• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 912 Views, 18 Comments

A Collective View On Friendship - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight was reasearching some ruins when somethign crashed nearby. Something not of her world.

  • ...

Chapter 2 (unedited)

Author's Note:

Being at parents and on a very slow road to recovering finally updated this story. hopefully it will get more upvotes. if you did downvote I want to know why

A jeep bearing the logo of the royal guard pull to the side of the road on the outskirts of Cloversdale. All contact ceased with the town days ago and with Princess Twilight had also gone quiet the royal sisters sent their detachment out to discover why.

Stepping out of the vehicle as others pulled over the lieutenant in charge took out her binoculars and scan the town. There was no movement at all. Her sergeant stepped up. “Form squads of four and stay in constant radio contact.”

“Yes ma'am.” In minutes the platoon of guards began searching the town. They found broken doors, abandoned dinners and many disturb bed’s but no bodies. In an hour the whole town was searched but found nothing but signs of some fighting. The platoon headed back to their vehicles and the lieutenant radioed in.

“HQ this is platoon five reporting. The town is abandoned but signs of some fighting. And no sign of Princess Sparkle.”

“Noted, continue investigating to what happened to the townsponies. Also be advise that Commodore Dash has heard of the princesses disappearance and will likely be there.” The mare heard a sound boom and saw a rainbow streak in the sky.

“Roger that HQ.”

Rainbow scanned the ground looking for signs of Twi.

“Come on egghead, where are you?” She asked. Soon she saw scarring in the forest and headed that way to check it out. So she found an odd looking airship so she his in a cloud and observed the thing. It looked like it was being repaired. She observed the workers and was surprised at what she saw. Ponies practically naked and not just that, devoid of fur, mane, and tail. The only things they wore was these black things on various parts of their bodies as well as a grey tone to their skins. Twi was likely in the ship so she had to get in there and get Twi out and she can solve what's going on. She spotted an opened door with nopony around. She dashed down and with pistol drawn she headed in. The place was odd as she move from spot to spot and observe the ponies work on the ship. She got deeper in and in a dark section she heard a familiar voice.

“Rainbow Dash?” She turned and saw an outline of a pony with horn and wings.

“Twi!” she raced over and grabbed her arm. “Let's get you out of here and you can find a way to fix these ponies.”

“But they are already fix.” Rainbow looked back and surprising swiftness Two held her close and she felt pain in her neck. “I will fix you to.” Things went dark for Rainbow.

The platoon had moved into the woods looking for clues when she heard over the radio. “Contact west!” she looked that way rifle ready. She saw figures walking the woods.

“In the name of the crowns halt and identify yourself!” she called out. The only response was them getting closer. After another minute she gave the command. “Drop them.” Her platoon opened fire. She saw multicolored shields go up negating the fire. Her platoon fired spells. Again shields held most but some got through and some fell. But many did not. “Fallback!” she radioed and the platoon began doing so.

They got back to town when the strange ponies caught up. A couple of her troops screamed as they were over taken.

“HQ! We are under attack. These strange ponies are very synchronize. Trying to escape!” she cast an expanding sphere and drove the ponies away just as she stopped a Pegasus tackled her. She tried to fight them off but the Pegasus was insanely strong and soon she felt sharp pain in her neck.

Soon all the platoon soon stood with emotionless expressions and started walking to the ship. Only one Pegasus escaped.

Back in the ship Twilight said. “Time to address Celestia.”

In Canterlot Castle Celestia just finished court. She was distracted by Twilight's silence but hoped it was nothing major. Then her captain burst into the throne room. “Princess! Our scouts were attacked and likely overruned!”

“Any idea on who it was?”

“They reported strange looking ponies before they went dark.” Celestia thought to a teleport happened and a small black object appeared in air. They both looked at it cautiously when a images appeared from it with a green tint. The image was Twilight. She was naked and devoid of fur, mane, and tail. Only her feathers remained on her wings. She had a few black parts over her body but his nothing of her genitals. On her head several tubes moved to the back of her head somewhere. She gave Celestia a small smile.

“Hello Celestia.”

“Twilight! What happened to you?”

“Something wonderful, I have been given the greatest way to spread friendship and harmony.”


“First a little back story. A ship crashed near me belongs to a power call the Borg Collective. They are a group of species that live in harmony with not just themselves but with machines as well. Seeking perfection and other races to join their collective. Sadly some reject their offers and one caused massive damage to the collective and the ship that crashed has been cut off from the rest to they formed a new one and chose me as their new queen.”

“And your purpose Twilight?”

“To spread the collective as well as harmony and friendship to all of eqqus.”

“And what if they refuse to join?”

“Resistance is futile. All will be one with the Borg.” Twilight walked a bit and another figure appeared. She was even more naked then Twilight and lacking in hair like Twilight. It took Celestia a minute to recognize Rainbow Dash. “consider Rainbow Dash here. Her transformation is incomplete but even in this state I know all her knowledge and desires. We are now of one mind. Imagine a world like that. Where everypony knows the thoughts and ideas of eveeypony else. No crime just harmony and friendship….and maybe more.” Twilight then kissed Rainbow's cheek and played with her breasts.

Celestia did her best to avoid that. “On surface it may seem perfect Twilight but it sounds like tyranny to me. Why would such a collective need a queen?”

“Because it needs a hub to function. A focus point for something that would be inherently chaotic. That is my function, to bring order to chaos.”
“I will not submit myself or Equestria to this collective.” Celestia said with a firm tone and Twilight sighed.

“I had hoped you would see reason Celestia. But know you have chosen the path of resistance. And unlike they few that could resist you lack the technology to resist. Your culture will adapt to service us. That is fact.” With that the transmission ceased and the object teleported away.

“Captain, summon the generals and alert the army to prepare for war.

Back in the Borg ship Rainbow laid on an assimilation table as Twilight looked over her friend. She would oversee this personally. She started planting implants onto the mare's body. Each with a gem invested in them. With her knowledge of equestrian magic and enchantment her drones require less armor then the previous generations of borg. It showed in the fight with the platoon. What drones taken out were few and were operational again. Unlike previous Queen’s her drones were precious to her and would not be squandered. She placed in implant on a hip, another on a lower leg, a forearm, and a thin one to perk up Rainbow's breasts. A tad inefficient she knew but all queens suffer some form of this as well as a desire for a counter part. Rainbow was that for her as well as her general. To command the combat drones and pleasure her queen. She now needed one last piece. She summoned a large metal plate with curves on the ends and placed it over Rainbow's eyes. With some snaps it connected to her face and the implants already there. This plate was filled with all sorts of sensors that allowed Rainbow to see farther and better then her organic eyes ever could. She no longer needed them and will remain dormant. After a minute Rainbow stood and looked at her.

“One of Five of Harmony Matrix one ready for orders.” Twilight smiled.

“Ready the combat drones, we have a nation to conquer.”