• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 4,394 Views, 55 Comments

Twilight's Gender Conundrum - wolfeprocter

Twilight wakes up one morning to find the entire world genderswapped... except for herself.

  • ...

Good morning... uh... Spike?


Twilight Sparkle shoots up from her bed with a start. She gasps for air from the strange nightmare she had, her eyes darting left and right to scan her bedroom, then, she puts her hoof to her forehead.

"Ugh, what a strange dream that was. Oh well..."

The purple unicorn gets out of bed, then casts a spell with her magic horn to make her bed and proceeds to prepare for the busy day ahead. In front of her mirror, she brushes the bedhead out of her violet (with a pink streak) mane, then she smells the delicious pancakes Spike is making for breakfast and decides to head to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Spike! Gosh, those pancakes smell-"

Even before Spike turns around to look at her with a confused look, Twilight could tell something was off about the little dragon. The spines on his head and back are even rounder than normal, and those on his cheek are heart-shaped and drooping a bit. To top it all off, he has and even shorter snout and abnormally long eyelashes, but the biggest sign is when he says:
"Good Morning, who?"
His, no, her, ugh, the voice is higher-pitched and feminine-sounding. The dragon in front of Twilight is undoubtedly a girl.

"Spike? Is that you?"

"Uh, Twilight, my name is Spines."


"It's the name you gave me, remember?"

"What?! But, aren't you a boy?"

Spines is quite taken aback from this inquiry.
"Not since I hatched from my egg! Twi, are you okay?"

Twilight shakes her head in disbelief.
"No... this can't be right, unless...!!!"
Without further hesitation, the unicorn pounces on the little imposter, pinning it to the floor with her four hooves. Then, she casts a spell on it she used just yesterday on the Changelings that crashed the Royal Wedding, but it has no effect. Instead, the little dragonness seems even more perturbed.

"OUCH!!! Twilight, what was that for?!"

"What? But... I..."

"GET OFF!!!"

With a grunt, Spines shoves Twilight off of herself, then they both struggle back on their feet and take a moment to recollect before Spines began:

"Seriously, Twi, what's gotten into you?"

"Spike, no, Spines... urgh! Whoever you are, listen to me. From what I remember, you've been a boy dragon you're entire life up until yesterday. Now, well, you're not."

"Twilight, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say! Did you bang your head on the floor when you woke up this morning?"

"I did not!" Twilight sighs, then announces, "Stay here, Spines. I'm heading out to see my friends to let them know what's going on. Maybe they can help me sort this thing out."

"Wait! What about breakfast? And your to-do list for that matter? You NEVER skimp out on your to-do lists!"

"I don't have the time or appetite for any pancakes, Spines, and forget about the list. This is an emergency!"

With that, Twilight gallops out of the library-tree in which they both live to embark on her quest.

"Okay, I guess I'll just keep the pancakes in the fridge and start my cleaning rounds then..." When she's certain Twilight's out of earshot, she mutters, "I sure hope this isn't another one of her episodes..."