• ...


After leaving, you made your way back to the point where you found the four caves.

Where will you go?


>>close left

Knowing two other people could be in the crystal lit caves, you chose the path closest to the left; the dark path. The dark path feels like it goes on forever, until you see a light up ahead, naturally, you follow it, and find another crystal filled area, but these were more of a lavender color. Even so, these crystals felt...off, to you, at least.

You continued on regardless. After what feels like an eternity of walking, you come across an inner sanctum of sorts, surrounded by several of the off-feeling lavender crystals. On the other side, you see an exit, but it appears guarded by a being very similar to the demon you killed earlier.

She has purple and black flame-like hair, deep purple skin, light blue sclera with purple dots for irises, black raven-like wings, a light blue, gnarled up horn protruding from her forehead, wearing a risqué purple dress with star marks on the side, purple gloves, and purple boots with glowing light blue soles. She's on her knees, hunched over, mumbling to herself. Just seeing her like this makes you worried to even approach her.

What will you do?



You can't go back, especially after what happened with that girl, and this humanoid creature is in the way of the path forward.



You decided to get closer and make yourself known. You feel like something bad is going to happen, so you believe this your last chance to do something before you inspect the creature.




Now with that taken care of, you continue forward to the creature muttering to herself. She happens to take notice of your approach and looks up at you in shock.

What will you do?



"Hey beautiful." you say, admiring her body.

She scowls and looks back down, "Go away."



"Look, I'm sorry about that." you said with all the honesty you could muster, "But you really ARE beautiful. I was wondering if you move to the side so I could get by."

She shuffles a bit, "...Fine. Just leave me alone."

She stands up and moves out the way, allowing you access to the exit. You continue your trek—

"One thing."

You stop and turn back to the dark angel, who is blushing.

"Y-You really think I'm b-beautiful?"

You have a feeling that she's a little self-conscious about herself. You smile and say, "Let me put it this way: the angels from heaven above couldn't compare to you."

Her face is as red as a tomato when you leave her be and enter the path. After hours and hours of walking, going from area to area, you find something that amazes you.

The Barrier that Sunset She-demon was talking about; it was a rainbow-colored wall that blocked the outside world. You go ahead and try to pass through...

...Only to hit a solid surface.

You weren't a prisoner, so why couldn't you get through?

It was at this moment that you made a horrifying realization.

That girl.

Even though it was self defense...

You still committed murder.


You will wander forever.

And ever...and ever...and ever, and ever, and ever and ever andeverandeverANDEVERANDANDEVERANDEVERANDEVERANDEVERANDEV










Author's Note:

Just showing all the possible game overs before we get to the main storyline.

And now, without further delay...

The road to the Pacifist Ending!

Again, I am not trying to rip off You Don't Belong, this is just inspired by it.