• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 445 Views, 15 Comments

A Himaneighan Tale - MasterFrasca

Twilight takes Moondancer out on one of her adventures high in the Himaneighas, but little did she know of what exactly what she was going to discover up there.

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Divvy Out the Truth

Divvy stretched and pulled down the hood on the suit that led him to become iconically known as the Abominable Snowman, a patch of muted green bursting forth from the white fur. His mane was a veritable mess atop his head “So you’re the ‘Yeti’ that’s been terrorizing Yakyakistan?” I questioned, my fear subsiding at seeing just another stallion greeting us.

“I wouldn’t say I’ve been terrorizing them,” Divvy said, brushing the snow off his back before removing the heavy white fur coat to reveal his light orange fur. With the coat off he looked more like an orange fresh off a bush rather than a legendary white beast. “Unless you consider walking around trading posts trying to keep them maintained terrifying. And as cool as it would be to be a beast of legend, I’m just another trader here in the Himaneighas”

“Wait,” Galearis said, getting up from her position in front of the fire. “What did you say your name was?”

“Divvy,” the orange stallion responded, throwing his coat off next to the door and walking over to examine the pot I had left on the table “Kit Divvy if you want to be formal.” As he approached the table and took a look in the pan, I noticed that his cutie mark was that of a tent covered in snow. “I’d really rather you not, though. I haven’t really had much company until I stumbled across you three playing in an avalanche.” He gave a sly smile, pouring himself a cup from the pot that was sitting on the dining table.

“Thank you for saving us,” Twilight said before Galearis could respond to the statements. “We’d be goners if it weren’t for you.”

“Welp,” he said in between sips, raising an eyebrow at first, the taste probably throwing him off guard. “I wouldn’t be doing my job if I left you there.”

“I think I may have traded with you in the past,” Galearis said getting up and walking over to the stallion to properly introduce herself. “I’m Galearis.” She offered her hoof which Divvy quickly took for a proper shake.

“Galearis, huh?” Divvy said, studying her face carefully as they shook hooves. “I can’t say I recognize your face, but then again, I rarely do any trades indoors, so you might have been a bundle of cloth when we last met.”

“I haven’t gone and traded directly with the caravans in a while though,” Galearis finished off as they finished their almost-awkwardly-long hoofshake. “I don’t usually have time to do my own trading. I’ve become so involved in helping keep Yakyakistan healthy and peaceful…”

“Not to offend, but I can’t say you’re doing a great job,” Divvy commented, sitting down in one of the dining chairs, kicking his hooves up onto the table and pushing the chair back so it was balanced on the two back legs.

“That’s why we came up here,” Twilight commented walking over to sit down across from him at the table. “To help Yakyakistan out in any way that we could.”

“Judging on your appearance, you’re either a Princess, or the best kept secret I’ve seen in awhile,” Divvy snarkily remarked, looking over at Twilight’s wings and horn.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship,” Twilight cordially replied before pointing over in my direction. “This is my friend Moondancer, from the City of Canterlot. I brought her along to help me with any issues that we came across.”

“No kidding,” Divvy said, looking between his hooves at Twilight, barely shifting so that he could look her in the eyes. “A princess in my home. I never thought one would venture this far up the mountains, and even so I expected it to be Princess Cadence.”

“Well, I’m sure Cadence is busy running the Crystal Empire and keeping things from getting out of control there,” Twilight replied as I walked over to join them at the table, Divvy finishing up the rest of his cup of beans.

“Well, nonetheless, welcome to my cavernous abode, Princess.”

“Please just call me Twilight,” Twilight interjected with a forced smile.

“Twilight,” Divvy corrected himself.

“So how’d you end up way out here at Bullheart’s Bluff trading station if you’re trying to solve a problem in Yakyakistan?” Divvy asked, setting his cup down and kicking his legs back down into a normal sitting position. “Other than very sparse trade, even moreso recently, I don’t really deal with many folk from Yakyakistan. Most of the time I rarely even talk with them unless it’s negotiating trades. They’re a very standoffish society.”

“You can certainly say that again,” I commented glancing over at Galearis with a smirk. She returned the gesture with an exasperated smile, rolling her eyes.

“We’re looking for the Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman if you prefer that term,” Twilight said, getting up and headed to her room with a purpose in her eyes. It looked like she was going after her bag.

“Join the hunt,” Divvy said sarcastically as he leaned back in his chair, tilting his head towards the doorway Twilight went through. “Ponies have been searching for that myth for hundreds of years now. Even if you are a Princess, I doubt you’ll find any trace of the beast.”

“I think he’s more of a bedtime story that got out of hand than some legendary monster that roams the mountainside,” Galearis commented, still sprawled out in front of the fire.

“I’d have to agree with you there,” Divvy chuckled, pouring himself another glass of beans before turning to me. “But I thought you and Twilight were just doing some detective work for a town of Yaks. What warped that into going on a search for some storybook monster?”

“The simple answer that I can give is that the citizens of Yakyakistan seem to be split politically and are down on trading. A lot of the Yaks believed that the Yeti was terrorizing the trade station here and that’s why the traders always came back empty handed.

“Yeti terrorism?” Divvy raised an eyebrow. “The only thing being terrorized is my trade profit. Yaks only show up probably a quarter as much as they used to. Trade’s been down, but it’s not because of lack of product. I’m just not getting the visits I used to.”

Twilight came out of her room carrying a rather large leather-bound book. Setting it down on the table with a dull thud, she opened the cover and flipped rabidly through the pages, looking for something specific. I got up and trotted over to watch next to her has pages upon pages whizzed by. Finally she found what she was looking for and the pages settled into place as I saw an archaic depiction of the Yeti followed by an article about the creature.

“That’s what I thought,” Twilight said, looking up at the coat that was now a pile on the floor. She flipped the book around and scooted it over to Divvy. “The mythical Yeti may not exist, but I think we’ve found the one that’s been ‘Terrorizing’ Yakyakistan.”

Divvy looked closely at the image in front of him, reading quickly through the blurb underneath it. “I see what you mean there, Twilight,” Divvy said, getting up and taking the pot to the fire, probably intent on cleaning it later with boiled snow. “That jacket could probably fool someone who believes in the Yeti.”

“The storms probably aren’t doing you any favors either,” Galearis chipped in. “With that white suit in even the slightest snow, I’d be a little hesitant to approach you.

“Fair enough,” Divvy said, heading over to pick up his coat and move it over to the fire to help dry it off from the snow that had melted and soaked into the various furs it was composed of. “I suppose it makes sense that recently my trading’s gone down. They’ve been that way ever since I got that coat on one of my shipments. Never connected the pieces I suppose.

“So we have our Yeti,” I said, looking over to Twilight, “but what are we going to do to convince the townsfolk that it’s just another trader out here trying to make a living? You know as well as I do that just saying it won’t convince any of them, aside from maybe Rosensarch.”

“Well…” Twilight said, hesitating as Divvy sat down next to the fire beside Galearis. “The only way I could think to convince the Yaks to stop this mad fearmongering is to show them the truth firsthand.”

“And by that you mean…?” I coaxed Twilight, pretty sure of what she was getting at.

“Div,” she called out to the orange stallion who was starting to chat with Galearis about Yakyakistan life. He finished his sentence with a hearty chuckle from the both of them before turning his head towards us.

“What’s up, Alicorn of the South?” he casually asked.

“Is there any way to convince you to come back with us to Yakyakistan to show them that you’re just a trader and there’s nothing to be afraid of?”

Divvy closed his eyes and stretched his neck with a rather audible pop before opening them again and speaking. “Seeing as how the trade not coming in affects me just as much as those yaks in the mountains who, for the longest time, were my biggest customers, I’d think I would need to come with you three to clean my slate of the whole mess. I need trade to survive up here after all.”

“Well great, then we can—”

But,” Divvy cut her off before she could finish speaking. “I don’t want to be leaving here until tomorrow morning at the very least. You three have been out for a long time. There’s only a few more hours of light left in today. As much as I know my way around these mountains, I don’t want to be out in them after dark. If the animals don’t get to us, the freezing climate will. I’m not risking that much over some inner-house dispute.

“That sounds like a reasonable plan,” Galearis said, standing slowly up and stretching, probably nice and warm from sitting in front of the fire for so long. “We’ll spend tonight packing up and getting rested for a trek back to Yakyakistan in the morning then?”

“Deal,” Divvy said, yawning. “I doubt I’d be able to stay awake for the trek anyways. Not after dragging your collective butts up a mountain in the middle of a blizzard.”

“We’re very grateful for that,” I said standing up and joining the two by the fire, sitting next to the pillow that Galearis was on. Galearis gave a quick glance my way before darting her eyes down at the pillow she was on and sliding over on the pillow slightly, tapping a hoof on the fabric to invite me to sit next to her.

“Just joking around Ms. Dancer,” he said as I maneuvered myself onto the pillow next to Galearis, scrunching up to give her as much room as I could. Before I could completely settle in, though, Galearis pulled me really close and leaned her head into my neck, digging in like a kitten trying to cuddle close to her mother.

Divvy glanced our way, a curious smile surrounding him as I felt Galearis’s warm fur push against mine, her slow breathing rubbing my neck and legs slowly and softly. I could almost feel my entire body tingle as I felt every hair interconnect with my body. I knew I was blushing, but I couldn’t help myself. Going with the flow, I pulled a hoof out from under Galearis and started to run it down her side, petting her like a cat. She gave a little faux purr and a goofy smile to go along with it before opening her eyes to look at my face.

“I am beat though,” Divvy said, getting up and heading over to the pantry. “I’m going to get a start on packing supplies and I’ll crash with one of you girls. Mind sharing a bed with me Twilight? I’d hate to break up the cute couple.”

Were we really so obtuse? At this point I was almost embracing the jokes. Galearis’s body was just so cozy on mine that I really couldn’t argue with Divvy. “Yeah, yeah,” I commented rolling my eyes and flashing a snarky smile. “We promise not to make out if you two don’t.”

“I think Twilight deserves at least a proper dinner before we get into anything of that sort,” Divvy fired right back without missing a beat. “I’d say I’d need to treat her like a Princess, but I doubt that’d do much. She’s probably used to it.” I watched him flash Twilight a wink, and for once it was her turn to blush like a cooked lobster.

“You can certainly sleep in the same bed as me,” Twilight said, obviously choosing her words very carefully. She regained some of her upbeat and confident posture before continuing. “And I’ll certainly help you out with the supplies. I do love a good list!”

“You better start packing before she get’s her writing utensils,” I called back, still petting Galearis who I swear was starting to fall asleep in my arms. “She’ll keep you up all night making the list otherwise.

“Not all night…” Twilight mumbled, a look of slight defeat in her eyes as her mouth drooped into a half-frown. Divvy laughed before heading into the pantry and starting to grab some cans. Twilight disappeared into her room before appearing again with a set of bags, opening them and levitating the book from earlier inside before joining Divvy.

“Psst,” Galearis whispered from underneath me, opening one eye as if faking sleep. “You should totally break the ‘No Makeouts’ rule. We could totally hook up Div and Twi.”

I gave Galearis a curt smile and looked her straight in the eye. “You’re sure this is about Twilight and our new savior and not you and me?”

“What?” she faked surprise. “Nah, I’m just looking out for the Princess. She seems lonely. I thought it’d be a neat idea to help her play the field, you know?”

“Right, because the princess of friendship is having trouble finding a good friend to potentially hook up with.”

“You never know what she has trouble with,” Galearis said, shifting over so that she was lying completely on her back, her head now even further embedded into my personal bubble. “Cadence is the Princess of Love after all. Maybe Twilight has trouble going further than friends.”

“Maybe she does,” I played along, leaning in close so that my mouth was close to Galearis’s ear, “but I bet that a certain other pony is in need of help here. That certain pony should wait until she’s alone with her helper to see where things go.”

“Oh my,” Galearis, whispered back, closing her eyes and giving me the widest smile she could. “I can’t wait until that pony get’s the help she’s being promised here.”

“You sure you two aren’t about to make out over there?” Twilight called back to us jokingly.

“Nope,” I called back, barely moving my head from it’s position and staring Galearis lovingly into her loving pink eyes. “No makeouts here, Ma’am. Just some friendly ear nibbles, that’s all,” I said right before giving Galearis’s left ear a soft bite, just enough pressure for her to feel it.

“Be careful over there,” Divvy joined in, his voice half-joking and half-sincere. “Ear biting leads to kissing leads to all sorts of bedroom activities. It’s a slippery slope. One day you’re making googly eyes, the next you’re mud-wrestling.”

“Man, now I have the sudden urge to mud-wrestle for others amusement!” Galearis mockingly responded, playing along with the joke. “Oh Divvy, won’t you get us girls some mud to play in or maybe some warm water or oil?”

“Don’t tempt me!” Divvy said, finishing the bags as Twilight laughed beside him. “I only get scant amounts of lotion for trade up here, and I will gladly give it to the lot of you.”

“Sorry, Div,” I said, leaning over to look at him carrying the filled bags to the kitchen table beside us. “I don’t do free shows, even if you are providing supplies.”

“Ah, maybe we’ll get to it the next time I get a vodka shipment up here,” he said.

“I’m holding you to that one,” Twilight joked, giving Divvy a light elbow. “I’m just as curious to see two mares going at it all muddied up. You know, for scientific reasons.”

“Sure, sure,” he rolled his eyes. “Scientific reasons. Tell you what, when I get that shipment in, you can practice in the sacred ritual yourself to learn some of the local culture on this soon-to-be national sport.”

The two of them laughed before heading toward their collective bedroom, Twilight striking up an immediate conversation with Divvy. “Speaking of local culture, do you think I could ask about some of the traditions around here?”

The pair disappeared into the room, and I tuned out their voices to nothing more than a mumble in the background. “I tell you what,” I spoke up, still softly rubbing Galearis in front of the fire, warmth surrounding me, “I feel bad for Divvy. He has to spend the night with the walking library sleeping next to him. He’ll be lucky to get any sort of good night’s sleep with Twilight next to him.”

“Too bad for him he didn’t choose the right girl to sleep with,” Galearis responded, eyes still closed and fluttering every time my hoof brushed across her side. “He left me with the better choice.”

“I know,” I said, looking down on Galearis’s golden mane and soft purple fur. “I don’t know how he didn’t snatch up this golden goddess in my arms either. Clearly he’s delusional from lack of sleep.”

Galearis gave the cutest giggle before muttering, “Oh you.” She shifted back onto her stomach before pushing herself into a sitting position and placing a hoof onto mine. “You know,” she said with a small smile, looking directly into my eyes, “for a supposed shutin, you really do know how to woo a girl. Maybe the fact that we almost lost each other out there is starting to get to me, but I really enjoy being with you. Like, more than just a friend…”

“Gale,” I started as she turned her head slightly away, the embarrassment of just admitting her love to me showing in her face. “Before we started this trip, I’d never even thought I’d had feelings for anyone the way I do about you.” I paused as Gale turned her head back to me, a Twinkle of hope in her eyes. “I was kinda spiteful at Twilight for being such a filly about calling us lovers. The only way I knew it was schoolyard taunts and rumors of who loved whom. But when you two kept going on about us being a couple, something clicked in my head. I’ve never dated any stallions before like all the other girls that I lived with in university or in grad school. I hadn’t even considered dating a mare. My mind was just elsewhere.”

“You’re a regular nerd, Moonie,” Galearis interjected in between my pause in talking.

“I know, right,” I glanced down at myself. “I’m that girl who spent her entire college career practically living in the library. I double majored in philology and thaumaturgy in university and even still read about whatever I can get my hooves on today. But then Twilight drug me out here to the Himaneighas with the promise of writing a paper on the social and economic culture that existed in the mountains. I never expected to be searching for a Yeti and falling for one of the locals.”

“Crazy things happen when you leave the house,” Galearis curtly responded. “You save your town and meet this really cute foreign girl, and before you know you, the two of you are in love.” Galearis gave a small wink before continuing. “But of course, that’s just speculation. I’ve yet t experience anything like that myself. All I’ve done is go on a quest to save my town and meet a very beautiful foreigner and her purple princess pal.”

I gave a laugh at the silly name she gave Twilight. “Well there’s really only one way to tell if you’re going to fall in love with this beautiful foreign girl. I say you should go for it.”

“I don’t know if she’s ready and warmed up to me though,” Galearis playfully strung me along, denying my obvious advances. “All we’ve done so far is cuddle by a fireplace.”

“And almost get taken out by an avalanche,” I interjected, staring into Galearis’s pretty pink eyes waiting for her to retaliate.

“Right!” she agreed with me. “How will I know when this foreign love of mine is ready, Moonie? How can I tell?”

“Gale,” I softly responded, leaning in close to her. “She’s ready.”

“Then here goes nothing,” Gale said, lifting a hoof up to grab the side of my face.

She leaned in close and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for her. I felt her hot breath on my lips and before my mind could connect the fact that this was really happening, I felt her soft lips brush against mine. They locked and I felt the entire world melt away. I felt Gale’s other hoof pull me close as our bodies meshed together, her mouth playfully nibbling at my lips.

I sat in ecstasy, not knowing what to do. Every book I had ever read on the techniques could not have prepared my for the euphoria I was feeling. I put my hooves around her and hugged her as tight as she seemed to be gripping onto me. I felt her tongue play around in my mouth and I responded with my own pokes and prods.

Somehow the moment became some sort of half-competition, with her mouth nibbling mine and her tongue playing against mine for a few moments followed by my response of nibbling tongue-play. I ran a hoof through her mane, hugging her tighter and tighter, and I could feel her hooves stroking the entirety of my body, stopping around my sweater to playfully invade the space inbetween.

All the while the fire blazed behind us, it’s warmth almost paling in comparison to the heat that I was feeling being liplocked with Galearis. The moment turned into hours and I swear that I didn’t want it to ever end. Any hesitation that I felt towards Gale before just seemed silly. This pony I was with was the perfect mare. I felt a few final nibbles as she seemed to pull away to my dismay. She bit onto my lip gently and pulled away, letting my lip slip out from hers.

We shared a moment of beautiful silence as we stared into each other’s eyes. Still we sat pulled close by the interlocking of each other’s hooves.Gale still rubbed down my side as I brushed her mane softly with mine. “The foreign girl certainly was ready for that,” Galearis said with a smile.

“Oh my god Gale,” I said, trailing off slightly. “I’ve never felt that good in my life.”

Gale simply smiled back at me. “I’m glad we share that same sentiment, Moondancer. But that doesn’t have to be the end of any festivities of tonight.” I felt her hoof rub a little lower than I would normally let somepony touch me, but I knew immediately the implications.

I giggled a little, giddy from the feelings that were coursing through my body. My heart was beating a million times a minute and I was starting to shiver at the thoughts of what the rest of the night held. Sleep was basically the last thought in my head at this point.

“Let’s be very quiet so we don’t disturb the others,” Galearis whispered in my ear, giving my flank a big squeeze. I gave a quick sound of surprise before holding my tongue seeing what she just did there. “Why don’t we take this night into the bedroom and finish it there?”

I merely nodded my head, completely at a loss for words, my breath completely taken away at this sudden turn of events. I had never expected to go so far in one night so soon after meeting, but somehow I knew that I wanted nothing more than to do just that. I couldn’t wait to see what was in store, everything completely new to me outside of merely reading about common practices like this in books. Every book I had red on the subject involved a stallion and mare though.

Gale let go of me and stood up, reaching out a hoof to help me up. She grabbed it and pulled my up to a standing position, eying the bedroom we were to share for an entire night. “But is the foreign girl ready for the rest of the night?”

I tried to respond, but I couldn’t let out any more than a mere squeak as she started to trot towards the doorway. “Let’s get some ‘shuteye,’ my little moon.” My heart fluttered at the sentiment and I walked towards the room in a sort of trance. “We can make this a night to never forget.” I swallowed hard. I was completely head over hooves for Galearis at this point, and I knew she was falling for me right back. I had never envisioned doing this when I set out on this trip but I knew now it was the only thing my mind could manage to process.

I was in love.

Author's Note:

And to think the original iteration of this story didn't even include Galearis.

Read, Comment, Enjoy!