• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 1,382 Views, 6 Comments

Are You Scared Yet?? - Midnight Magician

Twilight and Rarity succumb to a fatal accident! To get a second chance they must scare somepony!

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Remmy the Reaper

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity blissfully trotted along together in the warmth provided by the bright, shining sun that hung lazily over them. The two ponies had been wonderful friends ever since Twilight first arrived in Ponyville, but they never actually spent time together alone, just the two of them. Twilight brought up that troubling fact one day, and then the next they were happily talking as they cantered through Ponyville. Rarity spoke, in her usual, airy voice. "Isn't the weather simply marvelous for a stroll through Ponyville?" Twilight nodded in agreement and squinted up towards the sun. "Yes, it definitely is, although I vaguely remember Rainbow Dash mentioning something about a planned thunder storm." Rarity held a hoof against her chest and gasped in shock, "And ruin what is shaping up to be another fabulous day? I think not, Twilight! You, my dear, worry a tad bit too much." Twilight shrugged and they discontinued their conversation about the weather. Which was fine with both of them, really. Talking about the weather was Granny Smith-Apple's thing.

The two friends continued walking, now on the topic of fashion! This conversation, of course, was forced to fruitation by none-other-than Rarity, but Twilight was simply happy to listen to her jabber on. Sometimes it was nice to be able to listen to somepony else talk for a change. As Rarity continued to infect the quiet of nature with her voice, Twilight noticed that they were leaving Ponyville. Twilight began, "Uhm, Rarity?" Rarity didn't seem to hear her as she babbled, "-and that's when I realized that a top-stitch was definitely the appropriate way to go for that particular dress." Twilight, who felt slightly disheartened at her friends lack of attentiveness, tried to gain her attention once more as they wandered further away from the safety of their homes. "Rarity, I think we should-"

"So that's when I told that hustling pony, "My dear, I can't part with this dress for only forty bits! This is the work...of Rarity!" she thrusted her hoof towards the sun dramatically as she yelled out her own name. She continued, "I tell you, darling, that pony looked rather fabulous in my dress, but forty bits!! The gems I decorated the dress with were worth more than forty bits alone!" Twilight slapped a hoof to her face and slowly dragged it down in frustration. She thought to herself, "Calm down, Twilight. Don't yell at her.. Yelling only makes everything worse." After a few minutes, Twilight Sparkle tried to politely gain the attention of her currently self-absorbed friend. "Rarity, Ponyville is-"

"I mean honestly! How could she say that of moi? I didn't even know what a fillyfooler WAS until she brought it up!" Rarity continued to babble as Twilight's face began to turn different shades of purple. How can a mare be so unaware!? Twilight jumped up and down and shouted as loudly, and rudely as her lungs could manage, "RARITY!!" Twilight yelled her name out until she was breathless and gasping for air. Rarity stood agasp at the rudeness of her friend. One does not simply interrupt Rarity when she's talking about fashion! "Twilight Sparkle, if you wanted to say something, all you had to do was wait for me to finish," Rarity scolded. Twilight stared angrily into Rarity's eyes, "By the time you would have finished, we'd be in Canterlot before I got a word in!" Rarity, once again, gasped in shock. "My dear, are you insinuating that I, Rarity, are a blabber-mouth?"

Twilight quickly regained her composure and said reassuringly, "No, of course not, Rarity. It was just imperative that I tell you that while you were talking about fashion," she stopped and quickly added, "which I found so very fascinating, we seemed to have wandered quite a ways from Ponyville. We should turn back, yes?" Rarity glanced over her shoulder and saw that Ponyville was on the far horizon. "Oh dear, you're right! We should turn back immediately! Why didn't you say something earlier?" Twilight grinded her teeth together loudly and said, "Oh well, I was so interested in-" Rarity cut her off, "So, as I was saying before you interrupted, I told her that my friends were nothing more than friends, and to leave it at that!" Twilight's eye twitched violently, but she exhaled a deep gust of breath and smiled as she listened to the marshmallowey mare talk.

The two ponies trotted towards Ponyville, with Rarity continuing her trivial banter, and Twilight allowing her mind to wander. "When I get home, I should definitely have Spike find that book of mine on how to tolerate annoying ponies. Then again, I really am curious as to how Daring Do escapes that cage of gorillas. I wonder what she was doing with that banana anyway?" Twilight was instantly pulled from her thoughts as thunder roared through the air. "You have GOT to be kidding me!" Twilight groaned. Rarity waved an unworried hoof through the air and laughed, "Oh darling, a little thunder has never caused anypony any trouble!" Just then, a downpour of rain assaulted the exposed ponies. Rarity's mane instantly fell flat, draping over her face like a curtain. Twilight giggled at the defeated expression on her purple-maned friend and yelled over the rain, "I think we should better find some shelter!" Rarity used her two front hooves two part her mane so she could look at Twilight. "We should what!!?" Twilight leaned in, yelling louder over the wailing wind and rain, "We should find shelter!!!" Rarity simply nodded and the two began running for the nearest bit of shelter they could find, a large tree heavily cloaked in foliage.

"Oh, my glorious mane!" Rarity mourned as they stopped, safe, under the tree. Twilight said nothing, but quickly dropped to the slightly moist grass and tried to catch her breath. Rarity continued to whine, "Who would have thought it? That one day, my own mane would become a crime against fabulosity!" She threw a dramatic hoof over her eyes, as if to shield them from some horrid sight. Twilight, who was still laying in the grass beside Rarity, said stoicly, "Oh no, however will we go on?" Rarity caught on to the sarcasm and retorted, "Well, Twilight, I realize that the rain couldn't possibly mess YOUR mane up any more than it already was, but please show some remorse for the manes that can." She crossed her arms and pouted her face. Twilight stood up and shouted over the storm, "I can't believe you!" She meant to say more, in fact, she was going to give this insufferable mare every bit of her mind, but just then something that should have been predicted happened.

A humongous flash blinded them both, causing them to shield their eyes. The sound of thunder followed immediately, and was followed by the sound of splintering wood. "Rarity?" Twilight began. "Uhm, yes dear?" Rarity responded, fear in her voice. Twilight continued, "Why did we take shelter from a lightning storm...under a tree?"

"I don't know, darling." Rarity finished. The two ponies, who were still nervously shielding their eyes, slowly moved their hooves away from their faces. They let their eyes slowly adjust, and when they finally did, they simply saw each other nervously gazing back at the other. Twilight laughed out loud as she moved back up against the tree, but quickly stopped when she saw Rarity's mouth opening so wide in fear that it could have been touching the ground! Twilight deftly whirled around, and yelled out, "Look out!" The sound of splintering wood invaded the air, adding to the endless noise of the storm. Twilight jumped over to Rarity, who was frozen in shock. Twilight meant to push her out of harm's way, but it was no use. As soon as Twilight was at her side, the image of the tree looming closer over them was the last thing she was meant to see.


Twilight was laying, motionless on the ground. She slowly opened her eyes. Could she have survived? Wait until Rainbow Dash hears about their narrow escape from death! She'll be so envious. Twilight smiled and stood up on all fours. She was in for a shock. All around her was nothing but....nothing! She was surrounded in a world of white! No images or shapes were presented to her vision, just this blank canvas of a world. Twilight mumbled out loud, "Am I...dead? Did that tree...?" Twilight stopped as she struggled to remember everything that had happened. She remembered walking with Rarity...Rarity! Twilight began hastily scanning around the unfamiliar landscape. "Rarity! Rarity, where are you!?" Twilight began to feel hopelessly alone until she felt a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm right here, darling."

Twilight quickly spun around, and only saw what appeared to be a finely sculpted purple mane, floating in the air. Rarity's coat was so pure white that it completely blended in with the world around them. Rarity spoke, "I tell you hun, a girl simply can't stand out when she's invisible." Twilight held a hoof over her mouth to keep herself from laughing. "Oh, it really makes your mane stand out though!" She lost it. The lavender mare toppled over in a sheer fit of laughter as Rarity watched, the annoyance in her face veiled in the surrounding whiteness. Rarity stomped her hoof and cried out, "Where are we, Twilight!?" Twilight quickly got up and looked in Rarity's general direction, wiping tears from her eyes. "I don't know. I have a horrible idea though." Twilight's expression turned dark and Rarity instantly began weeping. Rarity cried, "I knew it! That horrid tree!" Twilight nodded and began to say, "Yes, Rarity, I believe we are-"

But Twilight stopped mid-sentence. The whiteness around her began to be replaced with an eerie gray. Rarity began to slowly become visible, much to her delight. The two ponies nervously let their eyes bounce around as they tried to locate the cause of the change of scenery. Their eyes both found it at the same time. A dark, hooded pony was standing menacingly in the distance. Rarity and Twilight looked at each other nervously. The hooded figure beckoned them with a long, black hoof. The two ponies exchanged another glance, and Twilight began moving forward. Rarity galloped up to meet her. "Are you insane?" she began. "Sitting under a tree during an electrical storm is one thing, but approaching a strange, hooded pony is a whole other level of madness!" Twilight glanced over at Rarity with a determined look upon her face. "Look Rarity. We're already dead. What can he do to us?" Rarity thought that over and sighed, "I suppose you're right! And as long as we're together, we're good, right?" Twilight nodded, "That's right."

The two approached the hooded figure, who stood as still as a gargoyle, watching the ponies draw nearer. Twilight and Rarity stopped when they were only a few feet away from the figure. Then it spoke. Its voice was horribly loud and deep, shaking the transparent ground on which they all stood. "Rarity and Twilight!" the beast boomed, "You have succumbed to death! You stand before me now, so that I may place judgement!" The mares before him trembled under his intimidating voice, Rarity tried to speak, but couldn't! He continued, thrusting a hoof towards Rarity, "You! You are Rarity! The element of generosity? Well, Rarity, I-" The beast stopped mid-sentence. A large megaphone fell out from under his hood and landed at his hooves. The three ponies stared at each other for a few moments. Then Twilight inquired, "Uhm, sir? Is that a megaphone?" Suddenly, a dark hoof quickly leapt out from under the ponies cloak, sweeping the megaphone under it. Twilight continued to prod, "That was definitely a megaphone... Well, come on, sir! Let's hear your real voice!"

The menacing pony still said nothing, but stood there. Maybe HE was the one who was feeling a little nervous now! Rarity gingerly stepped forward, "Oh yes, a big, strong stallion like you must have a big, strong voice to go along with it, no?" The hooded figure waved a hoof in way that said, "Oh, stop it you!" Rarity smiled and Twilight nodded, her face sporting a cheesy grin. The hooded figure spoke. "Well, fine! There, are you happy!?" Rarity and Twilight's faces both instantly puffed up, their cheeks red with laughter! His voice sounded almost like an exact replica of Pinkie Pie's! The only difference was that Pinkie Pie's voice carried with it a tone of happiness and laughter. The seriousness of the hooded ponies tone made it all-the-more hilarious! The two mares swallowed their laughter and continued. Rarity spoke first, "See? That wasn't so bad, was it Mr....?" The hooded pony's hood shifted, making it at least APPEAR that he was addressing Rarity. He replied in the same, squeaky voice, "Remmy," he paused, then added, "the Reaper."

"Remmy the Reaper?" Twilight repeated, laughter glinting in her eyes. "You sure are an interesting individual Remmy." The Reaper's hood opened towards Twilight as he said, "Yeah, well. I have a job to do, so you can quit the flattery. You two are dead, and I'm here to see you both to the afterlife." Twilight Sparkle and Rarity exchanged panicked glances! They couldn't both die, just like that! There are so many books to be read, so many dresses to be designed! Rarity tried to work her charms once more, "Oh, but you see, I'm sure a sweet, generous stallion like you understands that we simply aren't ready to go yet! Is there any chance you could just let us go? Give us another chance?" She batted her eyelashes and finished with a long, drawn out, "Please?"

Remmy shook an aggravated hoof at her and spoke in his helium fueled voice, "No way! You two are going down-town! You little jerks! I have a lot to do today, and you're slowing me down!" He glanced down at a golden watch attached to one of his hoofs. "Oh, see! You made me late to visit Granny Smith Apple! Now I'll have to wait for another few years until my schedule is opened up!" Twilight moved forward. "Remmy, I've read books about you. I've also read that you like to make deals?" Remmy rubbed a wondering hoof over his chin, "Yes, yes I do." Twilight knew she was on to something. "What if we make a deal, one that involves us getting our lives back?" The Reaper remained silent as the two mares waited patiently. He then boomed out, his voice once again strong and deep. He had obviously picked the megaphone back up from inside his cloak.

"Twilight Sparkle and Rarity!" he growled, "If you wish to regain the lives you once lived, you must complete this task! In order to gain my favor, you must frighten a pony of whomever you choose!" Rarity piped up, "That's it? How simply marvelous!" The Reaper continued, "However, you only have until sunrise to complete the task, or you fail!" Twilight Sparkle questioned, "Why only until sunrise?" Remmy's voice was once again squeaky, as if he forgot to put the megaphone up to his mouth as he said, "Your little friends are bound to find your bodies when the storm's over. After that, your bodies belong to the mortician, not yourselves!" Remmy the Reaper than put the megaphone back up to his mouth and his voice filled the void, "If you fail to scare anypony before sunrise, I will banish you both to live in this realm of eternal nothingness...forever!" Twilight and Rarity huddled together to speak. "Forever is a dreadfully long time!" Rarity began. "Yes, Rarity, but it's our only shot at getting our lives back!" Rarity nodded in agreement as they broke the huddle.

"Remmy the Reaper," Twilight said confidently, holding out a hoof, "You have a deal!" Remmy put his hoof against Twilights and the deal was sealed. The Reaper's megaphone boomed out, "You have until sunrise!" The Reaper began to slowly fade from view. As he did, Rarity and Twilight could just barely see the megaphone drop from his hood again, and a frustrated, squeaky voice ring out, "Stupid thing! How is it even possible to wrap my hooves around this thing?"

Suddenly, Twilight and Rarity were both in the middle of Ponyville! Though on closer inspection of each other, they noticed that they were both transparent! That's right! They were ghosts! Twilight Sparkle asked, "Who do you think we should try and scare, Rarity?" Rarity was too occupied gazing through herself to hear Twilight. Twilight simply groaned and sighed, "I think we'll pay Spike a visit... He'll know who to scare! As Twilight began her trot to the library, she motioned for Rarity to follow. The two friends made their way to see Spike. Hopefully, he would know who was the biggest scaredy-pony in Ponyville!