• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 7,442 Views, 161 Comments

The Terror of Death - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][.hack//G.U. Crossover] When one mare decides to run away from her destiny, she reawakens a legend that was once a protector to the Crystal Empire... Until Sombra betrayed both him and the ones he swore to protect.

  • ...

9- Encounter

Author's Note:

Before we begin, I want to thank Solphestus for helping me out with this chapter. He provided an idea to me for what should happen with Haseo and also wrote for one of the newest characters that's now in the story. Trust me, I think you guys are going to like her a lot. Also, now that I'm done with class, I have some more time in order to be able to write some more chapters for stories over the course of the summer. But for now, I now have this chapter done and hopefully I can be able to do another one soon (depending on how the other chapters I'm working on are going)

Hope you Enjoy it!

P.S. I have been watching a bit of SFM videos recently based on previous entries for Valve's Saxxy Awards. See if you figure out the reference I hid in here. Good luck! :raritywink:

The Terror of Death- Encounter

In the time that it took for Twilight in order to become a shadow warlock and learn about her new spells and abilities, the unicorn was surprised at a few things. First, the pages in the grimoire, unlike before, translated to perfect equish for her to read. Yet, some of the spells that she was reading did not even seem to form actual words. Secondly, unlike the magic that she was already familiar with and accustomed too, she learned that she had to speak the spells in order to cast them. Something that was… not entirely common with magic. In her mind, you don’t hear Celestia say ‘Rise up!’ whenever she raises the sun.

Of course, she didn’t exactly have all the time to process that at the moment. “Hey, bookworm,” The unicorn looked up, seeing Haseo as he was setting down what looked like a pair of crystalline mugs on the stands around the training ground as he looked back at her. “How’s the studying going?”

Rolling her eyes, she used her magic to close the spellbook as the unicorn cleared her throat and got up off the ground. Facing Haseo as she began to speak. “For the record, only my friends call me that…”

“What? So I’m not seen as a friend? That’s kind of harsh.” He chuckled in response, putting his left hand on his hip while having the other one just rest alongside him freely.

“No, that’s not what I-” Twilight said, before looking back at the Adept Rogue and letting out a low sigh. “Nevermind…”

“You know I’m just messing with you right?” He asked, before taking a drink out of one of the mugs as he offered one to Twilight. “How about a drink?”

“Um… should I be concerned about what’s in those mugs?” She asked, raising an eyebrow before trying to look and see what was in the mugs. Only to see what looked like a clear substance and a few ice cubes in each one of the mugs.

“Twilight, the only thing that’s in here is purified water,” He told her in response before getting up and making his way into the middle of the arena. “I just thought that you would need something to drink after looking through that grimoire for… well, over half an hour.” The unicorn blinked at that, looking around for a moment and was startled when she realized how much time had passed since she first started reading the grimoire that she had and trying to soak up the information within its pages.

“Sorry, I was just… The spells in this book are much different than I anticipated. I was just trying to take some time to understand the basic ones,” The unicorn told him in response while also mentioning another thing to him. “That and I’m still trying to process this whole thing that you were mentioning about ‘Levels’ earlier. You say it like it’s one of those role-playing games that Shining Armor introduced Spike to a long time ago.”

“It’s… kind of like that,” Haseo shrugged the back of his hand. “When my friends and I were originally displaced, we were displaced as characters from an RPG. So the whole thing with levels, skills, and experience all still applies. However, I’m not at max level and all of us still have room to grow… including you too.”

“Why thank you for the compliment,” Twilight replied sarcastically. Before she thought of an idea. “Hey… since I’ve had some time to look these over… would you mind if I try a few of these spells?” The question originally had Haseo fold his arms for a moment, before asking a particular question.

“Okay, but what did you exactly want to try these spells out on? We have training dummies and can simulate monsters-.” The Adept Rogue was going to continue speaking, but not before he heard Twilight’s answer. And one that caught him personally off guard.

“Can I try them out against you?”

At first, Haseo thought that Twilight was joking. But after a few seconds, he realized that she wasn’t exactly kidding when she asked him that. “You’re serious? You… actually want to fight against me?”

“Not fight, just practice,” Twilight replied back to him. “Like a training session. You just stand there and I say the spells in order to see what happens.”

Haseo gulped at hearing that, before telling her something. “That sounds more like you wanting to use me as a punching bag. Are you sure that you know what most of those spells are supposed to do.”

“No, that’s why I want to test them and find out,” Twilight replied back, just at Haseo facepalmed himself and let out a deep sigh. “What? Is something wrong?”

“Other then the fact that it would be much simpler to try it on a training dummy first before trying it on a living being. Besides, if you actually did that, I would have little time to try and dodge whatever you conjure.” Haseo replied back to her, before explaining something rather important to her. “Unlike Unicorn magic, magic spells for a Shadow Warlock and skills that all other classes can learn are powerful, no matter if you get it at level one or level twenty. In fact, a Shadow Warlock with powerful spells could still lose to low level spells wielded by an experienced one… Here, let me show you.”

Twilight blinked for a moment, before looking back at Haseo. “Uh… how do you plan to show me?”

“Consider it like a reflex test,” The Adept Rogue explained as he summoned his DG-X pistols and held them at his side. “How good are you when it comes to defensive spells? Like ones that you are familiar with because I know that Shadow Warlocks don’t have any skills in order to use for defense.”

Twilight blinked at that, before looking back towards Haseo. “I was… going to ask about that. I was noticing that a lot of the spells in here, aside from some exceptions regarding minor healing, were offensive based.”

Haseo nodded, before looking back towards Twilight as he began to try and clear things up for her. “The only two magic based classes in the Empire right now are the Shadow Warlock and the Harvest Cleric. One class is specifically set up towards offense while the other is more for defense and support. Of course, if there were other Adept Rogues, there can be someone who could use both… but given how my class is one that’s a ‘Jack of all trades and a master of none’, It would be generally disliked since it would limit the amount of spells or arts you would have access to.”

The unicorn took a moment to process that, thinking over what he just said… shortly before he added something. “But you’re different, Twilight. You have your equestrian magic to fill in some of the gaps that a normal shadow warlock would have. So… hypothetically speaking, it would be entirely possible that you can combine the magic you’re used to and this one together.”

“All of that and Gorre’s power as well?” Twilight then asked.

“Well, when you are in your Epitaph state, you can’t use the abilities of your class alongside your Avatar’s powers. I can’t use my arts or skills when I use Skeith,” He clarified for her. “Besides, Avatars can only used when having to fight AIDA that has gone out of control or other Avatars. It cannot be used willy-nilly. Do I make myself clear, Twilight?”

“Absolutely.” She immediately stated.

“Alright, then let’s start with that reflex test,” He replied to her, before turning around and walking to the edge of the training ground. Once he was a considerable distance away, he turned back to Twilight as she was looking back at the rogue. “On three. And just to be clear… Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

The unicorn, upon originally hearing that, just chuckled as she looked back at him. “Yeah, I am ready.”

“Good,” Haseo smirked, before pointing one of his pistols to Twilight. “Three.”

“Wait, wha-?” Twilight had only seconds to react as Haseo fired two shots each from his pistols. Causing her to dodge the first set before using her magic to block the other two. “Seriously!? Do you even know how to count?!”

“I do… But this is supposed to test how your reflexes are. And in an actual fight, ponies aren’t going to give you time to prepare yourself first before starting,” He replied back, taking a moment to reload his weapons. “Still, that was a pretty good job at blocking if I do say so myself.”

“Okay, I get your point in doing that… But I still see that as uncalled for,” Twilight replied back to him as she let out a deep sigh. But when she turned her head, that was when she noticed something. “Hey… do those mugs that you have melt?”

“Uh, no. They’re made out of the same material that’s used for weapons and armor. Why?” Haseo asked.

“Well, I don’t see them anymore…” That had the Adept Rogue turn around to realize that the drinks that he specifically had on the bench gone. Like they vanished without a trace. Which was weird because he was sure that there wasn’t anypony else nearby that would try to take it without either of them noticing.

“Hunh… that’s strange…” He replied back, before looking back to Twilight. “Maybe somepony from the castle brought them back inside unknowingly.”

“I didn’t feel anypony come by here in that short amount of time,” The unicorn then told him. “With my magic, I mean… Unicorns and Alicorns can tell if somepony is nearby just by feeling something off with the magic around them.”

“Let’s not focus on that right now though,” He told her, before deciding to walk over to the supply shed by the barracks and bring out a few dummies as he set them out in a row. “Instead, lets give you a few targets for you to practice some of those new spells. I think it would be better for you to use them against a practice dummy.”

“Says the guy who wanted to do a reflex test by shooting me.” She deadpanned.

“That was only one time… and I’m not doing it anymore. Besides, it was more than just a reflex test. It was also… how should I put this…” He replied back, before thinking of something to say. “You ever heard of a hand-eye coordination test?”

“You mean a hoof-eye coordination test?” The unicorn asked, before realizing something. “Oh I get it… You wanted to see how fast I could be able to cast my magic in reaction to if something was coming at me! Is that it?”

The Adept Rogue could only nod his head in response as he put his weapons away now. “That’s exactly it. If you weren’t able to cast quickly, I would’ve had us do a few more in order to practice it. But it looks like there’s no need for that. Instead, we can take some time on practicing the new spells in your grimoire.”

“Alright then… if you say so,” Twilight told him, before cracking open her book and channeling magic through her horn as she began to recite the first words on the top of the page. Wind churning around her hooves while she focused on her target. “Zan Rom!”

Immediately upon saying the spells name, a small tornado began to take form in the middle of the set of dummies. Though, it wasn’t trying to knock them up into the air at all. Instead, the wind was slicing at them, dealing damage the longer it continued to spin. Unfortunately though, since this was a low level spell, it only lasted for a few seconds before fading out.

“Well done,” Haseo congratulated her. “Even though that was a low level spell, you pulled that one off very well.”

“Thanks…” The unicorn replied, before thinking of something. “It’s strange though. Normally, when you have a spell that lasts a certain amount of time, you have to use up more mana in order to maintain it… is that the case here?”

“Unfortunately, I wouldn’t know…” The Adept Rogue replied back to her. “I only know some small healing spells, but that’s it. Most of my abilities are what’s called skills. But then there is one other thing I have yet to try actually.”

That… made Twilight curious. “Oh? What’s that?”

“Well… think of it as a special kind of attack that happens when you break down your opponents defenses. The catch is that it’s only easier to pull it off as a class that’s focused more on physical damage than magical,” Haseo began to explain, while trying to be as precise as possible. “It’s called a ‘Rengeki’, but it translates to ‘Combo attack’ and if it’s done successfully, the damage you can deal to an opponent is twice that of the damage you can deal with normal attacks.”

“That… sounds like it’s pretty useful.” The unicorn commented.

“It actually is. Because pulling off a Rengeki can have you gain extra experience and the higher level you are, the more challenging opponents and monsters that you can be able to face.” Haseo replied back as he looked back at her. “For and Adept Rogue like myself, it also provides a chance for me to switch weapons if I need to.”

“I see…” Twilight commented once again. Only for Haseo to look back at her shortly after finishing what he was saying.

“But enough about me. Let’s continue with where we left off with your new spells.” The rogue told her, taking the chance to move a few of the dummies out of the way so Twilight could focus on one specific target with the next few spells she would try out. For her offensive spells, each one were categorized with different elemental trees like fire, wind, water, earth, light and dark. Other spells that he called ‘Lei’ spells since they all had Lei in the second half of the name would apply status effects to a target, like poison, paralysis, sleep, curse, seal and confusion. Another group were Repth spells, used for healing the caster. Finally, the last set of spells she had were geared towards reducing the attack or magic power of an enemy, whether it’s physical or magical.

It took well over an hour in order to cover every single spell that was within the pages of her grimoire, the unicorn was personally worn out. But to her, coming out this way in order to be able to learn this new magic so she could be able to help other ponies with it was well worth it. Though, it was around the time that Haseo was going to congratulate her that they heard somepony else speak up. “Oh there you are Haseo.”

Both of them turned around to see that the unicorn named Radiant Heart was standing nearby, looking at the two of them with a sigh of relief. But based on her personal appearance, she looked a bit tired out. “Hey Radiant… are you doing okay? You look kind of exhausted.”

“Well, I’ve been trying to help out the Princess as much as possible, but most recently everypony around the empire is talking about having some of their belongings stolen from them,” The unicorn explained to the two of them. “At first, the incidents were minor because this thief was going for food and making it look like somepony just forgot something… but more recently, they’ve taken… other things.”

“What… other things?” Twilight soon asked, the comment surprising Radiant for a moment because she didn’t realize that the Unicorn was here and thought she was back in Ponyville.

“Well there’s Cadences head cushion, Shining Armor’s scarf, my patience…” The unicorn grumbled. “And if you listen to Hoofstrong ramble on, you would think that someone actually stole his ‘manliness’.”

That just had Haseo facepalm himself for a moment before looking back at Radiant. “Well, if you would like, I can look into it and see if I can get to the bottom of this. I mean I just finished with teaching Twilight how to use some new spells, so I got some time to look into if you would like.”

“That would be very much appreciated,” She let out a sigh of relief before looking to Twilight. “I can help Twilight return to the train station while you look into it. Last I checked, the last place that such a thief was reported to be was in Central Square.” The Adept Rogue himself nodded his head, thanking Radiant as he began to make his way over there. Around now, it was the middle of the afternoon and the central square marketplace was as busy as ever. With multiple ponies conducting business whether it was through forging weapons and armor or crafting potions. Heck, the sun wasn’t down and the tavern was quite busy with customers right around now.

Of course… it only took about ten minutes before he heard something that got his attention. “Why you-! Thief!! Somepony stop her!!” The voice came in the direction of the outdoor patio of the tavern, where there were spilled pieces of somepony’s meal everywhere. But there was also a faint shadow like trail all along the ground that was rather light for anypony to notice.

Of course, Haseo wasn’t exactly anypony… and soon after he saw the trail, he began to follow it to see where it would lead. Moving into a nearby alley between buildings, the Adept Rogue continued to follow it, even though it was getting much smaller the longer that he pursued it.

Though… when the trail ended, that’s when he found something… peculiar. The thief was not a grown colt or a mare… but a little filly. One that had a midnight blue coat of fur and resembled a earth pony as he watched her eat. But before he could say anything… that’s when it noticed him.

The filly suddenly hissed at him before bolting, the food dangling from her mouth as she fled through the alleyway. The trail of smoke that Haseo saw before he now realised was strangely coming from her mane and tail. Which… looked kind of odd because he had only seem that from one other pony… and the rogue thought that he was gone. Nevertheless though, he continued to go after her, even following her as she tried to go into another alley.

But it was as he went in this alley… that he found out just how much this little filly had stolen.

“Stay back mortal! Or I shall remove your eye with this mug!” The filly shouted, holding up one of the mugs that had disappeared earlier with a hoof as she had her back to her pile of stolen stuff. He could even see Cadence's pillow on top arranged like a makeshift bed.

But… all that did was raise an eyebrow for a moment as he looked back at her. “Seriously? You think you can kill me with a drinking mug?”

“I saw someone do it with a teacup once, and a mug is much more durable so it should work!” She shouted defiantly, her light blue cat like eyes becoming slits as she glared at him.

“Look… I don’t want to fight you. And I don’t want to harm you either. But why are you exactly stealing from everypony? That’s what I’m trying to understand.” He said, before taking a seat.

“Hmph, I don't trust you any more than I trust those crystal ponies!” The filly snapped, throwing one of the mugs at Haseo’s face. His reaction was quick and in the blink of an eye, he was able to catch it and set it down on the ground gently, causing her to visibly flinch.

“I told you, I don’t want to harm you… I just want to talk.” The rogue told her.

“Well I’m not listening!” She hissed one last time before bolting to the top of her pile of stolen loot, grabbing Cadence's pillow and a few more items before she made to jump for the rooftops. Haseo himself, got out his twin blades and used them to climb up the wall as he gave chase. Trying to go after the filly and see if he could be able to get her to return everything that she had stolen.

“Think you can catch me Mr. ‘Terror of Death’?” The filly laughed at him as she ran across the rooftops like a seasoned pro despite carrying multiple stolen items on her person somehow. Haseo himself originally had trouble keeping up, especially when she dropped a few items on her trail and it almost caused him to trip over them. But, he was still able to catch up and didn’t exactly fall too far behind while going after the filly.

The filly grunted in displeasure as she looked back and saw Haseo still chasing after her and so she proceeded to drop down into a neighborhood and started bolting through Ponies gardens, making a few scream in either shock or horror as she used whatever she could to try and shake him while taking a whole lap through the empire.

Yet… just as that lap was beginning to approach the train station, she felt herself being trapped in a ball. Turning around, she soon noticed a purple unicorn that was holding her there. But to the filly, she recognized her as the same unicorn that was with the Adept Rogue earlier. Just as Haseo stopped in front of the train station to try and catch his breath.

“All that trouble just to get a filly?” He heard Twilight ask as she was seen holding the filly in what looked like a magical hamster ball. “Now I see why Shining had trouble raising me when I was little.”

“Unhoof me you… you… mortal!” The filly shouted, frustrated as she banged her hooves on the barrier holding her. “Release me or I’ll eat your soul!” She added attempting to intimidate Twilight.

“... So who is this supposed to be?” Twilight asked.

“Apparently, she’s been the thief that’s been stealing things all over town. She even tried to throw one of the mugs that went missing earlier at my face.” Haseo replied back, before pointing at the cushion that she was still holding. “She was using Cadence’s pillow as a makeshift bed.”

“Its my pillow! Not the worthless alicorn’s!” The filly declared as she wrapped her forelegs around the pillow and turned away as if trying to hide it.

“I just find it hard to believe that a filly this cute would be stealing everything from everypony,” Twilight said, deciding to take the hamster ball and bring it back to the castle instead of catching the train. “I mean, just look at her.”

The response the filly suddenly gave towards being called cute was to suddenly burst into a hissing cloud of smoke with glowing blue eyes and a mouth full of fangs that completely filled the magical hamster ball it was trapped in as they passed through the market on the way to the castle.

“O… kay, and now that is giving me bad Sombra vibes.” Haseo muttered… though, he did not actually expect for the filly to reply back.

“Sombra was a failure! Don't compare me to that worthless whelp!” The filly turned into demonic cloud spat as it tried to break out of the hamster ball with no success. Twilight then decided to shake the hamster ball as the swirling black cloud turned back into the filly that was originally trapped inside.

“Perhaps we should continue talking about this inside the castle.” The unicorn said.

“I agree.” Haseo followed up as they went up the stairs and through the door. “Maybe we can convince Cadence to let her keep the pillow? I think she likes it.”

The filly, still in the appearance of a demonic cloud, stared at Haseo suspiciously as he and Twilight walked into the palace taking her with them. Cadence was by herself as she was looking over a few documents with her magic, shortly before noticing the two of them.

But the first question that she asked… was not entirely one that Haseo or Twilight had expected as she glared at what they were holding. “Haseo… why do you have a umbrum in a hamster ball? And why is it holding my seat cushion?”

“Cadence… hear me out first,” Haseo insisted as he looked back at the ball where the filly was being held as it turned back into its pony form and re attached itself to the pillow in defiance. “This filly was actually the one who had been stealing things all over the empire. Even had me running all over the place before Twilight was able to encase it in her magic-”

“Wait… Umbrum?” Twilight asked out of curiosity. “What the heck is that?”

“Shadow ponies… like that of Sombra,” The princess replied back sharply. “They were the reason why he was able to take control of the Crystal Empire in the first place when he killed my mother and when I thought that I lost you, Haseo. So how is it that we have a shadow pony in the grounds of the Empire even though the Crystal Heart keeps all the other ones sealed away?”

“I’m not telling you anything!” The filly hissed, having given up on trying to break out.

Haseo sighed at that, before thinking of something as he looked back at the filly now. Trying to sound calmer than that of Cadence right now “Maybe we should start by asking a different question in a much different tone. Like for example, what’s your name?”

“And why do you care? The crystal ponies sure didn't.” The filly snorted, pointing her muzzle into the air as she looks away.

“Because I’m not like them… They once thought of me as a monster before Amore took me in and had me stay with her,” Haseo said, recalling when he first met Cadences mother. “I just wanted to do the same… because I know that it’s right.”

“... fine, I’ll give you a chance…” The filly said as she sighed. “You can call me Sapphire Rose… Or Sapphire Rose the street rat… it doesn't really matter anymore…”

“Wait… what do you mean by that?” Twilight asked. “Don’t you have a family-?”

“How would a street rat have a family? Look, I don't know what it's like for you ponies but if I have any family they are sealed away with the rest of the other living shadow ponies.” Sapphire hissed as she slammed her hoof against the barrier. “But last I checked they were dead, why else would I have been sent here through the same loophole they used for sombra over a thousand years ago instead of being trained to be a monster like them?”

Twilight herself… was caught off guard by that statement. That and also what Haseo said next. “If that’s the case… Cadence, would you let me look after Sapphire? If she does happen to do anything, I will take full responsibility.”

Cadence blinked for a minute upon hearing him say that. “Are you… sure about this, Haseo?”

“Yes I am… I want to look after her like how Amore entrusted me to look after you when you were the same age.” Haseo replied back to her before looking back at Sapphire.

“Will you take responsibility if I release all the other umbrums from the seal?” Sapphire hissed, an annoyed look on her face. “Or what if I kill crystal flank over there like I was told to do? What then?”

“I would take responsibility for that too. But do bear in mind… you do not have to listen to the other umbrum. Because you can be able to make your own choice without having somepony make them for you,” He told her in response. “Cadence… would you allow for me to adopt Sapphire? The final decision is yours…”

Cadence herself looked at the filly, before looking to him. Looking at each one for a few moments and trying to wrap her head around this whole thing… before finally making a decision. “… Alright. Haseo, I really hope you know what you’re doing with this… Therefore, I will allow for Sapphire to be under your care. But if anything… and I mean anything does happen, you will be held responsible. Do I make myself clear?”

“Wait what!?” Sapphire shouted in shock as she looked at the two other ponies and then human with a dumbfounded expression.

“Absolutely.” Haseo firmly replied.

“But I just threatened to kill the one pony you already would consider your own daughter!” Sapphire shouted as she tossed up her forhooves in disbelief. “If rumors are to be believed…” She added under her breath as she made a complicated facial expression.

“Uh… When I said that Amore took me in, I did not mean take me into her family. She allowed for me to be her bodyguard and her protector,” Haseo told Sapphire as he looked at her sphere. “Plus… you do realize that she’s an alicorn right? You can’t exactly kill something that’s immortal.”

“He’s got a point.” Twilight added.

“Alicorns are no more immoral than an elder umbrum, and they have complete mastery of the dark magic our bodies are composed of.” Sapphire said looking at them as if she didn't believe them. “But back to what we were talking about, what makes you think I will listen to you or let you adopt me?”

“Because like you, I was once seen as a monster before I was given a chance. Even so more recently when Sombra still ruled the empire…” The Rogue told her. “I want to give you the same chance that I was given.”

“...” Sapphire opened her mouth to comment, before simply remaining silent as she bowed her head and just layed on Cadence's pillow inside Twilight’s magic hamster ball with a pained expression. “Fine… I’ll give you a chance...”

“Thank you…” Haseo smiled, picking up the ball and holding onto it. Twilight herself, dismissed the spell to let Sapphire out of the bubble as the Adept Rogue took the filly to his room. And by the time that he reached his room, he placed Sapphire and the cushion on his bed… giving her a real bed to sleep on without having to rest in the middle of an alley.

“... how?” Sapphire asked as she continued to sit on the pillow, her tiny body shaking as she hid her face behind her mane. “How can you… Trust somepony who’s very being is supposed to be made of concentrated evil?”

The Adept Rogue, looked back at her before taking in a deep breath and letting it out. “Because I am willing to give you a chance… I know that Sombra has left a big mark on the empire during his reign… but I can tell that you are not like him. And I want to help you anyway I can.”

Sapphire slowly looked up at Haseo as black tears rolled down her midnight blue fur before she jumped on Haseo, hugging him around his neck with her forehooves as she cried her eyes out. “Y-your the first creature to be n-nice to m-me… I don't know what I did t-to deserve this, but I-I’m sorry for being so mean!” She whimpered as she buried her face into his shoulder.

The adept rogue… was originally surprised at first by her actions… but then smiled as he placed a hand on her head. “It’s okay… I’m here for you now.” He told her as she continued to cry until her tiny body exhausted itself, leaving a massive inky splotch from her tears coating his shoulder and most of her fur that was in contact with it as she fell asleep.

It was after she fell asleep that Haseo set her gently on the bed that he was sitting on and began to place a blanket on her and have the cushion be her pillow as he softly spoke to her. “Sweet dreams, my little Sapphire…” It was at this moment that Sapphire began to snore, sounding like a small bird as she, for the first time in her life, had some real sleep rather than a half awake cat nap in the middle of a back alley on the streets of the empire.

The only thing that neither of them knew at the time… was that Cadence was right outside Haseo’s room. She followed him using an invisibility spell to make sure that he was truly okay with it. But after seeing how emotional Sapphire was just now… and thankful for what Haseo did for her, the princess realized that she did happen to make a good choice instead of a risky one.

And with it… she left the two of them alone. But had one last thing that she said in a prayer. “Mother… No… Aura, please watch over Haseo and… and Sapphire too.”