have used something huge. Something like a sledgehammer.”

“Hmm. We found a lot of things on the crime scene that could have dealt a blow like this. It’ll take ages to test everything for blood traces.”

...Why do I feel like I have seen this before?

She changed the channel again, this time showing an even more colorful cartoon than the world already was! She might be a pegasister, but this there was G3 times eleven! She changed the channel and landed on some commercials.

“Crunchies! With the extra crunch!”

“...Is that a changeling?” Her head really started to hurt now.