starswirl the bearded's Journal of Tales

by KittyKatKitKat

First published

The life and research of Starswirl The Bearded's long history as he studys hatred, friendship, chaos and a great many things.

Within these pages you'll find yourself in one of the many stories and lives that Starswirl has gone apon, fallow him as he discovers and examines 'Friendship','Chaos', and 'hatred' (and others in later chapters) while writing in his journal of the many times he has traveled, meeting two forces that could endanger the kingdom, and ultimately have to come to a decision that will take every ounce of his magic and power to contain...

Once again, a fic that came to me in a dream...Man, i'm having good dreams!:moustache:

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Beginning of journey: Celestia, one of many dynasties

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Moon number 16, 20th B.C.-A.C. (Before Celestia-After Celestia) Page 38.

A Great Many Moons Ago, while I was studying the factors of a feeling I've dubbed 'Friendship', I made a new 'Friend' to help with my study... A very powerful mare who is one of the great Faust dynasty. Her name is Princess Celestia, and having no idea about what happened to the former dynasty, who just vanished, leaving the kingdom in a very vulnerable condition. We had to pick a new ruler fast. Who was my former acquaintance and a jest pony, became ruler.

Moon number 24, 21st A.C. Page 39.

After the recent events of my acquaintance, Celestia, became ruler, she proposed in her grace that her sister, Luna, be part. Many opposed it, I, on the other hoof, never gave doubt to this. In fact, I supported Luna all the way, aside from Celestia. Luna was more willing to help when her sister is not around. We get many things done within the short times we had. After the council decided, everypony was either mad, or happy that they got their wish. So, Luna was promoted to Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia passed and vetoed some laws. Things looked good for quite some time...

Moon number 4, 31st N.M.M.R (NightMare Moon's Rule) Page 3.

With the shocking news that Princess Luna had become Nightmare Moon, A great wave of remorse fell over me, for I had been the one to turn her into the monster she is now, while we experiment, I had told her of a legend that would give either peace or terror to ponykind, I told her she was NOT the one... She ignored my words and gave into the feeling called 'hatred' and became Nightmare Moon... I've gotten a sample of 'Hatred' from her, a very powerful substance. Currently we are hiding away within the chambers of Changelings... We had made a short packet to help one another. If we provide free love to them, and protect them, then they will return the protecting, and give us a shelter to hide from Nightmare moon's eternal night. But, besides the point, I still examine and will try to figure out this feeling of 'Love' and 'hatred', while experimenting on and finding out how a changeling works...With permission.

Moon number 16, 31st N.M.M.R

Our Princess and the Queen of the Changelings decided that the only way to take care of the Nightmare Moon threat, was to give power the the strongest pony here...By default, I was the one to go to, but I said no, I was getting old and i'm not as agile as I used to be in my prime...and it would be a shame to lose one of the greatest minds to ponykind...They knowingly agreed and decided Princess Celestia would be the one, but the changelings had a different opinion...They thought their own queen would be a better option...Now, I don't blame them, they've been stuck down here for quite some time and 'hope' on their own queen too much. I've seen it happen many times...I felt a brawl coming...

-- A Few hours later --

As I sit in an arena part of the cave, I watch as I see a battle unfold...None other than I've ever seen...A should I put it? STUPID AND DUMB. I say that because as this battle unfolds, or should I even call it a battle? No, you see, whoever is reading this in the distant future...There is no beams of magic, no spells, nothing of that sort. Not even a brawl just with hooves...No, they are just acting like little children who are too young to understand the concept of fighting. I am as glad as I can about not deciding to play a part in this battle...

Journey Aftermath: After The epic fight of Nightmare Moon

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Last Moon, 31st N.M.M.R, Page 6. ending of Nightmare moon has come, as we see when we come out of the cave...Celestia was the one who claimed victory against the queen and her sister...But at a cost...She had to send her sister to the moon for one thousand years...For me, it would be a fitting punishment. But Celestia thinks differently...As we travel, we find a mountain which might support the growing population...Alas, a many band of ponies went their own way to find new land, thinking that a mountain was not fitting for a pony to live...These groups would soon turn into many places, but one place that the Apple family dubbed, 'Ponyville', cought my eye, a great deal of 'Friendship' and 'hatred' resided there...As soon as we settled in the mountain, which Celestia dubbed 'Canterlot', I set on my own adventure to Ponyville...

Sun, 21st, G.M, (Great Migration) page 1.

As I look around, I see many thing was sure although...It was...weird... as soon as I got into 'Ponyville', I was greeted with a warm welcome by the Apple family, who, was very 'Friendly' to me. They gave me pies and such, so I ate, "A unicorn can't live on magic alone" Celestia used to say to me, as I would work for hours...She would always find it very humorous, and give me a plate of oats to help me think...but, for anypony who reads this journal, I would like to warn any who says 'yes' to their banquette. After the fifteenth pie, I had to lay down and sleep, oh, Celestia would find it so humorous! It makes me chuckle just thinking about that to this day...Well, I went to sleep...So ending this paragraph...

New Sun, 1st, G.M, page 32.

As I gaze apon the horizon on the farm,I try to remember why i'm here. I'm here to study the Apples for 'Friendship', and my research has brought me here for another reason. Although, i'm not sure why, but there is a powerful source of magic energy out there somewhere, I just need to find it. One an unrelated note, the sun is very beautiful, just as the one who welds it. Grass is growing slowly but surely, as we harvest the vast green, which will be replaced by other greens. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and the wind which the Pegasi in Canterlot have given us. on days like these, ponies like us....Should really stop to smell the flowers and appropriate that we are still alive.

The element of Honesty: Past

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New Sun, 15th, G.M, Page 2.

As I help Move hey from the barn to the processor, I get called in for some breakfast. Now, the one who calls me is Ms. Smith, one of the first young mares to journey into this part of Equestria, a newborn when I first encountered her, i've been there, but as soon as she was old enough to trot, i've been working more and more on my work. I am proud to see her as a headstrong young filly. I sit down at the dining table and see who is there, Ms. Smith, little baby mac, and great great granny. I look to see at the foods, and there is eggs, (sunny side up, I might add.) hash browns, pancakes, milk, orange juice, grape juice, and a hay shake for great great granny. After we eat, I get out to the field again, but this time, I feel a sudden shiver down my spine and tail...It's that feeling again, that powerful magic. Could it be that this may be the great 'Magic of Friendship' i've been researching? As many would know, i'm very adventurous, so I take after it.

As I find myself in the midst of the village, I feel the power get stronger and stronger as I get closer, the power shifts towards an ally. I chase after it, it's cornered, as I trot closer, I hear more hoof sounds trotting down this ally as well, I hide behind a conveniently placed Lamp as I watch faintly on what's going on. I hear some talking, although I can't make out most of them, I can tell that one has a deep southern accent. Some more hoof steps and I was ready to fire off a great bolt of magic, powerful enough to knock the stallion over, but gentle enough to not kill him. I then hear hoof meeting flesh (or fur, whichever you prefer), and the other stallion runs away...Crying? Interesting.... As I look over the lamp to see who it was, whoever it was, disappeared in a quick flash of... rainbow? There is so many questions I have right now, but for now, I see that there is a note on the ground, almost like a list, it's mostly covered by what I can make out is something about the elements of harmony, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a 'Creature of Chaos'. The rest and the figure of the 'Creature of Chaos' is covered. I have many questions as i've stated before, but as I look upon the scroll, I see that one of the eight mares are glowing, the one named 'The element of Honesty'. I need to further investigate these matters to see what is really going on.