• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 342 Views, 0 Comments

starswirl the bearded's Journal of Tales - KittyKatKitKat

The life and research of Starswirl The Bearded's long history as he studys hatred, friendship, chaos and a great many things.

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♎̡̘͓̩̯♋̫̱̭͍̻̲͜❒̪̞̱̞̝̘̫&????̼̲̤ ̟͖♎̸͈̭͖̝͈̥̞♋̛̫͖❒͔͜&͏̜͚͎̝̱̗♏̮̳̟͓͉͓❒̞̳ͅ ̸⍓̜̞̜̻̤͘♏̗͓̣⧫̜̲ ͎♎͇͔̺̪̼͚♋❒̭̱̺͟&̹͖̻̝̥̕♏́❒͓͈̩͍̘ ????

♒♏●●□????⍓□◆ ♋❒♏ ◻❒□♌♋♌●⍓ ⬥□■♎♏❒♓■♑ ⬥♒⍓ ⧫♒♓⬧ ♓⬧ ♒♏❒♏???? ♋❍ ♓ ♍□❒❒♏♍⧫✍ ⬥♏●●???? ♓♐ ♌⍓ ♍♒♋■♍♏ ⍓□◆ ♋❒♏ ❒♏♋♎♓■♑ ⧫♒♓⬧ ♌⍓ ♋ ⧫❒♋■⬧●♋⧫□❒???? □❒ ◻♏❒♒♋◻⬧ ♋❒♏ ❒♏♋♎♓■♑ ⧫♒♓⬧ ⬥♓⧫♒ ⍓□◆❒ □⬥■ &■□⬥●♏♎♑♏???? ⧫♒♏■ ♓???? ⍓□◆???? ♑□□♎ ⬧♓❒????♋■♎ □❒ ❍♋????♋❍???? ♋❒♏ ♓❍◻❒♏⬧⬧♓❖♏ ♓■♎♏♏♎????

????❒♏❍♓■♎ ❍♏ ⧫□ ♏⌧◻♏❒♓❍♏■⧫ □■ ⍓□◆ ●♋⧫♏❒????????????✆

■□⬥???? ♌♏♐□❒♏ ⬥♏ ⬧⧫♋❒⧫????????????♎□ ⍓□◆ &■□⬥ ⧫♒♏ ●♓■♏⬧????

♎̡̘͓̩̯♋̫̱̭͍̻̲͜❒̪̞̱̞̝̘̫&????̼̲̤ ̟͖♎̸͈̭͖̝͈̥̞♋̛̫͖❒͔͜&♏̮̳̟͓͉͓❒̞̳ͅ ̸⍓̜̞̜̻̤͘♏̗͓̣⧫̜̲ ͎♎͇͔̺̪̼͚♋❒&♏❒͓͈̩͍̘ ????✍

⍓□◆ ♒♋❖♏???? ♒♋❖♏■????⧫ ⍓□◆✍

????♏●●???? ⬧□❒❒⍓ ⧫□ ♎♓⬧♋◻◻□♓■⧫???? ❍⍓ ♎♏♋❒ ♐❒♓♏■♎????????◆⧫ ✋ ♋❍ ■□⧫ ♒♓❍???? ♐□❒ ♋●● ⧫♒♓■♑⬧???? ✋ ♋❍ ❍♏❒♏●⍓ ♋ ♍□◻⍓????????□????????????♓♐ ⍓□◆ ⬥♓⬧♒ ⧫□ &■□⬥ ❍□❒♏ ♋♌□◆⧫ ❍♏????????????⧫♒♏■ ♋●□⬥ ❍♏ ⧫□ ♓■⧫❒□♎◆♍♏ ⧫♒♏ ♐♓❒⬧⧫ ♋⬧& ☝♋⬧⧫♏❒ ✞????????????????

✋ ♒□◻♏ ⬥♏ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ⬥□■♎♏❒♐◆● ⧫♓❍♏ ⧫□♑♏⧫♒♏❒????????????


Author's Note:

For those who don't like to read wingding or just don't want to translate it, (I'm with ya there, buddy.:moustache:)

Here is the full thing right here...in English:

hello.you are probably wondering why this is here, am i correct? well, if by chance you are reading this by a translator, or perhaps are reading this with your own knowledge, then i, you, good sir/and or ma'am, are impressive indeed.

(remind me to experiment on you later...)

now, before we start...do you know the lines,

d̡̘͓̩̯a̫̱̭͍̻̲͜r̪̞̱̞̝̘̫k,̼̲̤ ̟͖d̸͈̭͖̝͈̥̞a̛̫͖r͔͜ke̮̳̟͓͉͓r̞̳ͅ ̸y̜̞̜̻̤͘e̗͓̣t̜̲ ͎d͇͔̺̪̼͚arker͓͈̩͍̘ ·?

you have, haven't you?

Well, sorry to disappoint, my dear friend. But I am not him, for all things, I am merely a copy. So...if you wish to know more about me...then alow me to introduce the first ask Gaster V2.0.

I hope we have a wonderful time together...
