• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 639 Views, 15 Comments

Heroes of Equinox, The Guards of Truth - The_Masked_Fox

Five friends are sent to Equinox to save the world from a catastrophe that not even the gods could stop, these five friends turned warriors are the final hope for Equinox and all of its inhabitants.

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Chapter One - The Golden Blade

Chapter one - The Golden Blade

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar environment, in fact… it is rather dark in here, it takes a few moments before my eyes adjusted to the low light so, I began to look around and upon finding nothing I decided to (like the idiot I am) sit up and I was halfway there I felt a sudden pain in my chest that made me yelp in pain, and once I made that sudden yelp I heard footsteps… no… that’s the sound of hooves hitting against wood.

“Hey, you need rest. Your body is still recovering from that wound of yours.” When I heard that voice I looked around again and saw a... AN anthro pony mare, her fur is the color of the inside of an apple and her… mane and tail are red, OKAY I’ve got to be dreaming, this is NOT real… then it was that moment I realized she was wearing nothing more than a bra and panties… fuck. I quickly shifted my eyes away from her.

But then something hit me hard, not physically, oh no not physically at all, mentally is for sure, but what hit me hard was the fact that she reminded me of a certain character from a show my younger sister and brother liked to watch… what was the name of that show? I believe it was called… My Little Pony… Friendship is Magic? Yea some bullshit thing like that.

Then my mind finally registered what she said and I couldn’t help but blurt out, “What? What wound? What are you talking about?”

She tilted her head to the side then replied, “Ahm talkin’ about your wound that has made a hole straight through you. You know the one that should have killed you.”

With that snip bit of information, my mind started to run in circles, “I… have a… hole through my… chest?” I said the last few words silently and in caution because if there was I should be dead right now.

“Yes, you have a hole through your chest, now rest and recover. Sweetie is scavenging old Ponyville for medical supplies to help you.” Then another pony came into the room but wearing more clothing and apparently scrap armor (I say that because the armor looks completely improvised out of scrap metal); in her hand she is holding a crossbow, then I saw her wings, and her fur in orange and she has a pink mane and magenta eyes.

The new pony looked at the one who I was talking to and said, “Apple Bloom, get some clothes on. I’ll take over from here, it’s your turn to watch for those Traitors.”

At first, Apple Bloom seemed to be reluctant but then walked out of the room and I could hear the light clanking of metal as she put on her armor then the new pony decided to talk, “My name is Scootaloo, what’s your name?”

I almost said it but instantly stopped as I realized that I forgot my own name so I pondered this and then I heard a crash nearby and with that sudden sound Scootaloo jumped to her feet and ran to the door only to run into a very large stallion who nodded to me and then went over to me and picked up one side of the cot that I was laid down on then Scootaloo picked up the other.

“We better hurry to the other base, they found me and Big Mac while we were scavenging for meds!” This made me sigh, oh great more drama.

They have been running for at least and hour when we finally made it to a ruin of a castle and they ran into it and into the basement then pulled up and stone revealing a flight of stairs that they went down. Once we stopped we were in a rather large cavern.

“We’ll drop you off in a room.” Both the large stallion and Scootaloo delivered me to my room when I decided to ask them for something, “Hey, Scootaloo?”


“Could you bring me my backpack and clothing?”

“Sure thing,” and then she left and returned few moments later she returned with my backpack and clothes and she looked a bit shocked, “Your clothing when we found you was blood stained and had a large hole through the chest but now it’s gone.”

I smiled at this, “Enchanted to repair its self as well as clean its self.” When I said that my mind did a backflip, I said that subconsciously! But she took it differently, “Wow, your lucky. Most of us have to worry a lot about cleaning our clothing.”

We both snickered at that, then she put my backpack next to me and said: “See you later.”

I decided to rummage through my backpack and found that I had one of every item but upon looking at them I saw they all were broken in some way and completely unusable.

But then I pulled out the Artifacts, and the shocking thing was that when I touched them they felt... how to put this… dead? No, no, no, they felt… empty and impossibly light, I could tell from appearance that they were made of solid rock, metal, and glass yet they weighed nothing... weird.

I looked through my bag some more and found that the two pistols I bought were in there as well, same with my rifle, a wakizashi, and... I noticed a handle sticking out of my backpack in an area of it that didn’t exist before and when I pulled it out and saw that it was Thyron’s sword.

After waiting quite a while I got up and took off my bandages to see that I got turned into an anthro, with that I shrugged, I always considered myself an anthro not a human so I’m fine with this. Looking around the room I found a mirror and I went over to it and started to examine myself and once I was done this is what I could see on the surface, I’m a unicorn, my fur color is obsidian purple, my eyes are emerald green; on my right hand I have an emblem/tattoo of Thyron’s sword with green flames coming out of its engravings.

Once I got all the bandages off I put on my clothes then my coat and hat and armor pieces made of unpolished gold... wait, when did I have unpolished gold armor pieces? Upon expecting them I noticed that they looked like they belonged to Thyron and at this I sigh, I’ve become not only the Bandit and a unicorn but to top it off? I’m also combined with Thyron, shiiit.

Finally (after going through a short panic attack) I put on my backpack then I walked out of my room surprising all four of the other people.

“H-how are you even standing! You should be laying down!” said a white pony with a light purple and pink mane.

So in turn, I replied, “In my backpack I keep have many healing items that help with fixing my wounds.”

They frowned and Apple Bloom said, “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

“I was unconscious and when I woke I was heavily disoriented,” I replied then noted, “I’m a tough nut to break and, either way, I need to go.” And with that, I went up the stairs hoping I could get away from this group of trouble makers.

~Scootaloo’s PoV~

I stared at the place where this strange heal-y guy left through when Sweetie said, “Scoots, bring him back before he gets himself killed…” I looked at Sweetie and nodded then ran to the door after I grabbed my crossbow, its bolts, and my dagger.

For the last few minutes, I’ve been tracking him, and he really hasn’t tried to hide his movements… but we kind of forgot to do the same so he is actually reverse following our tracks, then I caught up to him to see him standing in a clearing with… six Traitors…

One of them talked first, “A unicorn, and he doesn’t wear the mark of the resistance.”

“Come with us unicorn, we think our Queen would like to talk to you,” another Traitor states, “you should join us and liberate this world from the cultists who plague it.” I flinched in anger at that, THEY dare call me and my friends cultists! THEY’RE WORSE! I almost got up and charged at them when the strange super heal-y guy decided to talk, “Cultists? A ghoul calling a living being a cultist is like having a virgin say the first dick she sees is the biggest in the whole world; It is simply unbelievable.”

The Traitors… or “Ghouls” as he called them, flinched and looked completely startled by his sudden statement, in fact, I’m even startled by it.

Then suddenly he leapt forwards and drew out a sword I didn’t even knew he had and cut one of their heads off then turned on another before they could react and stabbed it all the way to the hilt through the head, then he turned around and punched one in the face so hard I could hear the bones be crushed then he pulled up his strange staff and aimed it at the face of one of the still alive ghouls and then did something and the head blew up then he did the same thing with another and it happened again but I realized by then what he did, he casted a magic bolt quickly.

One of the two surviving “ghouls” recovered and pulled out its’ sword and charged at the strange heal-y guy only for him to grab the arm holding the sword and breaks it then takes the sword and stabs it through the chest of the ghoul then pulled it out and whipped around and threw the sword into the head of the still recovering ghoul effectively killing it very quickly.

“Come on out Scootaloo, I know you’re there,” when he said that I jumped, then he stated, “it seems I miss judged you and the others.” He bent over and pulled his sword out of the head of the ghoul he stabbed in the face then sheathed it into his… backpack. Then he turned on his heel and began to walk back to The Cutiemark Crusaders’ hideout, and I followed.

~Sweetie Belle’s PoV~

Me, Big Mac and Applebloom waited for quite a while and when we saw Scootaloo enter with the strange person we saved I saw Scoots was… well shocked and there are only a few things that are able to shock her due to how much of a fan she is of Rainbowdash.

“Scoots, what’s wrong? What happened?” said Applebloom and Scootaloo just pointed at the strange guy who can heal very quickly then Scootaloo said, “He had a run in with a patrol...” the three of us flinched knowing how hard it was to take down the traitor’s patrols but then Scootaloo then continued what she was saying, “...and he killed all of them by himself and he did it very quickly!” At that, I saw Big Mac was staring at the guy next to Scootaloo with his eyes wide open, me and Applebloom looked as if we were told that an army of traitors had decided to join us.

He then bowed to us and said, “I never told you my name, it’s Imperial Gold."

Author's Note:

These- | -are used to show transitions between areas and time.

This character, Imperial Gold is a displaced character that is both Thyron, Sword of Truth and the Bandit.

Basic editing I did with Grammarly.