• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 999 Views, 21 Comments

Treason - Trevosta

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Spectrum Dash was sitting in his cell, playing with a bug that he had found. He was getting extremely bored waiting for his sentence, there was only so much that a pony could do with a cockroach, after all.

He had just ran it through its second lap of the perimeter of the cell, when suddenly there was a sound of somepony unlocking the door.

His attention was drawn away from his new pet, just long enough for it to escape. He looked back down and saw that his arthropodal friend was gone.

"Aww..." He said, then looking at the pony who came in the door, "You owe me a new cockroach."

The guard looked at him, confused, but then gestured for him to follow.

"What? You're not going to tell me what my sentence is?" He asked, incredulously. "Oh, wow, that is rude." he said, following the guard pony out, to see a prison carriage. The door was open, it had no windows, just the one door, a couple of benches, and a breathing vent. "Nice." he mused.

The convict jumped in, and sat on one of the benches and asked hopefully, "Sooooo... You gonna tell me where we're going now?"

The Guard just shook his head and slammed the door.


The five mares and their traveling party had never felt as hopeless as they did during the trial. There was nothing they could do to change Spectrum's fate. He was stuck with whatever the judge and jury decided.

After the 'guilty' verdict, the group left, with Rainbow and Applejack in a mood worse than ever before.

The prosecutor came up to them, and apologized. "I'm so sorry," he said, "this was my least favorite case. I have defended thieves, murderers, and real traitors. But never before have I felt so horrible about somepony being declared guilty, due to me." he said, with a hung head, before heading off into town.

Then, while all of them were in a fit of depression, Pinkie Pie showed up, wearing her trademark smile, and her 'Celebration Soldier Suit.'

"Hey, Everypony!" She cheered, "We need to get back to Ponyville right away, I have a surprise for everypony!"

"Uuuuhh... Pinkie?" Fluttershy said, "I don't think a party would be the greatest idea at the moment. That is, if you don't mind..." she trailed off, hiding behind her mane.

"Silly Fluttershy! Now is the perfect time for a party!" She said, before realizing something, "Wait... How did you know the surprise was a party?"

"Pinkie, Darling, your surprises are always parties." Rarity deadpanned.
Well, this surprise is bigger than JUST a party! Come on let's go!" she screamed, somehow managing to herd the ponies out from their picnic tables, and towards the train.

When they boarded the train, questions began to be asked.

"Pinkie, where were you during the trial?"

"It's a secret!"

"Sergeant Hotshot, why are you coming with us?"

"I couldn't escape the herd. And I really need to bet back to my troops!"

Then Spitfire came up to Rainbow, who was staring out the window being comforted by her boyfriend, "Hey, Rainbow," she just grunted in response. "Listen, I understand this is hard, but we need to know if you will still be up for being a Wonderbolt. We are going to stay in Ponyville for two days, we need to know what your plan is before we leave. If you do decide to join us, you can help with the scheduling." Rainbow's idol said comfortingly, before leaving her alone with her boyfriend.


Spectrum was riding in his dark little box. Judging by the smooth ride, and the air pressure drop, he determined that it must be one of those carriages enchanted so that pegasi could pull them in the air. Suddenly he felt it bounce a few times and slow to a stop, before getting pulled into what would seem to be a train. He could tell because he could hear the engine hissing as steam built up in the boiler.

Realizing how long it would be before he arrived anywhere, he laid on the floor and went to sleep.


Princess Celestia could feel all uneasiness leaving her since she made her decision. She went to her sister to tell her about her decision.

"I'm very proud of you 'Tia." Luna said to her older sister. "So, what do you plan on doing now?"

"Well, I would like your help with, furthering my little plan..."


The ponies bound for Ponyville were still on the way when night fell.

Applejack didn't know whether to feel sorry for, or jealous of Rainbow Dash. The farm pony was one of the only ones still awake, she just couldn't get any sleep, thinking about her poor coltfriend.

She couldn't imagine the pain that Rainbow had been through, she lost her brother for eight years. Then she got him back for a few minutes, just to have him taken away from her again.

She could at least partly understand what Rainbow was going through. She had just lost her coltfriend. Spectrum was just a great guy, and she couldn't bear to think of him being punished for something he couldn't help.

Then she looked back at her multicolored friend, who had her face buried deep in Thunderclaw's feathers. Seeing this made Applejack's jealousy spike. At least Rainbow had a special someone that she could cry on. He then nuzzled his beak into her feathers, and Applejack was slightly weirded out by the relationship.

Applejack found herself wishing that Spectrum was on the train with her, there to cover her in his newly reclaimed wings. She could almost hear him sining blues, songs about what could've been. She closed her eyes, and he was there, cradling her in his wings, singing to her.

She broke out of her daydream, and the others awoke as the train pulled into Ponyville Station.

They all poured out of the train car and Twilight Sparkle asked, "Ok, Pinkie, where and when is this party?"

Pinkie bounced out of the train, as happy as ever. "It will be in the morning, in town square, so everypony better be there." she almost sang, bouncing off to get her decorations and begin set up.

No pony noticed the large black carriage being unloaded from one of the cars further back. Or the two large figures flying in their direction.


Spectrum hated his lightless box. He awoke from his fitful sleep, having absolutely no idea how long he had been asleep. He then sang for the rest of the trip.

His songs were about the future he wished he could have, the future he almost had. He pictured himself working on the farm with the Apples for years to come. He pictured himself marrying, having foals with, and growing old together with Applejack. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes.

He eventually felt the train coming to a stop, followed by his carriage being unloaded and parked.

"Wait... You're just gonna park me here!" he screamed out of the box. "THIS is my punishment? Being left here to die in this dark box?" he sighed. "Well there are worse ones, I guess" he said, after no pony answered.

He just sat in his dark box, awaiting his death, and knowing that it would take several days. Suddenly he heard hoofsteps coming his way, he decided to ignore them. The locks on the door of the carriage began to glow with a yellow magical aura. He decided he should speak up. "Hey!" He shouted, drawing a pause from the magic user behind the door. "I am a convict and I believe that this is my death sentence, so if you don't want to have that on your hooves I would recommend not messing with the locks." confident that the meddling unicorn would leave him alone, he closed his eyes to sleep. Just as he did; however, the locks became undone, and the door flew open.

"I told you, I am a convict, this is my death sentence, close the door and let me die."

"I am not that cruel." he heard a very powerful feminine voice say defensively.

He opened his eyes, to see both of the princesses looking at him. The older, taller one looking pretty hurt.

"Really? I have eight years of my life, and my family's life that says so. And I am sure that there are several mares crying themselves to sleep right now because of what has happened during the last week."


T.C. flew Rainbow Dash to her cloud house and started to say goodnight on the front step of her home.

"Hey, T.C.?" Rainbow said, before he flew off.


"Would you mind, maybe, sleeping here tonight?" she said sheepishly.

"No, I don't mind at all." he confirmed, as they went inside and sat on her couch, talking until Rainbow got a fresh burst of tears and cried until she fell asleep with her head tucked under his wing.


Applejack walked home, finding that Big Mac had stayed awake, awaiting her return. One look at her face and he knew what had happened. He walked up to her and wrapped her in his big fore hooves, as she cried into his shoulder.

Eventually they broke the embrace and went their separate ways, each going to their own rooms, and Applejack crying until a poor sleep came over her.


Princess Celestia was feeling terrible. "Look, Spectrum, I would like to make it up to you and them." he raised his eyebrows, "Technically, I have given you a royal pardon for any wrongdoings that you have committed against the country. And I would like to throw a party in your honor, tomorrow morning. I would also like to use the party as an opportunity to apologize to everypony for what I have done." she said the last part as she looked intently at her hooves.

Spectrum looked at the ashamed princess, then at her sister who simply nodded. "Alright, sounds good."

Princess Luna then said, "Would you like to do anything before my sister and I change rolls in the morning?"

Spectrum thought for a moment, then he said, "You know what there are two things that you two could help me with."


Big Mac was sleeping, dreaming about adventuring, traveling the world, fighting monsters, and rescuing ponies in need. As he was leading his ship by night into uncharted waters, a familiar voice from the stars spoke to him.

"Captain Macintosh."

"Yes Milady?"

"Can you keep a secret from your sister, and first mate, Applejack?"

Mac was now rather confused, he never needed to keep a secret from his sister, they told each other everything, but if the queen of the stars wished it so, he would try. "For how long would I need to do this, Milady?"

"Only a few hours good captain."

"I shall try my best not to displease you."

"Very well I shall show you the way." suddenly the stars began to change position, guiding them deeper into uncharted territory. There was soon a thick fog, that cleared, showing cliffs, that possessed dozens of waterfalls. The ship was being pushed by the unnatural wind towards one particularly large one. The crew did everything that they could to avoid crashing, but to no avail. The ship was about to make contact with the waterfall, when suddenly

Big Mac awoke, desperately needing to pee.

"Dang." he muttered, "Ah wanted ta hear that secret."

He crept down the stairs, careful not to wake Applejack or Apple Bloom, not worrying too much about Granny Smith, as she could sleep through a twister.

After he had relieved himself he started heading back upstairs, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"What in tarnation?" He mumbled, "Who's out a' this time o' night?"

He opened the door to see the last pony he expected standing there with a smile on his face.

It was his sister's arrested coltfriend.

"Hey, Big Mac." he said to the stunned farmer. "I would like to talk with you privately, is that alright?"

Big Mac just nodded, unable to even think enough to answer verbally.

"The Princesses here," Spectrum said, gesturing to the two royal alicorns behind him, "Gave me a Royal Pardon, and I would like to know if you can keep a secret from your sister." he inquired.

Big Mac was creeped out now, "Maybe..."

"Just for a couple of hours?"

More confusion, "Ah'll try mah best."

"Just don't tell her I'm alive ok?" Big Mac nodded his understanding. "Also I would like to know your opinion on me marrying your sister." he implored.

Big Mac was caught off guard for the second time in a few minutes. He looked at the pony standing before him. He remembered everything about him since he first came to Ponyville. If it wasn't for the whole, 'pretending to be somepony else,' thing, he would be perfect for Applejack. That one issue was not his fault, though, so he could let it slide. Honestly, Mac, couldn't actually think of any reasons for him not to marry Applejack. So he smiled softly, and said, "Ah approve."

"Thank you, Sir." Spectrum said to his future Brother-in-Law, before heading out to town, followed by the Princesses.

Big Macintosh sighed, "Eeyup." Then he turned and returned to his bed.


The odd trio of two princesses being led by a convict approached the shop/house of Ponyville's jeweler. Princess Luna's horn glowed, and Spectrum asked Celestia what she was doing.

"My sister has control over much of what happens in the night." Celestia answered. "Including the ability to control, or at least influence dreams."

"If I want somepony awake, I show them images of running water, soon they need to..." Luna drifted off, rolling her hoof as though trying to find the right words, "Take care of business."

Pretty soon the sound of hoofsteps was heard from the house, quickly followed by water running. Luna then put on a slightly smug smile, as her plan worked flawlessly for a second time that night.

Princess Celestia then approached and knocked on the door. To quickly hear hoofsteps coming down the stairs to the front door.

"What is it? It's the middle of the night!" the jeweler said, with heavy eyelids. Then he saw who it was. "Princess Celestia!" he said with a bow, "How can I help you this fine evening?"

"My friend here needs an engagement ring by morning." she said referencing Spectrum, "Do you think you could help?"

"Absolutely!" he said enthusiastically, "Just be careful not to wake my wife please." he requested.

After some looking, and mild bartering to keep the jeweler from just giving him the ring because Spectrum came with the princesses, Spectrum left the store with the perfect ring for Applejack.